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Chapter 9

“Oh, but Aaaaaron,” Courtney was complaining, drawing a line down his chest with her long finger, “Are you sure?”

“Yeah...yeah, I’m, haha, I’m sorry Courtney,” Aaron replied.  He was unable to keep the desperation out of his voice as he grabbed onto her hand, trying to prevent it from reaching down into his crotch.  “I...y-you know, I think I’m empty, heheh, and I w-wouldn’t wanna disappoint you.”

Courtney gently averted her head up towards Cassie and Kristina, sharing a knowing smile with them.  They were all in Kristina’s Hummer, which was idling by Aaron’s apartment.  The girls had all planned on going up with Aaron to play with him some more, but he had managed to force out a strained declaration that he was exhausted and needed to rest.  Needless to say, Courtney was feeling quite cheated, and she was making her feelings known.  Aaron thanked his stars that Kristina and Cassie were already satiated, however briefly, because he knew that neither of them would have responded to the disappointment as calmly and measuredly as Courtney was.  Still, though, he was having a tough time keeping her big hand away from his crotch, especially considering that he was laid out across her lap, her thick, full thighs cushioning over half his body as her large, strong arms effortlessly parried away his protesting flails.

“Pssssh, you think she cares about that!?” laughed Kristina, turning around in the driver’s seat and flashing Aaron a wry grin.  His cum was still smeared all over her face.

“I mean...don’t get me wrong, Aaron,” Courtney continued, now petting his crotch softly with her massive hand.  Aaron had already given up trying to push it away.  “I’d love a cum-bath for my face like you gave Kristina, but I know that your little balls need some time to get working again to make more.  But that’s not what I really want, Aaron.”

She arched her back, bending down low as her shadow engulfed him completely.  Cassie shimmied her full shoulders side to side, adjusting her thick hips as she turned to watch the fun.  Aaron caught a sideways glimpse of her giant breasts in the periphery of his vision, and he was fairly certain that she had popped one of them out of her dress so that she could play with her free nipple.  But Courntey’s encroaching form over him was increasingly usurping his attention.  The way her huge thighs were cradling his body, even as he felt the plush push of her soft, rotund breasts against the entirety of his torso...it was all just so overwhelming, and combined with the mercilessly gentle and tender action of her hand against his cock, he felt like he wasn’t too far away from cumming again.  Aaron wasn’t sure if his body and brain could take another orgasm without him stroking out.

“What I want,” Courtney whispered down at him, “Is to see your cute little eyes cross when I push you over the orgasmic brink...to see your little mouth open up in wordless ecstasy, totally and utterly at my mercy.  What I want to see, Aaron, is for you to surrender yourself totally to me, to feel, to know...how much bigger and stronger I am than you, how much I dominate you, and how I can make you seize up and orgasm whenever and wherever I want you to.”

Her huge hand burrowed down into his pants, and Aaron moaned and arched his back into the expansive flesh beneath him.  Courtney had engulfed his poor, spent cock in her hand, and was now slowly, torturously jerking him off.

“Hahaha, I don’t care if nothing comes out of your beautiful little cock,” Courtney teased down at him softly.  Aaron had shut his eyes, but he could still somehow see her full lips as they gently mouthed their agonizingly erotic words.  “I don’t care, Aaron...I don’t care...I don’t care...all I really care about is making you cum, and cum and cum, over and over again, as you sink down into the depths of surrender to me...to us...I want you to give yourself totally away to the pleasure, Aaron.  I want you to really feel how small and submissive you are, and how your real place is right here in my lap, with my hand around your cock, pulling on it, making it jerk and spasm and burst, until there’s nothing left of your mind but puuuuure, pristine, submissive pleasure.”

Even though Kristina and Cassie had already made him erupt in explosive orgasm twice that morning, Aaron could feel his body beginning to boil like a furnace in response to Courtney’s searingly pleasurable touch.  But it was her dirty talk that was truly doing him in.  He had been trying  to tell her that he needed a break, that he was afraid that his heart and brain weren’t going to survive another orgasm, but as she had stroked on, and talked on, his protests had given way to the blank pleasure Courtney was urging him to embrace.  He opened his eyes widely, but he couldn’t see anything clearly...only vague splotches of color.  His hearing was similarly muddled and disturbed; he could only make out the soft, merciless cadence of Courntey’s voice as she continued pressing on and on.  He couldn’t even hear her words now.  It was just the gentle volume of her voice, overtaking his mind, and filling up his head with its unceasing echoes.

