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Here's a double chapter post!  And Chapter 8 is twice as long as usual!  Enjoy! <3 

Chapter 7

Lucas arrived at his office early Monday morning, much earlier than he was accustomed to coming in.  After he had finally managed to fall asleep the previous night, it seemed to Lucas that he woke up in the process of stepping out of his bed.  Generally, upon waking, he laid in bed for a few minutes, dozing as he thought about the day’s busy itinerary.  But not this morning.  This morning, he felt wide awake before he even stepped into the shower.  He performed his whole morning routine in record speed, and within half an hour was in the drive-thru line at the coffee shop.  Lucas didn’t quite know why he was in such a state of frenzy.  He understood his excitement well enough…he was looking forward to seeing what Brooke looked like after all that remote-pressing he had done over the weekend.  But why he was rushing to get to the office…well, Lucas wasn’t sure.  

It was 7:30, so Lucas got himself situated and started reading and answering emails, trying as hard as he could to go about his business as he normally would.  An intense liquid thrill, the kind that furtively permeates the interior of someone hiding in plain sight, began slowly creeping over him, however, the more the minutes ticked off the clock.  A few times, he couldn’t help but feel for the remote in his pocket with his fingers, rubbing it slowly, almost caressing it, in preparation for seeing what he had made over the weekend.  

He kept his office door slightly ajar, after having decided that leaving it open might give himself away to Sophia.  He didn’t want to be making it too obvious to her that he was eager to see what Brooke looked like.  Correctly, Lucas suspected that Sophia had actually seen Brooke have a growth spurt, and…well, from their parting conversation Friday, she knew full well what was going on.  Right then, as he mused about the situation, Lucas heard Sophia unlock her office and go inside.  He sat there in his black leather chair, tensed up and hardly daring to breathe as his heart hammered away in his chest…he was irritated at himself for reacting this way, and wished he wasn’t…but the tension died away moments later after he heard Sophia’s office door close.  He had been expecting her to barge into his office and start the interrogation, but that hadn’t happened.  

‘Maybe she didn’t actually see anything,’ Lucas thought to himself.  ‘Maybe I just need to chill the fuck out and not let whatever Sophia thinks get me all tied up in knots.’

He glanced at the clock on his computer…it was 7:49.  Brooke would undoubtedly be late again, but he knew that he needed to take the time to get into his work routine, in order that he seem as normal as possible when she did come in.  He reckoned he had probably fifteen or twenty — 

“Good morning, Mr. Mineur!”

Lucas’s eyes snapped up from his screen, and his heart came to a stop.  There, standing in the doorway, was a tall, elegantly-curved, and stylish young woman in a form-fitting red dress that went down to about her mid-thighs, showing off more than enough of her well-formed legs, and that barely seemed able to contain her prodigious bust, which hung prominently out from her chest in a stunning twin display of tight, heavy flesh.  It didn’t matter how much Lucas had prepared himself to act normally — it all went out the window now.  His mouth dropped open halfway, and his eyes became wide and fixed upon the woman’s impressive figure.  

It was Brooke…there was no doubt about that.  But Lucas had to take a few seconds to compose himself, and to convince himself in real-time that this woman WAS actually Brooke.  There was a strange dichotomy going on in Lucas’s mind, in which he simultaneously knew that it was Brooke as soon as he heard her voice, while also knowing that there was no way…just NO WAY…that someone as frumpy and unattractive as Brooke could have possibly undergone such a transformation over the course of a single weekend.  Her hair looked full and brushed, cascading down her shoulders in luscious waves, and her skin looked totally cleared-up; her face looked even sleeker and sexier than it had before.    

‘Jesus, she’s a 7 out of 10 now, easy,’ Lucas thought to himself.  ‘Fuck, maybe even 7 and-a-half.’

And it wasn’t just what she looked like — it was her whole attitude that had changed.  She didn’t look awkward anymore; she was looking slightly up at him, and she even had a cute, eager little smile on her face, like she was ready to get to work.  But (and this really threw Lucas for a loop), at the same time, she had her right arm extended towards the door frame, and was actually leaning against it…casually.  She wasn’t quite posing.  But she was showing a level of comfort and confidence in her own body, and with the physical office itself, that Lucas had not been prepared for.

“G-Good morning, Brooke!” he finally managed to say.  “Had…had a good weekend?”

“Oh yes!” she answered cheerily, stepping into the office and putting her briefcase down by her chair.  

‘Had she always had a briefcase?’ Lucas thought to himself.  

“I went shopping with Sophia and she was soooo nice, and helped me pick some things out!”  Brooke was clearly excited about her new outfit, and she even did a little twirl for Lucas.  “You like it?”

“I…haha, wow!” he exclaimed, suddenly realizing that his cock had already been hard, and was getting harder.  The bust area of her red dress was fastened up tightly with three buttons, which looked slightly strained as they struggled to contain the heavy weight of her large breasts.  “Yeah, Brooke, I really do!  I think it all looks wonderful!”  

“Thanksss!” she replied, crossing her hands in front of her as she stood before his desk.  “Well, anyway, I know I’m a little early, so I’m just gonna sit down over there for a couple minutes, before I’m “on the clock,” you know?  Haha!”

“Haha, ok!” laughed Lucas, finding it very hard to maintain his air of authority.  “You…you do that, Brooke.”  He had to do better than that…

“I’m just gonna finish answering all these emails first…and there’s a bunch of them, haha, you know, since it’s Monday…so yeah.  You just sit tight, and I’ll let you know when we can get started with your tasks for the day.”

“Ok, great!” she chirped, and promptly collapsed into the chair.  

‘Heh, that was a little clumsy just then,’ Lucas thought to himself, smiling.  ‘Guess she’s not totally a finished product yet.’  But as he looked at Brooke’s bare, fleshy, luscious legs cross and uncross themselves under her chair, he quickly realized that her movements hadn’t been clumsy — they had just been nonchalant and…relaxed.  What a strange thing it was, to think of this girl being relaxed…in his office.  

Lucas nearly forgot that he was supposed to be pretending to answer his emails, and so he turned back to his screen, starting a new email to no one in particular and typing gibberish into it, occasionally stealing glances at what Brooke was doing.  God she was curvy now…her thick hips and large butt pretty much filled the seat she was sitting in now.  Before, Lucas had been able to see the actual fabric of the chair beside her nonexistent hips, but now…he couldn’t see any fabric…at all.  She had taken out her laptop, and was now busy typing away at something.  

Brooke glanced up, sensing that Lucas was watching her — she caught his eye.  He felt ice in his chest — he had to think of something to excuse himself.  He smiled pleasantly, blinking his eyes as he verbalized the first thing that popped into his mind.  

“Writing in your diary, hehe?”

“Actually, yes,” Brooke responded, her eyebrows going up in mild surprise as she returned his smile.  “How’d you know?”

“I…oh…well, you know,” struggled Lucas, not prepared for her answer, “Just…just a hunch, you know?  Haha, you seem like the diary-keeping type, you know?”

“I do?” asked Brooke, tilting her head slightly in interest.  “That’s interesting!  What do you mean by that?”  

