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Hey everyone!  Sorry I'm just now starting to post the rest of the August updates!  Over the next few days I'll be posting a bunch of chapters, and I'll have the September schedule posted by the end of next week.  Thanks for bearing with me everyone, and I hope you enjoy the new chapters! <3 <3 <3 

Chapter 13

The next few days passed by rather uneventfully, at least by the standards Steve had come to expect.  Now that Melissa had grown him all the way up to 3 inches tall, he could at least pretend like he lived something of a normal life.  His dollhouse afforded him this luxury – at his current size, the house, and all the furnishings inside, were the absolute perfect size for him.  He could finally do all the “chores” that Melissa had assigned to him.  Even though he periodically shook his head and grumbled about having to do them, these “chores” gave him something meaningful to do, something goal-oriented, and in the end they contributed to his growing sense of normalcy.  It seemed absurd, to call his life “normal,” when he lived in a dollhouse perched on top of Melissa’s desk, but sometimes when he was inside with the curtains drawn, lounging on the little sofa or easy chair that Melissa had specifically ordered with the doll house, he actually could believe that this whole shrunken-man debacle had all been a dream, and that he was relaxing in his own normal-sized house.

Of course, he couldn’t keep up this semblance for long.  Inevitably, he would hear what sounded like rustling thunder…or perhaps he would hear the deep, long, rumbling sound infusing the air around him, shaking everything in his house…or even, more dramatically, he would hear a loud, shattering crack outside that would nearly startle him out of his skin.  As the days went by, Steve would come to know the “rustling thunder” as Melissa rustling her papers as she combed through them, doing her research; the deep, long rumblings were Melissa’s absentminded hums that came out sometimes as she worked; and the shattering cracks happened whenever she got particularly excited, started writing rapidly with one of her pencils, and then dropped the pencil to the desk abruptly when she was done writing, in a dramatic kind of “gusto” movement that had been the result of a habit Melissa had formed in elementary school, when she was rushing to be the first in the class to finish her multiplication quizzes.

This particular day, about a week or so after growing “back” to 3 inches, Steve was in the middle of sweeping his “kitchen” floor with a little broom that Melissa had specifically ordered for him.  He was almost done with his chores, and was looking forward to relaxing on his sofa.  But Melissa had been extra-animated all morning, humming to herself more often, scribbling quickly with her pencil and letting it clatter down on the desk triumphantly after she finished her latest…well…whatever it was she was writing.  Steve had been feeling the vibrations of her scribbles through the floor for a few hours now, and to go along with the periodic clashes when she dropped her pencil down, he had heard her muttering to herself…something about “alkaline shield” and “GI tract” and “porous membranes” and god knows what else.  Whatever she had been doing, Melissa was certainly getting excited.

Steve could only try and pretend to bask in a “normal life” for so long, and not just because Melissa’s noises were distracting.  The truth was that even if she had been totally silent, or working in another room, Steve would not have been content to exist apart from her.  He had grown close to Melissa, closer than he would have been comfortable admitting.  Ever since he had become quite small, the raw sexual attraction to her had changed dramatically, but it had not gone away.  As goofy and klutzy and bookish as Melissa was, Steve couldn’t avoid the obvious reality: he was terribly drawn to her, and the longer he existed alongside her gigantic body, the more aroused he became by the sheer size of her…especially those glorious 8-story breasts of hers.  And she was wearing all that tight clothing now – he knew she was doing it on purpose, just to tease him…and it was working.

Still, though, sometimes the noise could get to be too much, and this particular morning, she had tossed her pencil down one too many times.  Steve had just finished yelping out from the vibrating clatter that went through the floor, which had scattered the little pile of dust he had been sweeping up.  The next moment, he had dropped the broom and stormed out of his “front door,” beholding the sight of the immense Melissa sitting upright in her chair, her shoulders thrust back proudly, as she grinned down at a long formula she had just written down.

“Magnesium hydroxide outer liquid shell,” she was muttering to herself happily, chewing on her thumb as she rolled her head back and forth, “Stabilized by a flash-hardened film of sodium stearate…hmmmm…yessss, yes it could work…”

Steve had intended on immediately raising his voice at her, but upon opening his front door, he had been struck by the sight of Melissa sitting there in her chair, with that confident, deliberative posture showing off the huge, fleshy orbs of her massive breasts, which looked especially good today, squished into a stylish white blouse top that was half-unbuttoned.  Behind her, the late-morning sun had climbed high in the sky through the window, lighting her entire person up in a warm yellow glow, as the sunlight threw glittering spangles of light through her hair.  Her huge figure was poised above him, its immense bulk gently rising and falling with each breath she took.  For a few seconds, Steve was stunned, unable to say anything.

