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Chapter 10

The next few days, Martha was especially loving and attentive to Kyle.  Up until this point, she had been steadily dominating his life more and more with each passing day, but now her behavior had passed into a wholly new realm.  It seemed that Kyle couldn’t go anywhere in the house without Martha somehow being involved.  When he woke up the morning after Martha’s gruesome assault on Ted (after dark and disquieting dreams, of course), he felt bloated and sluggish.  The events of the previous day, coupled with his dreams, was the cause of the heaviness, he figured.  Sighing out, Kyle remembered the diaper he now slept in.  He would go down the hall to the bathroom (the one that had water, now that Martha had shut his off) and try to relieve himself.

And so Kyle stepped out of his bedroom, only to find Martha standing out in the hall beside the doorway, all decked out in a velvet purple dress and those intimidating black-booted heels that made her 6’11.

“And how is my precious little sweet pea this morning?” Martha cooed, clasping her hands together as she peered down at him with those wide, gleaming dark eyes.

“F-Fine…” sputtered Kyle.  He hated how high his voice always sounded whenever he spoke to her.  He didn’t know whether it was because her voice was so big and deep, or because he was always so nervous and tightened up internally when he tried to answer her.  Either way, it was impossible for him not to feel utterly minuscule in her presence, in every way.

“I wanted to come in and sing my baby a little wake-up song,” continued Martha charmingly, “But I thought no…no, he needs his sleep.  I got a little worried last night, you know.”

“Oh…uhm…why?” asked Kyle.  He was trying to get the images of Martha and Ted out of his mind, but it was impossible.  He still didn’t know whether Ted had survived or not.  And yet, despite the obvious horror of the whole situation, Kyle could not control the way his cock was responding to Martha’s enormous presence.  Just hearing her voice…smelling her perfumed scent…seeing how she filled and stretched that gargantuan dress with her body…he was helpless.  He could literally feel the blood draining straight down into his cock.

Martha bent down low towards Kyle, causing him to inadvertently back up against the wall.  She was so huge that it felt like she was coming down on top of him from the sky to smother him.  She took his chin in her mammoth hand, gently squeezing and massaging the sides of his face with her fingers.  Kyle knew that, if she wanted to, she could crush his head like a melon.  But her touch was warm and soft, and her full voice was barely above a whisper as she purred down into his face:

“I kept hearing my little tyke moaning in his sleep on the baby monitor,” Martha explained patiently, with evident sympathy in her eyes.  “And I felt so, so bad for you.  Obviously you had a bit of a scare yesterday, with that mean man trying to come take you away.”

“Oh…y-yeah…” Kyle replied.  There was no way he was going to argue with her at this point about Ted.

“And so I figured, my baby could use a little warm milk,” Martha continued, softly caressing Kyle’s face with her big hand.  It was amazing to think that these were the same hands that had…had done those terrible things the other day.  “And so I came into your room and sat down on the bed and fed you some.  And what do you know, it settled you straight down!”

“I…y-you…you came in and…gave me milk!?” Kyle asked incredulously.

“Straight from the source, sweetheart,” smiled Martha.  She bounced her colossal breasts a few times for emphasis.  Kyle could feel them pushing through the air in front of him.  “And you didn’t even wake up!  Awww it was just so precious – your little mouth puckered and started sucking as soon as I brought my nipple out.  Mmmmm, it’s clear what you really wanted.”

Kyle blinked and tried to nod.  He was stunned by this revelation – Martha had breastfed him…in his sleep!?  So that’s why he had felt so bloated!  It was an unsettling idea, the thought of her sneaking into his room and doing that, all without him noticing, without him waking up.  How was it even possible that someone so huge could move so quietly?  The whole prospect was deeply disturbing, but Kyle knew that he couldn’t show any sign of his feelings, and so he simply attempted a smile.

“Such a precious little baby,” Martha muttered.  “Ugh…it almost hurts me how cute you are sometimes.”