“Haha, well…well you know, uh…hehe, you definitely seem maybe, uhh…like the insular type, you know?  Maybe even the cerebral type, deep down, you know?  Cerebral…it means, like — ”

“Oh I know what it means,” cut in Brooke amiably, rescuing Lucas from his floundering.  “And I would never have used that word to describe myself before, but…but — ”

“But what?” asked Lucas, with a little too much interest and energy, as he just realized once the words had escaped his mouth.  

“But, well…I don’t know,” said Brooke thoughtfully.  “I mean…I know that I grew bigger over the weekend — “

“Oh yeah?” asked Lucas, trying to sound as offhand as he could.  Brooke turned to look at him squarely in the face.  

“I mean…isn’t it obvious to you?” she asked, sounding almost concerned that he hadn’t appeared to notice.  With her laptop resting squarely on her thighs, she squeezed her upper arms in toward her D-cup breasts, pressing the two big, fleshy mounds together and making them seem so much bigger.  

“I…y-yes…yes, yes,” said Lucas, having to swallow a couple times to mitigate his dry mouth.

“Bigger?” offered Brooke.  “Taller?”  

“Oh well, yes, of course…yes, I did notice,” said Lucas, now feeling slightly stupid.  Once again, he found himself searching with more than slight desperation to reassert his authority.  

“But, you know, with those impressive new heels you’re wearing, it was hard to get a good read,” he added, feeling quite satisfied with himself as he saw Brooke smile.  

“Oh yeah…haha, I’m still getting used to them too,” she chuckled.  “They’re 3 inches, so according to Sophia, I’m exactly 6 feet tall when I’m wearing them!  Haha, you know, it’s funny, everything up high seems so much closer to me now, and everything down lower seems so…far away.  Guess I just have to get used to it, haha.”

“Haha, uhh, yes…yes, definitely,” enjoined Lucas, feeling his heart start to kick off again.  Brooke was six feet tall in her heels!?

‘Four inches,’ he reminded himself, as his hand drifted down into his pocket, turning the remote over and over in secret.  ‘She’s still four inches shorter than you…that’s…an entire third of a foot…she’s tall for a girl now.’

“But yeah, anyway, like I was saying,” Brooke continued, her eyes going back up to the ceiling in thought, “I know I’ve changed physically, but…like, my thoughts…the things I’m thinking about now…they’re just…I don’t know…”

“Yes?” asked Lucas, still turning the remote over and over in his pocket.  He was still paying attention to what Brooke was saying, but he could already feel his mind slipping into a leering, lustful fixation on her heavy, weighty D-cups, the hard, defined impinges of her nipples against her dress, and the long, plunging line of her cleavage that extended down the middle of her expanded bust.  Was her breasts already almost as big as Olivia’s!?  A ravenous desire was beginning to brew in him to grow her again…and this time, to make sure the growth was happening in front of him.    

“Clearer, maybe?” Brooke was saying.  “Quicker?  I’m not really sure.  It all seems to be happening so quickly that it’s hard to make sense of everything.  That’s why I’m so glad I have this diary, you know?  It helps me organize my thoughts.”  

“Ah…yes, well…that’s just excellent,” said Lucas indistinctly, feeling the intensity of his erection starting to press into his pants.  He had to grow her again.  He couldn’t wait…but he had to ease himself into it.  And above all, he must not let Brooke find out that he had the key to her growth…in his pocket.

“Ok, you just keep on doing that,” grunted Lucas, standing up, feeling like he had done a prime job making his grunting sigh sound natural, authoritative, and male…the slow sigh of the office manager.  “I’m just gonna pop down the hall real quick…need to take care of something.  I’ll be right back.”   

“Alright.”  Brooke was already buried in her typing, and didn’t even look up from her screen.  

Lucas left his office in a hurry, with his right hand in his pocket, grasping the remote.  At the same time, his pocketed hand was also holding his cock at bay — he didn’t have an overly-large member, by any means, but he also wasn’t small enough to go unnoticed if sporting an erection as big as he was currently.  The last thing he wanted was for Brooke, or anyone else in the office, for that matter, to see him like this.  His plan was to press the button a few times down the hall, and quickly return to his office to see the results; he badly wanted to watch Brooke grow in real-time, but he didn’t think he had the confidence yet to hold himself together.   

He had been counting on not seeing anyone, but as he rounded a corner, he saw Olivia striding up in his direction.

“Hey Lucas!” she chirped.  

“Hey...Olivia,” he answered, trying not to look too disappointed.  He quickly remembered to compare Brooke’s tits with Olivia’s, and used this opportunity to steal a healthy glance down at her breasts.  

‘Nope, Olivia’s definitely still bigger,’ he thought to himself, blinking and feeling a strange sense of relief.  But the relief was almost immediately followed up by a renewed sense of lust.  Brooke’s tits were still smaller…but they wouldn’t be for long. 

“Had a nice weekend?” asked Lucas airily, his eyes doing a circle around and up to the ceiling before settling back on Olivia’s face.  She always looked so sexy…and while Brooke sure looked good now (especially compared to what she had been before), there was still no question that Olivia was the office beauty. 

“Yeah, it was ok,” she said flippantly.  “Chase had a crossfit tournament, but I didn’t go this time…so I was kinda home alone.  Pretty boring.”  

“Oh…you didn’t go?” asked Lucas, wondering why on earth he was making small talk with Olivia right now.  

‘It’s to keep up the appearance of normalcy,’ he reminded himself.  ‘Remember?  Everything’s normal…normal…normal…’

As he thought these words, he tapped the remote button in his pocket a couple times.  It had just occurred to him how thrilling it would be if he grew Brooke while he stood there, chatting it up with Olivia, looking at her tits from time to time, and imagining Brooke’s getting even bigger.

“No, I skipped this one,” said Olivia, shaking her head slightly.  “I mean, when I go, I GO, you know?  I’m there, cheering on my man, yelling his name, making a whole big scene of it…I just didn’t have the energy this weekend, though.”

“Oh, well,” said Lucas, tapping the button again as he stole another side glance at Olivia’s ample breasts, “I’m sure Chase totally knocked it out of the park, anyway.”

“Not this time, actually,” answered Olivia immediately, as if she had been ready for those words.  “He usually places in the top 3, but this weekend he got 8th.  Poor guy, looked like a sad little puppy when he came home yesterday.”

“8th, huh?” said Lucas absently.  “Chase?  Jesus, I’d hate to see the other 7 guys who were better.

“He needs me there,” Olivia declared, stretching herself up to her full height as she puffed out her chest.  “He basically said as much.  He’s not as strong without me there, yelling his name, haha.”

“Heh…well, interesting,” said Lucas, making an attempt to move away from the conversation.  

“You ok, Lucas?” Olivia asked suddenly.  

“Huh?  Me?  Yeah…yeah I’m totally fine.  Why?”  He hoped his tone had sounded blank enough.                    

“It’s just…you’re looking kinda flushed,” said Olivia.  “You sure you aren’t getting sick or anything?”

“Uh, no, just…haha, just need to use the restroom is all,” he chuckled strangely.  

“Ugh!  God, ok, then don’t let me stop you, geez!”  Olivia grinned a little as she backed away and went away toward her office.  Lucas turned away and went around another corner.  He heard more talking down the hall...he wasn’t going to engage in any more small talk out here.  His loins were boiling at this point, and there wasn’t anything that was going to get in his way.  Slowing down his walk, he pressed the button in his pocket, took his finger off after a couple seconds, pressed it again...took his finger off...and then pressed it again, this time only for a split second.

