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It's finally here!  I've been working on this chapter for a while, since it's so pivotal to the story, and I'm delighted to finally be posting it.  I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I've attached a pdf at the bottom of the complete story as it exists so far <3 <3 

For $10-and-up Patrons, a new chapter of "A Blemish on the Curve" will be coming later on this week :) :) 

For $17-and-up Patrons, new chapters of "East of Eve" and "The Witches of Kappa Gamma Delta" will also be coming later on this week.  Both chapters are nearly done, and I can't wait to show you guys what I've been cooking up! <3 <3 

Chapter 13

While Aaron was standing naked before the diary, his mind turgid with all the possibilities, Kristina was hanging a left at a stop sign instead of a right.

“Hey hold up!” Cassie piped up suddenly from the back seat of Kristina’s Hummer, “This isn’t the way home!”

“You’re right, it’s not,” replied Kristina crisply, adjusting her posture a little so that the top of her head wasn’t mashed up into the roof of the car.  In the back seat next to Cassie, Courtney was eying Kristina closely.

“Hmmm,” mused Courtney quietly, though with an audible rumble to her voice, “You thinking what I’m thinking, Kristina?”

“Yuuupp,” Kristina nodded decisively, as a knowing smirk emerged onto her face.  For a few moments, no one said anything, and Cassie was looking back and forth between them, a puzzled look on her face.  Her golden hair looked almost white in the low light of the dying day, which had dwindled to a long, blood-red line on the horizon.  The night was gathering fast around them.

“Soooooo, clearly I’m the dumb one here,” Cassie resumed, taking in a deep breath through her nostrils that audibly inflated her enormous breasts against her yellow dress, stretching it out.  She blinked her eyes rapidly a few times as her mouth turned sideways in an inquiring grin.  “What are you guys talking about?”

“I was beginning to wonder when you’d turn around,” Courtney was chuckling to Kristina.  “I could see the way your eyes were following him when we let him off at his little apartment.”

“Literally almost just put the car in park and followed him inside,” Kristina replied.  She had pulled the Hummer around in another turn, so that they were now heading back in exactly the opposite direction – back toward Aaron’s apartment.  Cassie was looking back and forth between the two of them, and her mouth was slightly open in dawning awareness.

“You mean…you think something fishy is going on with Aaron?” she asked slowly.  She pursed her knees together, and her thick thighs made an audible noise as they squeezed together.  Clearly, Cassie was a bit uncomfortable at the thought – she looked concerned for him.

“Come on Cass,” Kristina chided, turning around in the driver’s seat to look at her as the car sat at a red light.  “You didn’t think it was the slightest bit odd the way that he was looking at all those couples at the park?  The way he was just staring out the window on the way home, like his mind was a million miles away?”

“I…no, I didn’t notice anything,” Cassie replied as she rubbed her knees, “Except that cute little nose, and the way his little cock got hard whenever I jiggled against him.  What a precious sweetheart, I think I’m a bit too much for him.”

Kristina rolled her eyes as she snorted and turned back around as the light turned green.  Courtney, always calmer, reached over and put her hand on Cassie’s knee.  Even though Cassie was 8’1, the fact that Courtney was 8’4, and proportionally that much bigger, almost made Cassie’s knee look small, smothered like that by Courtney’s hand.

“But Cass,” said Courtney gently, “Haven’t you ever stopped to wonder why it is that the three of us just so happened to have a perfect little guy like Aaron just land in our laps, out of the blue?”

Cassie’s brow’s creased together, and she closed her mouth, frowning slightly.  It was clear that she was trying to follow what Courtney was saying, but was having a hard time.  Kristina was chuckling in the front seat:

“Typical Cass…curvy, hula hoop savant, hot as all get-out, but not the sharpest tool in the shed.”

“Hey!  I’m…I’m trying my best, alright!?” Cassie retorted, pointing a long, irate, manicured finger at Kristina, even as her mouth twitched a little at the corners in a smile.  The truth was, she got a kick out of Kristina calling her an airhead.