How long Aaron existed in this strange, suspended, hazy phantasmagoria, he had no idea.  He began to have the vague sense of an impending blackness beginning to swallow him up, but right when the void seemed like it had truly expanded itself underneath him, yawning to receive him, he felt the sudden, relentless stimulation of entirely new sensations, from both sides of his head, and down in between his legs.  His vision seemed to sharpen for a few moments, and he suddenly saw, from the lolling position of his head (staring down), that Courntey’s big head was busy at his midsection.  That was where the feeling between his legs was coming from.  She had lifted him up in the air and brought his crotch up to her mouth; she was sucking powerfully on his cock.  At the same time, he realized that the thunderous squelching was coming from the stimulation on both sides of his head...and then, as his senses briefly sharpened from the shock of the stimulation, he felt the wriggling, vigorously undulating pressure of something in his ears.  He tried to turn his head away, but large, strong hands easily wrapped around his arms and shoulders, holding him fast.  Hungry moans echoed out within his head, accompanying the ravenous, wriggling thunder in his ears.

It was at this point that Aaron realized that both Cassie and Kristina had stuck their tongues in his ears, probing and pushing their sinuous appendages deep down into his ear canals, as far as they could go, as they moaned all the while.  Apparently, the two girls hadn’t been able to keep themselves from joining in; Cassie had sidled up close to Courtney to claim his left ear, and Kristina had hopped over the driver’s seat armrest to claim his right.  The two of them were absolutely relentless, attacking the inside of his ears like they were trying to get at the tastiest candy in the world.


The greedy sounds of their hungry tongues soaked into Aaron’s brain, and right as he actually managed to realize what was going on, Courtney turned up the heat on her blowjob.  With the entirety of his cock and balls in the warm, wet, suckling interior of her mouth, she had made her tongue into a spear shape and was determinedly trying to force it down Aaron’s peehole.  He felt the corners of his eyes spasm in overwhelming panic and pleasure as he felt her tongue eagerly start to fling itself back and forth rapidly, with the tip inside his dick.  The resultant vibrating pleasure that spread throughout his crotch and body like hot liquid fire proved too much for him to bear.  But even more overwhelming than the sensation itself was his lightning realization, even in the midst of his sexual pleasure and torment, that he was about to cum hard to the true reality of being so hopelessly overmatched by these voracious, gigantic women.  They were hungry; they were greedy; they were absolutely merciless; they would not be denied.  And THAT, above all else, was what was making him cum.

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets as his shaking lips peeled back, revealing his gums; his nostrils flared; and his mouth opened as wide as it could go, and he let loose a scream that he was sure would shatter the car windows.  As it happened, he could only manage a pitiful, petered-out squeal, since every tissue in his body was hardened and pulsating, at attention.



He heard Cassie engulf his entire left ear with her mouth in response, while Kristina swallowed his right.  Courtney’s huge hands tightened around his butt, squeezing them hard, like she was trying to pump out his fluids as she continued to suck.

*MmmmmmmRRRRRGGHHHHHH!!!” she moaned hungrily, mashing her face up into his midsection as her tongue thrust itself even further into the quivering, purpling mushroom head of his cock.  Aaron’s vision subsided again, and his senses were once again dominated by the cacophonous sounds of their hungry tongues trying to lick his brain.  The black void rose up again, and this time, it really did swallow him.  He passed away in a dead faint, right before the last drops of his cum came rocketing out of his cock, going straight down Courtney’s eagerly undulating throat.  He didn’t even get to hear the girls laughing at his limp little body as he collapsed forward on top of Courtney’s supporting head.

He sensed that he was lying down in something soft.  Everything felt soft.  Warm...a gentle breeze was blowing against his face.  His body felt warm.  No, it felt cold...no, warm again.  He tried to move, but something big held him down.  A calm whooshing at his ear.


The faint and discordant sounds faded away.  Someone had been talking to him.  A full, gentle, loving, feminine voice.  He tried to move his other arm, but again, something huge held it down.

“Nnnnnn….no...no,” Aaron mumbled vaguely.  Trying to make out the human voice, whoever it was, was like turning a radio knob, trying to find the right station.  But even though he couldn’t hear it properly, Aaron was able to understand that whoever was speaking was urging him not to move.