‘This is only the first bit,’ he reminded himself, breathing hard, as his brow began to sweat.  ‘Later on today…I’m going to press it, when I’m in the same room with her.’ 

Lucas got back to his office a couple minutes later, after wiping off his face in the bathroom, splashing it with cold water, and wiping it off again.  He looked normal, surely.  Everything was normal.  He had passed by Trent’s office on the way, and Trent had called out to him. 

“Oh, Lucas!” he had said, arresting Lucas’s quick steps back toward his office.  

“Yeah?” asked Lucas, peering his head in, taking pleasure in sounding slightly impatient this early on a Monday morning.  

“I just wanted to let you know that I’m gonna be a little swamped the next couple days,” said Trent from behind his desk, sitting up straight, “So, um…yeah, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to, you know, have the time help that new girl out.”

“Oh!” exclaimed Lucas, almost laughing.  

“Just…letting you know,” said Trent, perhaps a bit puzzled by Lucas’s reaction.

“Haha, uh, don’t worry, Trent,” chuckled Lucas.  “I’m not gonna be needing you to work with Brooke much anymore.  I’ve decided to take her on as my private secretary!”

“Uh…oh..Ok.”  Trent was now thoroughly puzzled, both by the news and by Lucas’s oddly cheery tone.  

“Yep…so…no worries!” said Lucas brightly, and swung out down the hall, towards his office.  

He found Brooke still in the chair.  She had definitely gotten bigger — there was no doubt that her hips and ass filled even more than before…Lucas even noticed that her ass cheeks had started hanging slightly off the chair, on both sides.  Her legs looked sexier too.  But what Lucas noticed, before anything else, were Brooke’s breasts.  They were pushing even more insistently into her red dress, straining the three buttons even more than they had been before.  The top button actually looked like it was about ready to bust off the dress entirely — her breasts had gotten so big that Lucas could now see their weight being held back by her bra and dress.  If her dress was merely containing her tits before, now it was actively engaged in preventing them from exploding out.

Without saying anything, he quietly went back around to his desk and sat down.  Brooke had put her laptop away and was engrossed in the same crossword puzzle that she had been struggling with a few days before.  Now, though, Lucas could see that a number of the blocks had been filled in.  Was Brooke already that much faster and smarter than she had been before?  Were the bots really accomplishing all that too!?      

“So!” announced Lucas, breaking the silence.  He was slightly disconcerted to see Brooke gently and smoothly look up from her crossword; he had been trying to startle her a little bit.  She was looking at him expectantly, so he had to continue.  

“So…Brooke, I’ve been thinking,” he began, “I’ve been needing a personal secretary for some time, you know.  Someone to help me with all the various tasks my job entails…it’s all very busy, very complicated.  You wouldn’t believe how many different people and departments I have to manage.” 

“Mhm,” nodded Brooke. 

“So I’ve been looking for someone who can take on some of my responsibilities,” continued Lucas, reminding himself that he actually needed to sell this to Brooke, since she was apparently a little more cognizant of things in general now.  “And…well, since you did so well with Trent last Friday, it recently occurred to me: why not you?”

“Oh…wow, ok,” said Brooke, clearly interested.  “So I’d help you around the office here, organize things, keep everything aligned, answer phone calls, that kind of stuff?”

“Exactly,” said Lucas, fingering the remote again as he looked at her hungrily.  He knew he wasn’t going to be able to wait until later in the day.  He HAD to see her grow again…with his own eyes, in real-time.  And he wouldn’t be spying on it through a window like he had done last Friday — it would be happening IN FRONT of him now.  

“Would the pay be the same?” asked Brooke.

“Excuse me?”  Lucas blinked, his train of thought momentarily derailed.  

“The pay,” said Brooke.  “Would I still be making 20 dollars an hour?”  

“I…oh!  Oh, yeah…yeah!” answered Lucas, arriving at laughter towards the end.  His thumb hovered over the button.  “As my secretary?  Haha, you’ll be making more than 20 bucks an hour!  Let’s call it 25 for starters, and see where that takes us, huh?”  

“Would 27 work?” Brooke responded immediately.

Lucas had not expected this response at all, but he was caught up in such lustful urgency that he didn’t even think of pushing back.

“All...right!” he said, twisting his head to the side a little as he let out an appreciative chuckle, trying to come off as paternalistically admiring her pluck.  “Done!”   

He pressed the button, holding it down for a couple seconds this time.  Brooke’s face had brightened into a smile after she had secured her new pay so easily, but almost immediately, her elation became threaded through with a wince as her brow furrowed slightly.  Lucas knew why she looked this way, but if he hadn’t, he would have thought that Brooke was experiencing some kind of mild, sudden, throbbing pain that felt almost sweet.

But he wasn’t focused on that — instead, he was looking straight at Brooke’s chest, which was clearly growing and expanding before his very eyes.  With each passing second, the steady growth was causing her breasts to sink down further and further on her chest, as the points of her nipples widened and pressed even harder into her dress.  The three buttons that held her breasts within her dress were tightening and straining even more than they had been before, with the top button especially looking like it was almost begging for release.  

To see an already-attractive woman getting bigger breasts, and growing all over everywhere else, was almost more than Lucas could take.  He knew he was flushed; he knew he was breathing hard, but he was totally transported now.  The sound of Brooke’s stretching dress quietly cut the air, and her head twisted around a bit, as if she was trying to shake the feeling off.  To Lucas, her motion came off as painfully sensual and erotic, and he very nearly came in his pants right then and there.  A titanic effort, nothing less, enabled Lucas to take his thumb off the remote.  He had pressed down for a millisecond too long, however, because right at the moment that he took his thumb off, the top button on Brooke’s dress could take no more, and popped off entirely, jumping several feet in the air before spinning down onto the carpeted floor below.  As the button flew off, the prodigious mass of her breasts immediately filled in the space, almost like they were sighing in relief at being able to cram the territory that had been denied to them.  Brooke’s surprised eyes went wide as they followed the trajectory of the button, crossing slightly as they honed in on the small object, and her mouth opened up in an “o” of amazement. 

“I…oh!  Sorry, I just felt a little wave of a spurt just then!” exclaimed Brooke, breathing hard as her newly-fledged bosom rose and fell in all its glory.  Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment as she quickly bent down to retrieve the rogue button off the floor.  Not knowing what to do with it, she started turning it over and over in her fingers, smiling sheepishly.  

Lucas had barely managed to avoid cumming in his pants as he watched all of this happen.  She was a full 8 out of 10 now.

“That’s…quite alright,” he managed to say.  It wasn’t lost on him now that he was looking straight into Brooke’s eyes, without even having to look slightly down.  In her heels, she was as tall as he was now.       

“Haha, well anyway,” giggled Brooke, recovering much faster than Lucas was prepared for, “This all sounds lovely, Mr. Mineur!”  

“Lucas,” came his immediate response.  “You can call me Lucas.”

Chapter 8

“Ok…Lucas,” intoned Brooke as she smiled, with her eyes darting around the room a little.  She clearly felt a bit strange at Lucas’s sudden insistence on familiarity.  But it wasn’t really anything that was too big of a deal, and after all, she had basically just received a huge promotion…on her third day at work.  As Lucas stood there staring at her, she took a deep breath to pass the time, and perhaps usher in a new aspect to the interaction.  More than anything, she was indicating to him that he ought to go ahead and carry on with whatever the plan was.  

