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Here's the completed chapter!  Enjoy! <3 

Chapter 16

Lucas felt frazzled as he walked down the hall towards the meeting room.  He could feel Brooke bounding along behind him.  He even imagined her almost skipping, like she was an excited student on the way to school; he wanted to turn around and look at her, just to gauge her mood and reaction, but he already knew that such a gesture would already be giving her too much.  He needed to maintain his authority over her, and he could NOT let her realize how much she had already gotten into his head.  

‘She already knows, idiot,’ said a voice inside his head.  ‘She made you cum twice before 11am…in your own office…pretty sure she knows she’s on to something here.’ 

But Lucas ground his teeth down behind his lips and pushed those thoughts out of his head.  He couldn’t control what had already happened — all he could do was do his best to act normally and pretend that nothing unusual had happened, or was happening.  He knew that he’d have to be especially careful around Sophia, who was already snooping around, being overly suspicious.  He would probably have to avoid making eye contact with her, at least for two long.  She knew him better than anyone else did in the office, and she had…a way of teasing the truth out of him, no matter what defensive barriers he erected between them.   

There was only about a minute left until the meeting started, and Lucas had reached the doorway.  Right after opening the door, he realized that he probably needed to give Brooke one last, good, stern warning about behaving professionally in front of co-workers, and so he turned around to face her, his mouth open as the beginning syllables of his admonition tripped forward on his tongue.  But they didn’t get any further than that, because as soon as he had turned around, he found that his open lips had been swiftly met by Brooke’s own.  She had clearly been eying his mouth the whole time, planning her attack, and when he had turned around, she had pounced.  Lucas struggled backward in surprise, his back hitting the side of the door frame, as Brooke stepped forward, keeping her lips fastened on his determinedly as she pressed herself up against him.  Lucas felt the large volume of her warm breasts gathering forcefully against his lower chest, and the unexpected sensation of her lips against his had the effects of pumping blood back down into his cock.  

“Bbbrrrkkk!!” he muffled into her lips.  But she had already pulled away — the whole kiss hadn’t lasted longer than a second or two, but to Lucas it felt longer.  Brooke’s green eyes were glinting mischievously at him, and she licked her lips assertively, stepping forward confidently through the door he was holding, and into the meeting room before him.  Lucas had not intended on having Brooke walk in before him, and he awkwardly followed her in, wiping his own lips to hopefully remove any trace of her lipstick.     

“Ah Lucas, just in time!” said Dave, who was sitting at the head of the long boardroom table.  One of the higher-ups, Dave actually wasn’t more than a few years older than Lucas — a medium-sized man at 5’8, with a balding head, Dave didn’t look like anyone particularly important or impressive.  But the way he looked at people, and the easy, effortless way he conducted himself, made everyone at Braden respect him and sit up a little straighter whenever he was in the room.  Dave wasn’t overbearing, but he had high expectations…expectations that he wasn’t interested in negotiating.  

“Just, bringing up the rear, this morning, haha!” laughed Lucas.  A quick scan of the room showed that everyone else was already there, with their notes and papers spread out in front of them.  Lucas sat on Dave’s left at these meetings which, of course, put him directly across the table from Sophia.  Her eyes narrowed at him as he sat down, and he returned her glance challengingly, but then looked away almost immediately as he indistinctly scanned down the rest of the table.  

“And you must be Brooke,” said Dave pleasantly, addressing her as Lucas sat down.  

“Yes sir,” she said, blushing a little as she stepped up a little closer to Dave.  

“You’ve been helping out Lucas recently,” said Dave, offering his hand to her (although he did not rise up out of his chair).  “We appreciate that, Brooke.  Thank you, and pleased to meet you.”

“Pleased to meet you too!” she chirped.

Lucas was spreading out his own notes in front of him when he noticed that Dave had fixed him with a stare.  Lucas looked up inquiringly. 

“Well?” Dave asked simply, cracking a bit of a smile.  “Aren’t you gonna pull up a chair for your assistant, Lucas?  Or is she just gonna stand there behind your chair?”

There was a low murmur of laughter from the rest of the meeting room, and Lucas felt the hot color rushing into his face.  He wasn’t even sure if he was completely soft yet, and now he had to stand up in front of everyone!?  

