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This chapter's a long one!  Here's the completed version.  Enjoy! <3 

Chapter 18

Lucas stared straight at Brooke, his whole body going numb as the periphery of his office seemed to close darkly around him.  He couldn’t have heard right…either that or Brooke was playing around with him.  He blinked as his eyes narrowed slightly onto Brooke’s, the deep green of her irises seeming to bore in on him as she looked at him steadily.

“C-come on Brooke, look a little closer,” he said, noticing with alarm how anemic and ashen his voice sounded.  He managed to cover up his tone with a little chuckle, but it died away in the air when he saw that Brooke wasn’t changing her expression.  She wasn’t actually being playful at all, but she humored him, taking a step closer and double-checking the stadiometer measurement.  Lucas became suddenly aware of the proximity of her large warm breasts, pressing tightly into her torn dress.  

“I got it right the first time,” she said, nodding her head up at the number.  “72 inches.  That’s 6 feet even.”  

“Uh, Brooke…heheh, would you knock it off, please?” chuckled Lucas, starting to feel lightheaded.  “I…uh, we…we’ve been through enough nonsense already this morning.”

“You’re 6 feet tall Lucas,” declared Brooke flatly, taking a step back and putting her hands on her hips, like she was surveying his entire frame from top to bottom.  “Yep…6 feet…not a smidgen less.”     

Lucas put his hand up on the measuring arm, holding it in place, as he turned around to read the measurement for himself.  The pointer was directly on the “72” marker — Brooke was right.  And even worse, it had become excruciatingly, shockingly clear what was going on.  

“You’re shrinking, Lucas…you’ve…you’ve actually shrunk,” whispered Brooke, her eyes getting wider and wider by the second as they travelled rapidly up and down Lucas’s body.  Lucas mindlessly stepped off the stadiometer, his eyes going all the way down to the middle of Brooke’s forehead.  He was still taller than her, but it was hardly much of a difference anymore…less than three inches.  He didn’t know what to say, and for several seconds they both just stood there, with Brooke’s eyes hungrily studying him, drinking in the reality of his new shrunken size, and the wild process by which it had happened.  

“Every time you cum,” said Brooke, in that same bubbling, hushed whisper, “You shrink.  Every time you cum, you —”

“N-Now…now hold on a minute Brooke,” interrupted Lucas, desperately flailing about in his brain for some way out of this horror show, “We…we don’t know that’s what’s causing —”

“You were 6’1 when you came in today,” said Brooke, taking her turn to swiftly interrupt.  “I’ve made you cum four times this morning…four, Lucas…I’m an inch and a quarter taller than I was when I came in.  There was that one growth spurt I had in the lab, which made me 5’8 and a quarter…but I’m an inch taller than that now, Lucas…and you’re an inch shorter.  It’s the cum that does it, Lucas…it makes me bigger and it makes you — ”

“I get it Brooke, yes…you don’t have to spell it out,” snapped Lucas, feeling the panic mix with a sense of crushing, impending dread that was weighing him steadily down like a plate of lead.  “I…I d-don’t know how this is happening.”  It was already hard enough for Lucas to deal with a bubbly, playful, flirtatious Brooke, throwing her growing tits around in his face, but somehow, Brooke’s fixated, trembling whisper was ten times more imposing and intimidating.  With a wild, uncontrollable sense of desperation, Lucas felt himself starting to harden again.

“I made you shorter,” whispered Brooke, taking a step towards him, her big breasts bouncing slightly with her movement.  Lucas felt his heart starting to pound behind his breast plate as his eyes were drawn to the enlarged swerve and curve of Brooke’s hips.  She wasn’t even cocking them to the side…they had just gotten that thick and wide.  

“I made you shorter,” she repeated, now close enough for Lucas to be able to smell the sweet heaviness of her breath, “And I made you smaller, Lucas, just by swallowing your cum.”

“Brooke,” Lucas heard himself say, tensing his whole body up in a barely-controlled frenzy of self-defense, “Stop it…stop this…this behavi—”

“Right in there, Lucas,” intoned Brooke, blinking her big green eyes slightly up at him as her long tongue slithered forth from her mouth, licking around her fuller lips in one rapid wetting motion, and then opening up her mouth with a lazy, sticky-sounding drawl.  Lucas felt the breath catch behind his lungs as he saw thin little lines of saliva lengthening out between her parted lips.  

“Aaaaaaa, right down that deep dark hole of my hungry, hungry throat,” she said dirtily, starting to moan.  “I swallowed your big fat load over and over and over and OVER again…and I drank away your size, Lucas.  It’s happening.  Look at you…look at us!  I’m already almost as tall as you!”  She made hungry, satisfied munching noises with her lips and tongue, and her throat bulged over and over as she mimed swallowing his cum again and again.

“Mmnnammnammnammm…*gulpgulpgulp*…all the way down, Lucas,” she breathed, now practically up in his face.  “Oh my god this is tooooo perfect!  We don’t even have to wait for my morning growths for me to get bigger than you!  I can just make you burst deep in my throat, over and over, so I can suck up all your cum and swallow it down into my belly.”  Brooke gathered up some of her stomach flesh and jiggled it.  “Mmmmmmm, and then you’ll get smaller and smaller right before my eyes, as I get bigger and bigger and BIGGER…until we’re just like we were back at the restaurant last night…with me palming your weak little head as you suckle on my biggggg breast like a little baby.”  

