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Here it is! At close to 9,000 words, it's a long one! Enjoy! <3

Chapter 19

Lucas blinked and looked down Brooke’s fat, full cleavage for a second before his eyes snapped back up to her vibrant green eyes, which seemed even deeper and more penetrating than before.  

“The…?” he said, trailing off. He hadn’t even heard what Brooke had just said.  

“The IQ test, Mr. Mineur,” Brooke answered, blinking those eyes of hers once, with deliberate patience.  

“Oh…oh!  Yes, of course,” he muttered, walking over to his desk blankly and getting out two copies of the test, just like always.  He knew that his erection was unabashedly obvious, and he had seen Brooke’s gaze incline slightly down to it for a mere second…long enough for her to have clearly noticed it.  But she had given no other indication. 

He put one test down in front of her and mechanically turned and walked over to his desk, settling stiffly into his chair as he put his own copy of the test down on the desk in front of him.  

“Um…ok, begin,” he mumbled.  

“Excuse me?” asked Brooke professionally.  “What was that, Mr. Mineur?”

“I said begin!” he replied hotly, suddenly and swiftly irritated.  

“My apologies — I didn’t hear you the first time,” replied Brooke immediately, and then arched over her work.  

“Maybe pay better attention, then,” Lucas mumbled again, even softer this time, and as Brooke didn’t seem to even react, he assumed that she hadn’t heard him then either.  He looked at the blank IQ test in front of him, with all of the shapes and numbers and graphs and everything else he couldn’t concentrate on right now.  He looked back to Brooke…the firm spills of her F-cup breasts were now splayed out sexily on either side of her as she focused intently on the test.  There wasn’t anything Lucas felt like he could do — if resistance was an option, it wasn’t an option he was willing to explore.  As he felt the blood flooding into his groin, stuffing his member, there was no way he wasn’t going to touch himself now.  

He checked to make sure that his door was closed…it was, but the blinds were open.  Lucas hadn’t remembered touching them recently, not after he had pulled them shut before.  Had Brooke…opened them when she had come in early?  Lucas looked at her, working away, and then back at the blinds.  Without thinking any more, he stood up and very deliberately closed them all, one by one.  He turned back quickly to see if Brooke was watching him, but she was still just working away at the test; as far as he could tell, she hadn’t even looked up. 

Lucas then shuffled back quickly to his desk, taking up a pen in one hand as he hunched over his test, pretending to take it.  Instead, though, he had stuck his other hand down his pants and was masturbating, stealing looks at Brooke’s amazing plethora of breast flesh pressed and splayed out on either side of her own test.  And it wasn’t just her breasts he was jacking himself off to — Lucas had remembered how big Brooke’s desk chair had looked just the week before, especially when her small ass and skinny, awkward-looking legs were vainly attempting to fill it.  How much things had changed, though…Brooke’s full, fleshy body now filled the entire seat of the chair, and Lucas even noticed the slight, rounded, bulging edge of her tight red dress actually hanging off the end of the chair, nearest to him.  Her ass had grown bigger than the seat itself.                

The test was quite long, but for Lucas, it seemed to go by in an instant…and it could have gone on for much longer, without him even realizing it.  Somehow, he had managed not to cum, even though he had gotten dangerously close a few times.  Each instance, he had been able to remind himself that he would get smaller, and with this knowledge, he had miraculously succeeded in not blowing his load in his pants.  The prospect itself was embarrassing to think about: covertly cumming in his pants while jacking off to his unsuspecting secretary?  But Lucas waved it off in his mind.  

‘It’s my office, after all,’ he thought stubbornly to himself.  ‘I can do what I want in here.’    

When the test was done, Lucas pretended to grade his first, as Brooke worked on a crossword puzzle at her desk.  

“Ok…so, I got a 118 again,” he said, throwing out the number he had scored on an earlier test, and feeling oddly buoyant as he puffed up his chest a little and smiled in Brooke’s direction.  If he had self-examined his feelings, he would have realized that he was simply proud of forcing himself not to cum.  But he was too busy feeling irritated at Brooke’s apparent nonchalance at hearing his score to notice where his feelings came from.  She hadn’t even looked up from her crossword puzzle yet.  

“And…let’s see…your score…” said Lucas, tallying everything up.  He stopped, again having the sensation of everything in his periphery beginning to close in around him.  His cock had been softening, but now it was starting to harden all over again.  Brooke looked up now, turning her head in his direction as she blinked in relaxed interest.  

“…is 119,” Lucas finished.  He felt that his lips were dry, and tried to wet them.  

“Hmm!” said Brooke, inclining her head slightly to the side as she pursed her mouth slightly.  It was like Lucas had just told her some offhand, slightly interesting tidbit of random information.  He sat there, staring at her as she returned to her crossword puzzle.  That was it?!  That was all she was going to give in reaction to the news that she was now objectively smarter than he was??  Lucas didn’t understand, but again, he felt the irritation starting to bubble up inside him.  She was just being too obvious about it now, with all of this cold-shoulder shit.  He wanted a reaction from her…something!         

In fixating on her so closely, Lucas was able to see that Brooke had looked at the clock on the wall and had then started to get her papers together, stacking them up, and putting her notebook on top.  Lucas didn’t know what she was doing at first, and he was about to bark at her, asking where she thought she was going, when he remembered that there was a meeting at 11 that morning.  He sprang up out of his chair, just as Brooke rose calmly to her feet from her desk.  There was a split second when Lucas was transfixed and terrified by the sight of the 6-foot-2-and-a-half-inch curvy bombshell brunette rising up above him, a coolly professional expression on her face…and for that one instant, he almost was reduced to stopping in his tracks and staring all over again.  But he quickly kept moving, knowing that anything else was going to make it so obvious to everyone else at the office how much she had grown…and how much he had shrunk.  