“Okay, okay, so –” she continued, turning back to Courtney, “Maybe it IS a little, uh…fortuitous…yeah!  How’s that for a nice word, bitch?  A little fortuitous that the three of us just so happened to land the cutest, littlest guy in the world.  So what?  Sometimes people get lucky.”

“Lucky…or fated by something else?” responded Courtney.  The irregular, golden light of the streetlamps streamed across her face, fleeing as quickly as it came as Kristina’s Hummer drove through the night.  It gave Courtney’s face a kind of hushed, dramatic power.  This whole situation was starting to make Cassie feel excited.  She readjusted her position in the back seat, and her huge ass pressed even deeper into the ebony leather, making it groan out in response to her weight.  The backseat area was designed for three or four normal-sized people, but she and Courtney were nearly pressed up against each other – their asses were far too big to accommodate much of anything else, which is why Aaron had needed to “extract” himself out from between them to even get out.

“So you’re saying that…what?” Cassie asked, raising her eyebrow, “That Aaron has something to…do…with things being the way they are…between us!?”

“I don’t have the slightest idea what I’m saying,” Courtney replied simply.  “I just have this funny feeling…that something is going on with Aaron behind the scenes.  That we’re not getting the whole story.  I had started to wonder, and then I saw how he was looking at those couples in the park today, how his eyes were going between the guys and the girls.  It was almost like he was – ”

“Like he was measuring them next to each other,” cut in Kristina.  “Comparing them.”

“Mhm…Didn’t you think it was a bit curious?” Courntey asked.  Cassie opened her mouth to respond, but Kristina cut in once more:

“Cass wasn’t paying attention to any of that, Courtney – she was getting herself intoxicated on the adulation of the admiring crowds as she tossed her hoops.”

“Well so would you,” shot back Cassie, sticking her tongue into the inside of her cheek, “If you had my skills.  And anyway, what’s wrong with performing in front of a crowd?  Gotta give the little people some entertainment, showing them what they could never do, even if they had the skills.  It takes some preeeeetty intense wrist strength to keep up 8 of those big hoops at once with one hand, let me tell you!”

“But see, that’s just another thing,” Courtney interjected, adjusting her own ass in the midst of her agitation.  The car was stopped at another red light, and tipped slightly over to the right with Courtney’s movement.  “Have you ever thought that it was a little…odd…that we’re so much bigger than everyone else?”

“Uh…I don’t know, we got good genes?” offered Cassie lamely, “We drank whole milk as kids?  Haha, I don’t know, Courtney – we’ve always been bigger.  That’s just the way it is, the way it’s always been.”

“Well, see…I’m not so sure about that anymore,” Courtney declared, putting both her hands on her own knees.  The car had come to a halt again, and Kristina put the car in park, jerked up the brake, and killed the engine.  They were back in front of Aaron’s apartment building.  “Something’s been growing in my mind for the past few days, ever since I realized all those girls were having to get their clothes and jewelry re-fitted…ever since our clothes stopped fitting.  The way our little boy was looking around at everything today…mmmmm, I don’t know, Cass.”

“Something’s up,” Kristina concluded.  “And we’re gonna find out what it is.”

Silently, the three of them looked up at Aaron’s apartment room window.  A warm orange glow emanated from within.  He was still awake.  They could feel the energy crackling silently between them.  None of them truly knew what was going on, but there was a sense that some great revelation was at hand.  Even Cassie was beginning to feel it.

“Alright then,” Kristina declared, cracking her knuckles loudly, “Which one of us weighs the least?”

There was a motionless pause for a few moments as the three gigantic women sat there, squeezed into Kristina’s Hummer.  Cassie’s brow had been knitted, but then she blinked a few times, and, as her eyes sparkled wide with excitement, she pointed to the large concrete drainpipe that went up Aaron’s apartment building, right next to a metal fire escape ledge under his bedroom window.