That did it for Lucas.  He had reached a crossroads in this awful predicament.  There were two ways this thing could go — either he resisted her and kept his life, his position at Braden, his self-respect, and any semblance of his manhood…or he crumbled before her, and let her turn him into that pathetic, infantilized, babbling little mess of a creature from the previous night.  Lucas' cock fought desperately forth in his pants for the latter option…he stared at Brooke, whose mouth was starting to curve upward in a mischievous smile, as her eyes went wider still in expectation.  She was licking her lips again at him, undulating her tongue back and forth as she looked down at his tenting cock, then back to his face, then back down to his cock again.   

“Let me SUCK on your cock again!” she burst out in a ravenous, crazed voice, and her hands shot down like lightning towards his crotch.  She grasped hold of his dick with two hands and started pumping and twisting it desperately, as she angled herself downward to unbuckle his pants again.  

“NO BROOKE!!” shouted Lucas, backing away from her out of sheer self-preserving instinct.  He felt his hard length slip out of the pumping vice of her hands.  “NO!  Th-this…this is NOT going to happen!”  

“Come on Lucas, let me have it,” begged Brooke, her hands outstretched as she went after him again.  “Give it to me…you know you want it…you know you can’t resist me.  I’m gonna make you cum so much that you’ll be a short, skinny, cross-eyed little man, hahahaha!  Come on Lucas!  Stop running away!  Feed me!  Give me what I want…what we both want!  Make me growwwww!”    

Brooke was now essentially chasing Lucas around his office, licking her lips at him as her eager hands reached downward towards his aching cock.  Lucas went around his desk…Brooke followed…he went around the other way…Brooke followed him again.  It was pure insanity.  He felt his mind cracking, but he grit his teeth down, breathing forcefully out of his nose as he rounded his desk for a third time, getting around his big, black leather chair, and standing behind it, using it as a kind of shield.  

“Brooke…you…you have to stop this…RIGHT NOW,” panted Lucas, locking his jaw firmly in place.  “This…this is unacceptable behavior.”

“Awww what are you gonna do Lucas?” taunted Brooke, trying to go around the big chair.  Lucas rebuffed her, keeping behind it.  “What are you gonna do?” she repeated, laughing.  “Cum down my throat?  Is that what you’re gonna do, Lucas?  I think so…I think so!”

“If…if you don’t stop,” said Lucas, recovering himself and for the first time speaking with authoritative firmness, “Then I’ll cancel your participation in the nanobot trial.”   

Brooke paused, blinking.  Lucas held firm behind the chair.  He had finally done it…he had finally managed to hit a nerve.  He could feel the promise of his old life, of the control and stature of his job, all coming rushing back into his body.  He stood up straighter, tightening his grip on the black leather.  

“No you won’t,” laughed Brooke suddenly as she shook her head, apparently unimpressed by the threat.     

“Oh I absolutely will,” replied Lucas instantly with growing energy.  “And not just that, Brooke.  I’ll bar you from ever participating in it ever again…under any conditions.”

“You don’t have that kind of authority here,” returned Brooke, still smiling.  But her voice had gone a little flat, and Lucas was heartened to see that there was something like fear flickering in those deep green eyes.  

“You don’t think so?” asked Lucas, taking brutal pleasure out of his position of power.  He reached down and snatched the phone off the hook, shaking it in Brooke’s face.  “Try me.  Want me to call Rick right now, hmmm?  I’ll do it, Brooke.  And don’t think for a second that I won’t.”  

Brooke had become as still as a statue.  She had rapidly shed all the externalities of humor that had been bubbling in her complexion.  Her mouth was still open a little; it had been an eager smile moments before, but now the corners of her mouth had dropped.  Her outstretched hands fell to her sides as she blinked for a few seconds, looking puzzled as she wrapped her mind around the situation.  Lucas watched her with the burgeoning thrill of victory.  

“You don’t want to help me get bigger?” asked Brooke in a low voice, her big eyes blinking at him.  Lucas realized with something like surprise that Brooke wasn’t just puzzled and confused over his resolve…she was starting to get upset.        

“You’ll grow a quarter of an inch every morning at 8am,” replied Lucas in a business-like tone, rotating his head slightly to the side with an air of swift professionalism.  “You’re lucky enough to be part of one of the most promising, cutting-edge technology trials on the planet, but if that’s not enough for you, Brooke, then I don’t know what else to say to you.”  

Brooke looked at him long and hard for another few moments, her eyes narrowing at him, like she was trying to will his mind into changing.  It occurred to Lucas that she might have even been trying something odd, something strange…like attempting to mind-control him.  Had she had that power…the previous night?  Was she trying desperately to recall it?  To retrieve it?  Lucas didn’t know, but the mere thought of such a thing sent a chill down his spine.  

And then, quite suddenly, Brooke’s mouth shut closed like a box.  

“Ok…Mr. Mineur,” she said curtly, and then turned on her heel, striding back to her desk.  Lucas watched her go, hardly managing to believe that he had won…that he had forced her to back down.  He glanced down at his chair and saw that both hands had gone totally white from their tight grip.  He let go of the black leather, watching it slowly return to its old form as he smiled to himself, shaking his head.    