“Come on Brooke, hurry up,” Lucas barked at her, marching out of his office.  “We don’t want to be late, do we?  Keep up.”    

“Right behind you, Mr. Mineur,” came Brooke’s measured reply.  Lucas felt the soft velvety timbre of her voice vibrating like electricity in his pants.  There was absolutely no question that her voice had changed again — it had gotten deeper, sexier…maybe even a bit more throaty.  Again, it wasn’t anywhere close to the tones of liquid ambrosia that she had been speaking in the restaurant a few days before, but…well, she was getting closer, not further, from how she had been then.       

But Lucas was trying to push all of this out of his head as he made a determined beeline for the conference room, marching down the hallway with long strides that he hoped looked confident rather than compensatory.  If he had allowed himself to think about the situation, he would have become sick to his stomach with fear about his coworkers noticing his diminished stature, even as they simultaneously noticed how tall, elegant, and regal his secretary looked behind him.  

Fortunately for Lucas, there wasn’t anyone in the hall…but he could her the *clackclackclack* of Brooke’s high heels on the floor behind him, and he could tell that, although she wasn’t walking nearly as fast as he was, she was managing to keep steadily behind him by at least a few paces.  

‘It’s because her legs are longer than yours now,’ said a little voice in his head, the same voice that seemed to be fighting for control over his partially-erect cock.  Lucas had tucked his length up into his waistband — he was going to ignore it.  He was not going to let it become an issue; he was going to pretend that everything was perfectly fine.  He was heartened to find that he and Brooke were among the first to get to the conference room, and even though Sophia was already there, Lucas thought he managed to sit down fast enough before she noticed anything amiss.  She did, however, seem to give him an inquisitive glance, but then her eyes had quickly gone up in pleasure upon seeing Brooke come into the room after him.  It was not lost on Lucas how everyone, as they filed in, barely even noticed him, or if they did, only gave him a tacit nod…whereas with Brooke, they all visibly brightened upon seeing her and made a point to smile and wave at her.  Lucas sourly noticed that Rick looked particularly thrilled to see her.

‘Eh, it makes sense,’ he told himself reassuringly.  ‘She’s like…his creation, really.  Haha, or, really, his and mine.’

But this narrative didn’t get Lucas very far.  There was no getting around the fact that, even when sitting down, Brooke already outshone him.           

“Alright, hello everyone!” said Dave a minute or so later, having come in last, and sitting down at his usual place at the head of the long, smooth conference room table.  “Corrective maintenance on some of our newest products!  I know we’ll be dealing with specific products outside of many of your specific interests, but I know we can use each others’ help brainstorming, so let’s get to it.  Alright Rick, I’ll let you introduce the first product we need to take a closer look at.”    

“Ok thanks Dave,” said Rick, tugging a little on his lab coat as his eyes travelled straight to Brooke, “Though let me just start by saying that if all our products were working as well as Brooke’s nanobots…well, we wouldn’t be having this meeting now, would we?”  

A sea of appreciative laughs and chatters bubbled up from nearly everyone present, and everyone followed Rick’s lead to enjoy another shameless opportunity to look at Brooke.  Lucas stared around desperately for a couple moments, momentarily apoplectic at the thought that so many eyes could be staring at his secretary, just…without his permission like that.  But he realized quickly that he had to smile and look at her too, since he otherwise risked looking jealous…or unhinged.  He turned and looked slightly up at her, smiling and chuckling along with everyone else.  He tried his best to sit up as straight as possible, but with Brooke’s taller stature, and the added cushion of her big ass that she was sitting on, he was unable to erase the inch-high difference between them as they sat.         

It certainly didn’t help that Brooke seemed to be soaking up the attention.  Lucas knew that if he had paid her that kind of complement in his office, she would’ve just gone on with her business, hardly even reacting to it.  But now, in the conference room, with everyone else around, she was just drinking it all in, smiling, blushing, and giggling, as her vibrant green eyes sparkled.  She looked straight across the table at Rick and shook her head as she gave him an especially wide, closed-mouth grin, as if to say, ‘You’re trying to embarrass me, aren’t you?’  Rick replied with a slightly awkward wink that went along with his shameless grin as he blushed even more than she did.  Lucas seethed.  

A little while later, the attention of the meeting had shifted to Sophia, who was going through some issues that some of her software had been having.  In his anger at the situation, Lucas had obstinately refused to look at Brooke, which was doing him favors as she quietly jotted down notes for him.  Since he wasn’t looking at her, Lucas was free to actually pay attention to the progression of the meeting, and after half an hour, the seesawing of boredom mixed with periodic bursts of interest had gotten him to a point where he almost felt like he was in a normal Braden meeting, in a normal situation, on a normal day.  

“So it seems to me,” Sophia was saying, “That given those issues I just outlined, the best course of action would be to try some automatic bug-fixing techniques.”

A murmur of assent rippled through the conference room, and several people, Dave and Trent included, nodded their heads.   

“But these techniques would rely on a test suite, right?” 

Brooke’s calm, clear voice cut through the air to Lucas’s left.  His eyes went wide as his eyebrows came together, and he turned to look at her.  For once, in his anger, he could see past her fresh beauty.  What on earth was she doing, talking out of turn like this!?  Was she trying to embarrass him??