“Oh don’t worry sir, I’ll make do,” said Brooke quickly, putting her hand on the back of Lucas’s chair.  

“No, no, I’d like you to have somewhere to sit, alright?” said Dave, looking around.  “Aha, Trent!  There’s an extra fold-up chair beside you.  Would you be so kind as to…?”

“Sure!” replied Trent, standing up and grabbing the chair, unfolding it as he walked over.  “What’s up, Brooke — doin’ alright?”  

“Just doing the best I can!” answered Brooke.  

Lucas had to make a conscious effort not to roll his eyes, but even as he focused on not doing that, he noticed another feeling poking its head above the surface of his subconscious: was he…was he irritated at Trent?  For talking to Brooke?!  Obviously there wasn’t anything going on there, but…well, just the casual way Trent had spoken to her…the easiness…maybe even…the effortless flirtation??  Lucas had no idea.  He turned around to see Trent pulling up the chair slightly behind him, and making an exaggeratedly grand gesture to Brooke, indicating that she should sit down.  She blinked her eyes a few times, smiling up at Trent as she took her seat.  Lucas’s stomach lurched as there was more chuckling laughter from around the room.  What was going on there?  Was anything going on!?

“Well alright then,” said Dave, suddenly a bit louder, indicating that his short conversation had ended and the meeting had begun, “First order of business: the manycore microprocessors that James has been honing…”

Lucas heard Brooke begin earnestly scribbling down notes, and this time, he really did roll his eyes, careful to look down as he did so in order that no one else saw.  Brooke may have been augmented and…accentuated…but there was still no question that she didn’t really cut it as far as computer or software knowledge went.  What on earth had he been thinking, tasking her with taking notes for him?  What a waste of time.

‘That’s not why she’s taking notes for you,’ the voice inside his head countered.  ‘You know that.  She’s taking notes for you so you can pretend she’s a normal secretary, even though the only reason she’s your secretary is because you couldn’t control yourself yesterday and you let the cat out of the bag and…well done.  Just well done.’

Lucas’s sarcastic self-censure was distracting, but as the meeting went on, he found himself conflictingly wanting to engage with Brooke.  The way she was seated behind him, he could see her without pointedly turning around to face her.  A couple times during the meeting, he had used the pretense of checking her notes as an excuse to turn around and take a good, healthy look at her chest, without being too obvious about it, of course.  Each time, Lucas had noticed how Brooke, instead of giving him the sultry grin that he had come to expect in his office, simply smiled at him professionally, tilting her head slightly to answer this question or that question in a whisper about the notes.  Lucas appreciated Brooke’s more modest approach, since, of course, he wanted to keep their sexual forays a secret from the rest of the office, but he also couldn’t help but wonder at Brooke’s apparent ability to alter her behavior.  He realized that he hadn’t given her enough credit before — at this point, he thought that she pretty much only had one speed (insufferably flirty secretary), and couldn’t be expected to change much.  This first meeting, however, was definitely challenging his opinion of her.  

“Which, of course, Rick has been engaged in with his nanobots.”  Dave’s voice cut through Lucas’s mind, and he snapped to attention, perking his ears up and looking across the table and to the right at Rick, who had his hands folded eagerly on the table in front of him.  

“And I have to say,” Rick added, shimmying himself up closer to the table and looking straight at Lucas (and slightly over his shoulder at Brooke), “It’s been an astounding success so far.”  

“Yes, I’ve been hearing about it,” said Dave, turning and looking straight at Brooke, with evident interest.  “You’re feeling fine, young lady?  No surprises yet?”  

“Oh, well there have been plenty of surprises,” answered Brooke.  Lucas could tell she was smiling; he was totally frozen in place, staring forward into the glossy wood of the table.  Was she about to expose him, right then and there, in front of everyone!?

“But, you know, I think that’s to be expected,” she quickly added.  “Technology has a way of showing us…who we really are, I think.  In, like, a weird way.”  

Trent, Ryan, and Steve were all nodding their heads; Olivia was staring at Brooke, leaning forward slightly into the table; Sophia was unmoving, watching the whole scene carefully, with her eyes flitting back and forth from Brooke to Trent.  Throughout the meeting room, a slight impressed rumble of assent arose.  

