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Hey everyone!

Just thought I'd post this commission I wrote for a sweet Patron who got in touch with me, wanting a commission written in the 1st person.  He wanted ME to be the main character in it, so I happily obliged, lol.  There's some humiliation, size/height comparison, heels, wrestling, and even a little ball-busting at the end. 

Just a little gift to ALL of you on Valentine's Day, b/c to me it's a day to show appreciation, and I appreciate ya'll so much!!! <3 <3 <3 

The Prospective Tenant

I crossed my legs excitedly as I sat on my sofa, doing my best not to get overly anxious.  Tom, a potential new roommate that had responded to my online advertisement, had just texted me to say that he was on his way to check out the apartment.  I’m a confident young woman, so it wasn’t the prospect of meeting someone new that was making me excited, bordering on anxious.  No — instead, it was what Tom had texted me in response to my advertisement that had gotten me so curious and worked up.  I opened up my phone to check his message again.  It read:

“Hi, my name is Tom, and I’m interested in filling the vacancy in your apartment.  60-year-old man, professional, no problem paying rent, easygoing.  Let me know when I can come have a look at the place.  Oh, and p.s. I’m really short, haha.  Just so you’re not surprised when we meet :)”

It was that last part that really pulled me in.  “I’m really short….”  I have to admit, when I read that, I felt a deep stirring in my loins…because I harbor a secret not many people know about.  I LOVE to dominate men, ESPECIALLY when they’re smaller than me.  And since I’m a full 6 feet tall, and weight close to 180 pounds, there are PLENTY of men who are shorter, smaller, and weaker than me.

I don’t know what it is, but ever since I was young, the prospect of comparing my bigger, taller body to that of a shorter, smaller, weaker man just made me soooooo hot.  When I got older, I learned that there were names for these things: dominance, submission, master-slave, macrophilia, and so on.  I ticked all the boxes.  But it had always been hard to find the right kind of guy who would work for me.  A lot of the smaller guys I tried to ensnare had these “Napoleon complexes,” which basically just meant that they were more interested in protecting their fragile little masculinities than they were in actually SERVING me!  Can you imagine!?  Being 5-foot-nothing and not understanding your place with a woman who was 18 inches taller than you in her best platform heels??

But anyway, the point is, Tom’s text got me all excited.  As I sat there on the sofa, waiting for him to arrive, the questions turned over and over in my head:  HOW short was he, actually?  5’5?  5’0?  Maybe even UNDER five feet??  No, surely he couldn’t be THAT short!  But still, I had to wonder…

Soon enough, a little knock came at the door, and I sprang up, already encouraged by the sound.  It was a soft little knock, a timid knock…as far as I was concerned, it was a good start.  But when I opened up my door, I put my hand to my mouth and actually gasped out loud.  The little guy who was standing there was way, WAY shorter than I could have ever hoped for in my wildest dreams!  The top of his head didn’t even come up to my vagina!  I know I’m a tall girl, but I had never, EVER felt so tall around an adult man in my entire life!

“H-hi!” Tom said sheepishly, apparently expecting my surprise.  “I know, I know, pretty short, right?”

“I…haha, I’m sorry Tom,” I laughed, bending down to shake his little hand.  I felt chills go through me as I felt my large, strong hand completely encompass his tiny one, and I made sure to squeeze with gentle pressure so as not to hurt him.

“I just…haha, I guess when you said you were short, I didn’t know you meant…THIS short, haha!”  I made sure my tone was light and amiable, so that it was clear that I wasn’t overtly making fun of him.  But inside my mind, the gears had already started turning.  He wasn’t just short and small (and skinny!)…he was a cute little guy too.  I couldn’t have cared less that he was 60 years old.  For all intents and purposes, he was PERFECT.

“Heheh yeah, I, uhh…I get that reaction a lot,” Tom chuckled, scratching the back of his head as he craned his neck up at me, smiling.  While it was obvious that he was used to looking up, I could tell by the way he was looking at me that he hadn’t expected me to be so tall and curvy.  Once again, I felt the erotic chills going through me, and I knew that I wanted this little midget to be my slave.  I had been searching, searching, searching for so long…and lo and behold, he was about to walk right into my apartment, without even realizing what he was getting himself into.

“Well come on in!” I said amiably, standing aside and extending my hand.  “See what you think of the apartment.”

“Thanks!” he replied, and shuffled on past me.  I made sure to keep standing there, so he had to walk directly past my big body.  As he did so, I absorbed just how minuscule this guy really was.  With my arms completely hanging by my side, his head only came up to my KNUCKLES…can you imagine that!?  He actually had to look UP at my hips!  But I took a deep breath and reminded myself to play it cool…for the time being.