Brooke wasn’t even looking at him; she was looking across the table at Sophia, who was sitting next to Rick.  

“Um…yes, yes I think they would, Brooke,” said Sophia genuinely.  “Why?”

“Well, just because those kinds of techniques wouldn’t really provide patch correctness guarantees, right?” came Brooke’s confident yet respectful reply.  No one responded immediately, so Brooke just continued:  

“Since, you know, the test suite wouldn’t be complete and wouldn’t cover all cases.” 

“She’s right,” said James suddenly, looking towards her.  “A weak test suite might lead generate-and-validate techniques to generate validated but incorrect patches in the software.”

“Huh…you know, I see what you two are saying,” said Sophia, beginning to nod.  “Incorrect patches that have undesirable effects like eliminating desirable functionalities.”

“Or causing memory leaks,” added Dave, who was now leaning forward onto the smooth table, clearly engaged.

“Or just, you know, introducing security vulnerabilities that might not have been present before,” put in Trent.  

Lucas couldn’t believe it — they were all…just…playing off her like that!?  Like she was an equal Braden employee.  It didn’t matter that Lucas had to admit, deep down, that Brooke had just brought up a good point.  He was trying to maintain a calm exterior, but underneath, he was positively livid.  There was no question now that she was trying to undermine him and make him look bad.  

“Well,” said Dave, hands still folded in front of him as he looked around the room, “Per the astute point raised by Brooke here, how might we approach this issue, then?”  

He kept looking around the room for a few more silent moments, and then his eyes went straight to Brooke, his mouth breaking into a smile.

“I’m asking everyone, genuinely, secretaries included,” Dave chuckled.  The whole conference room laughed, everyone looking appreciatively at Brooke.  This time, Lucas couldn’t even bring himself to smile.  

Brooke’s lips parted and she smiled sheepishly, but she looked so gorgeous that her blush did nothing to dampen the healthy vitality of her cheeks, and her larger expression.  Lucas felt himself slipping, and he forced his eyes to dart away from her face, seeking out Olivia’s reaction to being totally upstaged by this new girl.  But his spirits sank even further when he saw that there wasn’t any malevolence in Olivia’s face: she was looking at Brooke searchingly, like she was genuinely expecting some kind of answer to come from her.  

“Wellll,” said Brooke bashfully, sitting up even straighter in her seat and rising another quarter inch over Lucas in the process, “Sophia could amplify a potentially failing test suite by producing more test cases that are then automatically labelled as either passing or failing.  And…you know, just so to minimize the sheer human effort of labeling, an automatic test oracle could be developed that — ” and here Brooke motioned at Dave, who was nodding his head enthusiastically, apparently eager to complete her thought.

“That would eventually learn to classify test cases as passing or failing and only engage Sophia for uncertain cases,” he finished, capitalizing the sentence with a resounding smack of his hand against the smooth table.  “Brilliant, Brooke!  Just…just wonderful!  Did you catch all that, Sophia?”

“Did I?” she laughed, staring at Brooke, deeply impressed, “Of course!  It’s just that…wow Brooke…I didn’t expect…but, heheh, look at me, assuming things.  You sure know your stuff, girl!” 

“Haha, well…just a thing or two, here and there,” she laughed modestly.  

“Seriously though,” said Dave, leaning forward towards her.  “That’s exactly the kind of dynamic intervention that we’re looking for in these kinds of meetings.  Lucas?  Haha, what’s wrong?  A little jealous that your secretary is stealing all your thunder?”  

Lucas gaped at Dave, his eyebrows becoming a single line on his forehead — now his immediate boss was just heaping on the humiliation.  But Dave was laughing (along with everyone else), clearly not intending to humiliate Lucas.  It was just the mindset that Lucas was trapped in that saw everything in terms of his inexorable descent beneath Brooke…in every way possible.  Lucas alone knew that this process was already fairly advanced.

“It’s a just joke, man,” chuckled Trent.  

“Haha yeah, lighten up Lucas,” enjoined Ryan, with Steve nodding his head as he laughed with his lips closed.  

“Oho it’s not a joke to Lucas!” threw in Sophia, pointing at him from across the table.  “Look at him — his face is turning red!  Haha, and did anyone notice that Brooke’s taller than him now?” 

The laughter died down as every person in the conference room looked directly at Brooke and Lucas, silently comparing them.  Lucas was already sitting up as straight as he could, and he was noticeably shorter.  He didn’t know where to look…and so he looked at Brooke.  She had turned her head slightly and was looking down at him, a slight smile on her face.  And with her eyes still on him, she sat up a little straighter, rising a bit more above him.  Lucas couldn’t keep looking at her — he was experiencing such a mixture of rage, arousal, helplessness, and humiliation that he thought he might just short-circuit and explode.  His eyes went down her curvy, full-breasted figure and came to rest on the table directly in front of him.  

“Huh…yeah…looks like she is,” remarked Dave curiously a couple seconds later.  Everyone else was just staring silently, not saying anything at all.  But Lucas could feel their eyes going over the plain evidence before them, and there was nothing he could do.  He lifted his eyes over at Rick, who was glancing in puzzlement from him to Brooke, and back again.  Lucas knew that Rick could tell there was something wrong, but there was no way he could know what was actually going on, right!? 

“Hmm, ok well anyway,” said Dave, clearing his throat and proceeding along as he pointed at Brooke, “More of that from everyone else here, please.”           