“Hmmm, well you know, I think that’s very well-put Brooke,” said Dave, looking out with something like amusement at the rest of the meeting.  “Very well put.  Seems like you’ve lucked out with your secretary, Lucas,” Dave said pointedly, making the extra effort to gather Lucas’s eye contact and hold it.  Lucas cracked a grin and stared back, knowing full-well that Dave was interrogating him for his disparaging words about Brooke via text the previous week.     

‘But I know more than him,’ Lucas reminded himself, laughing and chuckling along with everyone in appreciation of Brooke’s comment.  ‘I know way, waaaaay more about this whole situation than anyone in this room.  They can all laugh.  That’s fine.  But I’m the one who really knows what’s going on.’       

About twenty minutes later, the meeting was over, and everyone got up to go have lunch.  Both Steve and Ryan made a point of coming up to Brooke and mentioning how impressed they were with what she had said in her conversation with Dave.  

“Wow, that was…pretty awesome, actually,” laughed Steve.  “The last time Dave talked to an intern in a meeting, she totally shut down, haha!”

“She’s not an intern, Steve,” muttered Lucas, standing up.  “She’s my secretary.”

“Yeah, but you were just like, ‘oh yeah, I can hang!’” chuckled Ryan appreciatively, ignoring Lucas’s comment.  

“Haha, thanks guys!” exclaimed Brooke, beaming.  “I’m just…haha, you know, trying to take it one day at a time.  Learning my way around the place, learning the ins and outs of software basics.  You know…just learning, learning, learning!”

“What a nice attitude,” said Dave (who had just finished a post-meeting side conversation with Rick), coming up behind her.  “With that kind of freewheeling mind, you’ll fit in perfectly here, Brooke.”   

Lucas was smiling and chuckling along with everyone else, but he was also noticing something.  He knew that Dave had mentioned to him at one point…at some office get-together or something…that he was 5’8.  And, standing next to Brooke, he was definitely shorter than her.  Lucas knew that Brooke had measured at 5’8-and-a-half earlier that morning, but…had she grown again!?  

Lucas looked at her as she blushed slightly, smiling and laughing with the other software engineers, the upside-down horseshoe of her teeth showing as she leaned her head back a little, laughing.  Her brunette hair ruffled gently by her cheeks, contrasting strikingly with the green sparkle of her eyes...

‘Geez…she’s a 7 out of 10,’ Lucas realized.  He also found that, a minute or so later, walking back to his office, that Brooke was the one leading.  Or, more specifically, Lucas was letting her lead the way, just so he could watch her ass cheeks bounce back and forth, one after the other.  Had they been moving that way when she had first come in today?  Lucas couldn’t possibly hope to remember, since it seemed like so much had already happened, but he felt certain that something about her body was different, and the way she was moving too.  She just seemed…”more.”  She was holding her shoulders a little higher, the strides of her legs were a little more confident, and even her brunette hair seemed a little more voluminous.  

Brooke waved pleasantly at Sophia as she passed her by, with Sophia returning the wave kindly as her eyes crinkled slightly at the corners in genuine affection.  But when Sophia’s eyes went from Brooke to Lucas, her face seemed to fall a little, back into that same long, suspicious stare.  Lucas felt himself get rapidly annoyed, and he creased his brows at Sophia, widening his eyes as they moved toward the wall, shrugged his shoulders, as if to say, ‘What?!’  

He didn’t wait for her reaction — he wanted to leave her with the knowledge that her intent suspicion was really starting to get to him.  He had plenty…plenty…to hide, but there was no good reason why Sophia should be sticking her nose into his business.  Lucas passed her by quickly, and saw the side-boob view of Brooke’s chest as she turned to the right, and into his office.  There was no question — her boobs were bigger.  From this angle, he could see that her breast flesh was actually compressed by her bra and top, to the point where, in their tightness, her boobs were beginning to swell a little over the fabric of her clothes.  Lucas remembered her slightly wincing as she put her bra back on, having to actually shove her flesh down into it.  

He felt his lower jaw drop as his cock began hardening again.

‘I’m losing my mind,’ he thought to himself, following Brooke into his office as he turned around, without even thinking, to close and lock the door.  When he turned back around again, Brooke was in his face in a whirl of heat and sweet-smelling hair, her boobs pressed up against his chest, her thigh probing and digging in between his legs.  Lucas didn’t even have time to open his mouth before Brooke had seized his face, one hand on either side of his cheek, and forcefully kissed him again.        