For the rest of the day, Brooke essentially gave Lucas the cold shoulder.  Or, at least, that’s what it felt like to Lucas, compared to how she had been behaving towards him earlier in the day.  She followed orders, doing exactly what Lucas told her to do without any complaints, but she did so with a noticeably blunted attitude.  It was clear that she was extremely displeased and upset by Lucas’s rebuffing her advances, and Lucas could not have been more pleased.  He typed out emails to everyone…he went around to different offices, meeting with Trent and Ryan and Steve at various intervals, just because he could.  In the back of his mind, he was gloating, basking in his victory, and eager to spend some time with the other guys in the office.  When he was in such a good mood, being around them reinforced his own manhood.  

“Got a perfect little picture of a secretary there,” chuckled Ryan as Lucas and Steve stood around his desk.  “What do I need to do to get me one of those?”  

“Ha!  Well when you’re office manager, you know…” joked Lucas, shrugging his shoulders.  

“Oh yeah yeah, nice,” laughed Ryan, rolling his eyes.  “I’ve gotta wait until I get a promotion, before I get some ass, huh?”

“Heheh, I…wait, what?” asked Lucas, trying to keep the lightness in his voice as he felt a dark cloud pass over his face.  Had Ryan seen Brooke sucking him off earlier!?  

“You know!” exclaimed Ryan, “Some nice ass to look at whenever I want?  I could use some of that, let me tell you.”

“Oh…haha, yeah, right,” said Lucas, breathing an inward sigh of relief.  

“I don’t know about you guys,” came Steve, “But I was too busy looking at her breasts to even notice her butt.”

“Yeah, well…she’s got some, how do you say?  Junk in the trunk,” returned Ryan, eying Lucas humorously.  

“Heh, yeah, she sure does,” chuckled Lucas.  He was feeling better than he had been feeling all day.  

“But her boobs though!” said Steve again, cupping where they would be on his own chest.  “You see those things bounce when she moves!?”

“Trust me Steve,” laughed Lucas, “I spend a lot of time with her in my office.  Don’t think I don’t look up every once in a while for the eye candy.”  

“I mean…damn!” exclaimed Steve, shaking his head.  “I don’t know how you get any work done, Lucas.”

“Well maybe if you had my self-control you’d already be an office manager,” quipped Lucas, his eyebrows going up.  

“Touche sir, touche,” laughed Steve.  

“Well the way that she’s growing and everything…shit,” said Ryan, “I’d have already done her.  But no, instead of a hot brunette with big tits and a big ass, I’m stuck here working with Steve.”

“Hah!  Well, just keep your eyes on the prize,” laughed Lucas, then quickly adding, “But, you know…not my secretary.  She’s off limits for any of you.”

“Oho, lookie here!” came Trent’s voice as he poked his head into Ryan’s office.  “Getting a little protective of your secretary, huh Lucas?”  

“I am not!” laughed Lucas as he felt a cold shudder of anger go through him as he turned to face Trent.  His next-in-line-to manager colleague was looking a good deal taller than him; Trent was 6’2, and unbeknownst to him, two whole inches taller than him now.  Lucas inflated his chest slightly as he stretched himself up as tall as he could go.  “I just know it’s a horrible idea, and bad company policy in general, to let coworkers date each other.  The last thing we need here at Braden is more drama.”  

“Well, agree to disagree there, Lucas,” chuckled Trent, stepping into the room and growing bigger in Lucas’s estimation.  “I think we could all use a little spice in our mundane little office existence.”

“Mundane!?” cried Lucas, reminding himself not to let Trent get him flustered.  “Are you kidding me, Trent!?  We’re doing human trials on next-generation nanobots that could change the world!”  

“Yeah, and we’re four or five dudes talking about synthetic molecular motors over our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every lunch break,” replied Trent, causing Ryan and Steve to chuckle.  “I wouldn’t mind having a little something different to talk about for a change.”

“Well it’s not gonna be any inter-office drama involving Br-…my secretary,” responded Lucas.  To lighten his own tone, he laughed and pointed, first at Trent and then at Ryan and Steve respectively.

“She’s hands-off to you and you and you!” he teased.  Trent looked at him steadily, and Lucas wondered whether Trent had any inkling of what had actually been going on.  Steve sighed and protested in jest.  

“What about James?” asked Ryan.  

“What about him?” Lucas replied, confident in the trajectory of the conversation.  

“Does he get a shot at her?” Ryan inquired.  

“James?  Haha well you should’ve seen him and Brooke making eye contact earlier,” laughed Lucas.  “It would be a shame to break up something that’s obviously already in progress.”  

“Aww she’s waaaayyy too hot for James!” protested Ryan, with Steve nodding.

“Well maybe she’s looking for something other than ex-frat dude nerd who drinks himself into a stupor at fancy bars every weekend,” mocked Lucas.

“Hey!  Woah!  Low blow!” laughed Ryan, furrowing his brow as he spread his arms innocently.  

“I tell it like I see it,” responded Lucas, shrugging.  He was becoming increasingly aware of Trent’s silent presence beside him — he could feel Trent looking at him, studying him.  He needed to get out of there, before Trent realized that he had gotten shorter.  “Ok, so anyway — back to those synthetic molecular motors,” he joked, backing out of the office and striding freely down the hallway, safe at last, and alive from the success of the exchange.      