She seemed to consider something for a moment, and then leaned in, closed her eyes, and engulfed his mouth in a long, slow, deep kiss.  Unlike the day before, she wasn’t playing around inside his mouth with her tongue, but her big lips wrapped around his entire mouth, sealing it shut completely.  Kyle stared helplessly at Martha’s closed eyes, hoping that she would pull away from the kiss and let him breathe.  When she finally did, a few seconds later, he tried hard to hide the fact that he was gasping for breath.

“So I’m assuming you were going down the hall to the bathroom?” Martha smiled pleasantly, straightening back up to her full height, towering over him.  “After drinking all that milk last night?  Hmhm, I was surprised how much you drank, actually.  I had to stop because I saw your little tummy getting bloated.”

“I…I w-was, yes,” Kyle nodded meekly.

“Oh baby…baby,” Martha grinned, shaking her head slowly back and forth, “We both know you aren’t potty-trained yet!”  Her eyes dropped down to his diaper, and the next instant she had scooped him up off his feet, taking him into the living room, where a new crib was standing prominently next to the sofa.  Kyle had an instinct to resist, but Martha’s giant hands were holding him to her body, and there was nothing he could do.

“Just let it all out, baby,” she whispered into his ear, “And let momma take care of the rest.”

This morning diaper-changing was just the start of it.  For the next few days, Kyle didn’t get a single moment to himself.  Always, Martha was there, petting him, hugging him, squeezing him, breastfeeding him on her lap, twirling her huge fingers through his hair, lifting his arms up and down like he was a little doll, and so much more.  It was like she couldn't bear the thought of him being out of her sight; even when she was making dinner, she now insisted on carrying him around her front in a papoose, situated directly in between her giant breasts.  It was absolutely ridiculous – Kyle’s head and neck were sticking up in between her breasts, which essentially swallowed the rest of his torso, with his legs and feet popping out underneath, a few inches off the floor.

More and more, Martha wasn’t allowing Kyle to walk around by himself.  She insisted that he needed to save his energy for his “dancing practice,” which would inevitably happen each afternoon, when she would put him in the tutu and have him dance for her.  Kyle of course found all of this horribly demeaning, but he had no good way of countering her.  His fear of her had already been intense, but after seeing what she had done to Ted, it was profound.

And it wasn’t just the dancing, the breastfeeding, and the constant “mothering” that was degrading for Kyle.  Martha was gradually tightening her hold on him, making everything more extreme.  For instance, ever since that first morning after, when she had changed his diaper in the crib in the living room, Martha no longer allowed Kyle to use the restroom in the hallway.  She kept the door locked, and since the water was shut off in the bathroom in his bedroom, Kyle had no choice but to “go” in his diaper.  It was incredible how effortlessly Martha had forced him into this hopelessly degrading practice; all it had taken was a simple little statement, with a genial shake of her head, one afternoon when Martha had caught Kyle trying to open the locked bathroom door.

“Uh-uh little one!” she had tisked, “Doors are locked for a reason, you know.  It’s like mommy said before: she hasn’t potty-trained you yet.  Why do you think she’s put a diaper on you, hmmm?”

Kyle had been unable to answer, and had simply lowered his hand from the locked doorknob, slumping his shoulders in defeat.

“Mhm, so all little baby has to do,” Martha smiled lovingly, “Is to let mommy know when he’s got a full diaper…and she’ll take care of everything.”

Kyle had been forced to accept this bizarre state of affairs, along with everything else, but he found himself discouraged and disturbed by how easily he slipped into these new patterns, almost like he was made for them.  It was certainly embarrassing and distressing at first, but a couple days into this “new order,” Kyle found himself beginning to “go” in his diaper almost without thinking about it, and…maybe even taking something like pleasure out of it.  Something about letting go…about not worrying about any mess he would make (since Martha would clean him all up) was, in some strange, twisted way, reassuring.  And as much as Kyle tried to remind himself, over and over, how much of a monster Martha actually was, his mind and body were hopelessly captive to her every whim…to the point where he began to subconsciously wonder whether or not it made more sense to just give into the sick, submissive pleasure of the whole arrangement, rather than to exist in a constant state of repressed terror.

