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Finally got this one written!  Hope you all enjoy!  This will be the last update this month -- I'll be writing the new chapter from "The Training of Jeff Stintum" early in December.  I'll also be posting my December writing schedule here later on tonight. In the meantime, enjoy this chapter! <3 <3 

Chapter 13

John had certainly not expected to be part of anything like this, but as he felt Harper’s warm hand in his own, gently guiding him towards the front door of the sorority house, he reminded himself that everything was ok.  The deep auburn red of her luscious hair reflected the crisp afternoon sun into his eyes, and he smelled the woody, creamy scent of her sandalwood wake in his nostrils.  So what if he was going to be part of some impromptu witchy ritual?  If that was the way they did things around here at Kappa Gamma Delta, then he would wholeheartedly accept it.  He had reached a level of understanding with Harper that made him trust in whatever it was that was about to happen.  Still though, even as he reassured himself, he couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive as he heard the low, sonorous intonation of rhythmic chanting that came from behind the door.

Right before she extended her hand out to push the door open, Harper turned back to him, her hazel eyes dancing in the sunlight, seeming to hold it like sparkling jewels in her irises.  She was still “only” 5’5, a full 4 inches shorter than John, but somehow, with the excitement and vigor in her eyes, she seemed taller.  She looked up at him and took a deep breath, smiling broadly.

“Ok, here we go!” she breathed, blinking her wide, beautiful eyes at him.  John realized that, even though she was obviously excited, she was nervous as well.  Her warm hand squeezed his a couple times.

“You ready?” she whispered.

“I’m…y-yes, I’m ready,” he answered.

“We’re in this together, ok?” she said, bringing her face up close to his as she stood on her tiptoes.  “You and me…nothing to worry about.”

“Yes…ok,” replied John, feeling the hot flush of a blush in his cheeks as Harper kissed him tenderly on the lips, lusciously closing her eyes as she did so.  His cock bounded a little in his pants, but he was too nervous to get a full-on erection at this point.  And anyway, Harper was pushing the door open now, and together, hand-in-hand, the two of them walked through the main entrance of the sorority house.

John’s eyes widened on their own accord as he beheld the scene before them.  Dozens and dozens of people had gathered, far more than John had expected to see, and they all seemed to be chanting.  The low echo of the archaic-sounding words intimidated John, and made him feel the weight and significance of what was happening:

“Willkommen, willkommen, neuer Mann. Machen Sie mit und lassen Sie Ihren Stolz hinter sich.”

He badly wanted to ask Harper what the words meant, but his attention was already being used up elsewhere.  The bizarreness of the sight alone was enough to render him speechless — dozens of witches and their “partners” lined the sorority foyer, creating a double human wall through which John and Harper were supposed to walk.  Aside from the party the night before, John had never seen so many huge, tall, gorgeous women in one place at the same time, and actually being able to see them in the light of day made them seem all the more imposing.  Nora, Vera, and Ariel basically blended in with this incredible group — the fact that they were 6’6, 6’7, and even 6’11 did not make them stand out so much in this crowd.  John noticed Ariel’s head rising a little above most others’, but it wasn’t by much.  Nearly every young woman he saw was at least 6 feet tall, and many of them were 6’5 or taller.  And even the shorter ones, like Harper, had a buxom curvaceousness to them that let John know that their real growth had only just begun.  He spotted a couple that didn’t look too far away from him and Harper…the guy was just about as tall as he was, not too skinny…and his girlfriend was standing behind him, a little shorter.  But the way she had her hand on his shoulder, the way her sharp fingernails curved and gleamed in the light…it made John feel that it wouldn’t be long before this young witch overtook her partner in both height and size.

This one little snapshot was not the norm, however.  John saw far many more couples like Nora’s, where the man was multiple feet shorter than his mighty, amazonian witch partner.  Many of these smaller, skinnier men were completely naked, and, like Nora’s “Little Bull,” their assets were noticeably disproportionate to the rest of their body.  Behind them, their witch partners stood tall, their eyes sparkling with confident pleasure, as they looked down on John and Harper.  John couldn’t bring himself to return their gaze — that furtive little glimmer in their eyes, the voluptuous curve of their lips, the glint of light on their sharp teeth, and the steady, bodacious swerve and bob of their enormous breasts, hips, and ass, all communicated to John their supernatural reality.  They were something beyond normal women, something unquestionably augmented by some uncanny, metaphysical power.

But aside from the fierce beauty of all the witches present, and the fact that they were all women, John could see nothing uniform — some of their partners were wearing clothes, but many (especially the short, skinny ones) were not.  Some of the witches’ partners appeared to be women themselves; John spotted a few short, small women standing behind their statuesque lesbian witch companions.  But everyone was chanting that same line, over and over, and looking directly at him and Harper.  John felt Harper’s hand squeeze his over and over insistently, whether out of excitement, nervousness, or a combination of both.

