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Hey everyone!  I hope you're all doing well -- I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post more updates this month.  I've been doing a lot of writing and re-writing as I get my creative mojo back.  To be honest, it's been a bit frustrating not to be writing at the same pace I was a few months ago, but I've been trying to be easy on myself, and stick to a regular writing schedule.  I know I'll get back to where I was soon.

I initially didn't want to post chapters until they were completely done, but I thought you all should see the progress I've been making.  So here's the most recent update of "Emma" -- the chapter still isn't done, but it will be the first thing I finish in October.  As always, thanks so much for your patience, and I'll be posting a new October writing schedule here in the next hour or so <3 <3 

Chapter 35

“Don’t you…uhm…wouldn’t you rather wear something else to bed?” asked Daniel, a little uncertainly.  He was standing on the large, firm expanse of Emma’s stomach, about five feet away from the underside of her protruding breasts.  The entire hangar was dark around them, except for the soft island of light, emanating from Emma’s two-story lamp on her nightstand, which bathed them both in its warm glow.  A little ways away to their right, the immense hangar door was pulled up, exposing the stark and silent night sky, dotted all about with innumerable twinkling stars, and a waxing gibbous moon that soaked the pensive snow-capped mountains in a soft sea of silver.  Emma had convinced Dr. Clinebell to leave the hangar door open tonight, insisting that the cool air helped her sleep better, helped to counter the frequent bursts of fever that accompanied her growth spurts.  In reality, though, Emma just wanted to fall asleep to the stars.

Several points of steadily-glowing red around the borders of the open hangar were all the warning Emma needed – she knew full well that if she tried to escape, she would trip some kind of alarm.  Months before, she had shuddered to think what kind of terrible thing would follow, but now…well, she wasn’t really considering an escape, but it wasn’t because she was afraid.  She just felt comfortable right here, right now – right where she was, and who she was with.

Emma was lounging back on two of her giant fluffy pillows, each as big as a regular king-sized bed, grinning down at him.  She absolutely loved how, if she moved her head slightly to the right or left, his entire body disappeared from view, hidden behind one of the fleshy mounds of her breasts.  This is what she had been doing for several seconds, amusing herself at the expense of hearing what her boyfriend was actually asking her.  After a few more moments of delighting herself by hiding his body, then finding it, hiding it again, then finding it again, Emma centered her vision in between her breasts and finally registered that he had asked her something.

“I…what were you saying?” she smiled, tilting her head slightly sideways as she stared at him lovingly.  “Sorry, I was distracted by how cute you looked just appearing around my boobs.”

“Around…wh…ohhh I get it,” Daniel replied, not able to help returning her smile and chuckling a little.  He had wondered what she was doing, and figured it was just her being silly.  But now it made sense; she had been “hiding” him by moving her head back and forth like that.  A warm, humorous silence passed between them, until Daniel remembered that Emma was waiting for him to repeat his question.

“I was just saying,” he began, gesturing to her long-sleeved cat shirt (which was certainly not “long-sleeved” anymore), “How you might, uhm…maybe want to wear something else to bed?”

Emma blinked a couple times, appearing puzzled, but then seemed to understand what he was getting at.  A knowing smile crept across her face, and she suddenly lifted her arms up over her head, behind her pillow.  Her entire body shook and jiggled a bit in response, but “a bit” was all that was needed to make Daniel lose his balance.  He stumbled forward a few feet, directly into the underside of her left breast.  Even reclining like this, with Daniel standing on her upper stomach, Emma’s breast was two-thirds as tall as he was.  He stared forward at her nipple, tightly covered by the pink fabric of her shirt, and actually saw it stiffen up and grow before his eyes.  Immediately, he felt himself getting hard in response.

“What, so you think this shirt is too small for me now?” asked Emma, trying and failing to feign ignorance as she looked back and forth at her uplifted forearms behind her head.