“Oo!  Ooo!!  I get it!” Cassie cried excitedly, bouncing up nd down in her seat (which bounced the entire car along with her), “Your plan is to have one of us go up there and peek in through his window, to see if he’s doing anything fishy!”

Verrrry gooood, Cass,” replied Kristina dryly.

“Seeeee, I can catch on eventually,” giggled Cassie, swinging her shoulders back and forth playfully, which caused her breasts to gyrate side to side, barely contained by the fabric of her yellow dress.

“Well,” declared Courtney, slapping her hands into her giant thighs and shaking them, “I think we can go ahead and rule me out.  “I mean, look at these tree trunks here…plus, you know, I’m the tallest and all…”

“But not the thickest!” pointed out Kristina, and she rose up out of her seat, just enough to display the jaw-dropping mass of her giant ass.  “At least, not in terms of legs and booty!  I’ve got you both beat in that department, hands down.”

“Jesus, look at that thing,” murmured Cassie, her eyes momentarily transfixed by the sight of Kristina’s ass cheeks spilling over the armrest of the front seat.  “It looks even bigger when it’s all cramped up, heheh…And I thought I had a big ass.”

“You do, Cass,” replied Courtney, “And so do I.  Just not…not as big as…that…”

“Yeah, no way should you be the one to climb up there,” muttered Cassie, still staring at Kristina’s ass, “If that thing smacks into something, that something is gonna get wrecked.  Concrete pipe, metal fire escape, doesn’t really matter…it’s all coming down.”

“So I take it you’re volunteering yourself, then?” Kristina retorted, though obviously enjoying the ass jokes at her expense.  Cassie sighed and gently squeezed her arms together, squishing up her titanic breasts in between, making them seem even bigger than before.

“Well I guess having the biggest tits doesn’t count as much, all things considered,” she began, loosening her arms and letting her breasts drop back down in a series of alluring bounces.  “And I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of spying on our sweet little dearheart.  I mean, what could he really be up to, anyway?  He’s probably just lying there on his bed, jerking off to the thought of me swallowing up his cock in my tits, of me laughing at him softly as I pump my oily breasts like pistons, up and down his length, not even stopping when that first load bursts out.  Mmmm, that’s just the beginning, because I use that first spurt to lube his cock up for the next –”

“Uh, Cass?” interrupted Courtney gently, touching her knee, “As much as I’d love for you to continue…”

“Oh, right, right…sorry,” smiled Cassie sheepishly.  She looked back up at Aaron’s illuminated bedroom window, a dot of light in the dark night.  “I just…I’d really hate it if he caught me snooping on him.  It’d make me so sad to think that he couldn’t trust me.”

“Psssh, will you knock it off?” Kristina huffed out dismissively, throwing up her hands as she rolled her eyes, “Even if he catches you, you’re just peeking in on him because you can’t get enough of him.  Right?”

“A slight bending of the truth,” Courtney nodded at Cassie, “But…it’d still be true, yes?”

Cassie reflected on this and looked up at Courtney.  “Well…of course it is true, after all.  If I could have it my way, I’d be loving on him 24/7.”  She paused, seeming to gain some mental momentum.  “And…and I could always say you two bullied me into snooping, which would be true as well!”

“Sure, sure, we bullied you.  That’s right.  One hundred percent,” nodded Kristina.  Courtney’s eyes gleamed humorously at Cassie, and the two of them shared a knowing smile.

“Okay, okay, I’ll go up there!” Cassie concluded, taking her turn to roll her eyes.  “And just so you know’ she added, pointing a long, manicured, accusatory finger, first at Kristina and then at Courtney, “Both of you are very bad for indulging my Peeping Tomasina fetish.”

“Oh, you have one of those?” Kristina asked casually.  “Gross.”

“I didn’t know you had that fetish,” Courtney replied, clearly fascinated.