The rest of the meeting passed by in a blur for Lucas, who did nothing to contribute…and all the while he heard Brooke’s pen, just scratching, scratching, scratching behind him, almost never stopping, taking notes, ostensibly for him…but Lucas, whether justified or not, felt that Brooke was calculated in everything she was doing at this point.  On the surface she was just taking notes for him like a good secretary; but beneath the surface she was taunting him, the incessant sound of her pen scratching into his subconscious the reality of her having succeeded him, in both height and intelligence, with the veiled, implied threat of her taking his place at the company.  Lucas knew that he was losing his mind, but he also knew, with equal conviction, that he had lost control of the situation — what was real and not real anymore was a complete tossup in his overburdened brain.  

When Dave finally brought the meeting to a close, Lucas was the first out the door.  He didn’t care that it was blatantly obvious to everyone else that he was leaving in a childish huff.  Lucas had more important things to worry about — he had to get out of there before people saw him standing next to Brooke in her 4-inch heels.  He had been semi-erect all meeting long, and at this point he did not trust his own ability to control his erections around her.  


The sound of Brooke’s heels echoed in his ears behind him as he stormed down the hallway.  Lucas had thought that Brooke would surely linger in the conference room after the meeting, soaking up everyone’s praise, striking up an extended conversation with Dave, and essentially anything else than what she was doing right now, which was following him.  He almost turned around to look at her, but just hearing her heels behind him was all he needed to know it was her.  A sideways glance, just to make sure, revealed the vibrant red of her dress in the periphery of his vision.  She was following him alright.  And it made him even madder.  He was just a little over 5’10 now…and in her heels she was half an inch away from 6’3.  She had showed him up more times than he could have imagined possible in a single meeting…all without appearing to try.  And now she had the audacity to follow him back into his office, like nothing had happened?  Like she was just doing her job!?  

He walked faster, but Brooke apparently kept pace with him, so that she was only a few paces behind when he got to his office.  As soon as Brooke came in, she closed the door, and Lucas whirled around in place, his face bright red with pent-up rage.  He had already opened his mouth to start yelling at Brooke, but he found, upon turning around, that she was actually much closer to him than expected, with only a few feet between them.  Lucas found himself staring into the bottom of her elegant, well-formed neck.  The long, tightly-squished chasm of her cleavage was higher than his shoulders, and from it emanated a delightful floral scent, the same scent that Lucas had smelled coming from her multiple times before.  Brooke had apparently stopped walking abruptly, because her F-cups were trembling and bouncing from the inertia of her previous movements.  To Lucas, it seemed like they were jiggling and shaking right under his nose.       

For several long moments, all he could do was stare into Brooke’s cleavage…and she let him, simply standing there close, looming over him, looking expressionlessly down onto the top of his head.  As the seconds passed by, however, Lucas managed to recompose himself.  He took a deep breath, stepped back a pace, looked up at Brooke’s placid face with undisguised wrath, and launching his pre-planned verbal assault.           

“That was all completely uncalled for!!” he bellowed, jabbing his finger down towards the floor.  

“What was, Mr. Mineur?” asked Brooke mildly.  

“You…you know what I’m talking about!” he yelled up at her.  “Showing me up like that in front of everyone!  Sp-speaking out of turn…”

“I wasn’t showing you up, Mr. Mineur — I was just contributing to the meeting,” she replied.

“Th-that’s not your job!” Lucas spat.  “Your job is to take notes for me!  That’s it!”   

“Dave seemed to think otherwise,” Brooke remarked.

“And…and,” continued Lucas, ignoring her comment, “Sitting up when everyone was watching s-so…so that you looked taller than me!”

“But Mr. Mineur,” said Brooke quietly, taking a step closer to him, “I am taller than you now.” 

Lucas felt his jaw slacken as he looked straight into Brooke’s neck.  She was so close to him now, close enough to where he could smell the floral aroma that wafted steadily up from the long line of her cleavage, in between her huge heavy breasts.  He felt so incredibly small next to her; even though he knew that she was boosted by her 4-inch heels, there wasn’t getting around the fact that Brooke was right.  She was taller than him now, even without the heels.  And it wasn’t just her height — her entire figure had swelled voluptuously, with her breasts, hips, and ass becoming especially accentuated.  At this point, Lucas wondered how much more he weighed than her…or if he really weighed that much more than her at all.  

His raging cock was battling against the fabric of his pants, and a desperate sense of panic gripped him.  All she had to do was step towards him.  That was all it took for him to lose control.  He doubled down, setting his jaw hard, as he craned his head slightly to look up at her, in the eye.  Her green eyes blinked down at him blankly, curiously…and maybe even with a slight tinge of…smugness?  Was he imagining that!?  It didn’t matter.  He had to re-establish his authority now, and fast.  

“I don’t need to argue semantics here Brooke,” he snapped out into his office.  “The point is that I am your boss, and you are to behave in a manner appropriate to your subordinate position.” 

“Of course, Mr. Mineur,” answered Brooke.  

“And that means no speaking up in meetings, unless I ask you for something,” continued Lucas, feeling his neck pulsating with anger.  

“Yes, Mr. Mineur.”

“That means not going out of your way to embarrass me, just because your body happens to be benefitting from my nanobot technology.”

“Absolutely, Mr. Mineur.” 

“And that means having your secretarial job be the number one priority for you in this office.  Do you understand?  That means that your little volleyball teams and your…your social forays with coworkers take a back seat to the job that you do here, for me.  Am I making myself clear?”          