“Ohhh…no…nooooo, of course not!” exclaimed Daniel meaningfully, playing along with her as he shook his head.  “What on earth would have given me that idea!?  I mean…haha, it’s not like…the shirt used to…you know, to actually be long-sleeved, or anything.  It’s not like you couldn’t even see your hands a week ago…and now…now…”

Emma stretched her arms up higher, flexing her forearms to show off how the fabric was thinning around the thickest part close to her elbows, and was even beginning to tear in some places.  Daniel expected her to pick up his joke and keep it going with the tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, but she didn’t say anything.  Instead, she just kept silently flexing her arms, going back and forth from left to right, left to right, and turning her head each time to look closely at how the fabric was thinning and expanding.  She would periodically glance back down at Daniel in between her flexes, fixing him with an expressionless stare that Daniel found unbearably sexy.  He knew that she was showing off for him, and enjoying the effect her huge body had on him.  She switched to her biceps, bouncing them up in a flex, and then relaxing, going back and forth each time.  Daniel had seen her flex plenty of times before, but for some reason, this time it was making him feel weak in the knees.  His mouth had gone dry.  He glanced back at her nipple.  It had been about as high as his upper stomach before, but now it was definitely as tall…or even a little taller…than his chest.  Daniel swallowed, feeling his face flush a hot red.  He looked back up at Emma, and he saw that her face had started to flush red too.

“But what about down there?” Emma asked quietly, dropping her arms in a slow, grand motion from behind her head.  “Maybe it’s just the arms that’ve gotten too small.”

Daniel felt his breath push out through his nostrils.  Glancing to the side at Emma’s huge arms down next to him, he saw that her bare forearm skin was puckered up in goosebumps, rising up with the thin hairs on her arms.  He knew what she was doing.  It had suddenly become a sexy game between them, with him describing how small her shirt had become compared to her growing body.  Daniel didn’t need to think twice to know that she was aroused, and wanted him to keep going.  And subconsciously, he reminded himself not to get too excited too quickly, even as his cock strained his underwear in a fervent need to keep up with her.

“Uhhh, ahhem, n-no…it’s…it’s the same down here too,” he replied, having to clear his throat at the start because of how dry it had become.  He stepped back away from her breasts and walked a couple paces down her stomach, to just above her belly button, where her shirt ended.  He felt his entire body rising and falling in a slow, rounded rhythm with each breath Emma took.  He noticed himself having to work harder to brace himself with his bare feet against the smooth, taut flesh of her abs – Emma was breathing harder now.

“Really?” came her immense voice, paradoxically more arresting now that she was speaking barely above a whisper, “Just a few days ago it fit perfectly down there.  Are you sure it’s not just bunched up somewhere?  Try and pull it tight just to make sure.”

Feeling his heart beating hard in his chest, Daniel bent down close to the bare flesh of Emma’s stomach.  The closer he got, the sweeter and more fragrant the smell became.  He was seized with a sudden longing to prostrate himself down in the middle of her abs and start covering them with kisses, but he kept playing the game.  Reaching down to the end of her pink shirt, he slid his fingers underneath it and tried to “pull it tight” like Emma had asked him to do.  It was already so tight, however, that he wasn’t even able to lift it more than an inch or two off her taut stomach.  He grimaced and panted, trying as hard as he could to pull and tug on it, but it felt like he was attempting to lift a giant tarp that far overmatched his ability to move it.

And just then, as Daniel was in the midst of tugging on her shirt with all his might, Emma suddenly took a big, deep breath in, and what space there had been between her shirt and her stomach was immediately filled by her expanding flesh.  Daniel’s hands snapped off the tight shirt, and he went staggering backwards.  He flailed his legs, trying to stabilize his fall, but ended up overcorrecting and falling forward instead, straight onto his face, directly into the gentle central crevice of Emma’s abdominal muscles.  The ground beneath his body began shaking and hardening, and Daniel knew that Emma was barely managing to stifle a laugh.  He felt the flesh beneath his body soften up, then harden again, soften, then harden once more, and he could feel his body sinking and rising with each flex of her abs.

“Well I guess it’s pretty tight after all,” came Emma’s voice, her nonchalance tinged with humor.

“Yeah, I…I think it is,” grunted Daniel, and he finally managed to stand up.  But no sooner had he accomplished this, than Emma started rolling her belly, utilizing one of the techniques she had learned in yoga, as she grinned down at Daniel with her nostrils slightly flared.  He swayed in place, holding his arms out in an attempt to stay balanced in the rolling sea of flesh he was standing on, but after a few rolls, he wasn’t able to avoid falling down again, this time flat on his back.  He was joining Emma in laughing now, and when he finally managed to right himself again, he stood there between her huge breasts, and the two of them just stared at each other.

