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Here's the completed chapter ya'll -- enjoy!

January schedule coming sometime today or tomorrow! <3 

Chapter 21

“No…no, leave her,” Daniel was saying to Emma’s mother, as Maisy began to instinctively follow her giant daughter as she stormed away, shaking the ground beneath them. If Jim felt any kind of instinct to pursue his daughter, an even more powerful instinct was holding him back…the instinct that had judged, from the forceful venom in Emma’s voice and the vibrating energy of her huge body, that Emma was in a dangerous mood.

“Let her…go on her way,” said Daniel, with a little difficulty, owing in no small part to the large bruise that was deepening around the circumference of his neck. “Blow off some…hhuhhh…some steam.”

“Oooooh, Daniel! Listen to you!” cried Daisy with concern, staring at his bruise as she held his shoulders tightly with her hands. “You can’t even speak right!”

“I’m fine…uh, Daisy, I’m…yeah, I’m ok,” chuckled Daniel, wincing through his words. “Just a little, uh…banged up is all, haha. I know that Emma didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Didn’t mean…look, I know you’re trying to stick up for her, ok?” snapped Daisy, shaking Daniel a little by his shoulders as she stared earnestly into his eyes, “But Emma wasn’t just playing around right then.”

“She wasn’t….trying to hurt me or anything, Daisy,” shaking his head and sighing at her a little indignantly.

“I’m not saying she was trying to HURT you, Daniel,” shot back Daisy at once. “I’m saying that she was, like…”claiming” you or…or something weird. Something’s gone wrong in her brain, I can tell. She’s losing it, Daniel, and…and…”

Daniel had been trying not to look at Emma’s sister, and had instead been focusing on Maisy as she stared down the country dirt road, after the already-disappeared sight of Emma. But now that he had heard the shake in Daisy’s voice, something in him broke down inside, and he turned to look back at her. Their eyes met, and Daniel felt his heart start to thump with real urgency in his chest; his lungs tightened. Daisy’s eyes were heavy with tears, which made them look even bigger and more reflective than they already were. Her lower lip was quivering, barely under control, and her nostrils were flaring in barely-repressed anticipation. Daniel couldn’t help it — his heart went out to her, because behind this reaction was genuine feeling, genuine concern…and because he knew, instantly, that Daisy’s tears were for him.

“Hey…hey…” said Daniel, as calmly as he could over his thumping heart, as he reached up to his shoulder and grasped Daisy’s hand, squeezing it. “It’s…it’s gonna be alright, ok? Hey…hey Daisy! Come on, you have to…have to believe that.”

“Why should I believe it?” she said tearfully, looking away from him to the side and shaking her head, blinking the tears out of her eyes onto the pond bank. Daniel could tell that her breathing and heart rate had increased as well. “I don’t…recognize her anymore!” Daisy continued, seeming to draw energy from speaking her misery. “She’s gotten completely out of control! And…and the worst part is that I h-have to just…watch you caught up in the middle of it, Daniel, and y-you’re such a great guy and I would…j-just never be able to forgive myself if I saw you…if I saw her…do something t-terrible to you.”

“Nothing terrible is…gonna happen, ok?” said Daniel, in his best attempt at a soothing voice. But even as he spoke, he knew his words sounded hollow.

“You need to STOP that!” spat Daisy savagely, her eyes flashing as she rounded on Daniel with surprising ferocity. “How the FUCK do you know what’s gonna happen!? Huh?? Emma almost squeezed your head off right there, pulling her little stunt, and it was…was only because of LUCK that you escaped…and BARELY! And how does she react!? She stomps away, because she’s mad that I called her out! She’s unstable, Daniel. And I am NOT just going to…to sit here and watch her hurt you!!”

Daniel opened his mouth to respond with some automatic, expected retort about his confidence in Emma, and about how she was just having a hard time, and about how she was really the victim here…but he felt it all die in his throat. He vaguely heard Maisy’s admonishing her daughter for using bad language, and Daisy’s immediate and angry response, but Daniel wasn’t really listening to any of that. Daisy’s words were sinking into his brain like fresh-fallen rain on a cracked, barren field. He knew that there was no purpose in arguing the point anymore — Daisy was right. As much as Daniel had tried to circumvent this reality, for days, weeks, months…how long!? At least since he came to get her at the Institute, when she had exploded at those doctors…he had been desperately trying to deny the inevitable truth. He WAS losing her…in a lot of ways, he HAD lost her already. She had grown into something beyond him, and yet, “beyond” wasn’t quite the right word, was it?