When he got back to his office, however, he saw that Brooke wasn’t there.  He stood in the doorway, scratching his head.  A sudden thought — that Brooke had actually just walked off the job — popped up in his head, and Lucas couldn’t avoid noticing that his eyes searched around for a few quick moments in some kind of strange panic.  But her briefcase was there…her laptop was there…everything was still there.  She had probably just gone to the bathroom.  

“Looking for your secretary?” came Sophia’s voice behind him.  Lucas rolled his eyes and copped an attitude as he turned around.  Sophia was already out ahead of him in the attitude department, leaning against the door frame of her adjacent office, her arms folded across her chest.  

“Just…coming back from a little meeting is all,” said Lucas, folding his own arms.

“Oh I heard,” said Sophia, inclining her head toward Ryan’s office.  “Sounded like some super important action items were covered.”  

“Didn’t your parents ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop?” asked Lucas, already becoming a little annoyed.  Sophia’s eyes were narrowed at him, and her stare was even more intent than Trent’s had been.  “And anyway, Brooke’s just probably in the restroom or something.”  

“I sent Brooke home,” said Sophia bluntly.

“You what!?” cried Lucas, blinking a few times in blank rage. 

“I sent her home,” repeated Sophia, totally unmoved by Lucas’s reaction.  “Her dress was torn down the middle, and her breasts were about to pop out at any second.  That’s no way for a young woman to be dressed at Braden, I’m sure you’d agree.  Especially when there’s little conversations going on like the one I just heard.  And so yes, I sent her back home to put on the clothes we shopped for this weekend.  It looks like she’s had quite a growth spurt, so it seems like those clothes should fit fine now.”  

“You…you have no authority to send my secretary home like that!” exclaimed Lucas, almost choking on his anger.  

“No?” asked Sophia calmly, “Well would you prefer that Dave hears about our promising new employee being forced to work in your office with her big naked tits bouncing all over the place?  Think that’ll fly over well with management, when they hear that you’re abusing the privileges you’ve been given?”

“I’m…not abusing anything!” replied Lucas heatedly.  

“Well then I’m sure you agree with me sending her home to change clothes then,” said Sophia coolly.  “It was the right thing to do, Lucas, and since you were too busy gawking at her chest, and then pal-ing around with the guys about it afterward, I did it for you.”

“Don’t…don’t ever tell my secretary what to do again, ok?” Lucas intoned angrily.  He didn’t even wait for Sophia’s reaction before he turned and slammed his office door closed.  

When Brooke returned, her enlarged frame fitting nicely into one of her new summer dresses, Lucas gave it to her as well.  

I’m the authority here, you understand?” he said firmly, leaning forward in his chair as he jabbed into his desk with his finger.  “You answer to me and no one else…got it?”   

“But my boobs kept popping out when I moved around,” responded Brooke in a flat voice, blinking a few times as she stood before him.  

“That…that would have been something to bring up to me, you understand?” Lucas said angrily.  “Not Sophia, or anyone else, for that matter.”

“Sophia was just walking by the office and noticed me,” said Brooke in the same cool, professional voice.  “I didn’t go to anyone else about it.  I was going to wait for you to get back, but Sophia was insistent that I change into some new clothes.”

Lucas gaped at her, making a noise to say something, but then not saying anything.  Brooke did look really good in her new dress…and her breasts bulged out noticeably.  

‘Solid double-D cups,’ Lucas thought to himself, not being able to help it.  

“For what it’s worth, Mr. Mineur,” added Brooke smoothly, “I think Sophia was right to send me home.”  

“Well unfortunately it doesn’t really matter what you think and don’t think,” retorted Lucas, now thoroughly angry.  He knew that Brooke was putting on this whole insufferable “professionalism” facade just to get back at him for rejecting her, but that didn’t make it any less infuriating for him now.  “You work for ME, Brooke.  Not Sophia.  And as such, you answer only to me.  Is that clear?”

“Crystal clear, Mr. Mineur,” said Brooke, closing her mouth immediately after speaking. 

The rest of the day passed by in tense uneventfulness.  Lucas went home feeling vindicated and victorious, but exhausted.  The next morning, Brooke arrived ten minutes before 8, and Lucas found her chatting casually with Sophia next to her office door.  

“Alright, no time for chit-chat this morning Brooke,” said Lucas brusquely, rotating his index finger around and around.  “Have you made my coffee yet?”

“Not yet, Mr. Mineur,” she responded.

“Well let’s get to it!  Chop chop!” he exclaimed, clapping his hands.  He didn't even bother looking at Sophia’s reaction to his shameless power plays.  He went around to his desk, settled into his chair, and when Brooke brought him his coffee a few minutes later, he was already busy answering emails.  

“Your coffee, Mr. Mineur,” said Brooke emotionlessly.  Lucas accepted it without looking at her and took a sip, making a face immediately after.  

“What is this, Brooke?” he demanded.  “This is waaaayyy too acidic.  It has no balance.  It’s all wrong.  Bad way to start the day, Brooke — go make it again.”

Brooke wordlessly turned and went out.  

“And hurry it up, will you?” called Lucas after her.  “The spurt’s in less than ten minutes!”  