The sly smile slowly faded from Emma’s face, and Daniel could feel the heat building between them again.  She looked…almost hungry…as she stared down at him.  But far from making him afraid, her hungry look had awakened some kind of new feeling in Daniel, a helplessly desperate desire to give all of himself to her, to somehow be absorbed within her.  He didn’t consciously think of it this way, but all he knew was that he had never, ever felt this kind of intense erotic energy before.  The sheer impossibility of making her feel the physical intensity of his longing made it all the more powerful.

Silently, with an almost-impossible dexterity and lightness of touch, Emma reached both hands down to the bottom of her shirt, and fed her fingers gently down underneath the tight fabric.  Daniel stood rooted in place, mesmerized by how easy it was for her to manipulate such a massive expanse of tight, thick material.  He hadn’t even been able to pull up her shirt at all without it snapping back down out of his hands.

But even though he knew what was coming, what happened next caught him off-guard.  Slowly, deliberately, Emma began peeling off her top.  It was so tight on her skin that it actually made an audible “peeling” sound, and Daniel saw the liberated muscles and flesh of her stomach expand in response.  He suddenly had to jerk his arms out to steady himself, because the sheer energy and momentum of her bouncing flesh made him almost lose his balance, as he swayed precariously in place, standing on her stomach.  Bit by bit, Emma kept pulling off her shirt, going at a purposefully slow pace to entice him.  He could barely see her face now, just peeking down at him from behind the retreating wall of fabric that was audibly straining out from the tension…Daniel could see her eyes sparkling down at him, narrowed slightly in play…or was it in concentration, focused on him?

The warm, curved hillside bottoms of her bare breasts appeared.  Daniel’s breath caught in his throat as he saw their gargantuan expanses get bigger and bigger, the more Emma pulled back her shirt.  It seemed, though, for a moment, that somehow her breasts weren’t quite as big as he had remembered them being before…what was going on?  Surely –

But then, with a heavy, throbbing double-jolt that brought Daniel to his knees, her breasts bounced buoyantly out of her shirt, heavy as tumbling boulders, free at last from their oppressive confines.  Looking up in awe at them as he rose back unsteadily to his feet, Daniel understood – her boobs had been held back by her shirt, as as she pulled it off, it had pulled her breasts back for a moment, making them seem much smaller.  But, of course, she had only been gearing them up for their final release, which had caught Daniel by surprise.  He was astounded at how huge they were – his eyes flitted up, and he saw that her nipples were straining up as high as his head now, much taller than before, when they had been confined.  The dark brown areola plateaus towered above him, proud and stately, and Daniel saw them continuing to grow and expand…taller and taller…until they were taller than his head.  Without thinking, he stood on his tiptoes, to try and match their height, and he heard an audible intake of breath from Emma.  His eyes shot up to her face.  She had finished taking off her shirt, and her red hair sat gloriously unkempt on her head.  Her mouth was slightly open, and he could see that she had taken notice of his tiptoed attempt to keep pace with her.  But he couldn’t.  A moment later, even on his tiptoes, Emma’s nipples had grown three inches over his head.

Emma lightly wet her lips with the tip of her tongue, and she opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it again.  The silence deepened between them.  It wasn’t awkward, or distressing, or negative in any way…it just felt intense.  For Emma especially, the temperature had been building ever since their bath earlier.  Just seeing Daniel swimming around in the water, with her huge legs looming up on either side of him, and knowing that deep under the water, beneath his swimming little body, her clit was engorging as the blood pumped down to her pussy.  She had felt her entire pelvic area get fleshed-out with the hot pumping blood of her arousal, and it had taken a mighty effort on her part to speak in a composed way to him.  He was just sooooo, so small compared to her now…he was even smaller than a doll.  He was like a little action figure or something, a live little toy that moved around, that spoke, that adored her in every way.

And it was DANIEL, HER Daniel!  She had to keep reminding herself of that, because, if she let her imagination go, it was getting easier to venture into “Aiden” territory with him in her mind, just for fun.  But Emma wasn’t worried – she knew she wasn’t really running any kind of risk of dehumanizing him.  But that little swimming body…and knowing that her huge pussy lurked deep beneath him underwater, unseen…well, there was something about it that really got her going.  And she had been looking forward to getting in bed with him, to THIS moment they were in, right now…and that little gesture of his, on his tiptoes, trying to compare himself to her nipples in his own innocent, playful, automatic way…it nearly drove her wild with lust for him.

