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Chapter 15

Warren didn’t even have time to think.  The blunt terror of the current situation was such that his body was already moving before he realized what he was doing.  The horrible sounds of the screaming men rang in his ears, and a moment later he was peering out from underneath one of the boxes that had tumbled down when the women had torn down the wall.  Warren’s heart was thumping in his ears as his lungs desperately tried to inflate themselves with air…but he only allowed himself the merest trickle of breath.  Anything more and he felt that these gigantic, fearsome women would discover him in a heartbeat.

“Oooo, let’s swish up these little darlings first!” exclaimed Chelsea excitedly.  Her turquoise mohawk angled down like a predatory fin, and a moment later she was swinging her huge mesh net down into a crowd of cowering little men.  Warren looked on in horror as Chelsea effortlessly swept up three of them in her net, and lifted her catch, seemingly without effort, up to her beaming, grinning face.

“Why hellooooo there, you sweet little things!” she cooed at the tumbled ball of men in her net.  “Come to mama, hahaha!”

“Noooo, no she’s got us!” screamed one of the men caught up in the net.  “Help!!  Heeeelllppp!”

“There’s no one to hear you, sweetheart,” Chelsea purred as she shook her head at the little man, who was no taller than three feet, and whose face was plastered up against the fine mesh.  “No one to save you…haha, how about it, Trix?”  She turned to the blond, who had netted a healthy catch herself.

“What a delightfully eclectic crowd we’ve got here!” came Trix’s playful, syrupy voice.  She too was examining her catch, making wide, excited eyes at the two or three little men fruitlessly wriggling over each other in her net.  “We’ve got a couple three-footers here…oooo, and looks like a snagged myself a two-footer as well…advanced diminishment on this one especially, haha…look how tiny his little legs are!”

Trix poked two of her fingers into the net and felt the little man’s thigh, testing its size.  The poor man had no hope of escape, and could do nothing but uselessly struggle as the huge woman ran her fingers up and down his legs, humming and cooing in impressed pleasure as she did so.

“Wow Lola,” Chelsea intoned, “You’ve gotta come check out Trix’s catch here!  Not often we’re finding these two-footers, now that most of em’ have been snapped up!”

“Hold on, hold on!” came the girl with the fire-red hair, whose name was apparently Lola.  “While you guys are busy shooting the shit, the rest are getting away!”

Warren’s heart jumped into his mouth as he felt Lola’s giant form step over the box he was hiding under.  He tensed himself up, bracing for an impact that would have certainly crushed him, but luckily for him, the enormous boot of the 7’7 woman passed over him, thundering down about six feet past.  In the commotion and vibration that accompanied Lola’s heavy footsteps, the box Warren was hiding under shook and became a bit off-balance, leaning to one side and, unbeknownst to Warren, exposing his right foot and ankle to the open air.

Warren couldn’t see what Lola was doing, but his ears told him all he needed to hear.  The high-pitched yells and squeals of more men behind him, followed by the swift and heavy sound of her net swishing down through the air, communicated to Warren that a good number of the rest of the group had been speedily captured.  A few seconds later, Lola had stepped back over the box, and what Warren had heard had now been confirmed: four other little men, all of them between two-and-a-half and three feet, were struggling hopelessly in a pitiful ball in Lola’s net.

“That looked like the rest of em’,” said Lola.  “At least at first glance.  There’s a buncha rubble around, though.  Any more aren’t gonna be able to get far without us noticing.  Let’s sift through it!”

“Haha, you’re always so eager!” laughed Chelsea, who was dangling her net of men over her face and playfully batting it over and over with her nose.  “Can’t you just let us take a second to enjoy our catch?  Haven’t had one this good in weeks!”

“Yeah, well…haha, maybe you’re right,” chuckled Lola, who was checking out her own net, which had, among three or four others, Anderson trapped inside.  “I just see em’ scurrying away, and my mind kinda goes blank, haha.  It’s just like I’m operating on instinct at that point.”

“Like a shark that smells blood in the water…haha, isn’t that right, little babies?” laughed Chelsea, who had now lowered her net and was hovering it teasingly over the gigantic rack of her breasts, which were squeezed so tightly into her leather jacket that it looked to Warren like the jacket itself was about to tear at the seams from the pressure.

“Oh…my…GOD,” came Trix’s incredulous, dramatic voice.

“What!?” burst out Lola, as she and Chelsea turned to look.

“Look at what I found in here,” said Trix, whose voice was positively trembling with barely-repressed excitement.  Chelsea and Lola looked at each other.