“Crystal clear, Mr. Mineur.”  

Lucas glowered up at her.  She was mocking him; she had to be, saying his name like that after each reply.  But from the expression on her face, which was utterly blank and professional, Lucas didn’t have anything to go on.  Not that he had anything to go on with his other demands, of course.  Lucas knew that he was being totally unreasonable and harsh towards her — she hadn’t done anything to deserve this kind of talk.  But it didn’t matter.  To Lucas, the most important thing was that he remained in control, and for the moment, until he could somehow contain himself around Brooke’s burgeoning presence, this was how it had to be.     

“Should I go draw you up an item list for the rest of the day?” asked Brooke, breaking the silence between them.  Lucas realized that it had been several seconds since Brooke had last spoken.  

“Uh…no.  No, actually,” he declared, going around his desk to sit down.  Her mere suggestion made him mad, because, even if she hadn’t intended it that way, it was her taking control.  Lucas settled down in his chair and put his feet up on his desk.  He needed his item list, but right now, he had to put Brooke in her place.

“Why don’t you go make me a coffee instead?” he said casually.  

“Just as you wish, Mr. Mineur,” nodded Brooke immediately, and promptly left the office.  Lucas watched the large weight of her ass cheeks bouncing crazily up and down as she went, and he felt his cock twitch when he realized that, from behind, he could still see the edges of Brooke’s breasts.  They had become so big that they stuck out on either side of her torso, bouncing and swaying as she walked.  Lucas considered jerking himself off quickly, before she got back, but he thought better of it.  It wasn’t the right time.

The coffee was the best-prepared cup he had ever tasted.  It was perfectly balanced and smooth.  

“Well, congratulations,” he said in a sarcastic voice over towards her, “You’ve finally got it right, Brooke.  Let’s try and build off this, huh?  It’s only a cup of coffee, but it’s a good place to start, right?”

“Right, Mr, Mineur,” she replied immediately.  “I’m glad you like how it tastes.”           

Later that night, as Lucas struggled to go to sleep, Brooke’s words echoed in his head, over and over.  ‘Glad you like how it tastes…how it tastes…tastes…tastes…’

In the dead of night, staring up at the ceiling, he could feel himself starting to crack.  It had taken a monumental effort on his part to get through the rest of the day without jerking off, especially since it had been impossible for him to avoid doing more double and triple takes at Brooke’s swelled proportions.  He had purposefully sent her out to do frivolous tasks, just so he could see her ass cheeks twinge up and down, just so he could see those incredible blooming breasts of hers bounce and jiggle as they pressed insistently into a dress that barely contained them.  And her cool, steady face, looking down at him, those vibrant green eyes penetrating his skull into his brain.  

He reached up to surrender, to jerk his turgid cock that was begging for release.  

No…no he couldn’t.  He had already gone too far…done too much.  He glanced to the side, at something dark sitting on his nightstand.  He looked back at the ceiling and shook his head, dropping his hands away from the expectant and yearning length of his cock.  It had been torture, trying to avoid all of his co-workers, and especially Sophia (who already seemed to know that something odd was going on).  If he gave himself up and jacked off over and over, just as he had done the previous night, there would be no way of hiding it — everyone would know that he had shrunk.  As it was now, he could probably explain it away somehow…slipped disk, or something like that.  But he had to hold firm; he had to keep himself at bay.  He had to resist the phantasmagorias of Brooke’s eyes, her breasts, her ass, and her voice, as they spiraled in on themselves inside his head, making sleep all but impossible.       

The next morning, an exhausted and bleary-eyed Lucas opened his office door, only to find that Brooke had again arrived to work earlier than him.  Lucas stopped dead in the entrance.  There she was, sitting…at his desk…her fresh face lit up by the blue tint of his computer screen.  Lucas opened his mouth to express his indignation, but his voice wasn’t ready yet.  He was still taking in the sight of the gorgeous, well-dressed young woman sitting in his chair…Brooke was wearing a deep blue dress that contrasted wonderfully with her brunette hair and green eyes.  And the confident way she was sitting up straight in front of the computer made Lucas feel, with an unpleasant jolt, that she looked almost more well-suited for sitting at the desk than he did.  Certainly, no one else walking in would have questioned her position there.               

But as soon as he had absorbed the impressive sight of Brooke in his place, Lucas felt the anger boiling up again inside him.  Now she was just playing with him, toying with him — and she had taken it too far.  

“What…do you think you’re doing?” he asked, the outrage immediately evident in his voice as he closed the door behind him.  

“Oh, good morning Mr. Mineur,” said Brooke, looking away from the screen, and up at his advancing form.  “I got here 20 minutes early and thought that, instead of just messing around with my crosswords, I’d go ahead and get a jump-start on the day.”

“By…by logging into my personal computer!?”  Lucas has reached the edge of the desk, and dropped his suitcase to the floor.  He knew that he must not have looked that intimidating in the slightly baggy clothes he was wearing, but he was so angry that he wasn’t even considering any of that.                   

“Well that was the only way I was going to have access to your emails,” said Brooke calmly, gesturing to the screen.  “I’ve been sending out messages that had been on your to-do list, just so that you wouldn’t have to worry about them, and could spend your time on less mundane tasks.”  

“You…you’ve been sending out emails!?” cried Lucas, his face getting hot.  “In MY name!??”  

“They’re only routine little paragraphs, generally to Braden under-departments…nothing complicated,” said Brooke smoothly.  “I figured that you’d rather not have your valuable time taken up with those perfunctory little tasks, and so I just went ahead and did them for you.”  