Once Brooke was standing up on the stadiometer a few minutes later, Lucas had to catch himself.  He had felt his cock stirring a little in his pants as Brooke had bent down to take her 2-inch heels off, in response to seeing her heavy breasts swinging freely down in the bust of her red dress.  It had been enough to realize that Brooke was almost exactly the same height as him in her heels, but her breasts coupled with that…?  Lucas had to remind himself what he was avoiding by not pursuing his arousal.  

“Now let’s see here,” he said, eying the clock as he went through a folder, “You prepared the notes and charts of your early growth…hmmmm, Brooke are you kidding me?”

“Excuse me Mr. Mineur,” she said, staring straight forward, “I don’t understand.”  

“Brooke, these notes are crap!” he exclaimed, feeling the authority of his position coursing through his veins.  Brooke may have been about to grow a little bigger, and she may have been acting like a right little bitch ever since he had upset her by turning her down, but Lucas sure as hell was the one in charge…and Brooke of all people was going to understand and appreciate that fact.       

“I’m sorry Mr. Mineur,” replied Brooke, blinking a couple times as she continued to refrain from looking directly at him.  “It was the best effort I could give at the time.”

“Well best effort or not,” continued Lucas, working himself up, “These notes make absolutely no sense at all.  This is NOT acceptable, Brooke, do you understand?  I need you to hunker down and focus on doing a much better job at organizing all this information.  I mean, for starters, these charts are all out of order.  Do you understand how important it is to have this kind of visual information streamlined for the viewer?  We’re not gonna get anywhere in these trials if this is the kind of shoddy work you give me.  And the size charts, Brooke.  Don’t even get me started on them.  You need to understand the difference between the median and the mode, alright?  We can’t hope to have all this data organized in any meaningful way if you…if…you…”

The stretchy sound of tightening fabric interrupted his rant, and Lucas floundered about for a moment, staring directly down into Brooke’s breasts.  It was 8 o’clock.  She was growing.  His eyes darted up from her breasts to her face, and he saw her green eyes regarding him steadily, rising up and up, until they were the same height as his nose.  Her red dress, which had already fit quite well, now fit her figure a bit more snugly, as her hips curved out a little wider, and her breasts pressed into her dress’s bust a little harder.  Lucas saw the creamy breast flesh tighten in her bra, and bulge slightly over the front of her dress.  His cock twitched restlessly, and without realizing it, he exhaled audibly, swallowing a couple times.  His eyes shot back to her face, which was still regarding him with a cool, professional passivity.  She was still growing.  And everything about her was brightening slightly — her face looked even fresher, her eyes looked even greener, her lips looked even plumper, and her hair looked a little fuller.  Lucas felt himself starting to lose ground, and he fought back desperately.   

“If you insist on giving me this kind of slop every morning,” he continued, feeling his threatened authority flame inside him as he resumed berating her.  “This isn’t going to work Brooke, ok?  I need you to really step it up in here and dedicate yourself to producing higher quality work.  Otherwise, we’re all just wasting our time here, and I can easily find someone else who will do a better job.  Understand?” 

“Yes sir, Mr. Mineur,” answered Brooke immediately in the same unaffected voice.  Lucas tried to hide his emotional reaction by measuring her.  

“Ok, so…5’9-and-a-half, and 144 pounds,” he said, writing it all down.  “Think you can chart that Brooke?”

“Absolutely sir,” she responded immediately, nodding as she looked at him.  Lucas didn’t know if she was trying to make her voice sound deeper that way or if…or of it had changed slightly with her growth spurt.  It was deeper somehow…and strangely, still feminine.  More feminine, in fact, than it had been before…deeper, richer.  And it stirred his loins like a spoon.  

“Alright…so…ok, good,” he replied briskly.  Brooke nodded and stepped off the stadiometer, sitting down dutifully at her desk, looking at Lucas expectantly as she waited for him to administer the IQ test.  He blinked blankly at her for a second, not quite understanding how she could possibly be acting so rigidly professional when she had been so utterly depraved earlier on.  What did she think she was doing?  Did she really expect him to somehow fold and give her what she wanted!?  Lucas actually shook his head and smiled at her, like he was saying, ‘Ha, go ahead, bring it on.  I know what you’re doing.’  Whatever it was she thought that she was accomplishing by being so passive aggressive, Lucas felt totally prepared for it.  In fact, he welcomed it.  Finally, Brooke was doing what he wanted her to do, which was to be a model employee who answered to him and followed his orders.  And of course, it didn’t hurt that she was turning into a piece of eye candy.  

‘Not really a 9 out of 10 yet,’ Lucas thought to himself as he handed her the IQ test.  ‘But getting close.’  He sat down at his desk, feeling better than he had in days.              

The next few days, however, did not extend the smug solace that Lucas was feeling in his position.  As the days ticked by, with Brooke growing a quarter of an inch each day, along with becoming a little curvier, a little bustier, and a little hotter, Lucas felt his control slipping.  He was careful not to show his uneasiness to anyone, especially Brooke herself, but there was no way he could pretend that it wasn’t happening.  To begin with, Brooke’s performance was getting noticed around the office.  Both Sophia and James had bothered to poke their heads into Lucas’s office, complimenting Brooke on the data charts she had sent around the office, or on the organized tables that she had prepared for the company’s website.  Lucas had bristled at these compliments (particularly from Sophia, since he knew that she was just saying it to annoy him), because, after all, he had been the one to tell Brooke to do all these things.  The fact that she could do a good job at relatively simple tasks shouldn’t have elicited these kinds of compliments.