“Eeeeeassssyyyy,” the voice breathed softly, soothingly, into his ear.  It started becoming clearer and clearer now.  “Take it eeeaaasssy, Aaron.  It’s ok...it’s ok, you’re safe.  You’re ok...you’re with ussssss.”

Courtney’s voice.  Aaron realized that his eyes were closed, and he opened them.  He was in his bedroom, in his bed, with the covers pulled up over his naked body.  Courtney was sitting by his bedside, drawing her long fingers lovingly through his hair, as she peered down at him, an affectionate smile on her face.  Aaron blinked again, and his vision improved.  Kristina was standing over in the corner of the room, with her back turned to them, studying the SuperMario poster on his wall.  He turned to the right and saw that Cassie was sitting on the other side of the bed, staring down at him with a warm smile, with her hands folded patiently over her crossed legs.  She was sitting close to his nightstand.

Aaron took a few seconds to absorb everything, and the first thing he felt was a sense of relief.  They had taken him to his room and put him to bed, which meant that they at least understood that his mind and body couldn’t go on after what had happened.  They had the capacity to understand that he needed a break.  But just then, he realized how close Cassie was sitting to his nightstand, and he felt a surge of panic.  He was right where he wanted to be, in the safety of his bedroom, but the three of them were there with him.  He felt like he had nearly died...he needed to get them out of there, before they discovered the diary, which was only inches away from Cassie’s dangling foot, in the stack of books on his nightstand shelf.

He made another motion to rise from his horizontal position, but Courtney wouldn’t let him.  He was so small compared to her that his little body didn’t have any chance of overcoming the force of her hand on his chest, and augmenting this size difference was the fact that he was utterly exhausted, drained of every vital reserve of energy in his body.

“Ooooh, he’s getting a little antsy,” smiled Cassie.  She leaned forward in her chair to peer at him closer.  “Don’t worry, Aaron...we know your cock is all out of juice.  We made sure to wrrrring it all out, even after you passed out, haha.”

She made a “washcloth-wringing” motion with her hands as her eyebrows went up and down playfully.  Aaron knew he had nothing left to give, because if he did, he was well aware that Cassie’s salacious gesture would have forced him into becoming hard again.  As it was, though, his penis remained totally flaccid between his legs.  He may have woken up, but his cock had been put into a deeper slumber.

“Yeah, and we actually got a little more out of it,” chuckled Kristina, turning around and walking up to the bed.  “Do you like my little design?”

Aaron was puzzled for a moment; he didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Give him a closer look,” Cassie said.  “He just woke up, you know...heheh, probably can hardly even see straight after what we did to him.”

Kristina bounded up on the bed, making it shake with her weight, and Aaron winced.  His body was definitely still over-sensitive.

“Hey, easy there,” Courtney cautioned, steadying Kristina’s body with her free hand, “Not so rough.”

“Sorry,” shrugged Kristina, “I just wanted to give him a close-up of this.”

She indicated to her chest, and Aaron could see it now.  Painted in a milky-white line was a “heart” shape, directly above her cleavage.

“See?” Kristina grinned, tracing the “heart” with her finger.  “A cum heart right on top of my real heart.  Isn’t that just poetic, Aaron?”

He couldn’t think of what to do but nod weakly.  Even though he didn’t have the physical capacity to get hard now, Kristina’s fixation on his cum was nonetheless striking.  He could see that she still had his cum smeared on her face from the mall.

“And it wasn’t just Kristina who got to enjoy it again,” added Kristina softly, palming and petting his head with her huge hand.  “I got to swallow most of that last cumshot.”  She opened her mouth at him, showing him her cavernous throat.  Aaron knew that she was 6’8...but even still, her mouth and throat seemed almost unnaturally vast and spacious.  He felt the electrical impulse of helpless arousal trying to kickstart his bulbospongiosus muscles, but it was like trying to click-start a stove with no gas -- the starter was cracking, but there was no energy source to fuel the fire.

“Aaaauuuhhhh...hahaha,” laughed Courtney, giving herself a rare moment of frivolity, “I was going to swish it around a little in my mouth, you know...to get a niiiice long taste of it, but I was too caught up in the passion of the moment, you see, and *sploop* it all just went right down into my tummy!”

She patted her stomach happily, giving a purr of contentment for good measure.