Lucas didn’t even know what “perfunctory” meant, but Brooke’s use of the word just made him even madder.  In addition to infringing on his authority by blatantly sitting in his black leather chair at his computer, she was subtly reminding him that she was now technically smarter than he was…and about to get even smarter.   

“L-listen here, Brooke,” he said in a voice that was literally shaking with anger, “I…I don’t know how you convinced yourself that…that you could just…sit in my chair like that, opening up and going through all my emails…but you were WRONG.”  

Brooke just sat there, blinking at him expressionlessly.  Lucas felt the dam begin to flood over, and he jabbed his finger down at the floor, hit face getting red, the veins in his neck bulging.  

“You have NO respect for the authority of this office!!  NONE!!  You think that just because you’ve gained a couple inches, you get to just waltz around in here, doing whatever you please!?!  Well you DON’T, Brooke!!  You DON’T get to do whatever you want!!  What you NEED to do is develop some RESPECT for your superiors!!  You need to learn your PLACE, Brooke!!  That’s twice now, TWICE, in TWO DAYS, that you’ve made deliberate and premeditated efforts to undermine my authority, to DISRESPECT my position as your boss!!  I’m NOT going to stand for it Brooke — YOU HEAR ME!?!  I’m NOT gonna take it!!  If you keep up with this RIDICULOUS charade, this UNACCEPTABLE behavior, then there will be consequences.  And it’ll start with me docking your pay!!  Don’t think that I won’t act, Brooke.  Don’t think that I won’t make good on it.  I MEAN what I SAY!!  GOT IT!?!”

The whole time he had been speaking, Lucas’s face had gotten redder and redder, as his voice became more and more shrill; he was having a temper tantrum, right there in his office, and all the while, Brooke just sat there, her expressionless face not changing or reacting in the least.  Her unflappable demeanor only fueled Lucas’s rage, and he was desperate to realize that his outburst had not achieved its intended effect, which was to intimidate her.  She looked no different now than when he had started shouting, but in the context of the office, in light of what had just been thrown her way, Brooke’s coolness made her look all the more powerful.  

“My apologies, Mr. Mineur,” she said calmly, rising up out of the chair to her feet.  “It won’t happen again.”    

Lucas watched wide-eyed as Brooke rose, a brilliantly deep blue pillar of feminine flesh, up and up and up, far past where he expected, until she finally stopped, with her eyes actually higher than the top of his head.  Lucas was stunned to see that he was now looking straight into her collarbones, which stood out majestically against the alabaster and elegant beauty of her lower neck.  This couldn’t be right…had…had Brooke grown even more!?  He had managed to not cum last night, so he knew that he couldn’t have shrunk.  It all didn’t seem possible, but then, it suddenly all became clear.  


Brooke walked around the desk, looking huger and huger with each step as she got even closer to him.  Lucas looked down and saw that Brooke was wearing a new pair of heels, shiny black, that looked to be a good deal taller than the 4-inch heels she had been wearing the day before.  

“Are…are those?” Lucas began, pointing down at the heels.  He couldn’t even sound mad now — he was too overwhelmed with how big Brooke looked now compared to him; as she walked closer, Lucas’s eyes were inexorably drawn to those big, bountiful breasts, which were now higher than his shoulders, and threatening to reach his chin.  Even though Brooke’s dress fit the rest of her body quite well, hugging her hips and thighs with alluring tightness, Lucas couldn’t help but feel that Brooke had had to force her breasts into the dress.  They were squeezed so tightly together that Lucas wondered if it was even possible to get anything into her cleavage.  He had a brief moment where he imagined trying and failing to force his hand in between the hot mass of her huge breasts, but Brooke was talking now.  

“Oh yes, these are some new heels Sophia dropped off for me last night,” Brooke was saying.

Without being asked, Brooke promptly stepped out of the heels, bending down to pick them up, as she walked over to the stadiometer to be measured.  All of a sudden, she was nearly Lucas’s height again.  But as he watched her head toward the corner, it was still clear to Lucas that she was taller than him.  He shook his head, trying to clear it, as he made his way over, overwhelmed by the unexpected height comparison, but still fuming from the previous exchange.     

It didn’t help, once he was standing up closer to Brooke, that he found that he couldn’t see the top of her head.  There was no way he could get an accurate measurement this way.

“Can’t see properly,” he muttered, barely audibly.  “Gotta get a…stool or something.”  

There was a little four-inch step stool behind his door that Lucas kept for dusting the top part of his office blinds, so he went to fetch that, returning with it moments later as he stared determinedly down at the ground.  No way was he going to give Brooke the opportunity to penetrate him with the ironic expressionless taunting of her green eyes.  He put the stool down next to her and then stepped up, raising himself a few inches up above her.  He hadn’t planned on it, but the sudden and immediate proximity to Brooke’s body forced Lucas to notice things that hadn’t been apparent before.  Her lips looked so full, and so glossy, that Lucas found himself wondering whether Brooke had gotten some sort of injections…but they didn’t look fake.  They were just…unusually plush and delectable, and as Lucas stood there on the stool, momentarily transfixed, Brooke parted them ever so slightly, in a furtive gesture of acknowledging his stare.  

Her face looked absolutely gorgeous — her complexion was vibrantly fresh and beautiful…again, Lucas reminded himself, not the otherworldly radiance that she had been in the restaurant, but still…he couldn’t help but admit…she was getting closer and closer to that point.  