‘I mean, those charts were pretty neat and organized,’ he told himself, ‘But…that should be expected from her…from my secretary.’  

It wasn’t just Brooke’s performance that was getting her noticed around the office.  Apparently, she had been busy behind his back making connections with other people, particularly the women from separate Braden offices a few floors down.  One morning, right in the middle of a growth spurt that would end with her being 5’10, Lucas heard a woman’s voice saying: 

“Hey Brooke!”

Lucas had whipped around annoyed, feeling like the privacy of something was being violated.  The truth was, he had been staring straight at Brooke’s expanding breasts, and had been startled and embarrassed by the interruption.  

“Sorry Lyn!  Not the best time!” Brooke had said immediately.  It had been the first time that Lucas had heard Brooke talk in the middle of a growth spurt, and he could hear the slight exertion in her voice, as if she was talking while she was lifting a heavy weight.  He looked at her blankly, surprised by her tone, as he saw her cheeks blossom a little fuller.  The sound of her dress expanding cut through the air gently, and Lucas once again found his eyes drawn to Brooke’s breasts.  They were past double D’s now…they had to be triple D’s now…and they were still growing.  Lucas felt the blood rushing down to his cock.  Something about the exertion Brooke had made to speak, and how she had sounded, transported him with lust.  

“Oh…oh s-sorry!” Lyn had said, retreating back out the door.  

“I’ll drop by later!” Brooke had called after her, and then, just like that, she was back to her cool, professional self.  “I apologize for that, Mr. Mineur,” she said, her eyes rising up slightly, even with Lucas’s upper nose.  

“Uh…who…who was that?” asked Lucas, trying to sound annoyed but not quite pulling it off.  

“That was….yes, I think it’s done now…that was Lyn from downstairs,” said Brooke, stepping off the stadiometer and back into her 2-inch heels.  She rose up and up, until Lucas realized that, with Brooke in her heels, they were the exact same height.  He felt his mouth go slack and a cold shudder went down his spine.  It felt like his entire body was numb…except for his cock, which was now completely hard, and jutting blatantly out in his pants.  Brooke’s eyes darted down to his crotch, but almost as soon as they had gone down, they were back up again, looking Lucas squarely in the face.  

“I’m starting a volleyball team with some of the other women at Braden,” Brooke said, offering no indication that she had just clearly seen her boss’s raging cock poking out in his pants.  

“A…volleyball team?” asked Lucas.  He knew that Brooke had seen his boner, but he didn’t want to just keep standing there, and so he quickly rounded his desk and sat in his chair.  

“Yes sir,” Brooke replied.  “I thought it would be good for me to branch out a little and meet the other women at our company.  A volleyball team is an excellent way to do that, and help us all encourage each other to stay in good shape.”   

“That’s…well, ok.  That’s fine, I suppose,” said Lucas, fumbling for control.  “As long as it doesn’t interfere with your job here, I guess there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“All of our practices are after hours, and the games are only on the weekends,” Brooke responded calmly.  

“So…ok, good…good,” said Lucas, nodding his head.  He didn’t know why this was all so annoying to him, but he wasn’t going to keep sitting there like an idiot.  He pointed at the growth charts Brooke was holding.  “So…you’re gonna file those, yes?”

“Of course, Mr. Mineur,” responded Brooke with the same coolness.  Lucas was starting to find it annoying.  

“Hey Brooke!” came Trent’s voice as he poked his head around Lucas’s office door, “Lyn just told me about your volleyball team.  I wanna join up!”  

“Sorry Trent,” chuckled Brooke, her demeanor suddenly changing into something warmer and lighter, “No boys allowed!”      

“What!?” cried Trent in mock protest.  “Why not??  You girls could use a tall guy like me to spike the ball!”

“I’m sure you’re an excellent volleyball player,” joked Brooke, “But this is a non-coed league.”

“Well your loss, sister,” teased Trent, rising up to his full height.  “If you don’t want a 6’2 stud on your team, then so be it, right, Lucas?  Tall guys stick together — hey, maybe we can form a basketball team, just to spite the girls!”

“Oho!” intoned Brooke mockingly, her eyebrows going up as her full lips formed a sexy “o” shape.  Lucas panicked as he noticed her stepping towards Trent, her big ass bouncing up and down with each step she took.  

“Trent…” Lucas said, quieter than he had meant to.  

“I mean, I’m 6’2, and you’re 6’1, right Lucas?” continued Trent.  “We’re not giants, but we’ve got some height.  We’d have to recruit from downstairs though.  Not sure if James is the basketball type, you know?”

“Mr. Mineur is only 6 feet tall,” corrected Brooke.

“What?  Nah, Lucas I thought you said you were 6’1,” said Trent, looking past Brooke at him.  

“Trent,” said Lucas, a little firmer, “Brooke needs to take her IQ test.”  

“Oh!  Haha, oh, sorry,” said Trent, looking back at Brooke and smiling.  “Didn’t mean to hold things up.”

“That’s ok Trent,” said Brooke, blinking her big eyes at him and smiling.  Lucas felt a kind of white rage suddenly build up in him.  Was Brooke flirting with Trent!?  Right in front of him??  Or was he just imagining it all?  Lucas didn’t know, but as soon as Trent left, Brooke had wordlessly turned, without even looking at Lucas, and gone back to her desk, sitting down at it and folding her hands, making an obvious show of being ready.  The contrast in behavior was obvious, and made Lucas even more angry.  