And then, looking straight forward for the first time, John saw, at the end of the hallway, who they were walking toward.  Phoebe, the head girl, was sitting in what could only be described as a kind of throne, a huge and ornate wooden chair that was decorated with interlacing, strange winding cords of ancient-looking symbols and runes.  John felt himself get even tenser than he had been before — the path before them was lined with dozens of huge, towering women, but even though Phoebe was sitting down, John could tell that she was by far the biggest woman he had ever seen.  She was dressed in a deep, rich purple robe that hugged and flowed over her unimaginable curves like a toga; her long, wavy blond hair spilled sensuously over her shoulders, and from between the luxuriously flowing locks, John could see a pair of bright hazel eyes, cool, steady, and intoxicatingly beautiful, staring down at his oncoming form.

They stopped within 10 feet of Phoebe’s throne; John knew when to stop because he felt Harper stop walking, doing the same thing himself without even thinking about it.  And just as they stopped walking, Phoebe lifted up a huge hand, ever-so-slightly, from the armrest of her chair.  The chanting around them stopped abruptly, and a buzzing, pregnant silence held sway over all.  John was so overwhelmed by the size and beauty of this colossal woman that he barely registered that her throne was surrounded by about 20 or thirty tiny naked men, some no taller than two feet, kneeling with their heads bowed toward their mistress.  Jon swallowed a lump in his throat — he didn’t know what he had been expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this big, or this serious.  A flash of panic went through his mind, and he wondered why Harper hadn’t warned him about how weighty of an affair this “orientation” was.  But he felt her warm hand squeezing his again, and he remembered that, along with everything else, he just needed to trust her.  He wasn’t alone; he was there with her.

“Herzlich willkommen!” came Phoebe’s deep, feminine voice, seeming to rattle everything present with its slow, delicious authority.  “Harper…and John.”  She looked down, her eyes going back and forth between the two of them, a pleased smile curling her full lips.  Just hearing his own name spoken out of Phoebe’s lips was enough to make John feel an almost aching, longing desire in his pants.  He was so aroused by her presence that he simply couldn’t help it — he tried to focus on the tactile feel of Harper’s hand in his own, so that he didn’t lose his nerve.

“We are gathered here today,” continued Phoebe, lifting her head to the larger assembly, “To witness John’s initiation into the Kappa Gamma Delta family.  He has learned the implications, learned the precepts, learned the truth of our sorority here.  And unlike most, he has decided to join us as Harper’s willing partner.”  The enormous young woman stopped and directed the full attention of both of those penetrating hazel eyes directly down at John.  He felt like she was staring directly into his soul.

“Is this correct, John?” she asked, point-blank.  “Is this really…what you want?”

John inhaled through his nose and opened his mouth to attempt an answer.  At first, nothing came out…not a sound…not even a peep of an intonation.  John felt like he was struggling through something invisible in his throat, but with repeated effort, he was able to fight through it, with Phoebe watching steadily the whole time.

“It…i-it is, ah….y-yes…yes,” answered John, nodding his head vigorously to emphasize that his answer, unlike the struggle in his voice, was definite.

“Just as we all witness here,” said Phoebe warmly, her eyes narrowing slightly in glad affection.  She spread her arms wide in a slow, easy motion of inclusion, and John once again was floored by how truly enormous this woman was.

“Heute hier gesehen!” said the assembled crowd of people, their collective voices rumbling through the room.

“Step forward, Harper,” said Phoebe softly, lowering her hands.  Harper squeezed John’s hand one last time before she broke their bond and stepped out toward the head girl.  John saw that Phoebe was handing something to a small, skinny little naked man, who couldn’t have been taller than 4 feet or so.  He was wearing an elaborate black collar, and together with the strange, black tattooed runes that covered his scalp, John could tell that this man was some kind of “distinguished servant” of Phoebe’s.  The man walked over to Harper, holding what Phoebe had passed to him…a dark wooden goblet, cracked around the top edges with age.  From his higher vantage point, John could see that there was some kind of dark liquid gently sloshing around in the goblet.  His heart rate quickened, even as he noticed that he was becoming aroused just seeing this little man standing next to Harper.  She was “only” 5’5, but next to him, she looked like a giantess, with the top of his head not even coming up to the bottom of her breasts.  The little man was staring straight into the top of Harper’s stomach as he handed her the goblet, which she graciously accepted with a small appreciative bow.

“Drink from the cup of our ancient mothers,” intoned Phoebe, holding her head high as she indicated to Harper with a palm-up, outraised hand.  “Und Freude an der wahrheit ihres geistes.”