‘Is she…?  Is she a ten out of ten?’ Lucas asked himself.  ‘No…no way…not yet…just a nine-and-a-half.’  

A sudden upsurge of sweet-smelling air caught his nostrils, dilating them with the mere force of fragrance.  Lucas felt his eyelids flutter slightly, but he hardened himself, determined not to break…this was made more difficult, though, by the F-cups expanding down below.  Brooke had taken a deep breath — that was it.  But it was enough to nearly send Lucas off the edge.  He could feel his cock growing, totally independent of his will, in between his legs, but he compelled himself to focus on the top of her head, in preparation for the spurt.

But it was already happening.  Brooke’s head was inching slowly upward on the stadiometer, and Lucas cast an alarmed look back down at her breasts.  They were still expanding — Brooke hadn’t taken a deep breath…she was growing!  Lucas looked hurriedly at the clock on the wall, and back down to Brooke’s burgeoning breasts.  He had never missed the start of the growth time before!  Had he actually allowed himself to be that distracted!?  Sometimes being around Brooke made time slow down, but other times, like now, it paradoxically seemed to make time speed up again.  He swallowed a lump in his throat as his pained dick drank in the sight of Brooke’s bosom swelling into twin G-cups, stretching her blue dress to the point where the fabric actually became visibly lighter around her bust.  The sweet fragrance swirled around Lucas’s head, and he caught sight of plusher lips, higher cheekbones, and even more seductive green eyes, burning up at him with cool, effortless beauty.  Her expression, still, was unchanged.           

“Huh, o-ok,” said Lucas, pretending to be casual as he jotted her height down, stepping off the stool and seeing her head rise slightly up half an inch above his own, “So you’re…5-foot-10-and-three-quarters now.”

“Ok,” said Brooke blankly, without any hint of a reaction.  Lucas would have been irritated with her for giving him an empty return, but she was already stepping back into her 6-inch heels that had been waiting patiently to accommodate and show off her new height.  Lucas saw the soft swells of her well-formed calves bulge and flex with feminine mass as Brooke’s feet rose up in the heels…and then she started rising…higher, and higher, and higher still, up and up past Lucas’s height, and then even taller beyond that.  When Brooke’s sexy bare legs straightened, she was looking down at the top of Lucas’s head…it didn’t even reach her eye level anymore.  In her heels, she was nearly 6’5, almost 7 whole inches taller than him.  And as she straightened out, her dress stretched audibly, once again struggling, this time with a bit more urgency than before, to contain the tall, buxom young woman inside.  

Lucas was already semi-erect, but when Brooke stood up to her full height in those 6-inch heels, her prodigious breasts were even with his neck, extending out on either side of him, two massively intimidating yet inviting monuments of flesh to what Brooke had already become.  He felt something snap in his mind, and he went wild with lust.    

“You know,” he said in a low voice, through the berserk buzzing in his ears, “Even though you made all those mistakes before…I might not have to dock your pay after all…that is, if you can make up for it in another way.”

Lucas’s eyes went down, very obviously, to his hard cock, which was fighting to escape his dress pants.  He felt his eyes then flit to his briefcase, which was sitting on the floor close by the stadiometer.  He controlled himself in the midst of his shaking lust, and looked back up at Brooke.  Her green eyes held his steadily, and aside from a single, measured blink, she did nothing to indicate that she understood or accepted the innuendo.  Her non-reaction only intensified Lucas’s lust, and infused it with rage.  

“Get on your knees!” he barked roughly, pointing his finger down aggressively to the floor in front of where he stood.  Brooke inclined her head down slightly, raising an eyebrow expectantly, but showing no reaction otherwise.  

“I said NOW!” yelled Lucas, feeling his face burn like it was a thousand degrees.  Brooke apparently didn’t need any more compelling, because she smoothly dropped to her knees in front of him, just as Lucas was unzipping his pants and freeing his cock.  It bounced and strained shamelessly into the fluorescent office room air.         

“SUCK it!!” Lucas commanded, unconsciously snarling his face a little as he spoke the words.  Brooke blinked up at him once before staring straight forward into his awaiting dick.  She was staring it straight down the hole…and then, without any hint of protest, she parted her plush lips and brought them forward, getting closer and closer, until they brushed the head of his cock.  

Lucas came violently, spewing rope after rope of white cum as Brooke’s awaiting mouth.  She made sure to keep her lips parted the whole time, so that she was able to receive the quick cumshot in her mouth.  She wasn’t making any sexy noises, or flashing any dirty looks — she was just taking it all in her mouth, like she knew exactly what he expected of her.  Once he was done shooting, she looked up at him from her kneeling position, made eye contact, and swallowed.  Lucas felt a rush of fierce pride and power; he hadn’t even asked her to do that…she just knew.  She already knew what he wanted, and she had done it.  

Lucas heard her dress strain a little more, as he watched the boobs below him swell even bigger.  It seemed too that Brooke’s upturned face (which was even more lustrous in complexion than before) was getting close to him…and it was.  But it wasn’t just because Brooke was growing another quarter inch; it was because he was shrinking a quarter inch at the same time.  Lucas knew what was going on, but he had finally broken.  His lust for Brooke’s growth, and his shrinkage, overpowered anything that stood in the way.

After swallowing his cum, Brooke lifted her head up to him, as if to assume that the exchange was finished.  But Lucas extended out his hand and forced her head back down.  

“I’m not finished,” he growled in between clenched teeth.  “Do it again.  Make me cum again!!”