“So here’s the kitchen,” I said casually, striding past him easily, slightly brushing the side of his cheek with my upper thigh.  “All the stuff you need: fridge, stove, oven, microwave, plenty of countertop and cabinet space…that is, I mean…haha, not that you can really reach it.”

I saw Tom smile again timidly, and once again, I had to contain myself.

“Haha, uhh…yeah, I generally need a step stool to reach things,” he said, craning his neck up to look at the counter, which was, at the very least, a good 6 inches taller than him.

“Ah well, no problem,” I laughed.  “We can get you a little step stool, easy!  We could have one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom, where you’d definitely need it to look at your reflection in the mirror.”

“Yes, um…well, good!” he replied.  “I’m glad that won’t be an issue.”

“Oh definitely not an issue,” I repeated, shaking my head.  “I mean, after all, I want this apartment to be as accommodating as possible to you, and since you’re such a short little guy, that means having things for you to stand on.  Since, you know…this apartment was designed with big people like me in mind, haha.”

“Haha, yeah,” said Tom, nodding his head agreeably.  It was all I could do to keep myself from snatching him up right there.  He was just so tiny and cute, and seemed to have a good attitude about his size.

‘All in good time,’ I reminded myself, the gears in my mind still turning, ‘All in good time.’

“Ok!” I said out loud again, leading Tom through the living room and showing him around some more.  “This is the living room…nice couches and an armchair here…you’d have to hop up a little bit to sit in them, but I imagine you’re used to that, huh?”

“I, uh…I am, yes,” he chuckled.

“Thought so,” I nodded, smiling down at him.  “Ok well, no issues there.  Nice fireplace, windows facing East, so we get a good dash of sun in the morning…oh, and I should say that the HVAC system is all updated…new one put in last year…and the hot water heater’s only two years old, so…”

“Mmm, nice!” said Tom.  “Very nice…uhhh, and this would be…my bedroom?”

“Yep!” I chirped, coming to the end of the tour.  “We’d share a bathroom…as you can see, I’m very neat, and I’m assuming a sweet little older man like you is neat too, hmmm?”

“Uh, yes,” Tom answered.

“Perfect!” I said.  “And of course we could put another little step stool by your bed here, since…haha, well…it’s a bit too high for you to hop up on, isn’t it?”

I went over and plopped my big ass down on the bed, just to emphasize, once again, how much bigger and taller I was than him.  It was an easy task for me to sit on the bed, but I knew I was right in saying that it wasn’t really possible for this little guy to muster the strength to jump up on the bed himself.  He wasn’t just incredibly short — he was skinny too…far skinnier than anyone I’d ever seen who was that short.

“Uhh…yeah, I think I’d need a step stool by the bed too,” admitted Tom, nodding.

“Again, not a problem,” I said cheerily, smiling down at him from my sitting position on the bed.  “Not a problem at all…haha, gosh, I’m sitting down right now, but even still…WOW…I can’t believe I’m actually still looking DOWN on you!”

“Heheh, ahhh…yeah,” laughed Tom nervously.  “You’re definitely, uhh…a lot taller than me, haha!”

“Ha, I think that’s a bit of an understatement,” I chuckled, peering down at him.  “Though I have to say, I wouldn’t have ANY problem living with a sweet little guy like you.”

At the word “you,” I extended a long finger towards his face and booped him tenderly on the nose.  I saw him flinch a little, and just seeing that little reaction was enough to stir me up into a quiet little frenzy inside.  My loins were really going now, and I felt like my brain was on fire.  I just HAD to have this little man…right NOW.  At this point, it didn’t matter what he wanted.  I had made my decision.

“Ok well…this place looks really nice!” said Tom, leaving the bedroom and coming back out to the living room, where the front door was.  I got up from the bed and silently followed him, feeling like a predator stalking her prey.

“It really does, uhh…have a nice feel to it, this place,” he continued, gesturing around with his little arms.  “And, you know, having the step stools everywhere, haha, I could really see myself living here.”

“Aw, well that’s lovely to hear,” I said warmly, clasping my hands as I beamed down on him.

“Alright, well…haha, I guess I’d better get going,” said Tom, smiling a little awkwardly as he started to turn around.  “I’ll think about this place, you know…weighing my options and whatnot, and then I’ll let you know when I’ve made a decision.”

As I watched Tom turn around to unlock the door, I didn’t even bother answering.  He was about to see who was REALLY running the show.  He reached up towards the lock, but upon finding that he couldn’t quite reach it, he turned to me, blushing slightly.