Her gigantic body had certainly surpassed any size he could have previously believed possible…but it was more than that, and Daniel had felt the reality like a persistent ache deep in his bones — and now, this reality was rising to the surface, and it smarted and throbbed painfully in the sun. She had just become…so much MORE than him. The effortless weight and power of even her slightest movements, the sheer force and sonority of her voice when she spoke in a “normal” tone, the fact that she could barely even hear him anymore without bending way, way down…and (he shuddered to remember) how she had terrified him in the barn a week or so before, without even realizing it, and then drained the cum from his balls without even hardly making an effort. It had all just been like some kind of…of play to her. That’s what it was. He had become less than a man to her a long time ago, way, way back when she sulked and complained that he couldn’t engulf her in one of his bear hugs anymore. But now…well, Daniel had to face the truth that, to Emma, he had become less than human. He was just a plaything for her now, a curious little manlet…a doll.

“Daniel…” said Daisy again, but this time in a lower, softer, and more understanding voice, “This isn’t easy for me to say to you…you know that, right? I hate seeing her like this too…she’s…she’s like, tortured…I can see it.”

“Y-yeah…” said Daniel shakily, suddenly feeling quite sick to his stomach as he looked away from Daisy’s big, empathetic eyes. He felt the smooth warm flesh of her hand slip into his, and the sickness, although it had seemed to drop down in his stomach like a heavy weight from nowhere, simply vanished. Without being able to help it, he turned back, and their eyes met. Daisy had always been very pretty…it was the first thing that Daniel had thought about her when Emma had taken him to meet her family for the first time. But Daniel had always been smitten with Emma, and HER face, and HER mannerisms…but now, Emma was off somewhere else…somewhere far up above him, far away, unattainable. The thought would have crushed his spirit under the weight of his own sadness and despair, if not for that face staring back at him. Daisy looked a lot like Emma, it was true…a little older…a little harder…maybe even with a bit sharper features. Emma had always had a kind of easy voluptuousness to her that Daisy lacked, but now that Daniel was looking into her face, he felt that he could see the sweet, effeminate animal in her eyes…seeking connection.

“Daisy…” breathed Daniel, squeezing her hand in his own. He could see her moving her other hand towards him, and he wanted to catch her somewhere in between. He wanted to stop her caring attention towards him — it was starting to feel dangerous, and he wanted to draw the line. But he also moved to catch her hand for another reason: HE wanted to show HER that he wanted that connection too. The motives clashed within him, and their hands came together, squeezing and pulling. In a flash, their faces were mere inches apart. Daniel paused for a moment, actually tasting the delicious intimacy…intimacy that had been sorely absent for months. He could smell the exotic, heavy sweetness of Daisy’s breath. He felt, in a strange, surreal shock, like he was a teenager again.

He knew this wasn’t ok…he knew he had to stop this somehow. His eyes fell away from hers, and out of the periphery of his vision, he saw hers do the same. Their hands slackened a bit against each others’, but did not let go. So they were on the same page, at least…maybe…

Daniel forced himself to look up past Daisy’s shoulder, at Maisy, who was still standing in the dirt road, looking after where Emma had thundered away. Daniel felt like something had happened — he longed to look back down at Daisy, but he knew that he shouldn’t. Maisy turned back and saw him looking at her.

“Do you really think…we should just…let her go like that?” she asked him anxiously, wringing her hands. “Ohhhh, she did seem to be in such a bad mood! I’m worried about her…worried what she’ll get in to!”

“Yes, well…I’m, uh…I’m worried about that too,” said Daniel, coughing a little, and suddenly wondering why his neck felt so tender. “But uh…*coughcough* I think it’s best just to…you know, let her be for now. Let her…uhmm…sort herself out.”

“Shhhh, shhhhh, quit talking so much,” chastised Daisy. “Let yourself rest a little, ok?”

It was only then that Daniel remembered that his entire neck was bruised; he had completely forgotten. He tried to stand up, and was able to, though he winced painfully as he did so. He had forgotten about the pain in his ankles as well.

“And no…no! Sit down, sit down!” commanded Daisy, seizing him gently by the waist and guiding him back down to the bank of the pond. “Look at your ankles, Daniel — they’re all bruised too! No reason to walk around, either! Just…take it easy, ok? I’m gonna go inside and get some ice packs.”

Daniel was thankful to at least be relieved of Daisy’s overbearing presence for a minute or so, but as soon as the relief had passed through his mind, he knew it was false, a product of some kind of bizarre wishful thinking. She wasn’t being overbearing at all — she was caring for him, and he registered and appreciated her care and concern wholeheartedly. In fact, as he watched her small, tight ass bounce back and forth as she walked quickly back to the farmhouse, her hair swinging in her wake, he had to blink and shake his head a couple times, as if freeing himself from some kind of spell. He wanted her to come back — he wanted her at his side. Surely there was nothing wrong with that…right? This was a hard time for everyone, and it was only natural that he and Daisy would be partners in the misery of this situation. But somehow, in the moment, he didn’t feel so miserable. If he confined his mind to the present moment, and put Emma out of his head, he actually felt…excited.