Once more didn’t prove to be enough for Lucas in this state.  For the next several minutes, he forced Brooke to blow him through not one, not two, but three orgasms.  Each climax shot a surprising amount of cum down Brooke’s throat, whose face had been screwed down on his surging cock by the force of Lucas’s hold.  She hadn’t been resisting, but he had held her there, making sure that she had nowhere to go when he came down her throat.  Each time Brooke swallowed another cumshot, her complexion brightened, her eyes sparkled clearer, and her boobs swelled and tightened the bust of her dress that much more.  It was after the third cumshot, however, when Brooke looked up at Lucas with that unmistakable fire and excitement in her eyes, the exact same power-hungry, fiercely thrilled expression that had been hiding for what seemed like so long.  Clearly, she was being energized by the three-quarters of an inch Lucas had gifted her, but still, even through all this, she remained professional.  She did not moan out or smile, or even make a sound, other than the determined gulps of her dutiful throat.             

But seeing that green fire flame up in Brooke’s eyes spurred Lucas onto an entirely different plane of lust.  It was time.  Without moving his legs much, Brooke’s mouth still at his cock, he shimmied over to his briefcase, bent down, and opened it, taking something out a moment later.  It was a dark container, the same container that had been by his bedside for days.  

“I’ve been saving this for you,” he grunted, handing the jar down to her, which she unquestioningly accepted.  “Drink it!”   

Brooke looked down into the container, and saw that it contained a large amount of cum…large enough for three whole additional inches of growth.  Brooke had already grown an entire inch that morning, from the scheduled growth, and the three cumshots she had been forced to swallow.  She was already 5’11-and-a-half…and Lucas had shrunk all the way down to 5’9-and-a-half.  But she was still on her knees, holding the jar in both hands, staring down into it curiously.  When her eyes came back up to Lucas’s, they were uncertain.  Even she seemed to realize that it might have been too much to take all at once.  

“DRINK IT!!!” screamed Lucas, his face contorting with wild, furious lust.              

Brooke lowered her eyes to the container, bowed slightly in her kneeling position and obediently brought the container up to her lips.  She started sipping, but that wasn’t enough for Lucas.  

“GULP IT!!!” he bellowed.  “I WANT YOU TO GULP IT ALL DOWN!!!” 

Brooke’s throat started undulating and transitioning, back and forth, as she struggled to swallow the huge load of cum.  A few times, it started leaking out from between her full lips, but each time this happened, Brooke was able to catch the leak, slurping it back into her mouth.  Lucas stood there, his exhausted cock till fully at attention, as he watched Brooke become “more” with every mighty gulp.  Her face became even clearer and more beautiful, and her skin started to take on the first beginnings of that preternatural glow.  He was done shrinking for the moment, but her growth had suddenly accelerated to an unprecedented speed, and Lucas could see her literally rising up from her kneeling position, closer and closer to his head.  Her breasts, though, were the main show, straining and expanding the now-pale blue fabric of her dress with the heaviness of their blooming magnitude.  It didn’t take long before the bust of her dress surrendered and tore asunder, right down the middle of her tight, engorged cleavage, as Brooke’s breasts exploded out of her dress, spilling over Lucas’s lap on either side as she continued to gulp down the rest of the container.  

Her head was thrown back, the lewd, continuous motion of her throat plain to see, as she kept gulping and gulping loudly, over and over again.  Lucas felt her huge hand wrap around the back of his thigh as she steadied herself in position, ensuring that her warm, expanding, and naked tits continued to splay themselves out against his lap…ensuring that her big, big body rubbed up against his shrunken one as much as possible as she continued to grow and expand.  


A satisfied exhalation rumbled through the air.  Brooke leaned forward again after her epic swallowing job, her green eyes jarringly beautiful and piercing, as she opened her mouth to let loose the sound.  Lucas had barely managed to stand throughout this whole process, which had seen Brooke grow all the way to 6’2-and-a-half in her bare feet.  But she wasn’t in her bare feet…and she was standing up again, in her 6-inch heels.  The elegant column of her curvy body rose up before him, filling his vision, until all he could see were the enormous, bare, J-cup breasts that hung high and heavy together, squeezing against each other, right on either side of Lucas’s face.  Brooke’s nipples were large and erect, pointing outward an entire inch, framing Lucas’s head, to bookends of mammoth tit-flesh.  What was left of Brooke’s poor, tormented dress hung about her huge hips, toned stomach, and softly-developed, solid feminine shoulders.  The top of Lucas’s head didn’t even reach her chin anymore.

If Lucas had had the capacity to cum again, in that moment, he would have.  It wouldn’t have mattered if Brooke wasn’t even touching him.  Standing before him now, she was a full 11 inches taller, standing at a monstrous 6’8-and-a-half.  She absolutely towered over him.  

Lucas felt a shadow pass over him, and he realized that Brooke had reached over towards his desk (which was out of reach for him) for something.  It was surreal, feeling the shadow of her arm extend over him…and when he managed to look up into her face, her increased intelligence was plain to see in the effortless control of her expressions.  She had been a little smarter than him before.  Now…she was a lot smarter.  And still, somehow, she maintained her unflappable air of professionalism.  Lucas’s lips parted of their own accord, following the motion of Brooke’s as she opened her mouth to speak.  Somewhere in his mind he realized that she was passing him a sheet of paper.  Her voice was like rumbling velvet.

“Your agenda for the day, Mr. Mineur.” 


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