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Hello Patrons!  It's taking me a bit longer than I expected to write this final chapter, but I thought I'd go ahead and share the first part, to tide ya'll over :)  I've also been having some difficulties with the latest "Stintum" chapter, but I'm happy to say that I had a creative breakthrough tonight, which bodes well.  I'll be posting the last "Whipple" chapter in its entirety, along with the full and completed "Stintum" chapter, here in the next few days.  Thanks so much for your patience, everyone!  

Also, check out the December schedule, which I am posting soon after this post.  Lots of exciting stuff planned for this month! <3 <3   

Chapter 25

For a few breathless moments, there was silence in the dark bedroom.  Warren could feel Irina’s huge, powerful fingers wrapped all the way around both of his ankles, holding him fast and rendering him immobile.  With her other hand, she was gently cradling his little head into the underside of one of her colossal breasts.  His ear was pressed into the soft flesh of her upper abdomen, so that the rhythmic, pounding sound of her heartbeat reverberated down from his head and through the rest of his body.  He had heard her exhale hard, far above him, in response to his final surrender, just moments before.

He had called her “Mommy.”  He had finally done it.  For days, weeks, even, he had known that’s what Irina had wanted to hear, but he had resisted, resisted...all up until this point.  Deep down inside, he had always known that he would eventually give in, but in those helpless moments when he imagined surrendering to her, he had always imagined that this final token of his submission to her would be loud and dramatic -- she would be tickling him, or teasing him, or thumbing his cock through her fingers, or licking up and down his little body, urging his mind to give itself completely to her.

But that’s not how it had happened.  Warren had been startled awake by that nightmare of falling down into the dark chasm of a giant Irina’s cleavage...and when he had woken up, her soft voice above him had comforted him in the darkness.  And in that quiet moment, everything had suddenly fallen into place.  Of course she was his Mommy...of course she was his Domme, his Mistress, his Everything.  There was nothing he could do now but to call her what she really was; and the words had trickled out between his lips, timid and submissive, but undoubtedly audible.

Just as Warren was beginning to wonder what exactly Irina was going to do next, the bed heaved and groaned underneath him, and he found himself with his back on the mattress.  Irina had deposited him in a supine position on the bed and was now looming over him, her huge, thick thighs straddling both sides of his 1’7 body.  His eyes had gotten used to the darkness enough to see the massive, curvy outline of her body towering over him.

“Oh Warren…” cooed Irina from above.  She was disrobing as she spoke, and Warren saw the outline and felt the vibration of her huge tits spilling out of her night robe.  Warren could hear the sound of her milk bubbling in those massive mammaries above his head...he could even smell it.  He had already been semi-erect before, but now, his little cock was pointed straight up towards Irina’s chin, and he was practically salivating from the warm, liquid thrill from having finally, completely, submitted.

“My sweet, sweet little baby...come to Mommy.”

Before Warren even had a chance to react to these delicious words, Irina was upon him.  She had thrust her huge body down towards him, and a second later, he found that his tiny form was completely engulfed in the warm, soft, embrace of Irina’s tits.  He could feel the blood rushing through her body -- her heart was truly hammering now, and beyond his head, he smelled the exhaled perfume of her breath as it came forth in stuttered, aroused exhales.

“I’m going to show my little baby what a gooooood boy he is,” whispered Irina.  Her huge, hot mouth was suddenly at his ear, whispering lustily into it.  Warren felt the long, sinuous length of her tongue unfurl and began to lick and lap at his miniature earlobe.  It was incredible how massive her tongue felt; it easily dominated his little ear, flicking hungrily as it began to explore his ear’s interior crevices.  At the same time, Irina’s fingers were softly caressing his other ear, amplifying the sense that she was completely surrounding him.

But Warren only noticed these things peripherally, because something even more conspicuous was happening.  Slowly, lusciously, but with a resolute firmness, Irina was slowly moving her breasts up and down Warren’s body...up and down, up and down.  The sensation of being engulfed by her sweet-smelling flesh was intensified by her movement -- Warren felt like a goddess had descended on him and was now dead-set on using her gargantuan tits to milk every last bit of cum that had been bubbling in his balls, desperate for release, for the past week.  For all intents and purposes, this is exactly what had happened.

“Oh yeeeeaah, baby,” purred Irina in his ear, slithering her tongue in deeper.  “Yesssss...yessss, does my little baby feel Mommy’s huuuuuge tits rubbing up against his sweet, precious cock?”

“Y-yes!!” squeaked Warren.  He was barely even able to get a single syllable out.  His face, his entire body, suddenly felt like it was on fire.  Irina had not needed long to light the furnace in his loins, and now it was already threatening to burn out of control.  She hadn’t even sped up -- she just kept rubbing those impossibly huge, warm, pillowy tits up and down his prone body with the same soft and silent determination.  She had finally pulled away from licking his ear, and was now staring directly into his face.  Through the dim light, Warren could see how huge her face was compared to him, but even more than that, he was shocked by the sudden bright sparkle of her wide, shining eyes, and the sexy glisten of her white teeth.  She was smiling knowingly at him through the darkness...grinning.

“Mmmmm, I can feel it, Warren,” moaned Irina.  Warren’s eyes started to roll back into his head as his entire body went rigid.  “I can feeeeeel my little baby getting ready.  Mommy wants it.  Mommy wants it all, little one.”

Several more seconds passed by in silence, with nothing more than Irina’s full-body titfuck sounding out into the bedroom.  Warren couldn’t see; he couldn’t hear; he couldn’t think.  All that he could experience was the sensation of Irina’s breasts hugging his entire body, totally enveloping him, consuming him, with their soft and relentless power.

“Oh Warren!  Oh baby!” moaned Irina, her voice rising to show her arousal.  “You’re so small!  You’re sooooo, so small, and Mommy’s gonna milk aaaaaall your cum with her big tits.  There’s nothing you can do, little guy -- ohhhhh, each one of my tits is bigger than you.  There’s nothing you can do but submit and cum, Warren...come on, sweet baby...cummm for me.  Cum for Mommy.”

And right then and there, Warren did.  With a shuddering paroxysm that shook through every atom of his body, he emptied load after load deep into the dark, warm cleavage of Irina’s tits.  She moaned and cooed and purred over him happily, draining all of what he could give with each successive grind of her massive breasts.  Warren forgot where he was...he wasn’t even conscious of making a sound as he came.  All he knew was that the last thing he heard was the slippery cadence of the wall of flesh above him against his sticky body.  Irina had milked him once, but she hadn’t stopped.  She just kept going, those giant tits going up and down, up and down, never stopping.  Her soft laughter spiced the air above him, and Warren gasped and came again.  But this time he passed clean out, descending into darkness.

When he awoke, even before he opened his eyes, he was aware of a soft pitter-patter sound filling the air.  He then noticed that there was warm sunlight against his face, and at the same moment, the sensation of something hot and wet in between his legs became obvious.  Goosebumps rose up across his body as blissful electricity flooded his system.  He opened his eyes.  He was lying against the headboard of his bed, and his tiny legs were spread wide.  In between them, bobbing slowly up and down, was Irina’s giant, dark head.