“Ohhh Daniel…I’m…I’m so sorry!” exclaimed Maisy, still wringing her hands as she came over to Daniel, bending over and putting her hand on his shoulder. “I’m just…I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do about all of this right now.” As she spoke, she looked over to Jim, who was also walking slowly towards Daniel, peering down at him to make sure he was ok. He locked eyes with his wife and shrugged, letting out a long exhale, while saying nothing. After Maisy didn’t stop looking at him, though, he seemed to search around for something to say, finally coming up with:

“I can…go try and find her…try and talk her down a little.”

“No, I, uhm…no that’s…that’s ok,” said Daniel, shaking his head, even though his neck was throbbing again. “I really do think that we should just try and, uh, and leave her to herself for a little bit. I think…you know, I think that, even though we don’t mean to, we can stress her out.”

“What do you mean?” asked Maisy genuinely, looking closely at Daniel’s neck.

“Well it’s just…I think that maybe, at a certain point…how to put it…” said Daniel, searching for his words. In a way, he was helping himself sort out his own thoughts by talking out loud…and it also helped him at least try and relinquish that thrilling, uncomfortably intimate feeling he had just experienced with Daisy.

“I think that, at a certain point,” he repeated, finding his words, and choosing them carefully, “Once Emma got, like…a certain size, you know…then it became very…difficult…for her to…to interact normally with me…with us.”

“Mmhm,” nodded Maisy, taking in what Daniel was saying as she looked at him intently.

“I mean, haha!” laughed Daniel in a sudden burst, delighting in how normal and conversational he sounded, even as he waited eagerly for Daisy to return, “I remember when she first stopped being able to use her computer…you know?”

“Oh! You mean…” began Maisy, “When she couldn’t…?”

“Yeah!” answered Daniel, nodding, “When her fingers got too big for the keys. Or when she wasn’t able to use a fork or spoon anymore…”

He paused, looking out toward the farmhouse, blinking.

“So, um…when she couldn’t do those things anymore…?” Maisy continued with the interaction.

“Oh…oh! Right! Um…well, you know, it made her feel really awful, when she couldn’t do those things anymore,” said Daniel, his attention snapping back to Maisy. “It made her feel…you know, kind of like a freak. An outsider. Someone who couldn’t do…normal things, like a normal person.”

“But she can do so much more than ANY normal person,” cut in Jim, in a rare moment of unsolicited speech, as he pointed over to the field that Emma had recently plowed using her own brute strength.

“Yes, but…but I mean…what I’m talking about is her feeling, uh…different from all of us, you know? Apart.” The more he talked, the stranger Daniel was feeling about this whole situation. He was talking more sense out loud right now than he had in a long time…and he knew it was totally due to the fact that Emma wasn’t there, and that Daisy had broken the ice. One she had forced him to admit that Emma had indeed changed dramatically, to the detriment of his own safety, it became a lot easier to analyze her from the outside. But even now, though, Daniel could start to feel the creeping tendrils of guilt crawling up from the bottom of his stomach…he remembered her beautiful, pitiful, pouting face after she couldn’t use her laptop anymore. He felt his heart throb in his chest…he wanted that Emma back…how tall had she been then? 7 feet!? 8 feet?? He couldn’t even remember — it had seemed so long ago. But at least then they could live under the same roof, in a semblance of a normal relationship. Now…he felt the sadness crush back upon him as he touched his tender neck.

Daisy was hurrying back from the house with ice packs in her hands. Daniel felt himself inwardly brighten up; he couldn’t wait for her to sit close to him again. For the moment, at least, he shoved his guilt aside. Emma was out there, somewhere in the wilderness, doing her own thing. He hadn’t stomped away and left…she had.

“And…and I think,” added Daniel, with a little more energy this time as he watched Daisy approaching, “That the bigger Emma has gotten, the more, you know…uhh, stressed out she can get when she has these moments where…where it all kind of all comes crashing down around her.”

“Like…a few minutes ago, you mean?” asked Maisy, “When we were all staring at her and…saying how she…hurt you?”

“I mean…yeah,” said Daniel, doing his best not to sound like he was accusing her. He was surprising himself with the clarity of his thoughts, and the ease with which he was speaking them. But Daisy had come back, and he started focusing on her again.

“Ohhh…my poor little Em,” murmured Maisy sadly, shaking her head at the ground.

“Here, just…lie back against something,” ordered Daisy, “So you can actually relax your neck while I put this ice pack on it.”

“I don’t…uh…there’s not really anything to —” began Daniel, but Daisy interrupted him.

“Here, just turn around and lean your back against me, alright?” Daisy’s suggestion was so casual, and so innocent, that Daniel had to pause and check her face, to make sure that he hadn’t just imagined that moment that they had shared a couple minutes before. There were her big eyes, and her slightly open mouth…there were her hands, indicating with the ice packs. It was a genuine request. But Daniel knew…he KNEW…that there was a little something else behind it. Any trepidation he felt now quickly evaporated in the heat of his excitement, and he turned around and gently leaned his back against her bosom without uttering a word of protest. He felt himself sink into her breasts, which gave way, but being firm, not too much. A sudden cold bite engulfed his entire neck, and for a bizarre second, Daniel had imagined that Daisy had snaked her head down and bitten him on the neck. He felt his cock throb a little…and he knew he had to get himself back under control, even as, despite the ice on his neck, he had to consciously prevent his eyelids from blinking in slow pleasure.