“Hmm that solution kinda tingles,” Melissa murmured to herself, still apparently unaware that Steve had come out of his house onto her desk.  She reached for a small beaker of fluid that Steve hadn’t noticed before; it was next to a haphazardly-stacked tower of papers, and as Melissa picked it up, Steve found his eye drawn to the contents inside.  It was a brilliant cerulean blue liquid, a rich color he was not used to seeing in liquid form, and as Melissa picked up the beaker, the fluid splashed up against the glass walls, shimmering in the sunlight.  Steve watched as she raised the beaker to her lips and drank the contents all the way down…by her comment before, Steve was led to understand that she was finishing off what she had started drinking before he came out.

As she drank, Melissa glanced down and noticed that Steve was standing in front of his house, watching her.  Her lips immediately turned up at the corners in a warm smile, and her eyes brightened.  She looked delighted to see him, but this delight may have distracted her, because the next moment she had seized up, her eyes going wide.  Steve saw her abdomen tense, and the veins in her neck briefly popped out; her throat had stopped swallowing.  Melissa brought her hand up to her mouth, inhaled a determined breath through her nostrils, and swallowed one last time, immediately after breaking out in a coughing fit.


Her coughs weren’t especially loud from the perspective of a normal-sized person, but to Steve’s ears they sounded like an earth-splitting cataclysm.  Even though he had grown all the way up to three inches, he was still at the mercy of so many “normal” aspects of the world.  He quickly covered his ears to shield them from the sound until a few seconds later, when her coughing had died down.

“CUAGH!  Heh, sorry about that,” Melissa chuckled when she had collected herself.  “You just made me lose focus!”

“Made you lose focus on…drinking?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.  “You really need to focus that hard on it?”

“Well excuuuuse me,” Melissa sighed, rolling her eyes playfully, “I’m not the best multi-tasker!”

“Obviously not,” Steve observed.

“Especially,” she added, setting the empty beaker down next to him as she propped her chin up on her forearm, looming over him as her eyes glinted cheerfully, “When I catch my three-inch resident action figure spying on me.”

Steve ignored her little jab and stared up at the beaker, which was just over twice his height.  Its glass walls were stained with the remnants of the cerulean liquid, and now that he was looking at it closer, he could see that it really was sparkling in the sunlight.  A faint hint of burnt caramel reached his nostrils…it actually smelled pretty good.  He had completely forgotten that he was going to tell Melissa off for tossing her pencil around.  The intrigue of the blue liquid was getting to him.

“So, uhm…what was that you just drank?” he asked casually, leaning against the beaker as he watched the blue streaks glide down the glass walls.

“Mmmm, wouldn’t you like to know!” Melissa intoned, her eyes going wide as she continued sitting there with her chin propped up on her hand.  Steve looked up at her.  He wanted to be annoyed that she was screwing around with him, but he was actually far too interested to play their usual game of back-and-forth gibes.

“I would, actually,” he replied simply.  Melissa was generally too careful with her experiments to haphazardly ingest experimental concoctions, so the fact that she had drunk the entire contents down implied to Steve that she was very confident about whatever the solution’s mechanism was.  He already had a hunch that it had something to do with him; the wry way she was staring down at him, with that smile and that sparkle in her eyes, made that hunch even stronger.

“Well aaaaaall right,” Melissa sighed, rolling her eyes again as she sat up straighter, pushing her shoulders back, so that her giant breasts jutted out conspicuously onto the desk.  “But before I tell you, you have to tell me what’s different about my outfit today.”

Steve had expected something like this.

“Can never get a straight answer out of you, can I?” he fretted, pushing himself off the beaker and putting his hands on his hips.  Melissa pursed her plush lips as she blinked down at him, and then bit her lower lip.  Steve felt a slight, sweet-smelling breeze on his face, and he knew that Melissa had breathed out through her nose in the merest hint of a laugh.

“I’m sorry,” she smiled, “But whenever you put your hands on your hips like that, it’s just…heheh…it’s too cute.”

Steve immediately lowered his hands to his sides in protest.

“Awwwwww!” Melissa breathed out, propping her other forearm up and now supporting her chin with both hands, “And you’re even cuter when you get all huffy!”  She saw Steve’s hair ruffle with her exhaled breath, and her eyes brightened even more.