“Emma…” Daniel croaked out in a strange voice.  He was transfixed…mesmerized…by everything about Emma, especially tonight.  There was a delicious electricity in the air, making every hair seem to stand on end.  Every aspect of her body, and every slight playful move she made just seemed to churn up his desire for her even more.  Daniel had always been head-over-heels for Emma, even when she had been 5’8.  But now, with her huge body surrounding him on all sides, the living, breathing floor beneath his feet, he felt overcome.  He didn’t know what he was doing or saying.  He just had to say something, or else he felt like he might burst with the pressure building up inside him.  Above all else, it was that look that she was giving him that was threatening to drive him over the edge – that hungry, determined look that was also somehow the softest, gentlest, most tender expression he had ever seen on her face.

Daniel felt his ground shift slightly, and a shadow fell over his body.  Without speaking, Emma had reached her right hand towards him, hovering it about five feet above where he was standing on her upper stomach, right in front of the twin hills of her breasts.  Daniel relaxed his body, preparing for her to pick him up.  He felt himself shiver in pleasure as his skin rose up to attention in goosebumps…he couldn’t wait to feel that hot, safe, familiar pressure of her fleshy hand wrapping gently around his body.  He was already so used to her picking him up that his body had started to instinctively relax whenever he sensed her hand poised above him.

But this time, the warm embrace of her hand didn’t come.  For a few long seconds, Emma’s hand remained suspended above him, unmoving.  Daniel first glanced up at the huge shape above him, looking for the playful little twitches of her fingers.  Maybe she was trying to decide what fun little game to play with him next…maybe she’d pick him up by his leg and dangle him in front of her eye like she’d done the day before, winking at him over and over, intentionally tickling his stomach with her eyelashes.  Daniel was already rock-hard now, but the memory of that delightful little event made his cock twitch even more.  Emma hadn’t even been trying to be sexy – she had been giggling, just playing with him, messing around…and yet, it had been so arousing for him.  And of course she had noticed…hadn’t she!?

As Daniel glanced up at her huge fingers poised above him, though, he saw that they weren’t moving at all.  It was almost eerie – her hand, and all of her fingers, were completely still.  Feeling a slight, sudden surge of uneasiness, Daniel turned his eyes back between Emma’s breasts and up to her face.  Her tongue was sticking into the inside of her right cheek, making it bulge outward, and her lips were open in a slight smile, enough to show that she was biting her tongue.  She seemed to be considering something.

And then she made a fist with her hand above him and lowered it down next to him, resting it beside his standing body like a large boulder nearly half his height.

“Come here,” Emma whispered.  Her voice was deep, husky…sultry.  Any uneasiness Daniel had felt vaporized instantly.  He could tell by that tone in her voice that she was just as aroused as he was.  Swallowing and taking a deep breath through his nose, he started walking up towards her beautiful face.

“Yesss…come to me, Daniel…come to me,” Emma whispered, egging him on.  The trembling power in her whispered voice seemed to make the air shake, and Daniel felt the hot gusts of her sweet breath wash over him as he crossed into the valley in between her breasts.  Glancing on either side of him, he saw that her nipples were even taller than his head now.  He breathed out through his nose, his eyes going wide as he looked from left to right at the colossal, fleshy twin megaliths he was passing through.  He could feel the heat emanating from all sides, from her flesh…he could feel the thudding blood of her heartbeat beneath his feet, and pulsing through the air from the breast walls to his left and right.  On both sides, nearly as tall as his body, he was surrounded by living, breathing walls that expanded and heaved softly with each breath Emma took.  She wasn’t even trying to inflate them with giant breaths – she was just breathing normally, and yet, in the context of this moment, Daniel felt like he was moving in slow motion as he passed between them.  Her breasts had never seemed huger, or more alluring, or more overwhelming, than they did now.

Emma had been lounging on her plush, double-stacked pillows, each of them the length of an 18-wheel truck, and, as Daniel walked slowly up her bare stomach and breasts, her eyes remained fixed on his little body, honing in on it with steady intensity.  Her hand had moved over to gently clasp around him, and pull him up to her face, but as its huge shape had hovered above him, covering him completely in its shadow, Emma had felt such a powerful surge of arousal that she felt like she couldn’t trust herself with holding him.

