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Chapter 16

Warren felt a sudden tightness around his waist, and he realized that Lola’s enormous hands had encompassed his midsection, easily going all the way around.  A split second later he felt a gush of the cool, fresh morning air as Lola abruptly pulled him out from in between her breasts and thrust him in the direction of Sarah.  Warren blinked up in awe at Sarah — it looked like the colossal blond had been lounging around on her sofa a minute before, and yet somehow, her tight white t-shirt, her bare feet, and the rest of her casual getup just didn’t seem to matter.  She was the hugest, fiercest, most impressive and intimidating thing Warren had ever seen or conceived of in his life.  He was terribly cowed, and barely even noticed how he was being handed out like a piece of meat, with his little legs dangling in the air.

“H-here…take him!” exclaimed Lola in a shaky voice.  Warren noticed that her hands were trembling slightly.  He couldn’t believe it — just moments before, these three amazons were utterly terrifying behemoths, fearsomely powerful, and completely in control of the situation.  And now, all of a sudden, all three of them were backing away in retreat, startled out of their minds.

Sarah stepped forward, and again, the three amazons backed away.  The motion seemed like an automatic response from them.  But Sarah’s stride was far longer, and she was now standing directly in front of Lola.  The trembling amazon continued holding out Warren towards Sarah, and even though his head was shoulder-height with Lola, Warren was shocked to see that he was staring straight forward into the middle of Sarah’s stomach.  He noticed that her tight white t-shirt was riding up on her midsection a little, towards her jeans, exposing a suggestive, thin line of creamy flesh.

Warren tried looking up at Sarah’s face again, but he couldn’t even see it now — her breasts were in the way.  But Lola, Chelsea, and Trix could all see that there was something of a slight smirk on this giantess’s face…or at least, that’s what it seemed like.  None of them felt like they had any idea what Sarah was thinking.  She could have been amused, or irritated, or calm, or haughty, or consumed by a cold wrath.  They had nothing to go on, and were completely bewildered.

Without speaking, Sarah reached out a single hand and took Warren from Lola.  He felt the air being forced from his body as Sarah’s gargantuan hand wrapped around his little waist; her fingers didn’t quite go all the way around, but they didn’t need to.  Her hand held him aloft with ease, and the next thing Warren knew, the back of his head was sinking into the firm, yet somehow impossibly soft flesh of the underside of Sarah’s left breast.  Even in this position, his dangling feet only went down a bit past the middle of Sarah’s thick thighs.

But Warren wasn’t thinking about any of that.  All he could think about now was the soft plushness of Sarah’s breast, the warmth of her flesh as it seemed to gather behind and around him, and the spicy muskiness of her scent…an intoxicating, distinctive aroma that, if he had known, he would have instantly recognized as sandalwood.  Momentarily, he forgot the confusion of his predicament; he forgot the craziness of everything that had happened that morning; he even forgot about Irina.  His mind was wiped blank, and the only thing that filled it now was the intense desire to be smothered by this goddess who was holding him…to be utterly overcome, dominated, eclipsed.  The flesh of her breast covered his ears, and he was sure he could hear the milk rushing eagerly into the milk ducts behind his head, roaring through her body in an impatient and restless cadence, the creamy droplets vying to be the first to touch his lips.

And then, suddenly, he felt himself shaken and buzzed back into reality…or at least, the world he had been in before.  There was a deep, rumbling sound echoing in his ears, vibrating through his whole body…and he realized that Sarah was talking.

“Mmmmm,” she was humming, the softness in her voice belying the actual meaning of what she was saying, “You girls sure are lucky that I got here before…anything happened to this little guy…verrrry lucky.”

“W-we were just…j-just gonna auction him off!” sputtered Chelsea, blinking up desperately at Sarah.  “We weren’t gonna…gonna k-keep him ourselves!”

“Oh I know you were,” chuckled Sarah, her bountiful flesh jiggling behind Warren’s body, “And if you had succeeded, the small fortune that this little one would’ve fetched wouldn’t have been worth it, let me tell you.  But no matter — I came in time, and everrrrryone’s happy.”