“Mhm,” Cassie nodded shyly, “The idea of watching a little guy without him knowing, thinking about all the things I’d do to him, all the adorable little sounds I’d make come out of his tiny mouth…”

“Geeeeez,” Kristina exclaimed, turning to Courtney with wide eyes, “On the outside she’s freaking goldilocks, and on the inside she’s the…the…”

“Big bad wolf?” suggested Cassie, baring her teeth and flexing her fingers out in front of her like claws.

“Mixing up fairy tales, I think,” Courtney murmured.

“Alright, whatever, so are you gonna go up there and fulfill your fantasy or not?” asked Kristina impatiently.  “Good grief, we’ve been here for like ten minutes already.”

“Okay I’m going,” Cassie said quietly, “But for the record, you guys made me do it.”

“Get…up…there!” Kristina grunted, pointing.

With a final wink at Courtney, Cassie got out of the car, taking care to close the door quietly.  A couple steps later and she was at the base of the large concrete drainage pipe.  She looked around slowly, just to make sure that no one else was watching, and while it wasn’t too late, it was late enough to where there weren’t many people out and about anymore.  The area around Aaron’s apartment building was totally deserted.  In the night sky beyond the bright city lights close to the horizon, dozens of stars were twinkling, a merry audience for the proceedings.

Cassie looked up the pipe, towards the metal fire escape ledge beneath Aaron’s window, which was her ultimate goal.  She glanced back at Kristina and Courtney, who were watching her eagerly from the car, peering forward, their eyes sparkling from the streetlights.  Cassie’s mouth twitched up at the corners, and a sudden and powerful warmth spread through her body.  She felt such a strong connection with those two, such an intense and unyielding bond, with little Aaron as the glue that held them all together.  They were so special, the four of them, together…they really were.  There was nothing like their intimacy, their deep, erotic love for Aaron, in the whole wide world.

And still, somehow the three of them were never in competition with each other.  Cassie was amazed by the ease of their dynamic – unlike any other relationships she had with anyone else, friends, family, or otherwise, her bond with Aaron was as solid and complete as her relationship with herself.  She knew that, no matter what happened, it wasn’t going anywhere; and she knew that Aaron lusted after her, and wanted her to comfort him, to tease him, to compare herself to him, and to squeeze out his cum any way she could think of.  There wasn’t any doubt in her mind, or Kristina’s, or Courtney’s.  Quite unlike anything else in life, all of this was crystal clear to Cassie, and in this moment, as she stood there beneath the huge drainpipe, her mind took it all in.  And, despite her delicious joy in the bond they all shared, she was left feeling…like something didn’t quite fit.

‘When did I get together with Aaron?’ she thought suddenly, looking up at the orange glow of his bedroom window three floors up.  ‘When did…we all get with him?’  It was a question she couldn’t answer.  She wracked her brain, trying to think back to a time before their sexy foursome dynamic, and she couldn’t remember anything.  It was like it had just always been that way.

‘But that…can’t be,’ Cassie thought to herself, chewing on her lower lip as she continued looking up into Aaron’s window.  ‘That’s just…that’s so weird.’  She was beginning to see what Courtney and Kristina had been talking about – there was definitely something strange going on.  Cassie blinked and began to gauge her ascent.  All of these thoughts had passed through her head in a matter of seconds, and their concluding trajectory had left her mind buzzing with activity.  She could feel the pinpricks of excitement in her limbs, and in her fingers and toes.  There was still a part of her that felt a little guilty for snooping on her poor darling Aaron like this, but that part was rapidly getting eclipsed by her more playful, impish side.  This whole thing had become something of a fun little mystery, and she was the detective now.  And anyway, Cassie was never one to pass up an opportunity to show off her physical prowess.  She knew that Courtney and Kristina were amazingly strong in their own ways, but none of them quite had her arm strength, or her dexterity or agility.