‘He’s just…sooooo, so tiny,’ she thought to herself, gazing in wonder at how his little body seemed to unconsciously shrink from her hand.  She knew that it wasn’t the result of a choice on his part; his movements were instinctual, involuntary, almost animal-like.  Even in this calm, safe, intimate space, she saw that he wasn’t able to fully suppress his defensive instincts, and her immediate reaction was to get even more aroused.

She slowly, softly lowered her hand, as the stirrings in her loins intensified.  She felt like a queen…a pampered, rich, colossal queen.  This whole facility, all the scientists, all the resources…it was all for her.  But all of that was not really why she felt so sumptuous and regal.  She knew the real reason why: that single, solitary little man standing in between her breasts, staring up at her with a loving admiration that blasted through his instinctive fear.  And when he had broken the silence between them, with an almost-whispered intonation of her name, he had sounded so smitten, and so helpless, that she felt herself melting inside from desire.  Emma wanted him.  She wanted him so, so badly.  And she smiled to herself, warming inside as she marveled at her own ability to think straight, and to take charge of the situation.

‘I’ll make him walk up to me,’ she thought dirtily, ‘In between my boobs...and up to my mouth.  Come to me.’

Before Daniel knew it, he was standing right in front of Emma’s collarbones, directly before the spot where they both came together.  Even this close to her, he still had to avert his head slightly upwards in order to look into her eyes.  Their profound blue had only seemed to deepen since the last time he had been this close to her face; Daniel even caught himself subconsciously wondering if that deepening, gorgeous cerulean color was one of the byproducts of her growth.  Emma had always had blue eyes, but they had never been this…striking…before.

Daniel didn’t know what to do.  Emma’s huge face loomed up before him, filling almost the entire panorama of his vision, with those big, blue, gorgeous eyes steadily regarding him.  Even though he had been this close to her plenty of times, the fact that her face alone was taller than his entire body felt especially striking tonight.  It would have been a little easier for him if Emma had been smiling; but she wasn’t.  Her face was expressionless, which made her seem all the more intimidating…and beautiful.  He didn’t feel worthy of her.  He didn’t feel like he deserved to be with her, to be standing there.  How on earth could he hope to satisfy her!?

A sighing heat suddenly emanated forth in front of him.  Emma had parted her luscious lips, and the tip of a massive tongue emerged from the darkness.  Instinctively, Daniel felt himself backing up.  Even though his cock was pulsing at full-mast, and wanted so badly to feel that tongue against his body, in this moment he wasn’t able to overcome his more primitive instincts – they were screaming at him to retreat from the giant, hot cave that was opening up wider and wider in front of him.

But even still, Daniel managed to catch himself after a couple uneasy steps backward.  This wasn’t like last time…in the barn…which seemed so, so far away, nothing more than a blip of a nightmare vision that time had whisked away.  Things were different now.  Very different.  Emma was different.  She was bigger than ever, but she didn’t scare him the way she used to.  He wanted this; he was just as much a willing participant in this exchange as she was…he just had to get used to feeling this aroused, and this tiny, while he was SO close to her.

He felt a sudden swell underneath his feet, and was forced to throw out his arms to steady himself.  Emma was staring down at him, her huge eyes fixed on him, as the huge tip of her tongue hung in the dark between her the expansive, steady white of her teeth.  It occurred to Daniel, somewhere in his subconscious, that Emma was taking a deep breath.


Emma had retreated her tongue back into the darkness, and then had suddenly started opening her mouth, bit by bit, all while exhaling a long, hot breath of hot, sweet air into Daniel in front of her.  For the first few seconds, Daniel had been forced to blink tears out of his eyes that came in the wake of such a powerful onslaught of air.  Emma was barely putting any effort at all into her exhale, and yet Daniel felt his body bending slightly backward, as his hair was tossed and ruffled in its wake.  After his eyes recovered, Daniel had simply marveled at the sight of her gorgeous, plush lips beginning to stretch out before him…but then, he realized that she wasn’t stopping where he thought the extent was.  Her mouth just kept opening, wider and wider, the top of her lip rising up and up, first up to his chest, then his shoulders, and then his neck.  Since he was standing right behind her collarbones, Daniel could see that her bottom lip was about even with his knees.  And all this time, Emma had begun to let out the low, pleased “aaaa” sound that slowly and steadily began building…Daniel felt it in his ears, in his cock, in his organs, in his bones.  He knew she was barely making a sound, and yet it vibrated his entire body, infusing him with her.