As she spoke, Sarah’s massive free hand gently seized both of Warren’s feet, and she began rubbing her fingers on the undersides of his soles, lightly tickling him and causing him to squirm in her grasp.  Her hand held him fast, however, and Warren suddenly realized that Sarah was tickling him like this to show him that, try as he might, he had no hope of escaping from her.  Somewhere in the back of his mind, he also knew that she was doing it to emphasize the staggering difference in their sizes — his brief experience with this woman weeks before had stuck in his mind, and he knew in his bones that this giantess lived and breathed the language of power.  Glancing down, he saw how her hand was bigger than both of his feet put together, and how her huge fingers effortlessly manipulated and maneuvered his outmatched limbs.  She was showing him how powerless he was in her hands, and he felt it.

The other three amazons were eying Sarah cautiously, a mixture of awe and anxiety in their eyes, and it was clear that they were eager for her to leave.  But Sarah didn’t seem to be in any hurry, and for several moments she just stood there, massaging and tickling Warren’s feet as she smirked down at them.

“Looks like you three stumbled onto a big catch,” hummed Sarah brightly, breaking the silence.  “Full nets, haha…all from this spot here?”

“Uhhh…y-yeah, yeah, all from here,” muttered Lola, finding the courage to answer.  Even as he was distracted by Sarah’s body, and her lightly ticking fingers, Warren had noticed that Trix had turned herself slightly to the side, positioning her body behind Chelsea.  He suddenly understood — she was trying to hide Eddie from Sarah…the tiny man she had been breastfeeding only moments before.

“Well how about that,” mused Sarah, “A merry horde of little men, holding out valiantly against the new world order, tragically captured.”  She paused for a second, and in the silence, the voice of Anderson suddenly yelled up from Lola’s net:

“This is a human rights violation!  Th-this…this is slavery!!  You women a-are…are out of control!!  But there’s something coming for you…something that’s gonna change everyth—”

“Oh just gag him already, will you Lola?” snapped Chelsea, taking out her frustration at her sudden loss of control over the situation on something other than Sarah.

“No, don’t,” said Sarah quietly, gliding over to Lola and looming over her.  Warren couldn’t believe it — the 7’7 amazon was looking straight into Sarah’s huge breasts, and, as Sarah was actually holding Warren slightly higher than her left breast, he was actually looking up over Lola’s head.

“I wanna hear what little Mr. Anderson here has to say,” Sarah purred.  There was a pause, and Warren saw, through Lola’s net, Anderson’s eyes go wide.

“Y-you…b-but…but how do you know…my name!?” Anderson choked.

“Just fill us all in on what you were about to say, tiny man,” Sarah chuckled, vibrating Warren’s entire body with her mirth.  It took Anderson a few seconds to recover himself, and it appeared like he had been hoping that the other three amazons would somehow change the subject.  He didn’t seem to realize that now that Sarah was here, she was running the show, and there wasn’t anything the other three could do.  After a few long moments of silence, however, he seemed to get the picture, and his courage returned to him.

“Y-you…you all just wait!” he declared, his voice vibrating strangely with pride.  “Th-there’s…there’s something we’ve all been working on…in secret…in the shadows…while you women were running around enslaving us all!”

“Ohhh do tell!” responded Sarah with great exaggeration, bending down close toward the net as her sea green eyes went wide with interest.  Anderson was unnerved by the proximity of Sarah’s huge face to his own, but he somehow mustered up the will to continue, seeming to spit the words out as a kind of defense mechanism against his situation.

“Th-there’s a cure to the virus, you know!” he forced out.  “A cure that will change the world back to what it was before!”

“Psssh, get a load of this one,” chuckled Lola, shaking her head, apparently trying to get into Sarah’s good graces, but Sarah’s eyes remained fixed on Anderson.

“A cuuuuure?” she cooed down at him.  “For the Whipple Virus?”

“Y-yes!” exclaimed Anderson.  “L-lots of male doctors…working in secret…they’ve found it, and it’s o-only a m-matter of time before…b-before they make it and distribute it and e-end this whole thing once and for all!”

Anderson had been stuttering more because Sarah had gotten even closer to Lola’s net, to the point where her face was only about a foot away from Anderson’s.  She let a few moments of silence pass by, and Lola, Chelsea, and Trix all eyed each other nervously.  Warren, still overwhelmed by Sarah, nonetheless understood their worried looks.  They were afraid that she was going to take their whole bounty away from them…not just Eddie.  But then he felt a great pulse behind his body, and he realized that Sarah was inhaling.  A few seconds later she was letting the air out richly, in delicious words that sounded like she had been waiting for the opportunity to speak them for quite some time.