Steve was trapped in the prison of his own “cuteness” – he knew there was nothing he could do that wouldn’t be cute to Melissa, and so he tried to cut his losses and gauge her appearance, to see what about her outfit was different.  He took a couple steps back and started looking her up and down; all the while she just kept sitting there, unmoving, with her chin propped up in her hands, grinning down lovingly on him in a close-lipped smile.

At first glance, Steve didn’t really know what she was getting at – everything looked completely normal on her.  Recently, she had taken to wearing especially revealing tops, taking care to leave a bunch of buttons undone, so there was no difference there.  His eyes lingered for a while on her breasts, marveling at how huge and sumptuous they looked as they gently rose and fell with each breath she took.  Her white blouse was massive, but Steve could see how her colossal breasts were squished so tightly into it that he could see the color of her skin coming through the fabric.  Something ticked in his brain, but he disregarded it, chalking it down to his borderline-unhealthy obsession with her breasts in general.  Of all Melissa’s voluminous assets, her breasts were probably his favorite…but of course he hated to admit such things, and in any case, he didn’t want to make it too obvious to Melissa how much she had him wrapped around her little finger.

‘She already knows,’ he thought to himself, as his eyes darted up briefly to hers and then back down as he saw the sides of her eyes crease affectionately.  ‘What’s the use of pretending it’s not true?’

Still, though, he was going to keep up appearances, if only because he also kind of enjoyed the game of wits between the two of them as well.  The little games they played, and the banter they threw at each other, kept everything relatively light for Steve, and helped during the moments when the surreality of the whole experience proved to be a bit too much for him to process.


Steve’s eyes immediately snapped back to Melissa’s breasts.  She was breathing in a long, exaggerated way, taking great deep breaths of air and then slowly letting them out again.  The effect, of course, was to inflate her breasts up even larger than usual, and Steve had to blink a few times to keep his eyes from watering.  They were just so…GIANT…and the way that they stretched that blouse of hers, he wondered whether she would lose a few buttons, even though most of them were already undone.

“Uh…you feeling alright there?” was all he could crack up at her, and even then, his attempt at a joke went by the wayside as the waver in his voice betrayed his arousal.

“Mhmmmmmmm,” Melissa nodded slowly. “Feeling juuuuust fine, thank you.”

“Well you’re…uh…breathing a little funny.”  To distract himself, he began scanning other parts of her outfit, trying to figure out what was new.

“Oh am I?” Melissa replied airily.  “I didn’t notice.  Goodness, I hope I’m okay.”  Her eyebrows creased together as she mimed concern.  “You don’t think there could be something wrong with me, do you?”

“Ha!”  Steve exclaimed, scanning her torso for clues.  “Haha!!  Hahahahaha!”

“Ohhh you think that’s funny?” grinned Melissa.  She suddenly gripped both breasts in her hands and lifted them up off the desk in a whoosh of air that nearly knocked Steve off his feet.  He stumbled back a few paces, now fully darkened in the shadow of her looming boobs, and, when he had regained his balance, he found that he was looking up into a low sky of living tit flesh, apparently held up by the thinnest of margins by the dangerously inadequate white blouse.  Steve swallowed and took a few more steps backward.  Even though that blouse could have easily covered his house five times over, he didn’t have any confidence that it could hold the weight of those mammoth tits.  Any second now, seemingly, the blouse would tear, and he would get crushed.

“Awwww,” laughed Melissa, watching in delight as Steve retreated out from under her looming flesh, “Now that’s what I call funny!  What’s the matter, Steve?  You don’t trust my blouse?”

“Not…really,” Steve replied, watching in relief as Melissa lowered her breasts back down to the desk with a thumping *SMACK* that shook the desk floor underneath him.

“Haha!  You actually bounced a little there!” Melissa exclaimed, pointing at him.  “My breasts made you bounce!”

“Yeah, well congratulations, they–” Steve began, but he was interrupted by another loud *SMACK* as Melissa lifted up her breasts and brought them down again hard on the desk.  Steve “bounced” again up in the air before coming back down.  He couldn’t help it – the shockwave of her tits was too powerful.


Three more times Melissa brought her breasts down, and three more times Steve felt himself go airborne, the final time shooting a full inch into the air (a third of his height!) before staggering back down onto his two feet.