“Maise…I don’t like seeing you like this,” Jim was saying to his wife, who was pacing back and forth, still wringing her hands. It was certainly jarring for everyone, seeing Maisy behaving this way. She almost never allowed anyone to see her anxiety, but it was starting to spill over now.

Maisy stopped her pacing and turned to look at her husband. The lines of worry were creased clearly in her face, but even now, she seemed to exert a stronger will over her fears.

“Oh I’m sorry Jim!” she replied with Emmaful earnestness, “It’s just that I hate to think of our little girl out there…just, suffering…suffering all by herself…all alone.”

She stopped and looked down at Daniel, who suddenly felt a little awkward, leaning as he was on Daisy. But he quickly reassured himself that everything that was happening was totally “in-bounds,” and anyway, the way Emma’s mom was looking at him was more apologetic than anything.

“And…of course I don’t mean anything against YOU when I say that, Daniel,” Maisy added quickly. “It’s just…hearing what you just said…well, you’re right. You’re absolutely right, Daniel. The bigger she’s gotten, the more isolated she’s become. And…and it’s through no fault of her own…or YOUR own, Daniel…that things have happened this way. You know, I reckon Em hasn’t been the only one to feel alone too. I know it hasn’t been easy for you, Daniel…and I know it must’ve been lonely work, so much of the time…feeling her slipping away from you like that.”

“I…y-yeah, well,” said Daniel awkwardly.

“Do you think we should call the police?” asked Maisy suddenly, turning back to her husband.

“What? No! No, not the police,” said Daniel immediately, trying to sit up abruptly.

“Hey! Take it easy!” exclaimed Daisy, putting a hand on his chest and easing him back down into her chest. “You can talk, just don’t move, ok? You need to let your body relax.”

“I…ok,” said Daniel, momentarily distracted by the sight and feel of Daisy’s manicured hand on his chest from behind. He felt his cock throb a little again, but he quickly brushed the feeling aside.

“Not the police,” he repeated quickly, shaking his head up at Maisy.

“Well why not?” she asked anxiously. “What if she…what if…oh, goodness, I don’t know! I don’t even know what I’m saying!”

“Ease up Maise,” muttered Jim. “We know what you’re on about.”

“So you DO think we should do something, then?” Maisy asked her husband, turning to him. Jim shook his head as he exhaled, shrugging his shoulders as he blinked at the ground.

“I don’t know what we CAN do, really,” said Daisy from behind Daniel. She inclined her head down towards him. “You really don’t think we should at least…you know…let the police know about her? It was fine when she was kind of…hidden here…but now that she’s gone off.”

“I…still don’t think we should get the police involved,” said Daniel. He was suddenly assaulted by the horribly uncomfortable thought of Emma surrounded by a dozen cops, all of them with their weapons drawn…all of them coming up no higher than her knees. Daniel feared for Emma’s safety, but almost immediately, he realized that he feared for the cops’s safety as well. At this point, he had no idea what Emma would do if she were threatened. He swallowed, and his fears deepened. He imagined them all shooting her…their bullets penetrating her skin…in an instant, he felt terribly guilty he had even worried about the cops’ welfare — it was HER he should be worrying about. Poor, crazy, disoriented Emma, out there wandering the fields, doing god knows what…he took a few deep breaths, trying not to panic.

“Well if she’s gone for too much longer, someone’s gonna see her,” declared Daisy, adjusting the ice pack on his neck as she kept his body held to her. “And then I don’t know what’s gonna happen.”

“Daisy’s right,” nodded Maisy. “A big part of us agreeing to have her here was the understanding that she’d be staying put here. Our neighbors don’t even know about her…and I doubt Em’d like it if they found out.”

“If they haven’t found out already, and called the cops themselves” said Daisy, a little too forebodingly — her tone made Daniel uncomfortable. He knew that Daisy only wanted the best for Emma, but sometimes her bluntness was disconcerting.

“I mean, just think…” continued Daisy, oblivious to the effect her tone was having on the rest of the group, “You’re working in your field there, and all of a sudden you see a 17-foot tall…uh…giantess…uh…just, like…walking up toward…uhhh…toward…you…and, uhhh —”

But Daisy had trailed off, because, ever so slightly beneath them, the ground had started shaking. For a couple initial moments, everyone froze in silence, their instincts not yet immediately attuned to what the ground shaking actually meant. But the jarring vibrations became more and more intense with each passing second, and suddenly, everyone seemed to realize what they meant at the same time. Daniel struggled to straighten up against Daisy; he had become desperately afraid that Emma would come back, see him lounging on her older sister, and completely lose her temper. He had already seen how irritable she became when Daisy touched him, or got too close to him. But now…well, Daniel didn’t know what she’d do if she caught him literally leaning back into her breasts as she ministered to him. Daisy tensed up upon feeling the incoming tremors, but instead of releasing Daniel, she held him to her tighter, wrapping both arms around his chest to keep him immobile…and from his position, with his back to her, Daniel wasn’t in a good place to struggle back against her, coupled with the fact that he couldn’t move too much without wincing in pain. Maisy stood petrified, whether in fear or expectation or relief or a combination of all three, and Jim lumbered over and put his arm around her, looking apprehensively toward the horizon.