‘Let’s show them how it’s done!’ she thought to herself with confident vigor, and the next moment, she had jumped up a full 6 feet onto the huge concrete pipe, taking care not to make too much noise, all while gripping her arms powerfully around the large circumference.  The concrete was rough and grainy, which enabled her to gain an easier foothold as she shimmied her way up like a cat.  It was an incredible feat of strength, and even Kristina felt her eyebrows rising as she watched Cassie scale the first story, then the second, and on up to the metal fire escape ledge right beneath Aaron’s window.

“Well I gotta give it to her,” she murmured to Courtney, “The girl’s got unbelievable upper body strength.  I don’t even know how she moves like that, with those hulking milkers attached to her chest.”

“The same way you manage to walk,” remarked Courtney, “With that badonkadonk bouncing around behind you.”

Kristina turned slowly behind her seat to look at Courtney.

“Badonkadonk?” she asked, “Did I really just hear you say that, Courtney?”

Courntey shrugged and her mouth turned upward in a little grin.  “I guess you and Cassie are rubbing off on me…all your newest trendy slang words…”

“Uhhh “badonkadonk” has been around for quite some time,” Kristina observed wryly.

“Shh, quiet,” Courtney cut in suddenly, pointing up, “Aaron just opened his window!”

“Oh shit, he heard her!?” Kristina whispered, whirling her head around.

“Umm…nnnno.  No it doesn’t seem like he did,” Courntey replied slowly.  “He just walked away from the windowsill.  Just needed some fresh air I guess, heheh…heheheh…”

“What?” Kristina asked pointedly, who didn’t have Courtney’s eyesight.  “What’re you laughing about?”

“He was naked,” Courtney chuckled.  “I could see his little cock pointed way up in the air…think he’s struggling a bit to control himself tonight.  Makes sense why he’d want to let in some cool night air to, umm…you know, to assuage the…the incandescent –”

“Oh quit showing off,” Kristina snapped, “And anyway, look, I can at least see that Cass already made it up there.”

She had indeed, and it was all the more impressive that she had been able to do it without so much as making a discernible sound.  But now that she was on the fire escape ledge, Cassie had to move extra carefully.  The spindly metal structure had been engineered to support the weight of a few ordinary, average-sized people, not one 8’1 colossal amazon of a woman who exerted all her weight in one concentrated area.  As she gingerly moved to position herself under Aaron’s window, she could hear the ledge beginning to softly groan under her weight.

“Shit…shit…” Cassie mouthed to herself, and she quickly reached up to grab the brick ledge directly under Aaron’s window, in order to redistribute some of her weight.  For the moment, it seemed to do the trick, and the metal ledge beneath her stopped making noise.

‘Whew!’ Cassie thought, ‘That was close…any more and Aaron would’ve heard that…geez, I wonder how much I weigh, actually…I’ve gotta be over 400 pounds, right?  Maybe 500?  Hahaha I don’t think they made this thing with me in mind.’

But her thoughts quickly coalesced into a single, crystalline point of razor-sharp focus.  She was right underneath Aaron’s window, literally gripping the ledge.  The light from his bedroom was literally pouring out into the night over her head – she was still shrouded in shadow, but only just.  Her fingers were barely straddling the boundary.  Cassie smiled to herself, taking some pleasure in the strange, excited coziness of sneaking around like this.  All she had to do now was raise herself up on the ledge a little, while standing on her tiptoes, and then, if she did everything right, her head would peek up above the windowsill, and she’d get a full view of whatever it was Aaron was doing.

‘Awww he’s probably jerking off,’ thought Cassie lovingly, sighing out with rueful affection.  Her breath came out louder than she expected, though, and she had to clamp her lips shut, privately reprimanding herself for her carelessness, and reminding herself that she made a lot more noise than she thought. ‘Mmmm, yeah, probably jerking off,’ she continued thinking, ‘Even though we told him to save it for morning.  The little tyke probably just can’t help himself.  Oh well, at least I can catch him doing it!’

And then, ever so carefully, Cassie stood on her tiptoes and pulled herself up quietly, as her head peeked up over the windowsill, with her eyes just above it, and looked into the bedroom.  The sudden warm air on her face communicated what her eyes could now plainly see: the window was open.