“Oh my GOD Lucas that was so hot,” she breathed sexily into his mouth. 

“Wh-wha…wha was?!” he tried to say, fumbling with her arms, which, again, were stronger than he expected them to be.          

“We’re all in the…BIG IMPORTANT meeting,” breathed Brooke, continuing to kiss him in between words, “And…even THEN…you sneak little…peeks of my breasts…right there…in front of your boss!”  

“B-Brooke…ok…ok, Brooke!” exclaimed Lucas, finally managing to push past Brooke as he made straight for the blinds on his interior office window.  A cloud of dust jumped in the air as he hurriedly let them down; Lucas turned the plastic instrument, closing them completely.  He felt safe now…or as safe as he could feel in this situation.  He had not let the blinds down so he could make out with Brooke some more — he just didn’t want anyone else peering in as he fought off his horndog of a secretary. 

“Brooke, I wasn’t…sneaking peeks of your breasts, ok?” Lucas said, making his way around to his black leather chair in front of his desk.  “Look, I’m…I’m not interested in re-hashing all of this, alright?  I’ve had enough of this behavi — ”

“You’re not interested, huh?” interrupted Brooke, sticking her tongue into the insider of her cheek as she stared blatantly down at his crotch.  Lucas inhaled through his nose and closed his eyes.  

“Yeah, your cock begs to differ, Lucas,” said Brooke in a low, throaty voice, taking a suggestive step toward him.  “I know you want me again.  I know you want me to suck on your cock with these lips.”  

Brooke started making sexy sounds with her mouth as she bore down on him.  Lucas found himself sinking into his chair, shaking his head but putting up no other resistance.  

*Puah* *Puah* *Puah* *Puah*

“I got soooo hot and bothered seeing you there, not even caring about your boss, staring at my tits,” she breathed at him as she dropped to her knees, putting her elbows in his lap, in a position that was beginning to become familiar.      

“Dave isn’t…really my boss, Brooke,” Lucas quibbled.  

“Huh?  He’s not?” she asked, looking up in interest, not stopping her in-motion process of unbuckling Lucas’s belt.  

“W-well…he’s…he’s one of them, I guess,” said Lucas, feeling a strange, irrational desire to keep the conversation as normal-sounding as possible.  Somewhere in his mind, Lucas was thinking that if he could pretend everything was normal, everything would just be normal, no matter what was going on.  “There are…more higher-ups at Braden than Dave, though.”

“Oh really?” remarked Brooke pleasantly, unzipping Lucas’s pants and pulling out his completely-hard erection.  Her mouth broke into a wide smile as she opened it, breathing purposefully onto the cock flesh, causing it to twitch…and get even harder.  

“Aaaaaaaah!  Aahaha, well I can’t wait to meet the even MORE important guys soon!” laughed Brooke.  

“Well, Bill doesn’t really come arounaaaaaa!” Lucas trailed off as he threw his head back in pleasure as Brooke took his fat length in her mouth.  He felt her tongue eagerly wriggling up and down his shaft, up and down…and then up to the tip of his head, where she started flicking her tongue with insistent speed.  


Lucas breathed out loudly and threw his head forward, his mouth hanging open as his eyes bugged out of his head, hardly believing what this girl was doing to him.  It hadn’t been 5 seconds yet, and already he was about to burst in her mouth.  Her green eyes looked up, locking onto his, and suddenly, Lucas saw both of her cheeks dent as she sucked on his cock she was trying to gulp down the tastiest milkshake in the world.  

“Ggggguuaaaauugghhh!!” Lucas cried out in a strange kind of discombobulated frenzy as he came down Brooke’s throat, and as he did, he saw her nostrils flare as she forced her head further down on his length.  She had taken him halfway earlier that morning, but now, she was more than halfway down…two thirds or so.  And Lucas wasn’t small.  

Once again, with each spurting burst (how was he still coming anything at all!?), Lucas felt like he was watching Brooke…brighten, or…or swell…or something.  With each amount she gulped down, Lucas could have sworn that her eyes got a little brighter…and deeper, her flesh got a little more radiant, and her…her body…particularly her breasts…they looked like they were…getting bigger.  He had to be imagining all of this…he just HAD to be.  