Whenever Kyle’s fear and anxiety seemed to rise to a fever pitch, though, Martha would always seem to know exactly what to do to put his restless mind at ease.  After she had changed his diaper for the first time, Kyle had wandered around for the next hour or so in a horrified trance, apparently too emotionally stunned and degraded to do or say anything.  At first, Martha had watched him from afar as she happily knitted in her gigantic rocking chair (a baby-blue onesie for him, of course), but after an hour had passed, and Kyle still hadn’t broken out of his mental loop of astonished humiliation, she had acted.  Putting down her knitting and rising swiftly up in her chair, she crossed the living room in three strides and bent down low in front of Kyle.  He had been tottering around aimlessly, but as soon as she had bent down in front of him, his legs halted on their own.


The rapidfire staccato sound of her undoing the velcro diaper cracked out into the air.  Kyle felt the lovely coolness of the air against his exposed privates; it had only been an hour since she had put a fresh diaper on him, and he hadn’t had time to do any “business” in it.  For a moment, he managed to feel hope.  Martha had decided diapers weren’t a good idea for him!  Or…or maybe it had just been her idea of a little joke, just to amuse herself.  It would be like her, to do something like that…

But then, without uttering a word, Martha had made a fist, inserted her big forearm in between Kyle’s legs, and hooked it underneath his bare ass.  Kyle saw her thick, padded bicep flex as she lifted him up off the ground with one arm…with him straddling her forearm.  At this point, he wasn’t even surprised at this show of strength – he knew full well what Martha could do.  He was surprised, though, when she didn’t hold him in midair, giggling at him and teasing him like he thought she would.  Instead, she simply yawned her mouth open and brought her forearm up to her face.  Kyle’s ever-present erection got closer and closer to her lips, and he barely had an instant to recognize what she was doing before it was already happening.


Martha’s hungry mouth clamped down over the entirety of his cock and balls, sucking them powerfully into her hot, wet mouth.  Before, Kyle had enjoyed the feel of the cool air against them, but that had been fleeting – his quivering mouth shot open and he was groping into the air as his entire groin area was suddenly awash in the wet, searing heat of Martha’s vacuuming lips.  His arms and legs flailed on their own accord, momentarily shot through with the shock of the stimulation, but all at once, Kyle felt Martha’s fist open up out and across his upper back, unfurling itself into a huge, outsplayed hand that spread the width of his shoulder blades, steadying his spasmodic motion.  She was holding Kyle tightly up to her mouth, completely dominating and controlling his entire body, using only her forearm, her hand, and of course, her huge, ravenous mouth.  Kyle’s initial struggles fizzled out almost instantly, and he felt himself slumping over the top of Martha’s head, his mouth sagging open from the overstimulation, unable to process the intensity of the pleasure she was giving him.  After a few quick, labored breaths, Kyle shut his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth.  His lips were shaking.


A long, whining whimper crescendoed into a full-out squeal as Kyle felt Martha’s tongue twist around his cock and squeeze it like a tube.  At the same time, both of her cheeks puckered as she dramatically increased the suction of her lips.  It was all over in an instant.  Kyle shot a long, exhaustive load of hot white cum straight down her throat, which she eagerly swallowed with long, slow, deliberate flexes of her throat, as she moaned encouragingly all the while.

“Mmmmmmmm!!!  Mmmm!!  Mm!  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!”

Her moans vibrated through the length of Kyle’s shaking body, seemingly urging every last drop of cum from his balls.  When at last Martha finally had her fill, she dropped Kyle back down to the floor, steadying his shaky legs with one big arm while she velcroed his diaper back on.

“There we go!” she chirped happily, rising back up to her full height and admiring the state she had left him in.  “Just what my little boy needed!”