“No more interruptions today, ok Brooke?” he said, snatching up the IQ test and placing it down roughly in front of her.  “We’ve already got enough on our plates without you chit chatting with all your new friends.”

“Of course, Mr. Mineur,” Brooke responded immediately, nodding her head.  

The rest of that day had passed without event, but Lucas had steadily been feeling, as the day wore on, that his control was slipping even more than it had been before.  This wasn’t just because of Brooke’s social branching out to the rest of the office.  That made things difficult enough, but the real reason that Lucas was starting to worry is that, more and more, he was fixating on Brooke’s body.  Her growth spurts had made her incredible…stunning, in fact.  Her brunette hair had wonderful, full volume…her face looked so fresh and vigorous that Lucas had gotten into the habit of doing covert triple takes at her from behind his desk.  Just…the way that her face was shaped, with her more defined higher cheekbones, her healthy cheeks, and those spectacular green eyes…well, there wasn’t any question now: she was the beauty in the office, hands down.  Olivia was hot, yes…but Brooke had grown hotter still.  And her body…Lucas couldn’t believe how good it looked, squeezed sexily into one of her new dresses, with her huge tits hanging down onto her desk as she worked.  Whenever Brooke would lean forward at her computer screen, her breasts would expand and splay themselves out on her desk, getting squished from her forward motion.  And every time, Lucas would sneak glances at her out of the corner of his eye, having to make a conscious effort to keep his mouth closed.  

‘Holy shit,’ he thought to himself, ‘This girl is a total knockout.’    

Later on that night, Lucas was lying in his bed, having failed so far to go to sleep.  His cock pointed straight up at the ceiling.  He couldn’t get Brooke out of his head.  Her huge boobs squishing into her desk, her big butt cheeks bouncing back and forth as she walked down the hall, her gorgeous face…everything about her.  She just moved differently now; ever since her daily growth spurts, she increasingly moved with an easy, confident cadence that was a far cry from the awkward gawkiness of the previous week.  She was a completely new woman, and, as Lucas thought with a strange, thrilled trepidation, she was getting closer to how she had been in the restaurant.  She had been an otherworldly goddess then, yes, but she had only started the spurts for a few days, and already…well, she was a close to a 9 out of 10.  

Lucas reached for his erect cock and started jerking it, but he made himself stop.  He didn’t know whether cumming without Brooke would make him shrink again — as far as his own shrinkage was concerned, Lucas had no idea how it was happening.  At this point, he was trying not to think about it too much, since it made him feel like he was about to have a panic attack.  In the time that he had spent, however, he had worked it out in his head that it had to do with Brooke’s nanobots somehow.  Brooke wasn’t here with him now…and his member, his brain…his entire body, was literally aching for release.

‘Fuck it,’ he thought to himself, starting to pump furiously, ‘It’ll be fine.  She’s not here.  I’ve got nothing to worry about.’

He came in less than a minute, in spite of his efforts to hold himself off to prolong the pleasure.  Cursing himself as he fapped the cum furiously out after abruptly stopping, he felt it spatter high up on his chest.  He waited…nothing seemed to have changed.  He knew that he could go measure himself, but the post-orgasmic stupor weighed heavily on him, and he just had the energy to wipe the cum off with a tissue and flush it down the toilet.  He watched it go down, suddenly feeling an enormous sense of waste.  

‘Brooke could’ve swallowed that,’ he thought to himself, against his will.  ‘It could’ve made her bigger…and more beautiful.’  

But Lucas shook his head to himself, turning off the bathroom light and getting back into bed.  He was surely starting to lose it, thinking like that.  He shut his eyes and managed to fall into an uneasy sleep.         

The next day, Lucas did his best to try and convince himself that his masturbation gambit hadn’t caused him to shrink.  Nothing was terribly obvious, though he had to admit that, watching Brooke sprout up to 5’10-and-a-quarter, it was hard to tell if he was even actually taller than her, and by how much.  

‘Good god, relax,’ he told himself severely, ‘When people are within a few inches of each other, it’s just hard to tell.  All there is to it.  Like it’s not so obvious that Trent is one…uh, two inches taller than me.  Get a grip.’  

But when Brooke stepped off the stadiometer, and back into her 2-inch heels, Lucas couldn’t help but think that she definitely seemed a little taller than him.  She gave him a curious once-over, and then sat down swiftly for her IQ test, not providing any more of a reaction.  Lucas felt the irritation build in him again.  She was still giving him the cold shoulder!?  What did she think she was going to accomplish by all this?  Lucas didn’t have too long to stew over it, however, because a little while later, the results came in: Brooke had scored a 115, only two points lower than his 117.  He was still slipping, and she was still gaining on him.  

“Look at that,” he said in a shaky voice, grinning despite his internal horror, “You’re almost at my level Brooke!”

“Hmmm, interesting,” she responded, not sounding too interested.  “Shall I get you your coffee, Mr. Mineur?”

“I…yes…yes please,” answered Lucas.  She brought it to him promptly and he tasted it…it was delicious…perfectly balanced with cream and sugar, with no bite of acidity whatsoever.  Lucas had expected Brooke to be watching him taste it, with her hands folded anxiously in front of her, but instead, she had just gone back around to her desk.  She appeared to be typing something…either in her journal or in an email to someone.  