Emma was walking up to them. They could all see her now, her huge from emerging from behind the line of tall trees that lined the dirt road when it turned off in the direction of the adjacent field. Even though she was still quite far away, she was so huge that Daniel could actually read the expression on her face, and he was relieved to see that she didn’t look nearly as angry as she had been when she left. She looked…somehow different…there was a distinct and divergent way the light hit her face now. He couldn’t quite express it to himself, what exactly it was, but her face looked…somehow brighter…even more majestic and imposing than it had been before. Daniel wasn’t consciously registering these thoughts, but as soon as he saw her emerge from around those trees, his subconscious was alive and buzzing with this new reality: she had learned something…she had realized something…that had given her power. And it wasn’t just in her face; she was moving with a kind of direct, unhurried purpose that Daniel had never seen before. Emma could be rather clumsy…and when she accidentally stepped on a bush, completely flattening it as she came towards them, her bungling, unaware side was still plain to see. But before, Daniel knew she would have looked down at the bush and blushed, or maybe stumbled a bit, or looked apologetic…but this time, she didn’t even look down at it. She didn’t even flinch. It was like she hadn’t felt it under her foot at all. Which, Daniel realized, was all the more impressive, considering that she was barefoot…and…totally naked.

Daniel couldn’t believe how long it had taken him to register that fact. Emma’s toga was gone. She didn’t have any clothes on. Her huge, firm breasts were standing out proudly in the midday sun, her nipples erect, as the rest of her huge, lithe, toned body shone out with the hint of sweat. She was marvelous…she looked like…like those gigantic statues of Greek goddesses at the Acropolis. For Daniel, and for everyone, really, she was a wonder to behold. But very quickly, as the ground shook visibly now under her quick footsteps, the mood changed and the entire group unconsciously backed away a few paces. Daniel had managed to stand and he and Daisy were both backpedalling, along with Maisy and Jim — the incoming figure was too large, too powerful, and coming on too fast, for them to all just stand there without retreating. Emma’s nudity was an added wildcard to the situation. It made her look more impressive, yes…but it also made her look more unhinged, while bluntly suggesting that anything was possible.

They were all shocked at how fast she was moving. The motion of her huge legs didn’t seem particularly hurried, even though, to Emma at least, she was walking rather fast. But the length of her stride was such that, mere seconds after they had spotted her coming around the trees, she had crossed the entire length of the farm and was booming up right next to them. it looked to Daniel like she had grown, but he couldn’t be sure. He craned his head to look way, way up at her face, which he could barely even see now that she was so close. His gaze went back down her incredible body…and he saw that he now definitely had to look up to see her knees, which were fixed over his head like mini-boulders in her huge legs. But a mighty sound was coming from her, so loud that it made them all shrink back even further, covering their ears as they screwed up their faces.

“Dad! Hey, dad!” Emma called out as she approached the group. She was holding the drone in her fingers, which had since gone completely dead and motionless. Emma looked down and felt her mouth twitch a little in confusion. Why were they all holding their heads like that? Looking like they were about to fall over? She took a little step back, to see them all better over her breasts, and caught sight of Daisy and Daniel stumbling apart, each of them with their mouths open as they put their hands on the sides of their heads. Emma felt herself giggling a little internally…what were they doing!? This close to them now, she was once again amazed by how small they all looked together.

‘A little gathering of miniature people!’ she thought to herself. ‘God, I bet I could pick all four of them up in my hands…and have my hands go all the way around their bodies at once! I wonder if…wait, no, gotta talk to dad about this —’

“Hey dad!”

“E-Em!!” called up Jim, actually yelling for the first time in years. “You’re too loud!!”

“Too…what!? Dad? What?”

“Too…Louddd!!!” called up Jim again, with his wife, Daisy, and Daniel all joining in on the word “loud.” Emma paused and made a confused face, turning her head slightly to the side as she put her hand on her hip.

“What?” she asked, lowering her voice and feeling bemused. “Too…loud?”

“Yes!” called Jim up to her again, “But that’s…that’s a little better.”

“Huh?” asked Emma, bending down.

“That’s better!!” yelled Jim.