“Uh, do you mind unlocking the door?” he asked, smiling.  “And…letting me out?”

“Hmmm, see about that,” I said, my heart racing with the thrill of having captured him.  “I could let you out if I WANTED to…but see, the thing is…why should I let you out when I DON’T want to let you go?”

“Wh-what do you mean?” he asked, confused.

“Well Tom,” I said matter-of-factly, stepping toward him imposingly, so that I had to look over my ample breasts to even see his face, “There’s something about me that you should know — see, I’ve been looking for a perfect little man-slave for a lonnnnng, long time.  But I just haven’t been able to find the right one yet.  But as soon as I saw YOU, well…I knew I had found him.  The perfect little midget to be my live-in slave!”

“Wh-what!?” he stammered, getting red in the face as he backed into the door.  “Wh-what…what are y-you talking about!?”

“Awww, such a CUTE little midget you are!” I teased, stepping closer, so that my full, strong thighs were now pressing up gently against his face.  “You’re so scared that you can’t even SPEAK without stuttering, hahaha!”

I suddenly collapsed down into a crouch, so that we were now more-or-less eye-level, even though my head still rose up above his.  I could see that his eyes were full of fear and trepidation, while I knew that mine were full of vigor, power, and strength.  I seized his chin in my big hand, delighting in how my fingers went all the way around his face, lightly mushing his little cheeks together.

“Mmmmm yessss, Tom,” I intoned down at him, my sweet breath washing over his face, “I’m only half your age, but boy oh BOY…I’m going to DOMINATE you like you’ve never been dominated before.  I’ll bet I won’t be the first woman to dom you, huh?  There’ve been plenty of others, haven’t there?”

Tom nodded his head in my hand.  Chills of pleasure shot through me, and I could feel my clit twinging down below.

“Of COURSE there have been,” I purred down at him.  “A short, tiny, skinny little midget like you is just fresh meat for all the dominant ladies out there, hahaha!  But I think you’ll find, little Tom, that none of the ones have been quite like ME.”

Without warning, I swiftly stood back up, turned around, and squatted down slightly, mashing my big ass straight into Tom’s face.

“Mmmmppphhhhh!!” he cried, his little voice muffled by the hefty bulk of my ass cheeks.

“Hahaha, that’s what they all say!” I teased, backing him into the door as I shook my ass back and forth on his face.  “Although I’ve never been able to do this to a guy while he’s STANDING UP!  Haha, oh my GOD, and even now, I STILL have to bend down a little, just so that my ASS is the same height as your FACE.  Wow…how does that make you feel, Tom?  Like a puny little man?  Like the weak little midget that you are?  Mmmmmm, yessss…it feels sooooo good!”

For the next couple minutes, I buttered my little slave up with my ass, grinding down on his face as I pressed his tiny body into the door, over and over.  He was trying to yell out, but my big butt just wouldn’t let him!  I kept twerking and pressing my ass into his face, and after a couple minutes had passed, his resistance had already weakened considerably.  I could feel his minuscule little hands trying to push my ass away, but he may as well have been trying to move a building.

“How much do you weigh, Tom?” I asked pleasantly, finally giving him a break and turning back around to face him.  I absolutely loomed over him; his body was entirely shrouded in my shadow.

“Uhhh…f-fifty seven pounds,” he stuttered, breathing heavily as he tried to get air in his lungs.

“Fifty…oh my GOODNESS!” I burst out, leaning my head back and laughing heartily.  “Do you know what that means, my little midget slave!?  That means that I’m more than THREE TIMES heavier than you!!  Whoa…can you even believe that!?  Like, you’re an adult man, twice my age, and the girl standing in front of you weighs more than THREE of you.  That’s…that’s ridiculous, Tom!  How tall are you?”

“Th-three…foot three,” he squeaked, obviously overcome with fear now.

“That’s just…I can’t…I can’t even…” I said, putting my hand over my face and trying to maintain my composure.  “That’s just…TINY, Tom…absolutely TINY!  I think I was taller than you when I was 8 years old, haha!  And you know what?  I’m standing in my bare feet right now…let’s give you a little taste of how I look when I’m out and about in the world.  Stay put, midget.  I’ll be right back.”

I left my little slave there, knowing full well that he had no choice but to obey me.  He couldn’t reach the lock, and even if he could, he knew that he wouldn’t get far.  I went into my bedroom and strapped on a pair of 3-inch heels, which were some of the shortest ones I owned.  But I was still just warming up.  I clacked back into the living room, now towering over him at 6’3.

“You see that, midget?” I laughed, walking straight up to him and standing up to my full height.  “These make me 6’3…three whole FEET taller than you!  You can’t even reach my hip now if you tried, can you?”

