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Hey lovely Patrons!

I hope you all are doing well this summer and staying cool and hydrated.  It is HOT where I am, but for some reason this year I'm kind of into it.  Going on short walks and soaking up some sun has been one of my favorite ways to take breaks in between writing sessions.

Speaking of which, I appreciate you all sticking with me through what was a very sparse July, update-wise.  I actually got a fair amount of writing done, but didn't manage to finish a number of chapters.  That's the main reason why I'm making this post now: I've decided to bring back the monthly schedule to keep you guys in the loop, and to hold myself accountable to you.  $10 Patrons can expect 5 new chapter updates each month, and $17 Patrons can expect 9.  I'm going to try my hardest to meet those goals, and publicly holding myself to them will hopefully go a long way <3 

Scheduled updates for the $10 tier this month:

The Abatement of Kyle Trinter, Chapter 14

Melissa's Breakthrough, Chapter 13

The Landmark Resort, Chapter 11

Emma's Growth Spurt, Chapter 37, Part 1

The Reveries of Aaron Cooper, Chapter 15

Scheduled Updates for the $17-and-up tiers this month, all the above chapters plus:

Reus Village, Chapter 3

The Shrink, Chapter 3

East of Eve, Chapter 15

Mila's World, Chapter 3

The Witches of Kappa Gamma Delta will be returning for $17-and-up Patrons in September, just in time for fall!  Again, I'm very thankful for all your support, and I'm looking forward to a month full of exciting new chapters <3 <3 <3



Geez, with so many stories going on at the same time, I'm surprised that you manage to update anything. I mean, I get it, writing comissioned stories is your livelihood. But I remember when some of your stories used to get 3—4 updates per month. Now your average story gets updated only once every 6—8 months. Matter of fact, The Training of Jeff Stintum hasn't been updated since 2021. :(

Joyce Julep

Yes, those were the early days, when I didn't have as many stories going. My aim now is to have most stories updated around one a month or so, at the most once every two months. It's a goal that will require me to be very disciplined, which is something I've definitely struggled with. But I think I can do it, and will try my best! <3 As far as Jeff Stintum goes, I wish I could update that story more often -- but since it's not a commission, I need to relegate it behind the ones that directly pay the bills. But I'm hoping to post another Stintum update in the next few months, and in 2024 I'd like to update it once every 2-3 months or so. These are the goals, and they're very doable! I'm just going to try and stick with my writing routine and good things will happen <3