“Doctors working in secret?” she purred down at him.  “You mean Dr. Hartman, little one?”

Anderson’s eyes went even wider than they had been before.  “Wh-what!?” he stammered.

“And Dr. Williams?” teased Sarah.  “Ever heard of him?”

“B-bu…but…” stuttered Anderson, starting to shake his head.

“And Dr. Stanton,” chuckled Sarah, her eyes flashing triumphantly, “You’ve been emailing with him too, haven’t you?”

“H-how…how d-do you…?” Anderson choked.

“I know, you poor, pathetic, tiny little boy,” Sarah whispered down at him, “Because I AM all of those people…I AM Dr. Hartman…and Dr. Williams…and Dr. Stanton…I’ve been emailing you under their guises for several weeks now, ever since I *cough* kidnapped them and secured access to their professional emails.”

Anderson’s mouth was wide open, and he was continuing to shake his head back and forth, utterly stunned.  The three amazons exchanged concerned looks — apparently this giantess was even more on top of everything than they could have ever imagined.

“I spied you and a couple of these others hiding away in this little basement weeks ago,” continued Sarah, in that same calm, unstoppable voice, “And I thought about just snatching you up, but I thought hey, what’s the fun in that?  Why not play around with them for a little?  Have a nice little challenge?  See if I can get them to…recruit others…form a cute little cadre of tiny men, all fighting for the noble cause of their own freedom from the repressive clutches of the wicked women of the Whipple world, haha!  And just look at how well I did!  How many did you catch today, girls?”

“I…uhhh…” muttered Chelsea.  “I…w-we didn’t really count them all.”  She in particular seemed to be quite sour about the news that their impressive haul was not the result of their bounty hunter skills, but rather the work of this conniving titaness before her.

“Well let’s count them now!” trilled Sarah happily.  “Just to see how well I did.  Let’s see…one, two, three…”

She started counting the men trapped in the nets, tapping her finger to each of their heads as she did so.  Warren could tell what she was doing — she was, in a way, marking each of the men as “hers,” but she was also actually touching each man, just to emphasize to them how completely she had led them on…controlled them.

“Eight, nine, ten…”  Sarah continued her slow, deliberate counting.  Since Warren was being held to her breast, he could see everything…the terrified looks on all the men’s faces, and particularly the profoundly defeated expression on Anderson’s face.  Sarah lingered her finger for longer than the others on his head, pressing with extra panache, just to really drill into him how totally he had been overcome.  When Sarah finally got the Trix, and then finished counting her net, she was about to turn away…but then she suddenly stopped and looked down towards Trix’s breasts.  The amazon had done her best to hide Eddie behind the leather cup of her left breast, but his tiny little legs were still sticking out, plainly visible to all who cared to look.

“And…what is this?” asked Sarah with great interest, rounding on the flummoxed amazon, who started backing away, shaking her head.

“N-no…” Trix whispered in a pleading voice, “No…c-come on…please!”

“Show me what you’ve got there,” ordered Sarah calmly, a gentle smile on her face, and once again, the soothing energy of her voice belied the actual intentions and implications of her words.  Warren could feel it — disobeying this giantess was simply not an option.

Blinking rapidly, Trix pulled back the leather of her bra, revealing the miniature man still suckling at her breast, dead to the world of anything other than the warm milk that was flowing into his mouth and filling his tiny tummy.

Sarah’s eyes opened a little wider, and her nostrils flared.  Chelsea, Lola, and Trix were all staring up at her, a kind of implicit, waiting dread etched on their faces.  Warren suddenly became terribly uncomfortable and afraid — he had no idea why — and instinctively, not even thinking, and acting on pure animal impulse, he tried to squirm out of Sarah’s grasp.  She didn’t seem to pay him any more than the slightest bit of attention, though, and a quick little squeeze from her huge hand around his midsection was all that was needed to convey her wordless order that he needed to be still.

“Hoooohh…” breathed Sarah, her exhale coming out in a full, profound whisper.  “It’s a footer…a real-life footer in the flesh…”

“Footer” was the casual word that was being thrown around in the news and on social media to describe Whipple men who had shrunk all the way down to a foot tall.  The connotation was unquestionably derogatory — “footers,” like Eddie was displaying now, were totally at the mercy of women, both physically and mentally, and the advanced stages of the Whipple Virus acted on them with such intense ferocity that they had largely lost their past personalities altogether.  The virus had such a strong hold on them that when they were in the presence of women, they were unable to help themselves devolving into an infantile, orally-fixated reverie.  Many of them had even adapted baby cries to encourage the women in their vicinity to breastfeed them.