“Alright, just a sec,” muttered Chelsea, who had already produced a large roll of twine.  Lola was doing the same, and Warren looked on in abject horror as the two amazons let their twine unroll a few feet, and then bit off the end with their sharp teeth, swiftly tying up their nets at the top, so that the little men were trapped inside and unable to escape.  It was immediately clear to Warren that these huge women had done this many, many times before.

“Y-you…you can’t do this to us!” came Anderson’s muffled, panicked voice from somewhere in Lola’s net.  “W-w’re men!  Adult men!  And we have rights!  I’ll…w-we’ll have you b-before a judge!  We’ll take you to court!”

Completely ignoring Anderson’s words, Lola and Chelsea quickly slung their bulging nets over their big shoulders and strode over to see what Trix was talking about.  Warren was vaguely aware that this might be his only chance to escape, while the three of them were distracted, but at this point, his fear was outweighing his instincts.  If he had been a bit smaller, he might have risked it, but at 3’8, he felt like he was way too big to make a break for it without them noticing.

“Like…are you seeing this!?” squealed Trix, her voice rising slightly even as it somehow retained its deep resonance.

“Seeing what?” asked Lola blankly, as she and Chelsea squinted at Trix’s net.  Warren saw a small, skinny arm of one of the men rise up above the net’s opening, attempting to pull himself up, but Trix wordlessly flicked her fingers at the man’s arm, effortlessly brushing him back down on top of the pile of his fellow captives.  The casual ease of Trix’s motion made Warren’s blood run cold.

“I don’t see anything,” Lola said after a few more seconds.  “What am I supposed to be s—…wait…wait…oh…my…GOD…is that real!?”

“Riiiight!?” nodded Trix, her eyebrows going up as her mouth spread itself into a toothy grin.

“Holy shittttt!” breathed Chelsea, who had also apparently spotted the same thing.  “Take him out, Trix — I can barely see him in there.  Haha, just to make sure he IS real!”

Trix reached her hand into the full net, rummaging around the little men’s bodies until her fingers found what she was looking for.  She pulled her hand out, and Warren saw, hanging upside down, his tiny little limbs moving weakly in protest…Eddie.  Warren was stunned — he knew that Eddie was the smallest one there, but seeing his shrunken body compared up close to these monstrous women…well, it was absolutely mind-boggling.  Eddie’s entire body was a good deal smaller than Trix’s forearm, which was lined up next to his body as she dangled him in the air.  Even Trix’s wrist looked thicker than Eddie’s torso; her fingers were wrapped around his ankle, and as Lola and Chelsea gathered around him in enthusiastic fascination, Warren could see that Eddie looked no bigger than a baby to these women…and a newborn baby, at that.  For several long moments, none of the women said anything — they were honed in on Eddie’s dangling little body.  He wasn’t saying anything either; even from his hiding place Warren could tell that the little man was absolutely paralyzed with fear.

“I thought for sure that all of these were gone!” came Lola’s hushed voice.

“Yeah, well, I guess don’t believe everything the news tells ya,” laughed Trix, giving her wrist a little jiggle, and sending Eddie’s body into a quivering spasm.

“We can’t auction this little guy off,” declared Chelsea, reaching out and giving Eddie a little pet with her huge finger.  “Ohhhh no…we’ve gotta add him to the collection!”

“Oh but just think of how much he’d bring!” intoned Trix, tilting her head sideways, so that she was looking Eddie closer in the face.  “A Whippled guy who held out waaaaayy too long for any treatment…just consider it, Chelsea — most guys never got this small, because their owners made sure they got at least some kind of prophylaxis.”

“Trix’s right,” said Lola, who had also reached out a finger and was poking it over and over it gently into Eddie’s body, like she was just testing him to make sure he was real.  “This little guy’s one in a million.”  She paused, blinked, and then looked at the other two amazons.  “You know, it’s fucking crazy that we even found one this small…but it’s even crazier that we found him with a bunch of others.  Usually the real tiny ones are loner stragglers, you know?  Hiding out in some cave on the outskirts of towns…but this little guy…along with the rest of his friends…they were right here in the middle of the city…”

Lola trailed off, lost in thought.  Chelsea and Trix continued to pet and caress Eddie’s dangling body, while Anderson continued spouting his threats and protests.  Warren could barely hear him, though…something about “male scientists” and “the cure” and how “it’s coming and then they’d be sorry.”  But the amazons just continued to ignore him, and anyway, whenever they spoke, their powerful, deeply feminine voices readily drowned out whatever Anderson was saying.

“It just gets me thinking,” Lola was saying, partially to the other two, and partially to herself, as she turned away from Eddie and directed her eyes towards the rubble (and not far away from Warren).  “It’s like there’s some sort of…organization here…someone organizing these guys, or something.”