As Brooke heaved her bright sigh, however, all Lucas could focus on were those twin freshly-grown breasts, which were now free to breathe a little easier now that they were held back not by three, but only two buttons.  He could see even more of them now — the smooth, creamy terrain of her breast flesh, which jutted out farther from her chest and hung visibly lower than before, had been vastly increased, now that her dress was restraining less of her.  And the more he stared, the more his desperation and fever increased to see her grow more in front of him.  He knew he was staring awkwardly…inappropriately, at her; he knew that it was becoming more and more obvious every passing moment.  A large part of him didn’t care, but he nonetheless managed to smile, nod at her, and go back around to his desk to sit down.  Before he sank into his chair, however, a dirty idea suddenly popped into his head. 

“I hope you understand, Brooke, that your new position isn’t just for my benefit,” he said distinctly, delighting himself with how contained his voice sounded as he drifted down into his chair.  

“I’m…not sure if I follow, Mr. Mineur…Lucas, sorry,” said Brooke, shifting her weight to one leg as she put her hand on her hip.  ‘Jesus Christ,’ thought Lucas, ‘She doesn’t even realize what she looks like.’

“So in addition to having you shoulder a certain amount of my responsibilities,” said Lucas, leaning back and putting his fingers together, “In this new position, you’ll be working…well, close to me.  We can get you a little desk to go in here and everything.”

“I…ok…yes,” said Brooke, still obviously not quite understanding where Lucas was going with this.  Chuckling genially, he continued on.

“You see, Brooke,” he said, leaning forward in his chair, “I want you to understand how important it is, being a willing participant in this groundbreaking new human trial, that you be closely monitored during this whole process.  It’s key that we know exactly how the nanobots are behaving, the effects they’re having on you, and so on.  And of course, it’s not just all about the nanobots — it’s about you too, Brooke.  I want to be able to keep an eye on you, and make sure it’s all going…according to plan.  Does that make sense?”

“Um, yes.  Yes it does,” said Brooke, nodding.  “Thanks for your concern, Lucas.  That…yes, that makes sense to me.”  

“Like, if I may?” asked Lucas, abruptly rising up from his chair and coming over to her.  He had to do it again.  Just seeing how tall and stately Brooke looked, with her hip cocked like that, and her juicy breasts looking so fat and engorged, like they were just ripe for more…

“It’s important that we monitor your bone structure from time to time,” said Lucas, standing quite close to her and reaching up his hand to touch her shoulder.  He felt the warm, firm shape of her upper arm in his hand, and jostled his fingers up a bit to her shoulder.  She was just standing there, letting him do all this — he was still totally in control.  But internally, his heart had started hammering away again, and he had to make a distinct effort to breathe normally.  Her face just looked so much...sharper..sexier.  Her jawline was more defined, and she had begun to develop prominent cheekbones which were now quite obviously making her appear more regal and confident.  And her lips!  Lucas could hardly believe how plush and full they looked.

‘Definitely kissable,’ he thought to himself, getting lost in a daydream.  He felt himself drifting towards her face, but he was able to pull himself back, even as he continued to keep his hand on her.    

“E-especially in the connecting joints like the shoulder, you understand?” he said, coming back to reality, his hand now appearing to test her joint.  As he did so, however, he allowed his thumb to explore a bit outward, and it brushed dangerously close to the bare flesh of her top left breast.  

“Uh…yeah, I get it,” said Brooke, looking at where Lucas was touching.  

‘She’s still so innocent,’ Lucas thought, his other hand in his pocket, ‘She has no idea.’

He pressed the remote again, and immediately he felt her shoulder pressing into his hand.  It was happening again…she was growing.  Lucas’s eyes flitted over to her breasts, which were now expanding and swelling up directly under his face.  Her cleavage deepened and lengthened simultaneously, and Lucas could see that the other two buttons on her dress were straining and quivering desperately above the expanding chasm between her breasts.  He might have stopped himself before, but it was too late now.  He held his thumb down on the remote, feeling Brooke’s body continue pushing back against his hand more and more.  His arm had been almost fully extended before, but a crook was fast developing in his elbow as Brooke’s body pushed his hand backward.

The two remaining buttons on her dress suddenly popped off, flying somewhere into the office, and as they went, Brooke’s breasts seemed to flood the area of Lucas’s vision when he looked slightly down.  His eyes were wide, unblinking, almost crazed, as he hungrily drank in the sight of her liberated breasts, which were now literally bouncing up and down from the sheer momentum of their release from the tight dress.  Her nipples were still covered, but only just, and even though they remained under the dress, their large, round, pressing orbs forcefully mashed up against the inside of the dress left little to the imagination.  Lucas’s thumb was still touching the top part of Brooke’s breast, and as her growing body continued to push his hand back, he realized that his thumb was being pressed back at a faster pace than the rest of his hand.

“Ugh…I think…it’s happening again,” said Brooke uncomfortably, twisting her body a little, as if trying to escape both Lucas’s touch and the growth itself.  “I don’t know if it’s…the bots, or…or what…but…” 

“Easy now, Brooke…eeeeassssyyy,” he said soothingly, keeping his hand firmly on her shoulder and even giving it a slight shake to emphasize the point that she should relax and trust him.  He looked straight forward into her eyes, and for a moment, their eyes met, and Lucas could see that she was definitely distressed, and even a little frightened.  He felt powerful, staring at her, but he knew that he had to keep selling his point.  And so he took his hand off her shoulder (still pressing the remote) and crouched down in front of her, examining her exposed knees.  

“Hmmm, yes…yes, ok,” he said, taking the opportunity to admire how sleek, sexy, and full her legs had become.  And they were still growing!  Perhaps not as obviously as her breasts, but still, it was obvious.

“Your knees look fine,” he announced calmly.  “How are your feet feeling?”  

“A little tight, maybe, but nothing too intense,” came Brooke’s answer.  She certainly seemed to have calmed down; her voice sounded quite smooth.  “Sophia thought I should get heels that had a little room in them, you know?  In case I had more spurts…just like this one, I guess, huh?”

“Yeah…” muttered Lucas, his eyes momentarily lost in the sight of Brooke’s exposed lower thighs swelling in front of his face.  “Yeah, that was…that was smart of her.”  

He suddenly realized that he should probably stop pressing the remote, and took his thumb off.  There he was, kneeling at Brooke’s feet, staring straight forward into her legs.  He glanced upward, and was suddenly treated to a magnificent view of her protruding breasts, which had become so big (double-D cups) that he couldn’t even see her face from where he was kneeling.  Lucas had to swallow a few times to assuage his dry mouth; he had been unconsciously gaping.  

“Still feeling ok?” he asked up at her, even though her face was beyond him.  

“Oh yes!” she intoned from somewhere beyond her breasts, “I feel…pretty good, actually.  My mind is...how to say it...hehe, I don’t know, I’m just thinking a lot clearer this morning!  And I’m actually...starting to recall some old memories...i-it’s nothing, though, hehe, nevermind.” 