“In der wahrheit ihres geistes,” repeated the assembled mass.  John watched Harper tip the cup to her lips and drink a long, deep draught, her eyes closed.  A few moments later she finished and turned to walk towards him.  Something must have been in that potion, because John saw that her hazel eyes were now burning with a mesmerizing, intense purple glow, which seemed to issue forth from the depths of her pupils.  In any other situation, such a dramatic visual would have scared him, but right now, all he could think about was how beautiful she looked…and how happy she was to be there with him.  Smiling broadly up at him, she handed him the ancient cup, which he took with slightly trembling hands.

“And you, John,” breathed Phoebe, her huge hand indicating to him, “Drink from the cup of our ancient mothers…und erfreue dich an den freuden deines veränderten stolzes.”

“In den freuden ihres veränderten stolzes,” repeated the crowd.

John brought the cup to his lips, and he felt, through his hands, his fingers, and the edge of his lips, that he was holding something infused with ancient, arcane magic.  The cup itself was simple, almost too simple…it looked like it had been worn down through centuries of use.  He looked down at Harper, pausing with his lips on the edge.  Their eyes connected, and she smiled even broader, nodding her head at him as her eyes glistened with glad tears.  John flared his nostrils, preparing himself, and he caught a powerful whiff of the potion in the goblet, something heavy and earthy, and yet still somehow light…somehow…minty?  He really wasn’t sure.  He knew this was it; there was no turning back now.  A twinge of fear, of uncertainty, throbbed one last time in the back of his brain, but this twinge was rapidly extinguished just from looking at Harper.  John didn’t know what the future had in store for him; he didn’t know how small he would get, or how big Harper would get, or how their relationship would handle the changing dynamics of their size.  He didn’t know what it was going to be like, living amongst a group of witches who made potions, and, for all he knew, cast spells, and did all the other things “witches” did that he had previously thought were all based on urban legends.  But through all the uncertainty, John was totally sure about two things: he loved Harper, and he knew she loved him.  That was all he needed.

Closing his eyes, he tipped the goblet back and drank deeply.  The potion tasted completely different from how it smelled — with his eyes closed, John felt like he was drinking liquified fire.  It was hot and spicy, and but for its easy finish, he felt like it would have absolutely burned his throat.  The potion was also somehow wonderfully sweet, making for a strange and unprecedented combination with the hot earthy spiciness.  John wasn’t sure if the potion itself was hot, temperature-wise.  He didn’t even know — it wasn’t steaming, and yet, he felt like he was just barely able to swallow it down without getting burned.  He somehow knew that it was his job to finish the rest of the goblet, and gulping deeply a few more times, he accomplished the task, a single line of the deep purple liquid running down his chin and he lifted his head up from the empty cup.

Everything had changed.  The lighting, previously bright with the late-afternoon sun, became suddenly dark and thick, like a sudden black fog had descended down upon him.  The assembled masses of people seemed to have vanished — John turned around and could see nothing but a warping black void.  His heart jumped into his mouth as he turned to Harper, but he found that he was turning…into her hip.  He was looking directly into the luscious, vigorous curve of her hip.  She was wearing a long red robe that was open down the middle, revealing the glorious, intimidating nudity of her massively curvaceous, powerful body.  John felt himself straining his eyes up, up, up to see her face.  He was desperate to look at her, to make eye contact with her, to obtain reassurance from her.  He had no idea what was happening right now; he needed her.

He had to take a step back to see her face, since her huge protruding breasts his her face from John’s diminutive perspective.  And when he did see her face, he saw that she was looking up at Phoebe…the only other person John could see now.  All around was thick, complete darkness, except around him, around Harper, and around Phoebe still sitting on her throne.  It was like there were three spotlights illuminating them…like they were on a stage.  John kept his eyes locked onto Harper’s — he wanted to yell up at her to look at him, to reassure him, to tell him everything was ok, but somehow he knew that he needed to remain silent.

“You are powerful, Harper,” came Phoebe’s voice, sounding from John’s perspective like the voice of the Earth itself.  It was like there was something primordial, something primeval, speaking through her; it was still her voice, but it was augmented, accentuated, by some metaphysical force.

“Yes Königin,” intoned Harper, still looking up at Phoebe.  Her words rattled through John’s crotch, and he felt a rapid erection starting to rise up between his legs.  It was at this moment that, looking down, he realized that he was completely naked.  His arms and legs were skinny, and his entire body was absolutely tiny, even for someone as short as he apparently had become.  His rising cock, however, was quite large…10 inches at least, and it was only getting bigger.  Within seconds, he was at full mast, a lustful blush pumping through his face and the rest of his body.  He wanted her…he wanted her…to be taken by her…so badly.