Just one minute before, Aaron had just finished writing the night’s first wish in the diary.  He stood back, still naked, still with his cock rigid and pulsating, letting the words sink into his mind:

“Not counting Kristina, Cassie, or Courtney, every woman in this city will be 4 inches taller, and 30 pounds heavier.”

His mind had waffled back and forth from 1 inch to 3 inches to 2 inches, and then he had finally given up and made it 4 inches – he was so horny now, with the lust of all the possibilities, that he hadn’t been able to hold back.  It had been too much, just seeing all those couples in the park earlier, with many of the girls taller than their partners.  Now, almost ALL of them would be taller.  He had done it.  He had created a reality where it was normal, even expected, for the women to be not only taller than the men, but bigger than them too.

“This is it…” he breathed to himself, actually talking out loud because of the apparent momentousness of the occasion, “The dawn of a new…a new world.”

As soon as he heard the words come out of his mouth, a part of him cringed, even in the midst of his excitement.  He couldn’t get a big head like that; he really shouldn’t be overexaggerating his powers, or anything like that.

‘But you’re not exaggerating them!’ piped up that voice in his head.  ‘You literally have the power to grow hundreds of thousands of people…grow them, shrink them, change their minds, their thoughts, their desires…’

Aaron could feel himself getting overwhelmed, and he gripped his cock, paradoxically to steady himself (also because it felt good), and reminded himself that he was only getting started with his wishes tonight.  He had purposefully excluded Kristina, Cassie, and Courtney from his first wish because he wanted to grow each of them separately, focusing on the nuances of their foursome dynamic.  He loved Courtney at 8’4…but what if…what if she was…8’7, or 8’8…or even 9’0!?  The mere thought was nearly enough to drive him to the point of ejaculation, but he gripped his cock even more firmly, shaking it stubbornly, as if to tell it “No!”

‘She’d have to crouch way down to even be in this room with me,’ he thought, looking up at his 8-foot ceiling.  ‘She’d…oh god, what if I made her 10 feet!??’

He backed away from his diary.  His mind was beginning to spiral in on itself again, and his cock was once more threatening to spasm out in orgasm, even without any physical stimulation.  Aaron took several deep breaths and, getting an idea, went over to the window.  With difficulty, he pulled it open, and instantly, the cool night breeze exhaled out all across his body, giving him a delicious taste of reality outside of himself.  After a few more deep breaths by the window, he felt more in control of himself.  But then, realizing that he had been standing in front of his open window totally naked, with his erection displayed for all to see, he retreated further back into his bedroom, leaving the window open to let more of that nice cool breeze inside to help clear his head.

It wasn’t just the thoughts of a 10’0 Courtney or a 9’0 Cassie that had started his brain spiraling – remembering that he could dictate the actual desires of others (particularly the three of them) was almost too much responsibility for him to bear.

A sudden whisper of what sounded like wind breathed out from somewhere around his open window, making him turn towards it briefly.  But there was nothing there; it was just the breeze.  He reverted back to his own thoughts.  He had already resolved to have the girls relax a little on their “cum fetish,” all while of course preserving their sharing his macrophilia fetish, and wanting to fulfill him in it.  He wasn’t sure how to properly ord this wish yet, though, so he had relegated it to later on in the evening.  For another minute or so, he vacillated back and forth between “simpler” wishes that were proving to be anything but simple.  He had even brought his pen close to the page, about to wish for Kristina’s ass to be even bigger, before retreating again, and then propping the diary up on his bed with a pile of books so he could look at its blank spaces, trying to imagine what would look best on the paper.  As he stood there, naked, cock throbbing, and stooped in thought, the huge, shadowy shape of a gigantic blond head silently rose up over his windowsill.  The next moment, the gleaming jewels of two striking blue eyes had appeared, fixing on Aaron like magnets.  The window was open, and when he spoke aloud, his voice traveled.