Tom seemed to know what I was asking him to do, and he reached up for my thick, curvaceous hip.  Just as I thought, he wasn’t able to reach it.

“Ooooh, not quite!” I teased.  “A little more!  Stand on those little tippy toes and reeeeeach!”

He tried, but he still couldn’t quite reach.  I was now thoroughly aroused, and eager to jump straight into playing with my new little toy.

“Haha, STILL can’t get there on your tiptoes!” I laughed.  “Oh well, no matter — how about I give my little guy a taste of what it’s like to actually be tall?”

Without wasting any more time, I bent down, inserted my big hands under his tiny little armpits, and hoisted him up into the air.  I could see from the expression on his face that the speed and suddenness of my motion had made him feel like he was on a roller coaster.

“A little too intense for you there?” I mocked, bringing his face close to mine as I winked at him.  With our faces this close, it really hit home our size difference.  I was looking him straight in the eye, and yet my head extended far above AND below his — I simply dwarfed him in every possible way.

“This is what it’s like to be MY height, little guy,” I said, turning his body around as I proceeded to walk around the apartment.  “See?  I can actually reach things…there’s the lock on the door…I’m looking DOWN at the counter…I can reach up into these tall cabinets here…I can turn on the lights without thinking about it…haha yeah…the life of a tall person…the life a little midget like you could only DREAM of, huh?”

“Y-yes!” said Tom, nodding fearfully.  I could feel his tiny body shaking in my hands, and it just turned me on more.  He was scared, and I was totally in control.

“Ok, time for a little scene change!” I announced, exaggerating my voice in delight.  “I’m gonna put you down right here…and my little slave will STAY until I return.”

I always loved the idea of commanding a human slave to “stay!” but I had never really had the opportunity to dominate a slave who would do it.  The other guys had seemed to take offense to the idea of being ordered around like dogs, but Tom was so scared and overwhelmed that he didn’t really have any choice.  He stood there, trembling, as I went back into my bedroom, took off my 3-inch heels, and strapped on a pair of 5-inchers, just to take things up a notch.  When I strode back in, I could see that his eyes were now staring straight into the MIDDLE of my thighs.

“So short,” I murmured down at him, shaking my head, “So tiny, so puny…you’re WAY smaller than ONE of my legs.  You know that, don’t you?”

Tom silently nodded.  What else could he do?

“Mmmmm, ok, now strip,” I ordered, pointing a long, manicured finger down at him.

“Wh-what?!” he cried desperately, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

“You heard me,” I cooed.  “Now do it, and don’t make me repeat an order again, or else I will be displeased, and you’ll have to be punished.  Trust me, you don’t want to know what the word “punishment” means when I say it.”

That was all it took, and for the next half a minute, I watched the little man shakily taking off all his clothes, until he was standing in front of me, trembling in all his skinny, nakedly submissive glory.

“Ooooo, I didn’t think it was possible, but you look even SMALLER without your clothes on,” I mocked coolly down at him.  “Look at those skinny little arms and legs!  Haha, they’re like little chicken bones!”  I pointed down at my high-heeled foot as I extended it out to him.

“Ok midget,” I ordered.  “Worship!  Show me what you’ve got.”

Tom proceeded to timidly take my huge foot in his tiny hands and knead and massage it for a bit.  It was clear to me that he had done this kind of thing before, but I wanted more.

“Is that all you can muster, slave!?” I thundered after a minute.  “I said WORSHIP!”

My commanding tone went through his little body like a shockwave, and he responded instantly, bending down on his knees and kissing the top of my foot over and over, completely losing himself to the task as he loudly kissed my foot over and over.

“Mmmm, that’s more like it,” I purred, flexing my toes in pleasure.  For the next several minutes, the only sound in the apartment were Tom’s shameless, worshipful kisses as he abandoned himself to worshipping my foot.  Eventually, from the buildup in my loins, I got pushed over the edge, and my vaginal walls contracted and spasmed as I had a series of orgasms, staring down at the bowed head of my tiny slave the whole time.

“Ok, oooooo, ok, enough of that, slave,” I sighed, as my orgasm waned.  “Now for something else — I’m going to wrestle you!  Go over there, in that space by the sofa.”

“W-wrestle me!?” Tom exclaimed, his eyes widening with fear.  “B-but…but y-you know that I can’t —”

“Tom,” I said quietly, shaking my head, “What did I tell you about disobeying my orders?  Oh well, midget, too bad — guess you’ll have to find out what I meant when I said “punishment,” now, won’t you?”