“Dance, little doll, dance!” laughed Melissa.  She brought up her breasts for a fourth time, held them poised with her eyebrows raised, and then finally relented, lowering them gently back down to the desk.  Even in this smooth motion, Steve couldn’t help but stare in awe at how the twin mountains of flesh rushed forward to take up space as they settled back down into a resting position.

Thank you, geez,” Steve breathed, wiping his brow.  “And I’m not a doll.”

“No?”  Melissa turned mildly to look at his “residence.”  “But…you live in a doll house, soooo…” – she shrugged her shoulders – “I think that makes you a doll, doesn’t it?”

Steve knew he would have a hard time arguing this point, so he gave up, again attempting to distract himself by finding whatever was new about Melissa’s outfit.  After another minute, though, he gave up again, throwing up his hands.

“I have no idea, okay,” he huffed.  “Everything looks the same on you as it always does.”

Everything?” Melissa asked suggestively.  “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes!” exclaimed Steve, getting more frustrated by the moment as he glanced over at the empty beaker, with the last few remnants of the mysterious liquid winking at him, seeming to mock him.  “Everything you’re wearing is exactly the same as every other day, which is totally obvious to me because you’re always holding your breasts over my head and–”


Melissa was back to her exaggerated breathing as she stared down at Steve, her eyes wide, like she was trying to tell him something.

“Would you quit it!?” shouted Steve, now thoroughly annoyed as he stomped his little foot.  “I asked you a simple question, and we’ve spent like ten minutes just, just…”


She arched her eyebrow expectantly, and just like that, it finally clicked with Steve.  He got it.  It was so obvious that, for several long, silent moments, he just stood there, annoyed at himself for missing something so obvious, and annoyed at Melissa for concocting this whole tease in the first place.

“Goooo on,” Melissa cooed, squishing through her breasts as she lowered her head down onto the desk, directly in front of him, so that her forehead towered over him.  Her big, beautiful eyes blinked at him, dazzling in the sunlight, as the cavern of her mouth opened slightly in expectation.  “Tell me.”

“You’re…not wearing a bra,” replied Steve, almost mumbling the answer.

“Bingo!” Melissa laughed, threading a finger under her tight white blouse, lifting up the fabric, and letting it slap back down, almost like it was made of elastic.  “I’m surprised it took you so long.  I thought it was so obvious!”

“Well…I finally got it, didn’t I?” Steve tried, looking up at her defiantly.

“Heh yeah, after I gave you some pretty easy hints!” Melissa giggled, the vibrations of her mirth visibly jiggling through her flesh.  Steve stood there, still looking cross and put-out, but Melissa’s incessant cheeriness reminded him how his “cuteness factor” went through the roof, in her eyes, whenever he was acting all mad like he was now.  So he relented, pivoted, and turned back towards the empty test tube beaker standing next to him.

“So…you gonna tell me what that was you just drank?” he ventured.

“Mmmm I’m SO glad you asked,” Melissa teased him, answering enthusiastically like he was just asked the question for the first time.  “That solution was a long time in the making, Steve, let me tell you.  It took me forever to reconcile the cobalt aluminate with the alloy of beryllium copper, since of course in its pure form beryllium is super brittle –”

“Please don’t,” moaned Steve, hunching his torso over to one hip.

“But…but how can I explain how it works without mentioning the ionizing radiation I used to combine them into –” Melissa began, this time in earnest, but she stopped herself when she saw Steve shaking his head.  A flash of annoyance went through her mind, a rare thing for Melissa, but she quickly reminded herself that she wasn’t talking to a scientist, or even an amateur.  Then she remembered what was in store for him, and her brief annoyance vaporized immediately.  How could she be anything but excited!?

“Alright Steve,” she smiled down at him, sitting up straight in her chair.  “I’ll give it to you nice and simple, just as you like it: the solution I just drank is very special because it is specifically designed to go straight to my milk ducts, otherwise known as lactiferous ducts.”

“Milk ducts was all you needed to say there,” quipped Steve, but his heart had already started thumping faster.  “So…what does that mean?  What’s going to happen?”

“Wellll,” Melissa smiled, her eyebrows going up as she glanced to the side, “I’m not exactly sure.  You see, I can’t be positive which breast got the cobalt aluminate, and which got the beryllium copper alloy.”  She jiggled each successive boob with her hand as she addressed them, and Steve couldn’t help but realize that, even at his diminished size, her breasts really did look noticeably bigger.  Was that a side effect of the solution?

“Oh, and there are tons of inactive ingredients too, mind you,” Melissa added eagerly, “That help bind everything together, encourage appropriate reactions and so on…but I just thought I’d keep our discussion to the active ingredients.”