“But let’s…let’s just calm down a minute, ok?” he declared out loud to himself, in a pep-talk tone.  He pointed at the propped-up diary, addressing it directly.  “You…you’re not gonna make me go insane, alright?  I know I can, you know…wish for anything I want…anything!  But that’s the trick, right!?  That’s how I get in over my head.  I’ve got to take this slowwwwww…reeeeally, really slowwww.  I’ve got it…uhhh…I’ve got it too good to just go crazy with everything I, uhm, you know, with everything I want all at once.  Just…one thing at a time, okay?”

Aaron knew he was acting a little crazy already, talking to this diary out loud, but it was helping him sort through all the muck in his head.  And anyway, no one was listening to him…or so he thought.

“Right…so – all the women are 4 inches taller, and 30 pounds heavier,” he repeated out loud to himself, drawing his finger along the words he had written in the diary.  “And I think, uhhh, I think that’s enough for tonight in terms of THAT.  I did a good job not making them all 7 feet tall, hahaha!  But that’s because…yeah…I want to focus on THEM…them, them, them…”

Aaron tapped the empty page thoughtfully.  He was too tempted to make Courtney 10’0 tall…and Kristina…well, her ass was so perfect that he felt afraid to even toy around with it at this point.  But Cassie…Cassie…

“God, but she’s perfect too!” Aaron said out loud.  “Except…well, I mean…maybe she could be…even curvier…”

He stood there in silent thought for a full minute, still totally unaware of what was watching him.

“But that DRESS she had on today…” he murmured out loud, “That yellow went perfect with her…she’d shred right through it tomorrow if I make her THAT much bigger…oh come on, Aaron, what are you even talking about, she’ll find another dress, just like Courntey and Kristina will too, when I grow them eventually.  Oh god…could I even handle a curvier Cassie?!  She’s already sooooo thick and just…ugh, she’s a fucking goddess…but what if?  30 pounds more?  Waist, she’s already 8’1…so stay proportional Aaron, come on…40…50…60 pounds!?  Oh my god…oh my god…I’m gonna do it.  I’ve gotta do it.  I’ll make sure it’s proportional on her.  Holy shit, her boobs, they’re gonna be…ohhhhhhhhh!”

His whole body shivered in pleasure.  He had worked himself up into the lustful frenzy he had promised himself he would avoid.  But it simply couldn’t be helped.  A moment later, he was applying his pen to the diary paper, writing out his wish, as the arched ascent of a pair of plush, ruby-red lips above his windowsill indicated a huge mouth gaping open in silent astonishment.

The next moment, though, as soon as Aaron had put down his pen, Cassie felt the fire escape ledge begin groaning out, much louder this time, and its groans were quickly followed by a series of metallic snapping sounds.  She was bringing the whole fire escape down, and it was making an ungodly racket.

“Shit!!  ShitShitShit!” mouthed Cassie, desperately grasping at the brick of the windowsill with her huge hands.  She wasn’t worried about the fall, just the noise she was making.  But then, as she grasped at the brick, her hands literally crumpled the brick into chunks, making another loud series of crackles and pops, right at Aaron’s open window.

“Oh fuck…” was all Cassie could mutter, though with the incredible, ironic humor of her new realization, as the entire brick ledge came apart in her hands, and her glorious, voluptuous body tumbled down to the ground below, her yellow dress already torn around her bust and hips before she even hit the ground.



how tall is Arron now and how long is is penis? and will he shrink in other chapters and will he make his penis bigger to satisfy the growing woman?


I kinda love the idea of his penis now being too small to satify most women and the girls still loving him....until ofc they get their hands on the book.

Euro Chrk

I'm desperately waiting on the update for this story

Joyce Julep (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 02:45:20 I'm planning on posting the full new chapter the first week of the new year &lt;3
2022-12-25 06:02:29 I'm planning on posting the full new chapter the first week of the new year <3

I'm planning on posting the full new chapter the first week of the new year <3