Lucas was slightly puzzled by the tone in her voice.  Just a few seconds before, she had been uncomfortable, frightened…almost trying to squirm away from him.  But her tone had totally changed — she was much calmer, cooler…and her voice…what was going on with that?  Was it somehow…deeper?  More feminine?  Lucas couldn’t tell.  But whatever it was, it was penetrating Lucas’s body to the core, and seemed to be sending an electric current straight down to his groin.   

“Well…that’s good!  Good to hear!” he responded, getting his weight under him and rising back up to his feet.  “See, this is one of the reasons that I thought it was a good idea…to have you…around…”

His words trailed off as he straightened up completely to his full height, because he had just realized that Brooke’s head was tilted slightly down towards his face.  Lucas felt his eyebrows spasm a little of their own accord.  Brooke’s eyes were above his.  She was actually looking down at him.  It wasn’t by much, but it was enough to be noticeable.  In her heels, she was taller than him now.  But even more striking than that was the twinkle in Brooke’s eye as she looked down at him…playfully?  What was that look!?  Was it authority?  Confidence?  Maybe even a little…naughtiness?  Lucas was off the map at this point — he had never seen Brooke look at him like that, and at this point, he didn’t think she even had the capacity to pull those kinds of expressions.

“Oh, is that right, Mr. Mineur?” she asked flirtatiously, her eyebrows going up a bit as she spoke coolly.  “Is that why you want to have me around?”

“I…I…uhhh…y-yes,” he stammered, looking up helplessly into her eyes.  

Brooke narrowed her eyes slightly down at him, and for a moment, Lucas was afraid that she would bore into him and continue the interrogation.  But then she blinked and seemed to brush aside the option, instead choosing to flash him a smile that was so gorgeous and sunny that it left him feeling drained.  

“Haha, well ok then,” she laughed, putting her hands on her hips and jostling herself playfully from side to side, her huge breasts swinging left and right crazily, massive, weighty entities unto themselves as they hung licentiously off her chest.  If she had come to work looking like that, Lucas would have felt professionally obliged to tell her to change.

‘Holy fuck,’ Lucas thought to himself, ‘She’s a 9 out of 10 now…she’s one of the sexiest, hottest people I’ve ever seen.  And she’s right here.  I’ve got her!  She’s mine.’     

“So…as your new secretary,” asked Brooke, once more putting her hands on her hips, “What would you like me to do now?  I’m gonna need a desk, won’t I?  Want me to go ahead and order one?”  

Lucas had been distracted by how much Brooke’s widened frame was filling the doorway, but her practical professionalism jolted him back into reality.  

“Um, yes…yes, that would be very nice,” he said.  Brooke nodded and strode over to her chair.  Lucas watched her go, with her tits bounding and bouncing like a disturbed body of water.

‘My god,’ Lucas breathed to himself, ‘She’s GOT to be a double-D now…at least.’

Brooke was bending down to retrieve her laptop, and Lucas was now met with the sight of her luscious ass, which was straining and pushing so intently into the dress that Lucas could even see the prominent, bulging curve where her buttocks met her thighs.  She wasn’t looking at him…and he felt himself crack again as his cock surged in his pants.  He thrust his hand back down into his pocket, fumbled feverishly for a moment, and pressed the remote again.  Instantly, Brooke’s ass began swelling up, and Lucas saw with nearly-drooling lust that Brooke’s red dress was now riding up on her upper thighs…and now…yes!!  Just a hint of the curve of her lower ass cheeks came into view.  Because Brooke was bending down and growing at the same time, her slightly-exposed ass was all the more noticeable.

“Gosh, maybe I’m just hallucinating,” said Brooke, straightening up and turning around (Lucas quickly lowered his face and made his way mechanically over to his desk), “But does it feel a little chilly in here to you?”

“Chilly?” asked Lucas, loosening his collar as he let a furnace of hot air escape from his neck.  

“Heheh, I don’t know,” chuckled Brooke, turning around and plopping down in her chair as she opened her laptop.  “Maybe it’s just my hormones being all out of whack with these growth spurts, you know?  Ugh, geez, I can even tell that I’ve gotten bigger just by sitting down.  Are you seeing this, Lucas?  I can barely even fit in this chair anymore.”

“That’s…quite something,” he forced out of his mouth.  

“Ok, so what do you think?  Mahogany?  Oak?  Redwood?  Haha, probably not redwood, they’re endangered.”

“What?” asked Lucas, not having the faintest clue what Brooke was talking about.  He had been gaping at how her ass was literally squishing itself under the armrests, and out the sides of the chair.  

“My desk, Lucas!” laughed Brooke.  “You know, the one I’m buying right now?”  

“Oh…uhhh…just…get whatever you want,” muttered Lucas, waving his hand, not even bothering to pretend that he cared.  “Um…you can use…use my card to…buy it.”

“Aww, that’s very nice of you,” she returned graciously.  “I’ll be sure to pay it forward!”  

Lucas kept sitting there at his desk, watching as Brooke tapped and typed around on her laptop, buying the desk.  He was feeling completely out of control — he wanted to grow her again, but even he knew, at this point, that doing so (at least right now) would be sure to arouse Brooke’s suspicions even further.  Lucas was having an arduous time making sense of the last ten minutes of interaction.  It had gone by in a whirlwind.  And now, sitting before him, in the bizarre calm after the storm, was an absolute bombshell of a young girl who was more or less completely under his control.  What was he waiting for!?  She was like the perfect meal, all prepared and served up to him on a silver platter!  All he had to do was dig in.       

“Brooke?'' he asked, his voice sounding like someone else’s as he spoke it.

“Hmm?” she responded, not looking up from her computer screen.

“How would you like to go to dinner with me?”

Lucas wasn’t even looking at her — he was looking into the corner of his office.  But he could feel that her eyes were on him now.  He turned back toward her and met her inquiring gaze.  

“Tonight,” he added, for emphasis, as he looked straight at her.  

“Dinner?” she asked, tilting her head slightly sideways.  “You mean, like, just a…fun little night out as — ?”

“I mean…dinner,” said Lucas, his intention clear.

“So…a date?”  Brooke’s eyebrows furrowed a little.  She was clearly surprised.  Lucas didn’t answer verbally — he just kept his eyes fixed on her hungrily.  

“Um…uh, yeah.  Yeah, sure,” said Brooke, blinking a couple times.  Her neck straightened up as her face brightened a bit; whether she was putting on a good face or not, Lucas didn’t really know.  And he didn’t care.  

“Yeah!” she repeated.  “That’d be fun!” 

“Well…excellent, then!” he remarked, flexing his hands together as his knuckles cracked.  He felt like, in asking Brooke out, he had somehow reasserted control over himself.  “We’ll have that to look forward to after a nice day’s work, then.  You still feeling ok after that…most recent spurt you just had?”

“Yeah, I’m feeling pretty energized, actually,” said Brooke, stretching her arms up over her head as she balanced the laptop on her full thighs.  “I just need one thing from you, though.”

“Oh?” asked Lucas, sensing something a bit mischievous in her voice.  “And what’s that?”

Brooke was grinning at him now.  “Your credit card number.”