In response, and totally overwhelmed, Daniel exhaled out in a miniscule puff of helpless arousal, and never in his life had the tininess of his own body felt so all-encompassing.  His exhales barely registered – hers created a new climate around him.


Daniel didn’t know how, but Emma kept the hot air coming, even stronger this time, and as the speed and temperature of her wind both increased, so too did the sound of her voice.  It was louder now, and even deeper than before.  Daniel’s mouth was hanging open now, totally transfixed by the sight of the dark, stretching, expanding oval of her mouth rising up beyond his neck, and past his eyes.  There was no way…there was just no way that she could open her mouth…wider than him!


Daniel was backing up again now, a captive of his instincts once again.  He was helplessly aroused, and felt a surging in his loins that was threatening to cascade into an orgasm.  But even more than that, he was feeling a surging, animalistic need to flee from what was in front of him.  It wasn’t proper fear – it was sheer instinct.  That huge, dark, mesmerizing, red-rimmed oval of her mouth was now stretched open so wide that the top of her lip was now well over his head, by at least a few inches…her bottom lip was even lower than his knees now.  How was it possible!?  She was so huge, so powerful, yes…but Daniel had never realized just how massive she was compared to him.  She could have swallowed him whole.

Her exhale was now pushing him backward, his hair blowing back completely, as the heat increased.  Any more, and Daniel would have started to worry that his skin would burn.  And with the onslaught of her breath came a triumphant, ecstatic crescendo of her voice, rising up and up into a loud, booming exclamation that shook the foundations of his entire body.  It was almost…almost…a roar.  He felt the powerful rumbles of her deep sound thundering underneath his feet, throughout her mighty body.  And yet still, somehow, in the midst of all this, Daniel registered that Emma was not letting herself go.  She kept her voice limited to a specific volume, one that intimidated him, and awed him, but that didn’t hurt his ears.  In the midst of this intense experience of her mouth, Daniel found himself staring straight down into the back of her throat.  In the low, warm light, he saw the huge, dangling appendage of her uvula, slick and wet, and visibly buzzing with the sounds she was making.  In a crazy moment of recollection, Daniel recalled that Emma didn’t have any tonsils…she had had them taken out when she was a teenager, before she met him.  Behind, the shiny, undulating expanse of her throat moved towards him and back away, towards him and back away again.

Daniel stumbled a couple paces back, but, almost as soon as his retreat had begun, he felt it stopped by a decisive, cushy thud against his back, his neck, his legs.  Emma had put her hand behind him, preventing his instinctual escape.  And all at once, the awesome, dark expanse of her mouth flattened out into upturned, twisted triangles.  The overpowering hot air abruptly stopped; the all-encompassing vibrations ceased; everything was quiet.  All that remained was Emma’s smile, as she blinked down rapidly at him a few times.  Daniel felt a new warmth spread over him, and he found himself laughing, in reaction to his instinctual fear, and in relief at seeing her smile.

“A little too much for you, sweetheart?” Emma cooed.  Her tongue had come back out again, and was licking her teeth…a smug smile…determined.

Daniel swallowed and pushed himself back upright, using the fleshy cushion of Emma’s hand as leverage.  He could actually hear the smooth squelch of her tongue against her teeth.

“Aaahh, haha, no…no, not at all!” he grinned.

“Mmmm, then come back up here,” she commanded, now extending her tongue halfway out of her mouth, curling it towards him seductively.  “I wanna taste you.”



😈 *Evil Laugh* Excellent 😈 Been waiting for this one 🙌🏾

Joyce Julep

Haha I hope you enjoy it! And I should be posting the full, completed chapter here in the coming days &lt;3


Holy crap that was one of your sexiest passages ever. The sheer size-dominion she has over him has never been so apparent, and she’s lording it over him. Magnificent moment.

Joyce Julep

Mmmmm, thanks! :D It sure was fun writing that part -- I'm writing more of the chapter as I type this &lt;3


I hope this story can return to full monthly chapters


Seconded what BicepKitten said. Not at the expense of your well-being of course. But I would gladly trade some of your other stories for regular updates on this. You crafted such a good story here that I’m constantly checking for the next update.


I concur with both BicepKitten and jsm109. IMHO, one of the best, well-written stories of the genre-ever.