“N-no…no, I…please!” cried Tom, kneeling down and clasping his hands up to me, like he was praying.  I loved it.

“Hmmm, how about this,” I proposed, grinning down at him with a gleam in my eye, “If you beat me in our wrestling match, then you don’t have to be punished!  Sound fair?”

The little guy had nothing to say.  He just stood there hopelessly as I laughed down at him.

“Alright, COME on, little one, here we go!” I teased, getting down on my knees as I spread my arms wide.  “Come and get me!  Come take me down!”

Even on my knees like this, I was WAY taller than him, but he knew that he had to do what I said.  He rushed at me, his little chicken legs wobbling, and he tried to grab my arms.  I broke down laughing — I couldn’t stop.  It was all too ridiculous.  He may as well have been trying to wrestle a building.  Even just feeling his little arms against mine made me crack up.  Before long, tears were running down my face as I kept laughing and laughing.  It was impossible not to.

“Hahahaha, ohhhhh noooooo, what am I gonna dooooo?” I teased, egging him on.  “He’s soooo big and soooo strong!  Rrrrwaarrrr!  Hahaha, he’s like an animal!”

I kept growling at him for fun.  “Rrrawwwrrr!  Rrrraawwrrrr!  Ooooo, he’s so scary!  Yes he is!  Sooooo scary, haha!”

Before long, I decided to end the match — using only one arm, I easily pinned his naked little body down to the floor, using almost no energy in the process.

“Joyce is victorious!” I cried, thrusting my fist high in the air.  “But you know what that means, little Tom…PUNISHMENT!”

At this point, he had the good sense not to resist — he was already melting into my domination.  I could just tell.  His resistance was already weakening, both in his body AND in his mind.  Sitting down cross-legged, I flipped his naked little body over in my lap, exposing his miniature butt cheeks.  He seemed to know what was about to happen, and started shaking again.

“Ah yes, the midget knows what’s coming,” I purred.  And then, quite abruptly, I brought my bare hand down and spanked his little ass, my big palm easily going over both cheeks.  Tom yelped out, but I just laughed and kept going, not stopping for an entire minute until both cheeks were bright red.  My little slave was panting helplessly, and it looked like he was about ready to cry.

“Awww, but that was just a warm-up!” I cooed at him.  “Go stand with your back to the door, slave.  One more wardrobe change before the REAL punishment begins.”

I didn’t even need to look back at him — I KNEW he was obeying me without question now.  I went back into my bedroom, and when I came out again, I was sporting my favorite heels, my 6-inch black platform boots that made me a towering 6’6.  Tom couldn’t help trembling as I strode over to him.

“Oh my god,” I murmured softly down at him.  “My knees are the same height as your CHEST now…that’s incredible.  Ok now, midget.  Spread your legs.”

My little slave did as he was told, and once again, he seemed to know what was coming.  That didn’t stop me from enjoying it though.  Rearing my mighty leg back, I swung it forward, kicking him right in between the legs, directly in his tiny little ballsack.

Tom screamed and his knees buckled, and I just stood there, grinning down at him, until he had assumed the same position once more….and again, I swung my leg, kicking him hard in the nuts.  I was totally holding back — I knew that if I put any kind of true force into my kick, my little slave’s balls would be completely ruined on Day1.  But I wanted to keep him for the long haul, so I went “easy” on him.  “Easy,” of course meant that, within two minutes, he was lying in a crumpled heap by the door, sobbing piteously, totally broken.

“There, there, my little slave,” I whispered down at him, finally relenting.  I bent down and scooped his shuddering little body up in my arms, cradling him to my enormous breasts.  He was like a little baby in my arms, and as I cooed and whispered sweet nothings down at him, petting his tiny face with my hand, I noticed something…something that made a slow, delighted smile break out on my face.  Looking in his lap, petting those tiny balls of his that I had just finished tormenting I saw that, despite everything, his little cock was totally erect, pointing straight up in the air.  I turned my eyes towards his face, and I blew another sweet breath over his naked little body as I whispered down to him, my loins churning from a fresh orgasm spreading over my body:

“Oooooh yes little one…you’re PERRRRRRFECT.”



This was an amazing story and to read it from POV of the main character which the legendary Joyce herself was a blast. As for me, I always have Joyce as Sarah in my mind whenever Sarah appears in any of the stories! Cause that character to me is Joyce's magnus opus and with how she writes &amp; potrays her, it distinctly strikes me or its just my wild imagination that Joyce or her psyche in part, if not fully is a lot like Sarah in real life and it wouldn't surprise me if she herself is the inspiration for Sarah ;).


This was super hot!