“What, like a resistance?” asked Trix, who was now amusing herself by fiddling with Eddie’s tiny penis.  “Haha, come on Lola — are you really into all that Ella Englewood stuff about a hidden male conspiracy to go back to how the world used to be?”

“Well…at least give her book a shot, is all I’m saying,” said Lola defensively, still looking blankly at the rubble.  “And anyway, she’s a lot better than, oh, I don’t know…take some crazy lefty…Aly Singleton.  Psssh, men’s rights…who is she kidding?”

“Oh don’t even get me started on Aly Singleton,” chuckled Chelsea.  “But anyway…back to business here…look at him, Trix.  You reeeeally wanna let this one go?”

“Wellll,” said Trix, moving her head from side to side as she weighed the options, “He IS super cute…even though we’d definitely have to give him a hefty dose of ceftriaxone just to make sure he doesn’t keel over on us.”  Her voice suddenly changed into baby-talk as she tickled Eddie’s exposed stomach with her fingers.  “Ohhhh dooojoodooo yeeeeah, little guy, it wasn’t very smart of you to risk your life like that…ooooooh no it wasn’t!  Don’t you know you can diiiiie without treatment!?  And it would be soooooo sad if such a cute little guy like you just stopped working, now, wouldn’t it?  Ohhhhh so, sooooo sad.”

“Just imagine, Trix,” Chelsea was saying.  “Just imagine the things we could do to him back at the house.  Just think of how he’d look…nursing at your breast.  It would literally be like having a real baby there.”

“I’m…imagining it, alright,” Trix said, her voice suddenly getting huskier.  Warren was trying to listen to what they were saying, but he was finding Lola’s preoccupation with the rubble in his general vicinity…well, distracting, to say the least.

“He’d wouldn’t even be able to fit that little mouth over your fat nipple,” persisted Chelsea, now obviously plowing on ahead with her scheme.  “He’d just have to latch them up against your nipple and hope for the best, haha…and I’m sure it’d spill out all over him…considering how it just shoots out, whenever you breastfeed one of the ones back home.”

“Yeah…” breathed Trix, now thoroughly aroused as she started lowering Eddie towards the expansive rack of her colossal breasts.  “Just look at his head…oh my god, I bet it’s the same size as a single one of my milk ducts now…and hollllly shit are they swollen now.”

“How many did that nurse count in each breast the other week?” asked Chelsea, egging her on.

“Twenty,” breathed Trix, now making a move to bare her breast for Eddie as she tucked her full net into the crook of her arm.  Warren couldn’t see it, but the little man’s eyes had already started to glaze over, and his mouth had started to pucker.

“Aw, look at him,” teased Chelsea, “Two minutes near your pheromones and his sucking reflex is already out of control.”

“Look at his eyes,” panted Trix, her free hand struggling with the tight black leather jacket, to free one of her breasts, “He’s totally gone.  He’s ours now.”

“Yeeeeah, let’s keep him,” concluded Chelsea again, smiling and giving Trix a playful but powerful punch in the arm.

“Let’s keep him,” repeated Trix, nodding, as she brought Eddie closer to her bared breast.  Warren caught sight of her absolutely gigantic nipple, which was protruding out from her breast by a good three inches.  He felt his loins seize up with longing, and he thought of Irina, probably worried sick about him, waiting at home, with two huge breasts full of milk…just for him.  He was finding it increasingly difficult to dismiss these thoughts, especially watching what was happening in front of him.

“Alright, well while you two take turns indulging yourselves,” Lola announced, “I’m gonna find the rest of em’.  I know they’re still some more hiding here…I can feel it.”

Warren’s eyes went wide as the massive amazon promptly strode directly over to where he was hiding.  He knew he had missed his chance to run; he had been hoping, without thinking, that maybe they’d feel sufficiently satisfied with their catch and leave, but of course he had underestimated Lola’s rapaciousness.  Thankfully, her huge booted foot went to the right of him, and Warren heard her digging through the rubble of the wall.  Maybe, just maybe…if he kept still, she wouldn’t find him.

A sudden high-pitched squeal cut the air.

“Oop!  I knew it!  Here’s another one!” Warren heard Lola laughing and making a series of kissing noises at the air.  A mixture of other high-pitched protests told him that she had deposited her poor little captive on top of the others, inside her net.  Another little breeze kicked up, and suddenly, with a jolt, Warren realized that his lower right leg felt the cooling breath of the light breeze.  It was exposed to the air.

“Aaaand…ooooh, what have we here?” came Lola’s voice directly above him.  His heart was hammering away like mad in his chest, but the next moment, it seemed to stop, because Warren felt a huge hand wrap all the way around his ankle.  He tried to kick away from the iron grip, but an instant later the hand had tugged him roughly up and out from under the box.  Warren’s entire body was now exposed to the bright, cool air, and his whole vantage point was upside down.  Very quickly, he felt the amazon lift him up towards her face, and an instant later his vision was filled by her gorgeous, smirking face, tilted to the side, gazing at him triumphantly.