“Oh. Oh, ok,” said Emma, pausing for a moment. In her amazement at being reminded how small everyone looked, she had briefly forgotten what she had been doing before. She paused, looking to the side as she tried to remember. Everyone else just stood there, waiting for her to say something. There was simply nothing else TO do…they were all waiting to see what kind of mood she was in.

“Oh yeah! I…uhhh, sorry, softer…dad! Look at this thing! I caught it out of the air! It was…like, buzzing over me, dad!”

“Huh? Buzzing…over you?” asked Jim, frowning as he blinked blankly. He was still trying to come to terms with the fact that his daughter, who was now a full 18 feet tall, was standing in front of him, totally nude, and looking for all the world like the incarnation of Athena herself.

“Yeah! I was just walking along…or, heheh, actually I was like, totally blowing this guy’s mind,” chuckled Emma, rolling her eyes up to the sky as she bantered on. She didn’t quite know why she was suddenly in such an ebullient mood — she knew that she was supposed to be angry about finding this drone that had been spying on her…but seeing everyone gathered there, far beneath her, just made her feel light and cheerful, almost girlish. And yet, at the same time, noticing how Daniel and her family winced and cowered every time she spoke, or moved, or did anything at all, reminded her of her moment in the sun not too long before, the moment when she had realized that she actually liked being this big. And that she was looking forward to getting bigger.

“And…haha, well I was just like, playing around with him a little bit, nothing too serious, really, and then I heard this thing buzzing over me and I — you should’ve seen me dad — I jumped up and caught it, and…here it is. It’s a freaking drone!”

“L-let me…let me see it Em,” said Jim unsteadily, taking a deep breath and walking up closer to his enormous daughter. Emma bent down towards him, glancing over at Daniel and smiling at him. He tried to return the smile, but he was having difficulty moving his face; he ended up just blinking rapidly at her as his mouth twitched. He was quite overwhelmed, along with everyone else, seeing Emma completely naked, acting for all the world like nothing was amiss. Her nudity somehow made her look even bigger than before. The way her free limbs just cut the air, the way the sunlight reflected off her skin, the way her firm, rounded flesh caught the light, and occupied space…it was all just mesmerizing, and terrifying at the same time. Daniel was sure that she had had another spurt; he was right, but he had no idea that another spurt, much, much bigger, was on the horizon, and fast approaching.

Emma stuck her tongue in between her teeth, looking down at her boyfriend. She could tell that something was up with him, and with Daisy too, who was standing behind him, still with that same reproachful, protective look on her face…a look, though, that was tamed by the new raw presence of Emma’s body. Half an hour ago, Emma might have felt the white-hot rage boiling up in her, and been forced to flee the scene again, before she was tempted to pick up her older sister in one hand and toss her into the middle of the pond. But now, and Emma wasn’t entirely sure why, everything seemed light and humorous.

“Um…could you, uhm…Em?” came her father’s voice, and she broke her eyes away from grinning at Daniel and looked down. She was bent all the way at her waist, her legs and torso at a 90-degree angle, and she had lowered her hand, but even still, with Jim reaching all the way up on his tiptoes, the drone in Emma’s fingers was still a good foot out of his reach.

“Haha, oops, sorry dad,” giggled Emma, and lowered the drone into his reaching hands. He started examining it, frowning, as Maisy came up behind him, peering down at it as well. Emma took this opportunity to back up a little, glance behind her to make sure she wasn’t about to crush anything, and then lower herself into a cross-legged sitting position. Her big ass reverberated down into the ground, creating a 6-foot-wide crater in the grass, as the earth shook beneath her. Everyone else nearly lost their balance, and had to grab onto each other for support.

“Jesus…Christ, Em!!” yelped Jim, in a high-pitched voice no one had ever heard before, “Take it easy!!”

“Dad…I literally just sat down,” chortled Emma, shaking her head as she rapped her fingers on her knees. “Why don’t you take it easy.”

An uneasy silence hung in the air as everyone stared at Emma, sitting there cross-legged before them. Daniel had seen the massive bulk of her firm flesh jiggle and bounce as she sat down, and her breasts especially had been sent into a eye-popping series of tremendous bounces that were only just now settling down. Emma saw them all looking at her body, and she could feel the remnant vibrations still going through her flesh…through her breasts, her hips, her stomach…everywhere. She couldn’t help but smile broader. She was sitting down on her bare ass, and even still, none of them, not even Daniel, came up to her shoulders. It was like she was an adult, sitting in a group of tiny little children…except that the children were her parents and her boyfriend. Emma could clearly see the psychic path toward despair that she had been on before — she had felt totally alienated by this incredible size discrepancy, but something had broken inside her when she had been alone on that dirt road…when she had turned toward the sun. A reckoning had taken place inside her head, and she had come out the other end with a newfound enthusiasm for…life. This was her life now. And all these little people around her just needed to get with it. She was going to be happy.

“Uhm…well…ah…” said Jim, not knowing what to do except look down at the inert drone in his hands. “So you…grabbed this out of the air, did you Em?”