“Sooo small,” cooed Sarah, stretching out her hand and gently petting Eddie’s face.  He carried on sucking Trix’s breast like nothing was happening.

“Sooo tiny…soooo helpless,” Sarah continued, whispering to herself.  Warren was shocked to see the comparison between the gentle touch of Sarah’s hand and Eddie’s drawn face and emaciated body.  It was an absolutely ridiculous comparison — her hand alone was almost as long as his entire body…her fingers were thicker than Eddie’s arms, and nearly as thick as his legs, and as Sarah gently caressed his bony back and with her strong, fleshy hand, and played with his tiny arms, legs, feet, and hands with her enormous fingers, Warren felt something surge up in his loins that until this point had been unfamiliar.  He couldn’t believe he was feeling this way, especially in a crazy, surreal situation like the current one, but he couldn’t get past the stark reality in his brain: he wanted to see Sarah take this tiny man…he wanted to see her dominate him, and play with him, and treat him like the infant he had become.  And somewhere in Warren’s mind, a bizarre kind of jealousy flared, shocking him with its suddenness and its desperate vigor.

“Please…” came Trix’s voice again, this time with even more begging insistence, “Please…let us keep him.  We really needed this catch and…and this one…the price for him…it’ll keep us going for…for a long time, and —”

“Trix, quiet!” hissed Lola, elbowing her.

“No wait, please,” countered Chelsea, stepping next to Trix as well and looking up at Sarah, “She’s right…y-you can….you can have all the rest of them!  All of them…j-just…just please let us keep this one here.”

Sarah straightened up, towering over all three of them, and even though Warren couldn’t see her expression, he could feel her softly, slowly, mightily, inhaling and exhaling…as if she were contemplating their offer.  In reality, Sarah had already known what she was going to do from the moment she stepped foot in the rubble of the old building.

“Ok,” said Sarah, the calm brightness of her words matching the late-morning color and the little whip of the cool breeze around them.  “Deal!”

The three amazons looked surprised, and Trix opened her mouth, about to thank Sarah profusely, before getting cut off by Sarah continuing:

“Except…I don’t want these other ones.  You girls can keep them…all except one.  Besides this little guy in my hand, I’m only gonna take one more.  Can you guess which one I want?”

Chelsea’s eyebrows went up, and a knowing, cruel smile slowly spread across her face.  She turned to Lola’s net, singled out Anderson, and pointed straight at him.  Sarah bent down low, her eyes fluttering with pleasure, as her huge face filled Anderson’s terrified panorama.

“Bingo,” she whispered, and she suddenly extended an unnaturally-long tongue, and, with seemingly superhuman speed, flicked it up and down right in Anderson’s face, so fast that it became a blur.

About ten minutes later, Warren was sitting in the passenger seat of Sarah’s car, a seatbelt across his little chest, as she drove him down the road.  In the backseat behind him, Sarah had strapped Anderson into a baby seat, which faced backwards like all baby seats were required to do.  She had bound him and gagged him, so that he couldn’t move, and couldn’t even make a sound.  The last Warren had seen of him was the terrified, wide-eyed, silent look of someone who knew that their horrible fate had been sealed, but that they could do absolutely nothing about it.  And so Sarah had driven Warren on, not saying anything for a long time, instead allowing the pregnant silence to infuse the air with something profound…something Warren could feel, but that he could not understand.  All that he could do was sit there and try not to look too obviously over at Sarah too often.  Her car seemed to be especially made for someone as big as her (Warren’s feet barely even hung down off the gigantic passenger seat cushion), but even still, her gigantic body filled her seat completely, with the firm mass of her thick hips and thighs even going over the edges of both sides of her seat.  Her head rose proud and strong up over the headrest, brushing the ceiling.  Warren doubted whether he could even touch the car ceiling if he had been standing in his seat.

At last, after ten minutes of silent driving, Sarah spoke.