The following evening, the two of them were eating dinner in the dining room, when Martha sprang another surprise on Kyle, a surprise of a very different sort.  She was halfway through her fourth ribeye steak when she put her fork down and looked to her left, admiring the sight of Kyle before her.  She no longer allowed him to eat at the table, since she insisted that the table was only for grown-ups, and that he would make a mess.  Instead, she had ordered a custom-built high-chair, which had arrived the day before.  Kyle, despite his horror at the new delivery, was of course in no position to refuse it, and now found himself airborne, both legs sticking out of his seat, with his entire torso strapped into this degrading new piece of furniture.  Every once in a while, Martha would chew a bite of potato, or perhaps even a piece of steak, and then feed Kyle out of her mouth.  But for the most part, he was just watching her eat.

“You know, sweetheart,” Martha began, right after she put her fork down, “I really feel like our little household has grown so warm and close together these past few days, don’t you?”

Kyle nodded his head mechanically.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, pumpkin,” Martha laughed, “I always knew things would work out this way, but I think it’s just…well, it’s just nice to recognize how far we’ve both come…all the progress that’s been made…and how close we’ve grown together.  Isn’t it lovely, baby?”

Kyle nodded again.  The worst part about it was, with each passing day, the submissive, degraded, helplessly erotic side of his brain seemed to be taking over the rest of him, and at this point, if he was being honest, a significant part of him really did agree with what Martha was saying.  But no…no!  He was far from vanquished – he had to stay strong!  Something would give…something, surely, at some point.  There was no way he could stay trapped here forever.

“And so I’ve been thinking,” continued Martha, now leaning her chin in on her huge forearms, smiling directly at him, “How wonderful it would be to have your parents over for dinner.”

Kyle didn’t have anything in his mouth at the moment, but it didn’t matter – he suddenly felt like he was choking.  His throat had seized up, and he was unable to make a sound.

“They would get to see how well taken-care-of you are,” continued Martha cheerfully, picking her fork back up and returning back to her steak, “Just in case they were worried that you would be all on your own, in some cold, distant old lady’s house who didn’t care about anything except getting her rent money.  Can you imagine?  Hahaha, no, no, they’ll be relieved to see my little baby treated right.”

“Y-you…you can’t…please…” Kyle pleaded, finding his voice at last.

“I can’t what, honey?” Martha asked patiently, as she bit off 8 ounces in one bite and dispatched it down her throat in seconds.

“Y-you…can’t, uuuhhhm…they can’t,” corrected Kyle.  He had already been trained to know that he was in no place to tell Martha what she could and couldn’t do.  “They…can’t c-come over here.”

“What are you talking about, silly boy?” Martha laughed, “Of course they can!”  She brought her phone out and opened the keypad.  “Here, what’s their number?  I’m going to invite them over for dinner tomorrow, right now!”

“No!!” cried Kyle desperately, but even in the midst of his panicked despair, he knew to temper his voice.  “N-no, I…I mean…I mean to say, uhm…it’s…it’s kind of…of late, and they’re…uh…they’re probably asleep.”

Martha’s lip curled up in knowing amusement, and her eyes sparkled darkly.  Kyle had become familiar with this expression, and it gave him chills – the expression was obviously humorous and sly, but there was something else in it, something dark and intense, that made it utterly menacing.  Kyle had no idea if Martha was actually this crazy, or was playing some grotesque game with him – at this point, he had started to think that she really, truly did see him as her literal baby.

“Awwww, you’re such a little momma’s boy!” Martha laughed softly, almost too herself.  “You don’t wanna make your birth mommy sad when she sees how I’ve taken her place!  You love her, don’t you, Kyle?  You care for her?”

Kyle paused, not knowing what the right answer was, but then he nodded after a few seconds, out of options.

“Mmmm, of course you do,” cooed Martha, “You’re a sweet little baby.  Which is why it’s all the more important to have them over – they won’t be sad, honey!  They’ll be relieved!  God, I can’t imagine the anxiety your poor mother had, letting you go out into the world like she did.  Thank heaven you found ME, and not someone else.  Come on, baby, give me their number – I’m not going to hear another word about it.”