“How considerate of you,” Steve observed.  It was hard for him to be sarcastic right now, though – he couldn’t hide his intrigue.  “But what do the ingredients do when they get to…uh, to your milk ducts?”

Melissa couldn’t hold back her cat-like grin.  “Well the solution itself causes my boobs to get bigger,” she smirked, “As I’m sure you noticed.”

Steve nodded silently.

“And once the cobalt aluminate infiltrates the milk ducts of one breast,” she continued, with lascivious, agonized slowness, “It’ll infuse my milk…and if you drink that milk, Steve, it’ll make you grow bigger.”

Steve knew he had been right to get excited – his heart beat all the faster.

“Oh my goodness look at you,” Melissa purred, “You are soooo precious…trying not to react too much.  But I can tell, Steve.  You like that, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Steve replied, nodding.  Somewhere in his mind he was registering that he would now have to drink Melissa’s breast milk, but with those massive mammaries sitting there on the desk in front of him, looming up as high as a three-story building, he didn’t in the least mind.  He was already starting to want it.

“Ooooo yeah,” moaned Melissa, closing her eyes as she rubbed her index fingers up against her nipples.  “I can definitely feel it now…it’s soaked through the lobules and is going directly through the Montgomery glands…mmmmmm…straight to my nipples.”

It was odd that Melissa’s technical language could sound so sexy, but it did.  It certainly helped that, as she rubbed her nipples, they immediately and visibly grew in response, swelling bigger and bigger, much larger than Steve had ever seen them before.  Evidently the solution had made them bigger too, and more sensitive.  Melissa looked very turned-on as she redirected her eyes back to Steve, her face flushed, and her mouth slightly twisted and agape in the midst of her arousal.

“So you’re…you’re feeling it?” Steve asked lamely, unable to hide his own arousal.

“Yeah,” moaned Melissa, still rubbing her nipples.  Steve had started walking toward them, his mouth already watering for a taste.  He wanted to get bigger, yes – but he had never seen Melissa so hot and bothered like this…when she was clothed, anyway, and the size of her breasts and nipples was pushing him over the edge.  He usually tried to hide his very real passion for her, but with her stimulating herself like this in front of him, it was over.

“Hold on,” Melissa breathed out as she saw him approaching, “What are you doing?”

“Can I…can I have a taste?” Steve asked, throwing his pride to the wind as he looked up at her pleadingly, her fat left nipple almost a third his size as it continued growing right in front of him.  It had started to ooze through her white blouse.

“But…I’m not sure if that’s the nipple you want,” Melissa declared.

Steve stared up at her, not understanding.

“You see, I’ve only told you half the story,” Melissa smiled down at him, still breathing a little hard and blushing as she continued stimulating her nipples in front of him.  “The cobalt aluminate goes to one nipple and will grow you…but the beryllium copper alloy, well…it goes to the other nipple.”

“And?” Steve asked, still helplessly aroused despite the sudden misgivings in his chest.

“And that alloy will infuse the milk of that nipple,” Melissa continued, “And if you drink that milk…”  She paused, her mouth still slightly open, teasing him.

“What?!” Steve burst out, holding his hands out.  “What’ll happen??”

Melissa took a deep breath, and as she did, the final two buttons on her blouse popped off, clattering down off the desk onto the floor.  The tension had been released, and both of her massive tits came spilling out of her top, landing directly in front of Steve with a loud, moist *SPLAT*  Her two nipples were now completely free, and stretched and grew out into the air, engorged and erect, each of them already beginning to dribble with white creamy droplets of fresh milk.

“You’ll shrink, Steve.”

Melissa’s answer was simple enough, and as she spoke it, the twinkle in her eyes became even more pronounced.  This wasn’t just a fun game for her – it was clear to Steve that she was very hot for the whole situation.  And, even though he hated to admit it, so was he.

“So…which one grows me?” he asked, looking back and forth between each nipple.

Melissa shrugged, feigning nonchalance, even though the crimson on her cheeks said otherwise.  Her answer sounded out like a loud, cheerfully anarchic bell:

“I have no idea!”



Lolol I missed these two! Melissa is totally infectious, like a goofy aunt. Great chapter with impressive imagery, and just a load of fun. Now let’s get her lactating!


Melissa's about to have a ton of fun <3

Joyce Julep

It's like you can predict the future! ;) And thanks, I'm happy you're having fun with these two <3