“You know why I came and rescued you?” she asked quietly.  Warren was surprised at how sudden and…casual Sarah’s words had been.  And he realized that he had no idea what she intended on doing with him.  His mind had been in a state of mush ever since Sarah had taken him.  He didn’t even know what he wanted…did he want to be with her?  Did he want to escape?  To go back to Irina?  He had no clue.

“N-no,” he said simply, shaking his head as he looked way up at her.  She glanced side-eyed at him, and looked back at the road as she continued driving.

“Irina cares for you very much, you know,” Sarah continued in that same quiet, measured voice.  “She’s not like so many of the others…like those silly little girls back there.”  Warren blinked and stared forward, then glanced sideways at Sarah’s arm as she deftly flicked her blinker on.  Even such a simple motion seemed to carry enormous power behind it, and Warren saw the tendons in her wrist flex slightly through her skin as she moved her arm.

“I know that it hasn’t been easy for you,” Sarah said softly, “Adjusting to this new reality.  I know you ran away this morning because you thought you came to your senses, but actually what happened was you had a common and expected bout of psychosis.”

“Ps-psychosis?” asked Warren, looking up into Sarah’s face, confused.  He was blown away by how gorgeous she was, but he was incredibly intimidated by her — with both of them sitting down, the top of his head barely even came up to her huge breasts, which were almost pressed up against the steering wheel, despite the fact that her seat was adjusted as far back as it could go.

“Yes Warren,” breathed Sarah, making another turn…and Warren saw that it was Irina’s street.  He felt his heart beat faster — she was taking him back…she was taking him back to Irina…she wasn’t keeping him for herself.  He didn’t know how to feel about all this — if anything, he just felt numb.

“You thought that your eyes were opened to the horror of this new world,” Sarah continued, “But really, you were having an adverse mental breakdown, a breakdown that is necessary to accepting your new role.”

“B-but…” Warren started to say…and he had no idea where he was going with this thought, but despite everything, he was still compelled to say something in protest.  He had not yet come around.  But Sarah interrupted him without seeming to make an effort.

“Shhhh, no backtalk, little guy,” she said softly but firmly.  “If I was the one teaching you, training you, you wouldn’t even be conscious right now.  But I like Irina — she’s not like me, and I appreciate that.  She’s a genuine soul, little one.  You should count yourself lucky to have such a devoted caretaker.  Now get out of the car.”

Warren realized that the car had stopped.  Sarah had unlocked the doors, and was staring down at him with those sea green eyes of hers, holding him with a searing intensity that felt paradoxically light and cheery at the same time.  He felt himself moving to obey her, and a moment later he had, with difficulty, jumped down out of the car and onto the sidewalk in front of his mansion.  And there, standing in the doorway, was Irina.  Warren’s heart jumped, even as a lump rose to his throat, seeming to block his ability to speak or breathe.  He didn’t know whether to cry or run to her or run away from her.  So he just stood there, totally confused.

The sound of Sarah’s car driving away echoed in his ears, and suddenly Irina was running towards him, her hands outspread, dark hair fanning out behind her bouncing breasts, and her red, tearstained face rising up above him more and more with every eager stride she took.



Great Scott ! What a delectably wonderful chapter ! I am stupefied where this story is headed to .... really ... but, one thing is certain ! Every passing chapter is better and more enthralling than the previous ones ! My God .... the chapter kept me squirming uneasily in my seat as I read through the story ! I had no inkling which way it would go ! The lethal precision with which Sarah sabotaged and devastated the secret plans of Anderson and his group of men definitely added spice to the thriller ! Well, this chapter deserves a "double like" .... unfortunately, there is provision for only one, ha ha ! And, that punch line of Sarah "If I were the one teaching you, training you, you wouldn’t even be conscious right now" ... well, that definitely tensed me enough to have goosebumps all over !!

Joyce Julep

Haha, I'm glad I had you on the edge of your seat, rupratul! Yeah, the tension was certainly high in this chapter, wasn't it? I'm so glad that you're continuing to enjoy this story -- and there's so much more to come! <3


Another wondeful chapter!!! Just when you thought Sarah couldn't get any menacing, you make her so OP I just love it. Having no more chapters of Training of Jeff Stintum, any presence and appearance of Sarah is a welcome sight! She is my favourite charater of yours!

Joyce Julep

She's my favorite character too! I haven't had time to write any more of her recently, but that's going to change pretty soon, I think. I can't stay away from her for too long :)