“Oh...okay,” moaned Aaron weakly.  He was trying to think of a way to get them out of his apartment, if only just for a little bit, to give him enough time to write down some new wishes in his diary.  The pressing nature of this need weighed heavily upon him, but he still knew that he had to tread very carefully.  If any of the girls were to find out about the diary, they might confiscate it...or even worse, destroy it, so that he could never wish any of the current situation away.  They all looked so sweet and gentle right now, even in the midst of their striking, stunning beauty, but at this point, Aaron knew it was all just because they were temporarily satisfied.  Very soon, all three of them would get hungry again -- they were literal succubi now, and he was in danger of being permanently drained of his vital force.  Aaron didn’t trust them not to cross the line and accidentally kill him in the midst of their rapacious sexual hunger.

“And don’t think I didn’t get in on the action after you passed out!” giggled Cassie, shaking her head at him.  “Uh-uh!  Courntey and Kristina got most of the rest of it, but once we got you up here I kept trying to wring you out, and...haha, I squeezed juuuust a little bit out -- the very last bit!”

“Uhhh...wow…” groaned Aaron.

“Yeeeeah, and I thought, well, it’s not enough to really taste,” Cassie continued, “But it smelled soooo good, kind of fruity, just a little dab of it sitting on the tip of your cock...so I --”

And here, Cassie’s gorgeous face suddenly contorted, puckered up, and she snorted through her nose.


“Haha yep!  Right up my nose!” she laughed.  “It made my eyes sting a little, but it made the cum hit harder, haha!  I actually got to feel my body absorb it that way...and I think it happened faster too!”

“What a weirdo,” Kristina teased, turning to Aaron and tilting her head to the side as she twirled her finger around her ear in the “she’s crazy” motion.

“You’re the one with cum smeared all over your face!” chided Cassie.  “What good is that!?  My body’s already absorbed it all and it feels soooo good, staring at him, knowing that his seed is a part of me now.”

“Hey, don’t tell me what to do with Aaron’s cum,” Kristina warned.  “To each their own.  I like it on my face; it has a nice tingly feel.  Sue me!”

“Mmmm, well I like it in my belly,” hummed Courtney, petting her stomach and winking at Aaron.

Aaron gawked at them.  It was incredible -- his cum was literally like a drug to them now.

‘This is what you wished for,’ said a voice inside his head.  ‘This is exactly what you wished for...and now you’ve got it...and now you’ve got to get rid of it.’

“Say, uh...guys?” he began, trying to keep his voice from shaking.  It wasn’t that he was nervous now.  He didn’t have the energy to be nervous.  It was just that anything he did that required effort (like speaking) was extremely difficult right now.  They all turned to him, giving him their undivided attention.  He felt a prickle of spookiness pass over him.  That diary was powerful.

“I’m...I’m really sorry that I...um...that I...ran out,” he continued, having to take deep breaths in between almost every word.  “I hope you all weren’t too...disappointed.”

“Oh you precious little baby,” cooed Courtney, brushing his cheek lovingly with her fingers, “Of course we’re not disappointed.  We know that you’re not a bottomless well.”

“As much as we’d want you to be,” chimed Kristina, with a dirty grin.

“Shhhh, don’t stress him out,” Cassie chided, “Look at him.  Our little cum factory is totally empty, and he’s not gonna start making more if we put him under too much pressure.”

“Mmmm yes,” nodded Courtney, “Which is why we’re all just going to sit around here and keep him company, feeding him, bathing him, doing all the fun little things to help him recuperate...so he can make us some more.”

Aaron felt a cold wave of dread sweep over him.  This is the last thing he wanted to hear.  But he couldn’t betray how scared he felt.  He needed to think of something...some way to convince them to leave him alone for a bit.  After a few silent seconds, he figured that the best way forward would just be to tell the truth...while leaving out certain important parts along the way.

“I...I’m sorry, Courtney,” he whispered.

“Sorry?” she asked warmly, “Sorry for what, baby?”

“The...I mean, I’m sorry, but...I think what I need right now is...y-you know, some good sleep, and...I’m n-not blaming you guys, really, but...how to say this, heheh...there’s no way I can go to sleep with you guys here.  You’re too beautiful.  I can’t take my eyes off you.”

“Psssh listen to him,” Kristina chuckled, “Flattering us.  He thinks if he showers us with compliments then...wait...uh...then...heh, then I don’t know what.”  Her eyebrows creased together; she seemed to be genuinely confused.

“Oh you’re very sweet, Aaron,” Cassie intoned, “But we don’t have to be all up in your face like we are now.  We can wait in the living room, play some video games, you know?”