“Mmmmm this one’s different from the others!” declared Lola, licking her lips at him.  Warren smelled the sweetness of her breath wash over him, and from his inverted vantage point, he saw, yawning beneath him, the dark chasm of her cavernous cleavage.

“Different how?” asked Chelsea, who had turned towards Lola, leaving Trix to her breastfeeding.

“He’s a pretty little guy, for one thing,” remarked Lola impressively.  “Big, beautiful eyes…haha.  But all these other ones are gross and dirty — we’ll have to scrub em’ down before we display them to the buyers…but this one…mmmmmm, feel his skin here, Chelsea.  It’s soooo soft!”

“Yes it is,” muttered Chelsea, who had come over and was now feeling Warren’s little butt up with her huge hand.

“Someone’s been taking care of this little one,” Lola said.  “Until recently, at least.  See, look at the hue of his skin…and the whites of his eyes.  He’s not jaundiced like the rest of them.”

Lola held Warren up closer to her face, making big eyes at him.

Someone’s been taking his resveratrol!” she trilled at him in her baby voice.  “Where’d you run away from, hmmm?  A big-breasted mommy somewhere is probably crying her eyes out about you, hahaha!”

Even in this terrifying situation, Lola’s words cut through his fear, to the core of his person.  He knew she was right.  Irina had no idea where he was — and all the care she had given to him, all the home-cooked meals, making sure he took his medication every day, and on and on and on, came rushing back to him.  Maybe it was completely due to his fear, and maybe not, but in any case, Warren opened his mouth and was about to beg the amazon women to let him go back to Irina.

He didn’t get the chance to speak, however, because Chelsea, who was one step ahead of him, had pulled a piece of thick blue tape from a role that she kept strapped to her belt, and slapped it roughly across his face, sealing his mouth shut.

“Can’t have healthy ones like you making too much noise, now, can we?” Chelsea cooed, winking down at him.  “Otherwise it’d probably make it back to that poor woman you ran away from that we’d gotten our claws into you, haha.  Oooooh yeah, Lola — good find!  This one is gonna fetch a pretty penny, let me tell you!”

“Actually,” came a massive, deep, velvety voice from high above, “He won’t.”

“What the —??” exclaimed Lola in alarm, and she instinctively turned Warren right-side up and hugged him to her bosom, so her big breasts jutted out on either side of his face.

“Holy shitttttt…” whispered Trix fearfully, still in the middle of breastfeeding Eddie, as she huddled over to join them.

“What the fuck!?” breathed Chelsea, and Warren saw, quite extraordinarily, that her eyes, as well as her companions’, had gone wide in unadulterated awe and apprehension.  As Lola turned toward the sound of the august voice, he could actually see where it came from.  His mouth dropped open, along with those of the other women.  There, standing before them, was the nurse from before…Sarah.  Her huge, voluptuous body was squeezed into a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, nondescript and ordinary clothing compared to the other women’s punk-rock, bounty-hunter style get-ups.  Looking her up and down, Warren even noticed that she was barefoot.

But Sarah didn’t need fashion to intimidate.  At a full 8 feet tall, Chelsea was the biggest among the three…an absolute monster of a woman, and she stepped quickly in front of the other two to assert herself to this new person.  But it was immediately clear to everyone that, next to Sarah, Chelsea was tiny.  The top of her head only came up to Sarah’s shoulders.  Warren had to blink several times, just to adjust his eyes to this stunning new sight — he felt like he couldn’t actually be seeing a woman this huge.  And his captors were doing the exact same thing.

Sarah stepped forward, and Chelsea, Lola, and Trix instinctively backed away.  Chelsea put her hands up in a motion of surrender, and Warren could see that they were shaking.  Sarah’s breasts were now only a foot away from Chelsea’s face, and each of her gargantuan tits completely dwarfed the amazon’s head.

“That one right there,” said Sarah calmly, her voice penetrating everything close by as she pointed straight at Warren.  “He’s coming with me.”



Are we still going to see Emma’s growth spurt this month or is that being pushed to next? Thanks again for everything you do!


Another fantastic chapter! The thing about reading Joyce's stories is that you get a science lesson on female anatomy along with all the hot and sensual stuff. And damn! That entrance from Sarah is equivalent to superhero entrances we see in films or better and I'm all for it. Sarah always steals the show! She is truly the one above all in Joyce's universe!

Joyce Julep

Hahaha thanks! Happy to provide the science lesson ;) And I'm glad you're enjoying Sarah -- for me, she's #1 too <3