Later on that evening, Lucas was ushering Brooke to sit down at their reserved table for two at one of the fanciest restaurants in town.  He had managed to hold himself to only tapping the remote once all throughout the rest of the work day, but when Brooke had gone home and changed into a more elegant dress and heels, he could already feel his resistance beginning to crumble.  She looked absolutely ravishing.  A full 9 out of 10 in Lucas’s eyes, in her stylish 4-inch heels, she now rose an entire two inches above him, topping off at 6’3.  Lucas had been briefly overcome with a tide of self-consciousness when they had been walking from the parking lot to the restaurant; he had turned his head to look at her, and saw that he was staring into her teeth, which were exposed in a slow, confident smile.  It was not lost on Lucas that he had to actually raise his own eyes to hers.  He felt a nasty sense of smallness inundate him, but he quickly managed to shrug it off, laughing to himself.  So what if she was a little taller than he was in heels?  It would mean that people would turn and gawk at her all the more, and there he would be, escorting her like the bombshell trophy she was.  

And bombshell she was: her ass and hips seemed like they were about to burst out of her tight dress, which was a deep and alluring shade of violet.  Her breasts were now solid double-D’s (maybe even triple-D’s, Lucas thought), stuffed into the chest area of a dress that had been made for large busts.  And the way she moved…well, Lucas was already beside himself with awe because of her body, but the way that she was holding her head high, her confident stride (almost a strut), and the easy, effortless sway of her whole figure told Lucas that Brooke wasn’t just growing and expanding physically.  Hitherto untapped reservoirs in her mind were welling up from within her subconscious, and she was beginning to drink from them.  

‘And it’s all because I’m doing it,’ thought Lucas as he felt for the remote in his pocket, taking his place at the table.  ‘She’s my creation…my work.’      

“Gee, what a nice place, huh?” laughed Brooke, leaning back in her chair as she surveyed all the other lavishly-adorned guests around them.  “You sure it’s ok that I'm here with you?”

“Of course it’s ok,” said Lucas, taking out the remote under the table.  “I asked you to come with me, didn’t I?”

Brooke gave a little huff of laughter and smiled appreciatively.  

‘What did she mean by that?’ Lucas wondered, his eyes ever-drifting down toward her enormous bust.  ‘Is she laughing because she’s a little nervous, or is it because she knows why I asked her out and she’s making fun of me?’  

Whatever the answer was, he wasn’t going to wait any longer.  As soon as he had sat down, he realized that this was the moment he had been saving himself for all day long.  He could totally let loose now — and so, staring across at Brooke over the white tablecloth, he pressed the remote.  The waiter had just arrived at the table, and was in the process of pouring water into Brooke’s water glass, when her expanding breasts, which had already been dangerously close to the glass in the first place, actually grew into the glass.

“Oh, ma’m!  I’m so sorry!” he exclaimed, pouring some water onto the table.  He, of course, had not been expecting the glass to move, or be moved, for that matter.  Brooke had felt the spurt, however, and reached forward to catch the glass before it fell all the way over.  

“That’s ok!  It’s my fault!” she laughed good-naturedly, as she gave Lucas a wide-eyed look, as if to say ‘Wow, there it goes again, haha!’  Even as she looked at him like this, with those wide, winsome eyes, Lucas kept his finger pressed into the remote, leaning forward across the table to get an even closer look at her swelling bust.  He could even tell that she was sitting in her seat a little higher now.  After a few more seconds, he finally took his finger off, and exhaled.  He hadn’t realized that he had been holding his breath. 

“So you and Rick,” Brooke was saying, taking a healthy drink of her water, “Who’s really the brains behind this whole operation, anyway?”  

“The…the brains?  What?” asked Lucas, shaking his head a little as he managed to tear his eyes away from Brooke’s chest and up to her eyes.  Was she seriously suggesting that he…?  But he had no way of knowing — there she was, just sitting across the table, holding her glass up to her mouth, smiling coyly at him.  

“Yeah!” said Brooke, putting her glass down.  As she extended her arm, Lucas couldn’t help but notice that her silver bracelet looked a little tighter on her wrist.  It had been a little loose before…but now, as Brooke raised her arm up as she leaned sideways on her hand a little, Lucas could see that the bracelet was firmly latched around her wrist.

“Yeah, like, which one of you is, like…the driving force behind it all?” Brooke continued.  “It had to start somewhere, didn’t it?”

“Well, I suppose, in a manner of speaking,” said Lucas, finding his mind wandering away from the conversation again, despite being almost irritated by Brooke’s implication.  He was shaking his head at himself as his eyes travelled over her hands, her arms, everything…she was already big, but, like he had been rendered completely helpless, he felt himself hovering his thumb over the remote again.  Brooke blinked and smiled crookedly at him, turning away to her right momentarily, upon seeing that he was not going to answer her question right away.  As she turned, Lucas saw the long, healthy tendons in her neck straining against the silver necklace that embellished her throat…she looked so regal…so magnificent…that in that moment, Lucas was once again consumed and overcome.  He pressed the button again.  

“Don’t wanna answer that one, huh?” chuckled Brooke, leaning forward toward him as she put both elbows on the table, resting her chin on her hands.  Lucas gazed in awe as he saw her figure rising up, up, and up over him.  He felt like he was sinking back down into his chair, but it was only an illusion that was brought on by watching Brooke beginning to loom over him.  Her bare forearms swelled and expanded, looking firmer and more voluptuous than ever…and then, she started playing with her fingers underneath her chin, and Lucas could see her fingers lengthening and thickening.  The rings that she was wearing began to disappear into the flesh of her fingers…and Lucas was almost stunned to see how Brooke, almost without even thinking, reached down and took the rings off her fingers, one by one, her eyes never leaving his face.

“I bet the bots were Rick’s idea, weren’t they?” she remarked with a slow smile.  “He seems like the real innovator…nerdy, no sense of style, doesn’t really know or care how he comes across.  But brilliant, you know?  He’s the real brain power behind it all.  And you…haha, you’re the smooth, cosmetic finish on the whole project, aren’t you?  You’re the one who polishes it all up and pitches it to your bosses.  That’s how this whole thing got started, right?”

Lucas was totally at a loss now — Brooke was effortlessly tearing him apart, her intelligence clearly expanding beyond his ability to respond, all while her body was growing bigger, bustier, and more beautiful with each passing moment.  Lucas felt pressure up against his legs under the table, and realized that Brooke’s legs were actually growing into his.  And still, he couldn’t tear his thumb away from the remote.  His cock was raging in his pants; he looked down into his pocket, as if in doing so he could somehow stop himself from mashing his thumb down on the button.  

“Whacha got in your pocket there, Lucas?” asked Brooke, raising an eyebrow as she watched him from the other side of the table.  

“Huh!?” Lucas managed to choke out, feeling his stomach clenching in on himself.  Had she caught him?  Did she know!?

“Wh-what…what, in my…my pocket?” he asked, feeling like he needed to at least attempt to put up a normal face.  Besides, she couldn’t really know anything…the remote was in his pocket.  He hadn’t shown it to anyone, least of all her.  

“Hehe, yeah, in your pocket,” chuckled Brooke, shifting slightly up in her chair in an effort to rearrange her big body, which was growing bigger and bigger by the second.  Lucas’s eyes almost popped as Brooke’s breasts wobbled and shook with her movements, a huge, titanic mass hanging off her chest that was steadily gaining in size.  