“Aaaaauugh!”  Brooke opened her mouth, showing him the last of his cum, before tipping her head back and gargling it lewdly. 


Lucas leaned forward, grabbing her shoulder; he almost drew his hand away from the heat.  Brooke’s skin felt like it was burning up.  

“Brooke!” he panted in a desperate whisper. “Not s-so loud, please!”        

“WhAAuuhhh?” she asked innocently, rolling her eyes playfully at him, before closing her mouth and swallowing the rest of his load.  Immediately, the sound of tightening fabric cut through the air, punctuated a second later by the even louder sound of fabric tearing.  Lucas and Brooke both looked down at the source of the sound.  Brooke’s cornflower blue dress, which had been rumpled when she had first come in earlier that day, wasn’t rumpled anymore.  Her body had filled out all the wrinkles and creases, stretching the fabric tightly all around.  But the sound had come from Brooke’s breasts.  The fabric of the dress’s bust looked like it had been pushed to the limit; Brooke’s breasts looked like they were about to burst out at any moment, so much so that they had actually started to tear the dress right down the middle, directly over her cleavage.  

“Ooops,” said Brooke, adjusting herself a little, still on her knees.  That was all the dress needed  — the movement split the bust straight down the middle, revealing a prodigious cleavage between two fat, squashed breasts.  The “32C” bra tag was exposed to the air once again, fluttering oddly, a flag of the past.  Once again, Lucas noticed that there seemed to be a sweet, heavy scent that emanated upwards from Brooke’s cleavage.  He would have puzzled more over it, but Brooke was already moving.  Her dress was still somehow usable, since her breasts were still contained in it (though barely).  Her bra, however, was a different story.  

“Ooooh!” Brooke winced, baring her teeth a little as she reached behind herself, inside her dress, and undid her bra.  “I just…I can’t have this on anymore.  Aaaaaah, that’s better!”

She tossed her bra playfully at Lucas, who felt it warmth for a long moment before quickly hiding it away in a lower drawer of his desk.  Brooke was chuckling and stretching her arms over her head, filling out her dress impressively.  

“That had been bugging me ever since that first spurt, haha!” she laughed. 

“So…so that was another one, then?” asked Lucas cautiously.  He was looking closely at her face.  Was she…was she an 8 out of 10 now!?

‘No she’s a mid-range 7 tops,’ he told himself viciously.  ‘Jesus Christ, get it together.’   

“I mean, I think my dress tearing is proof enough, don’t you think?” asked Brooke, winking at him.  Lucas blinked, having no response.  

“But there’s only one way to find out!” she chirped, and a few moments later, she was standing up on the stadiometer, having kicked her shoes off eagerly, and eyeing Lucas with an expectant excitement in her brightened eyes.  

Lucas sighed and rose from his chair to measure her, but once again, he found that his pants were seeming to sag a little on his hips.  He tugged them up again, but they just kept riding back down.  He felt an irritation pass over him, even as he walked up to measure his jovial, peppy secretary, and, beneath the veneer of the irritation, something heavier…something uneasy.  

But he shook his head and dismissed it all from his head.  This had been the wildest morning he had ever had, in this office or anywhere else, and he was trying to rile himself up into fulfilling his determination to stop it all in its tracks.  

“Ok, so…” Lucas said, again opting to go for his “normalcy” voice.  But what the stadiometer read caused him to pause.  

“So?” came Brooke’s hushed voice.  “What’s it say?!”

“It says,” came Lucas’s voice in an odd kind of croak, “That you’re 5’9.” 

“And…weight!?” came Brooke’s voice, brimming over with excitement barely contained.    

“And you weigh…136.”  

“So I gained half an inch…and 4 pounds…since earlier!?” she cried, hopping joyfully off the scale.

“I…I n-need to talk to Rick about this,” said Lucas shakily, his hand reaching for his office phone.  

“No wait, Lucas!” came Brooke’s voice, as she put her hand down on his.  

“What?” he asked, annoyed and shaken.  

Brooke’s green eyes flashed curiously at him.  

“Why don’t you measure yourself?”   


CW Moss

Awww, I love kissing. Never enough kissing in most stories. Great chapter!