“Watch some TV,” Courtney added.

“Watch some TV,” repeated Cassie, nodding.  “Until you’re ready to go again.”

For a moment, Aaron thought this actually might work; if he could just get them out of his bedroom and close the door...but he quickly realized this would not be a good idea.  His bedroom door had no lock on it, and he didn’t trust the girls not to spy on him.  It wouldn’t be creepy or malicious spying in their minds -- just “horny girl” spying through the cracks of the door.  But in any case, it simply wasn’t worth risking them finding out about the diary.

“N-noi, I mean...heheh, you guys don’t understand,” groaned Aaron, smiling and wincing all at the same time as he sat up in his bed.  “And, like, I...I don’t blame you.  But you need to understand how...how powerful of an effect you have on me, alright?  Like...even if I hear you in the other room, my heart just...it just starts beating really fast, and my face gets red, and I...I j-just can’t help myself.”

“Awwwww!” cooed Cassie, bending down and engulfing him in a tender hug, “That is just so precious, Aaron!”

“Too precious,” muttered Kristina.  “Geez, Aaron, you’re really pushing your luck...a few more compliments like that and I’m gonna be gobbling down your cock again, cum or no cum.”

“Shhhh, stopppp,” chuckled Courtney, waving her down.

“I just need...just a little rest, is all,” Aaron finished, trying to sound as genuine as he could without letting the urgent desperation bleed through in his voice.  “It won’t take long...maybe just...a few hours...or, or overnight or...something.”

“Overnight!?” cried Cassie softly, “Oh, surely not that long!”

“Ok, ok, not that long!” came Aaron’s quick reply, putting up his hands.  “Just a f-few hours, then.”

The girls all looked at each other.  They didn’t seem thrilled with the idea of leaving him, but they did seem to understand that he wanted them to.

“Mmmmm, wellllll...ok,” declared Courtney finally, sighing as she got up.  Cassie and Kristina joined her.  The three of them were gathered at the foot of his bed.  A more strikingly imposing, curvaceous, and beautiful trio could not have been imagined.  Their eyes sparkled down at him, mingling with the midafternoon sunlight lazily soaking through the partially-pulled curtains.

“We’ll give you some time to sleep,” Courtney continued, “But we’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Count on it,” added Kristina, forking her fingers into a “V” shape and bringing it up to her mouth, tonguing the middle of it lewdly as she made eyes down at him.

“See you soon, little cumster,” Cassie purred at him, scrunching her face up and smacking her lips.  “We’ll be thinking about youuuuu.”

Aaron watched them go, unable to help marveling at their huge asses as they gyrated lasciviously, a parting gift.  When the door finally closed, Aaron’s head fell back on the pillow and he shut his eyes tightly, gritting his teeth.

“Oh my god…” he whispered to himself, “Oh my god...oh my god….holy SHIT…”

Frantic relief was all he felt right now.  At last he would be able to fix the terrible choice he had made.  With shaking hands, he pulled out his diary and turned to the next blank page.  For several minutes he held it there in his lap, listening for the girls in the hallway.  He was afraid that they would burst in through the walls, or drop out of the ceiling.  At this point, he put nothing past them.  He had to do the deed, before it was too late.

His pen hovered over the page, poised.  He couldn’t rush this...he had to get it right.  After thinking long and hard, and working up exactly what he was going to say before he wrote it, he finally put the pen to paper and started to write:

“I want Kristina, Cassie, and Courtney to be attracted to how much bigger they are than me, but I want them to have a more restrained cum fetish than they have right now.  I want them to desire me, but I don’t want them to obsess over me.”

He paused, hoping that these words would be clear enough to whatever power was animating these pages.  His hand hovered over the page.  He knew he wasn’t done.

“I want Courtney to be 7’0, 240 pounds, Cassie to be 6’8, 220 pounds, and Kristina to be 6’6, 230 pounds.”

He paused again.  Whether it was because of the diary’s intense power, or something else, he didn’t know.  All that he knew was that, a moment later, he was writing the words:

“I want every woman in this city to be 1 inch taller.”


Dan C.

Alright, he put in a condition when he should be putting in several. Like where this is going so far

Sizeking Dom

Come on boy! Give yourself a larger payload 😂

Joyce Julep

Thanks Dan! Sorry I didn't just see your comment until now! The next chapter will be coming along soon, so stay tuned! <3