“You playing with your phone?  You keep looking down at it — you sending text messages to someone, hmmm?”  Lucas stared hard up at Brooke’s face, which was regarding him wryly through the candlelit restaurant.  She was definitely teasing him, but he had no idea if she actually knew what was going on or not.  If she did, then it meant that she was just toying with him — if she didn’t (and he had to bank on this option), he had to get out ahead of her right now and stop her full-force.          

“N-no…no, it’s nothing,” he said dismissively, his finger still on the button.  “But anyway…hehe, well, I have to say, Brooke, that…while you just described myself and Rick there in a nice, neat little way, you know…like a nice, neat little package, all tied up with a bow…yeah, that’s not really a reflection of how things…of how things are…at Braden.”

Lucas had managed to ride a temporary confidence high as he spoke, but he felt his concentration starting to crack towards the end, because Brooke had started taking off her silver bracelet, contorting her face slightly in effort as she steadily tried to pull it off her arm.  Lucas could see that it was now actually digging into her gorgeous, creamy flesh…when before, it had been loose.  

“Oh…is that right?” asked Brooke mildly, finally managing to wrench the bracelet off her arm.  She looked at Lucas with wide, smiling eyes as she shook her head.  “Gosh, having another spurt here…who woulda thought, huh Lucas?”

‘She knows,’ he thought immediately, ‘She’s gotta know…or maybe she’s just flirting with me!?’

He had no idea, but he was still not about to have her take the reins of the conversation.  

“So, yeah, anyway,” he said, choosing to ignore her last comment, “How was it you described me?  As the…”

“The cosmetic finish on the nanobot project,” nodded Brooke, taking care to move her water glass, plate, and utensils well out of the way before leaning forward onto the table, seemingly erecting a tall, fleshy cliff of breast flesh under her calm, intent, and quickly-beautifying face.  Already, she was starting to look not just big…but huge.  But Lucas kept his finger hungrily on the remote.     

“You didn’t like hearing me say that, did you?” she asked, with an unmistakable touch of humor.  

“Well, uh, no,” replied Lucas, feeling himself become annoyed at her cavalier attitude.  Didn’t she realize that he was the reason she was becoming like this in the first place?!

“Because, I don’t like hearing anything about me that isn’t true,” he continued, tilting his head in what he thought was a mild and controlled manner.  “Good or bad.”

“Aw, well ok,” responded Brooke immediately, rubbing her wrist where the bracelet had been as she continued to fix Lucas with her cool stare.  “Guess I have a lot to learn about Braden in general, huh?  Why don’t you fill me in on some of the basics?”

“The…basics?” asked Lucas, finally managing to take his thumb off the remote.  He heaved a kind of deep breath, like he had just come up for air.  Brooke noticed, but she only smiled a little broader, as the corner of her mouth twitched for a moment, like she was about to laugh.  

“Yeah, the basics!” she said brightly, leaning back in her chair, reaching up, and stretching her arms.  “Aaaaughhh, that feels goooood….haha, when I’m growing, I almost get a kind of ache all over.  But when it’s done, my whole body feels all warm and tingly.  Mmmmmmrrrrgghh, yeeeah!”

Lucas couldn’t answer in any appropriate allotment of time, because he was too busy marveling helplessly at what Brooke had already grown into.  She had to be at least a couple inches taller, and her curves had become so prominent that her body had almost completely swallowed up the chair she was sitting in — Lucas could hardly see the backboard anymore.  But when she had raised her arms and stretched, her breasts had expanded out with her arms, and Lucas decided, right then and there, that there was no way she wasn’t an F-cup already.  

“Haha, ok Lucas,” chuckled Brooke, putting her arms down and seeing that Lucas was unable to carry on a normal conversation.  “I’ll try a different angle.  So…you think Braden has a bright future, don’t you?”

“I…of…of course we do!” declared Lucas, now trying to sit up in his own chair, realizing as he did that he didn’t fill anywhere close to the amount of space that Brooke did in her chair.  “Braden is on its way to becoming one of the top…uh, fifteen or so software companies in the country, at this rate.”  

Brooke’s eyebrows went up and she leaned forward again on her elbows, chin on her hands, regarding him with that same calm intensity as she formed an archway over her breasts with her sexy, creamy arms.  Her breasts, of course, completely filled the area in between her arms.  

“Wow, that’s quite ambitious!” she remarked.  “I admire that kind of drive, you know?  But…haha, I mean, top fifteen in the country?  You don’t have to overdo it just to impress me, Lucas.”     

“I…wh-what!?  Overdoing it?!” he cried indignantly.  “What’re you talking about?  If we keep developing on the same trajectory as we’re on now, there’s no question that we’re going to — ”

“But what about Rubik’s?” asked Brooke, cutting in, referring to the rival (and bigger, flashier) software developing firm across town.  

“W-what…what about them?” asked Lucas, thrown totally off guard.

“They’re not even in the top 40 nationwide,” said Brooke, adding an almost gentle, maternal edge to her voice, as if she was comforting him.  “And…hehe, well, it’s not a secret that Rubik’s is a lot bigger than Braden, Lucas.  Just saying.”  

Lucas was totally thrown for a loop; he had not been expecting Brooke to know these kinds of things, but even more, he couldn’t believe that she was trying to undermine him — what was she thinking!?  Who on earth did she think she was??  HE was the branch manager, HE was the one who had taken HER to dinner, and HE was the one who had the power to change her at will…in his pocket, no less!

‘I’ll show her,’ Lucas thought to himself feverishly, and he pressed down on the button again, hard.  ‘I’ll show her who’s in charge!’ 

The waiter had come by, and was already speaking with Brooke when Lucas looked up.  He felt annoyed that the waiter hadn’t addressed HIM first, but he was more preoccupied watching Brooke grow…next to the waiter.  Lucas could actually see her head getting higher and higher compared to the waiter’s body.  Her body was now completely swallowing up her chair — Lucas couldn’t see it anymore.   

“And for you, sir?” asked the waiter, turning to Lucas, who could feel the waiter’s eyes going over his own body.  In a flash, he realized that he was being judged…as the beneficiary of his pairing with Brooke.  In the waiter’s eyes, he was the lucky one…he was the one who had somehow managed to land a date with a woman who was so completely out of his league.  

“The…steak,” he somehow replied.  “Medium…rare, please.”  

Once the waiter turned and left, Brooke leaned forward again on the table towards him, making that same archway with her arms.  Now, however, her breasts were beginning to crowd the pillars of her arms, spilling out even further onto the table than before.

“Ok, well anyway,” said Brooke energetically, her bright eyes flashing with radiant beauty as she stared forward and down at him.  “All that aside, it’s nice that you think big, Lucas.  Shot for the stars.”

Lucas knew that she was teasing him now, and he just pressed down on the button harder, as if willing himself to exert control over her the more he pressed it. 

“Haha, I mean, after all, that’s how all the great inventions are conceived, right?” she said, winking at him.  “Look at Ada Lovelace.”

“L-look…look at who?” asked Lucas, once again feeling Brooke’s full firm legs beginning to press up against him underneath the table.  She was growing into him again, despite the fact that she had already re-situated herself.  A sexy little pant of a chuckle escaped Brooke’s full lips, wrenching Luca’s attention back to her face; he realized he had been staring at her breasts again, which were beginning to actually squish and squeeze themselves under her arms, desperate for more room.