“Sure did!” she said brightly, her fingers drumming down on her knees. “And it was all like…trying to get away and everything…like a little bee, haha!”

Jim looked up at his daughter and then back to the drone. In his hands, it was the size of a small dog, and it was strangely disorienting for him to hear his daughter compare it to a bee. But as his eyes darted over to those huge fingers of hers, thumping over and over on her knees, it wasn’t hard for him to remember just how tiny everything had become to her.

“And you see that camera there?” Emma continued, stretching her hand out to point down at the little camera affixed to the top of the drone. She was sitting what seemed like far away from her parents, but her pointing finger came within about a foot of where they were standing, and both Jim and Maisy swallowed nervously, seeing their daughter’s gigantic finger so close to them. It was almost as thick as Jim’s forearm.

“Um…yes,” said Jim, nodding in an exaggerated way, so she could tell that he had seen.

“It was like, going all crazy when I caught it,” explained Emma, pointing her finger up to the sky and twirling it erratically to convey the camera’s motion. In doing so, she created a mini-dust-devil, which kicked up from the vortex her finger was producing and sent a whirlwind of dirt scurrying across the ground towards Daniel and Daisy. Daniel limped out of the way, and Daisy couldn’t help but utter a little alarmed cry as she dodged it as well, giving Emma another reproachful glance and a shake of her head. She opened her mouth to complain, but Emma turned away from her and continued speaking to her father. She had felt a twinge of negativity at Daisy’s reaction. Didn’t she realize who she was dealing with? Emma wasn’t just her younger sister anymore.

“And the drone or camera or I don’t know what was, like, beeping and beeping,” continued Emma, making expressive gestures with her hand as her other continued drumming on her knee. “Like there was some kind of alarm or something.”

“Is that right?” asked Jim, who was now actually invested in examining the drone.

“Mmhm, and then all of a sudden it went dead,” nodded Emma, reaching up to brush the red hair out of her face. “Like…whoever was controlling it just, like…jumped ship or something. Or disabled it, or whatever the term is.”

“This is sophisticated technology,” said Jim in a normal speaking voice.

“Dad,” piped up Emma good-naturedly, shaking her head down at him, “I can’t hear you. Here, let me just make it easy for you.”

Without wasting any more time, she shot out her hand, wrapped her fingers around her father’s waist, and lifted him effortlessly off the ground, bringing him up to her face.

“E-Emma…Emma, no!” cried Jim, almost dropping the drone as he flailed his arms out in protest. Maisy put her hands up to her face, and Daniel and Daisy stood there, frozen. Daniel tried to say something, but nothing came out.

“Relax dad, I’m not gonna hurt you,” giggled Emma, carefully reaching up to his face and giving his nose a playful little bop with the pad of her forefinger. “I just wanna be able to hear you. And see? I’m speaking really softly now, right? So my voice doesn’t hurt your ears?”

“I…y-yes, thanks…for that,” said Jim, not knowing what else to do or say.

“So…what was it you were saying before?” asked Emma patiently, feeling very good about the control she had over the situation.

“I…just…just that this technology is…very advanced,” Jim answered, recovering himself, even though his legs were dangling 5 feet off the ground. “Not the kind of thing you can just go and…and buy at the store.”

“Put…put dad down, Emma!” called up Daisy, finding her voice. Daniel turned to her and was about to shake his head and plead for her to be quiet, but in this situation, he simply didn’t know what to do.

Emma heard her older sister and glanced down, her face twitching slightly with annoyance.

“Uh, trying to have a conversation here,” said Emma, shaking her father’s body slightly back and forth. “Look, he’s fine!”

“I’m…it’s all fine, yes!” called Jim back down, his words shaking out of him with Emma’s motion.

“If that’s advanced technology,” said Emma, frowning down at the drone, “Then…what does that mean, dad? Is it, like…is it maybe the government or something?”

Jim felt his stomach churning, both from the vertigo he was experiencing and from the uneasy psychic pit that was widening down there. Yes, it looked exactly like some kind of government technology. He wasn’t an expert when it came to that kind of technology, but he knew enough about electronics and engineering to know that what he was holding in his hands was extremely expensive…and that, wherever it came from, it didn’t spell good news for any of them, particularly Emma.

“It…it might be,” he answered, thinking it best not to overly alarm his daughter, especially when she was holding him like this. “Why don’t…why don’t you put me down Emma, so I can…so I can take this thing inside and study it a little closer, ok?”

Emma blinked her big eyes at her father for a couple long moments. She was still feeling good about herself, about everything, really, but…she wanted some answers about this drone. Just seeing her father’s expression darken as he looked at the drone made her feel a bit more apprehensive than she was comfortable with.

“You…you need to study it some?” she ventured.

“Mmhm, yeah,” he nodded up at her, hoping to god that she wouldn’t suspect any ulterior motives in his request.