Kyle felt a horrible, wrenching deflation within him, but there was nothing more he could do.  He heard the edge that had crept into Martha’s voice in that last sentence.  If he protested anymore, she would punish him…hurt him…and so he gave her the number.  Martha smiled happily, typing it into the keypad, and then, right as the ringtone began, she abruptly handed her phone to Kyle.  Surprised, he took it, feeling the heat from her hand in the outward casing.

“Make it convincing,” she ordered matter-of-factly, leaning in on her forearms as she blinked at him.  “Get them here tomorrow night.”  She was usually smiling, but right now, Martha’s face was utterly expressionless.  Kyle was terrified.  And just then, he heard the sound of his mother’s voice on the other end.

“Hello, Melody Trinter speaking.”

“H-hi…uhhh…m-mom?”  It was bizarre how “wrong” Kyle felt calling her that, in front of Martha.  But her face was still blank as she leaned in, watching him closely.

“Kyle!?  Oh my god, it’s really you!!  Dad and I have been so worried about you!  It’s been…weeks, Kyle!  Weeks since we heard anything from you!  We’ve tried calling…uhhh, oh god, did something happen to you?  Did you lose your phone?  You’re calling from another number?”

“M-mom…mom, it’s…it’s ok.”  All of a sudden, Kyle felt in control of the situation.  The truth was, of course, that Martha was working through him, but he knew exactly what he needed to do, and what tone to take.  “I’m fine, mom.  My phone’s been having some…issues, and uhm…Martha, you know, the lady I live with, was nice enough to let me use her phone.”

“Well it’s just so nice to hear your voice!  You sound ok…is everything ok!?”

“Hahaha, mom!”  Kyle’s laughter sounded like someone else’s in his ears.  “I’m fine…things have just been busy, one thing after the other, you know, and I just kinda let stuff pile up, but I realized today that I hadn’t talked to you guys in a while, so I wanted to call and invite you guys to dinner over here tomorrow!”

“Oh!  Oh well Kyle that’s lovely!  Jim!  Dinner over at Kyle’s place tomorrow night?  Yeah?  Ok yeah!  Great!  Should we bring anything?”

“Oh, uh, no…uhm, Martha’s making…”

“Beef stroganoff,” Martha said, her tone and face still emotionless.  Kyle’s stomach churned.  He needed to get this done now…and get off the phone.

“Beef stroganoff.”

“Ohhhhh, sounds good!  I’m sure, uhm…Martha…Martha’s a wonderful cook!  And what a treat – we finally get to meet her!”

“Haha yeah…yeah…”

“Seven,” Martha said mechanically.

“A-And it’ll be at seven,” Kyle added.  “Does that work?”

“Sounds good to us, Kyle,” Melody said.

“Okay great well I…I’d love to chat more but I need to run…work…project kinda running overtime, haha, but it’s nice to talk and I’ll…uh, look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!”

“Oh…haha, oh okay, well we’ll have more time to talk tomorrow, yes,” Melody said.  “See you then, Kyle!  We love you!”

“Love you too,” Kyle finished, and hung up.  An immense weight seemed to have been lifted from his shoulders.  “Th-they’re…they’re coming t-tomorrow,” he said in a hollow voice.

Martha closed her eyes slowly, and when she opened them, they were warm and glad once more.

“Oh wonderful, baby,” she exclaimed happily, as she returned back to her dinner.  “Just wonderful!  We’ll have a grand old time.”

Kyle felt his spirits rise, even as the icy terror of her expressionless face lingered in his mind.



Love this story


Holy crooked crikies that was hot. Your handling of his diaper training was done so well, and I’m looking forward to seeing how Martha proves how much better a mother she is than Kyle’s “birth mom” ever was. Marvelous stuff - thanks for sharing!


Next chapter sounds exciting!