“Hrmm…this…this,” said Lucas, holding up his mug.  Brooke didn’t even turn her head from the screen.  

“Yes?” she asked coolly.  

“It’s…not bad,” Lucas said, vastly downplaying the truth.  “Not bad at all.  You’re getting there, Brooke, haha.  Guess working for me for a few days is starting to rub off on you, huh?”  

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to improve, Mr. Mineur,” came her immediate and deadpan reply.  Lucas found himself wanting to continue the exchange, but Brooke had just effectively slammed the door on him.  He turned back to his work, fuming at her passive aggressive behavior.  It wasn’t long, though, before he was stealing covert little glances at her as she worked.  

‘9 out of 10 now…no question,’ came the inescapable thought.  

Lucas spent the rest of the day sitting in his black leather chair, in an effort to disguise his near-constant erection.  He wanted to be close to Brooke, to stand next to her, to compare sizes with her, to feel her big, soft, warm tit flesh all up in his face…smelling her sweet, fresh scent.  But he couldn’t expose himself…not when she was treating him like this.  Lucas still had enough pride to resist.  But when he got home that night, he didn’t waste any time jerking off.  And just once wasn’t anywhere close to being enough.  Two, three times more, he made himself cum…and then he did it some more.  Vaguely, his brain flashed warning signs, but he completely ignored them, telling himself that he was safe, and that just as no shrinking had happened before (he assumed), nothing would happen now.  More times than he could count, he gave himself up to the fierce bliss of orgasm, Brooke’s huge breasts bouncing and squishing and stretching the fabric of her dress in his head, as her deep green eyes froze his soul over and over again.  

When Lucas finally managed to stop, he stood up out of his bed…and he knew that things were different.  He knew that everything had changed — the entire room seemed a little bigger.  Lucas’s heart hammered away as he stood by his bathroom doorway, measuring himself.  There was no doubt in his mind that he had really done himself in this time, but strangely, the surreal energy whipping around him was so strong that he didn’t even have the capacity to be horrified.  The measurement didn’t even surprise him: he was 5’10-and-a-quarter…the same exact height as Brooke.             

The next morning, Lucas felt numb as he came into work.  His clothes were now hanging noticeably looser on his body, and he could feel his feet rattling around in his shoes.  He had rolled up his pants a few inches, so as not to make it all too obvious, but he still made a distinct point to get to his office early, so no one would see him.  He knew he was holding off the inevitable, but he needed more time to rack his brain about what to do about his terrible situation.  

He was surprised, then, to find Brooke already in his office.  She had arrived earlier still, and was standing on the stadiometer on her bare feet, doing a crossword puzzle, anticipating with apparent eagerness her next growth spurt.  Lucas felt sick when he noticed a pair of 4-inch red heels sitting by Brooke’s desk.  He also saw her eyes lingering on him for a few long moments, longer than they usually did, and Lucas could tell that she was taking in his reduced stature.  Once again, however, she made no mention of it.    

“Hello sir,” said Brooke, “I got here a little early, so I thought I’d go ahead and streamline the process and get ready.”

“That’s…good.  That’s good.  Thank you Brooke,” Lucas said, already feeling small around her.  Even though they were the same height, the way that Brooke was confidently standing there in her red dress, with her breasts pushed out and her shoulders held back, she just seemed…bigger than him.  And, a few minutes later, she was.  At 8am exactly, Lucas stood closely by, watching with slow, inevitable excitement and dread as Brooke’s deepening green eyes rose slowly, slowly up above his.  It was very subtle, but the moment was seared into Lucas’s mind because Brooke was making eye contact with him; he felt his eyes lock onto hers helplessly.  He could not look away…and as the seconds passed, he felt his own eyes averting slightly upward in order to keep looking into hers.  It was done.  She was a quarter inch taller than him.  Lucas was rock hard and gaping, but Brooke didn’t even seem to notice or care.  She casually stepped off the stadiometer and promptly slipped into her red heels.  

Brooke’s head shot way up over Lucas’s, and he was dumbfounded to discover that he was looking straight into her elegant, alabaster neck.  His eyes didn’t even come up to her chin anymore.  His shoulders were even with her huge F-cup breasts which seemed to stretch her red dress to the limit.  When Brooke stared forward, her eyes were exactly even with the top of Lucas’s head.  He had already been feeling small before, but now, he felt positively dwarfed. In her heels, his secretary was over four inches taller than him, and apparently not too far away in weight either.  The sheer size and bulk of her full thighs, her big ass, and her wide healthy hips, to say nothing of her massive breasts, was enough to convince Lucas that even if he was still heavier than Brooke, it couldn’t have been by much. 

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.  Brooke, meanwhile, was giving him a dispassionate once-over, her gorgeous green eyes traveling slowly down his body, and then back up again, settling finally down on his face.  Her eyes narrowed down at him slightly, but then, she just proceeded along to her desk, the twin fleshy orbs of her ass bouncing up and down crazily with each movement, as the rest of her augmented, feminine flesh jiggled and quivered gently.  

“So Mr. Mineur,” said Brooke expressionlessly after she had been sitting down at her desk for a few long moments, “The IQ test?”   


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