“Ok…ok,” she said quietly, lowering him down to the ground and loosening her fingers, letting him walk free. Maisy, Daisy, and Daniel all tried their best to hide their relief. Jim, for his part, made a beeline straight for the farmhouse, determined both to play the part and to actually start examining this drone in his workshop. Emma watched him go, with his little legs shuffling quickly across the ground. She suddenly felt tired…and then…overwhelmingly tired. Maybe it was the growth spurt that she had recently undergone, or maybe it was the intensity of that…that epiphany she had experienced. Either way, as she watched her father hurry into the house, she felt her energy draining the farther away he got.

“Em?” asked Maisy, taking a step closer to her, speaking loudly enough so that her daughter could hear her.

“Hmm?” asked Emma, lost in thought, still looking at the dwindling figure of her father.

“What…what happened to your clothes, honey?” Maisy was making every effort to not sound accusatory or upset.

“Huh…? Oh, they, ah…heh…they tore,” Emma muttered, with an absent chuckle, now staring indistinctly at the house. A strange thought was hanging like a haze in her mind: the house was beginning to look more and more like…a toy.

“They…tore, sweetheart?” asked Maisy. “So you…had another growth spurt?” She was trying not to sound anxious, but accomplishing this feat was proving quite difficult.

“Yeah, and they were all wet and…so yeah, I just ripped em’ off,” murmured Emma. She took a deep breath, sighing out over her mother’s head. “Uh, listen, mom? I think I’m gonna…uh, gonna go take a nap in the barn, alright?”

“A nap? O-ok, sure…sure, sweetie,” said Maisy, now wringing her hands. “Can I…can we b-bring you anything? Are you hungry?”

“Yeah,” said Emma, her voice sounding hollow as she stared off past the house into the distance. She wasn’t really sure why she sounded so flat all of a sudden — she felt fine…great, even. But she was so tired…so tired.

“Yeah, I’m…I’m always hungry,” she added, chuckling a little. She blinked slowly and looked down at her mother…she looked like a little child, and Emma had to blink a few times to get her pupils to focus correctly. “Uhm, heheh, but…but you don’t need to bring me anything,” she said, smiling. “I’ll…uh, be fine. Just gotta get a little rest is all.”

She spotted Daniel and Daisy out of the corner of her eye, and she turned to look at them.

“Wanna come take a nap with me?” she blurted out at Daniel, smiling kindly at him, her eyes heavy with fatigue. Daniel was struck dumb and motionless by her question — he loved her so much, and when she was acting all sleepy like this, well…it hit a soft spot in his heart. But his entire body was still sore, and his whole interaction with Daisy…his finally admitting that he was truly afraid of Emma, her unpredictability…the danger that now seemed to loom whenever she was around…his constant need to keep her placated…it was all just so much, and he didn’t know what to say. And even still, he knew that no answer was worse than any answer that came out of his mouth…but he couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Are you crazy!?” shouted Daisy. “After what you did to him?? You are totally out of —”

“You know what?” laughed Emma, raising her voice slightly, which made Daisy’s mouth shut like a box, “I’m sorry Daniel…I know it’s only like, early afternoon and whatnot. You have plenty of other things you probably wanna do with your day than sleep in a barn, huh?”

“Uhh…Emma, I —” he began, but she was blinking heavily down at him, a smile plastered across her face as she focused all her attention on him. That little screeching thing beside him could easily be ignored…and Emma knew that if she paid it even the slightest bit of attention, she would awaken something destructive in her…something, in her present good mood, she did not care to trifle with.

“No, no, I’m not gonna let you go all soft on me,” she giggled sleepily, petting his prone body with a slow, gentle swipe of her finger. “I know you’ll just cave and do whatever you think I want you to do…you sweet little man…but no. I won’t let you. Enjoy your afternoon. Go…go swimming some more, or something. Or catch me some fish, haha! I know I’ll be hungry when I wake up.”

Daisy was saying something else, but Emma didn’t wait around to hear any more of it. She gave Daniel the gentlest of pets on his cheek with the pad of her finger and then abruptly stood up. Daniel couldn’t help but crane his head up — suddenly, there was a vagina in the sky. And then, with a whooshing, lumbering force, the column of her huge leg swung by him, nearly knocking him over with the sheer force of its wind, and the ground was shaking once more as Emma made her way over to the barn. It was surreal, watching her walk…she moved so quickly, and with such undeniable and mighty force, and yet, it looked to Daniel like her limbs were almost moving in slow motion. The heavy languor of her steps stuck in Daniel’s mind, and made him want to run away, to shout, to scream, to rush up to her and embrace her lower leg and squeeze for all he was worth. This was Emma…but she was getting beyond him. She was truly growing into something else. The guilt of the last half hour darkened his brain, and as he watched Emma duck her head to enter the barn, he resolved to pay her a visit there soon…if only to watch her sleep.


John Musacha

Can't wait to see how big the next spurt is going to be!!

Bob Madned

Hope shes hungry when she wakes :D