“I can see some things before they happen,” continued Phoebe, leaning forward slightly in her chair.  To John, she seemed around 18 feet tall…unimaginably huge.  “And I have foreseen that you will succeed me, Harper.”

“Yes Königin,” said Harper again, nodding her auburn head slightly as her cheeks blushed slightly.  John could tell that Harper was barely able to contain herself…and then the true reality of Phoebe’s words shot through him.  Harper…would be like Phoebe!?  Would be the Head Girl!?

“And you and him together will lay the foundation for much to come,” breathed Phoebe.  “As long…AS long…as neither of you forget…what brought you here.”

“I won’t forget, Königin,” said Harper immediately.

“And you?” asked Phoebe, turning to the tiny, shrunken John and turning her head to the side, “Will you forget?”

“N-no…I…I w-won’t!” John squeaked.  He couldn’t have possibly responded in any other way.  And he was warmed, despite all of the surreal things happening to him, to see Harper grin down at him.  It wasn’t just in love, either.  There was a lusty glow on her cheeks, a spark of cupidity in her eyes.

“Mmmm, good,” whispered Phoebe, turning to Harper.  The gigantic Head Girl raised her finger and pointed it at John.  “Take him.”

Harper started chuckling as she turned to face John.  The overall effect was amazingly intimidating to John — he only came up to her waist, and this amazonian beauty was suddenly reaching down for him, practically growling with pleasure.

“Come here,” she laughed.  “Come here John.  I’m going to drink you.  I’m going to feast on your cum.  And you’re going to give it to me, aren’t you?”

“Y-yes!” cried John, feeling his world go upside down.  Harper had fastened her large hands around his ankles and yanked him upwards toward her mouth.  John felt his eyes roll back in his head as he felt the warm, wet suction of the interior of Harper’s mouth.  She was holding him upside down and slurping loudly on his cock, while Phoebe watched with a steady smile on her face.

“Ssshhhlllllllthhhhhhhh!!” came the sound of Harper’s eager aggressive mouth.  John could feel the pressure building in his loins.  Even though she had just started, he knew that he didn’t have long.  He felt his cock and balls starting to shake and vibrate crazily — Harper was shaking her head back and forth rapidly with his cock deep in her throat.  She was encouraging his orgasm, wresting it from him like a hungry animal.  And even still, despite her animalistic energy, John never forgot that he was in the hands of someone who was somehow more than human.  He felt his balls surge up, and one more slurping, aggressive lick from Harper’s talented tongue was all that he needed to get pushed over the edge.  His cock seized, and he rocketed an avalanche of cum out of his cock, which Harper immediately swallowed with loud, greedy efficiency.


John had to close his eyes to keep himself centered, to prevent himself from fainting, both from the intense stimulation and from the sheer pleasure of Harper’s mouth.  Moments later, with a loud *Pop!*, her lips let him go, bringing him up to her face a moment later.  Her glad, bright visage filled his vision, and she brought him close, rubbing noses with him.

“You’re mine now, John!” she whispered at him.  “Isn’t it amazing!  You’re mine!”

“Y-yes…yes I am!” answered John, even though he was puzzled about something.  Harper’s voice was like…the old Harper…smaller and softer…when she had spoken before, her voice’s power and sonority had matched her huge frame.  But now…it was like the 5’5 Harper was speaking to him.  He still felt his feet dangling in midair…he made eye contact with her, and she could see the confusion in his eyes.  She giggled.

“Hahaha, craaaazy, huh?” she said.  “Close your eyes, John…just for a few seconds.”

He did as she asked, and it suddenly felt like he was falling through water.  Things seemed to be rushing all around him.

“Keep them closed, John,” breathed Harper gently at him.  “Just a little…bit…longer.”

Again, he did as she said, without even thinking about it.  A few moments later, everything around him seemed somehow stabilized.  He felt Harper’s lips on his ear…her “normal-sized” lips…

“Ok, you can open them now,” she whispered.  John opened his lids, and saw that everything…was back to normal.  The late afternoon light streamed through the windows.  The assembled crowd was watching silently.  Phoebe in her chair before them…and Harper standing there, staring up at him happily, practically bouncing up and down on her feet.  John couldn’t help but smile back.  He knew the ritual had ended…and that was when he realized that, even though Harper was still shorter than him, the gap between the two of them had closed still more.  He was 5’8…and she was 5’6.

“Awwww Johnnnnn!” cried Harper, embracing him warmly as people laughed and clapped around them.  John embraced her back — he saw Nora wink down at him, while Vera gave him a thumbs-up.  He had no idea what was in store for him, but he knew that it was all going to be ok.  He smelled Harper’s hair in his face, and hugged her even tighter.  He was part of Kappa Gamma Delta now...and more importantly, he was hers now.


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