“No…come on, Lucas,” she intoned, tilting her magnificent head slightly sideways as her eyes sparkled humorously down at him.  “You’re kidding, right?”

“I…should I know who this random chick is?” he asked, becoming increasingly annoyed at the trajectory of the conversation, even as his groin became more and more turgid.  Her knees were pressing up against his now…but she wasn’t moving.  

Brooke let out a low whistle.  “This “random chick,”” she said calmly, her mouth upturned slightly in amusement, “Ada Lovelace, was the first person to recognize that Babbage’s Analytical Engine had applications beyond pure calculation.  She wrote the first algorithm for the machine, Lucas.  She’s literally the mother of all computers…and computer programmers.” 

“Uhh…o-ok,” stammered Lucas, whitening his thumb now as he continued pressing down on the remote.  He felt like he was being completely carried away on a tide of his own lust at this point, even as he registered that Brooke was fast exceeding him mentally as well as physically.  Lucas was having a hard time concentrating on anything except how tight Brooke’s deep, violet dress had become.  It looked like it was a size too small — her body was positively rivening with curves.  But Brooke, far from complaining, actually sat back and folded her arms under her chest.  Her enormous breasts were so big and weighty now that they hid her crossed arms.  She just sat there, staring down at Lucas with something like smugness in her face, like she was enjoying watching him squirm in place.

“Just…I…I’m not really a big history guy, o-ok?” he stuttered, desperately trying to claw his way back to the top of the conversation.  

“Apparently not!” laughed Brooke.  Even a light little laugh from her was enough to send those same spindles of electricity straight down to his crotch once more — her voice was definitely deeper again, and even more feminine, embodying a strange, impossibly alluring contrast between smoothness and slight-huskiness…at a slightly dropped octave.  Lucas had to cross his legs in place, squeezing his cock between them desperately to try and stave off a premature orgasm.    

“And…and anyway, you shouldn’t be asking me those kinds of questions,” said Lucas brusquely,, trying to sit up straighter in his chair (and noticing helplessly that Brooke was still a good number of inches above him, even as she was leaning back casually).  “Office managers don’t have time to…to go back and remember all these old names and dates and stuff that is totally useless for what’s happening on the scene right now.  You understand that, Brooke?  I have to…to be dynamic all the time, ok?  And…and thinking about how we’re going to compete and get out ahead, all the time?  I…I live this stuff, Brooke.  It’s my bread and butter.  I fall asleep thinking about it and wake up picking right back up from where I started.  And, you know, as a…a fresh hire, shall we say, I can’t really expect you to be on the same wavelength as me when it comes to all that stuff.”

Lucas ended his little tirade abruptly, realizing that he had made it patently obvious to Brooke that she had gotten under his skin.  He sat there, breathing in and out quickly, as Brooke continued to become “more,” in every sense of the word, in front of him.  And as much as Lucas was transported by her growth, flowering intelligence, and confidence, he felt like it had all gone too far.  He managed to take his thumb off the remote once more.

“Ok Lucas,” Brooke answered, smiling at him and giving the slightest hint of a chuckle.  She was condescending to him…or at least, that’s what Lucas thought.  He felt his blood start to boil, even as his crotch became more uncomfortable as his hard cock continued pressing against his pants.    

“I don’t have any doubt that there’s plenty about your job that I don’t understand,” Brooke continued mildly, shooting him a suggestion of a smirk.  Was it a smirk?  Lucas couldn’t tell if she was mocking him or not — he was sure she had been a moment ago, but now he couldn’t tell.  His mind was beginning to play tricks on him.   

“Like, the refinement process for software engineering regular old computer programs is one thing,” Brooke persisted, looking around the dining room pleasantly, almost casually.  

Too casually,’ thought Lucas, feeling himself getting angrier.  ’She’s almost acting…bored.’ 

“But to write and refine the programs for things like…you know, nanobots, for instance,” Brooke kept on, turning back to him and giving him a knowing stare with her big, gorgeous eyes, “Well, that’s something else entirely above me, haha.”

She paused, studying Lucas intently, before her mouth curved into a beautiful little smile as she whipped out her phone.

“And speaking of that,” she trilled, her deep, feminine voice going up an octave briefly, once more electrifying Lucas’s pants, “What’s Rick’s number?  I’d love to pick his brain sometime about the refinement process for these nanobots.  I’m kinda interested, you know?  Because they’re in my body, and all…and I’d just like to get some insight into how they were made.”

Now Lucas knew that she was twisting the knife.  He felt himself consumed with anger, and he pressed the remote button down again, hard.  He knew that he was complicating his problems by doing so, but he was unable to prevent himself resorting to this brute show of force — he was controlling her, and there was nothing she could do to prevent him from proving it, over and over.   

“You don’t need Rick’s number,” he responded through gritted teeth, “I can tell you anything you need to know…ab-about…about the…nanobots.”

Once again, Lucas found his words knotting themselves up in his mouth — Brooke was growing again, and becoming ever-more more stunning and radiant.  Lucas watched as she coolly extended her hand down, fastened it around her water glass, and gently lifted it up, up, up to her mouth.  She took a long, slow sip of water, her eyes never leaving his, and with a shock of comprehension, Lucas understood what she was doing; she was drinking this way to emphasize that the glass, at lip-height for her, was actually over his head.  That’s how much taller she was than him now…and clearly, this fact amused her.  Her gorgeous eyes were sparkling with entertainment as she slowly lowered her glass from her lips, licking them sensuously.  She was finding this humorous!  Lucas blinked as his cock continued to rage in his pants.  Her tongue looked longer…thicker…redder.

“Hehe, you can?” asked Brooke doubtfully, cocking her head slightly to the side as she smiled down at him.  “I don’t knowwwww, Lucas.  I’ve got some pretty technical questions that I’m not sure you’ll know the answers to.”  

Now it was Lucas’s turn to adjust in his chair; Brooke’s legs were pressing up on him under the table, to the extent that he wasn’t able to compose complete thoughts, let alone words.  He could feel the firm, smooth flesh of her thighs beginning to press on the interior of his own…and she wasn’t doing anything about it.  Pretty soon, her legs were going to make contact with his erection, and Lucas couldn’t have that.  He backed his chair up a little, readjusted himself, and tried to start laughing, making his best effort to appear light, humorous, and nonchalant.  

“Heheheh…well, why don’t you give me your best shot, Brooke?” he chuckled, smiling at her unpleasantly.  He noticed a little commotion behind her, and realized that several waiters were gathered together in the corner, speaking together in hushed voices, looking over to their table.  Lucas saw them all share a hearty laugh, and he felt himself raging even more on the inside.  They were in on it too!  They were having a laugh about the sexy vixen going out with some guy who they thought was beneath her.  Well, the joke was on them, now, wasn’t it?!       

“Well…oh-kay,” said Brooke, heaving a sigh as she sat up straight in her chair.  Lucas felt the tip of her knee touching his leg again.  “It’s a question about Buckminsterfullerenes, though, so I’m not really sure if you — ”

“Oh, buckyballs!” laughed Lucas, instantly feeling back in control as he spoke the informal name of the specific allotrope of carbon that Brooke had just referred to.  

“Oh!  So you know about them?” asked Brooke, looking a little surprised.  

‘Yeah, that’s right,” Lucas thought lustfully, pressing down the button even harder as he licked his teeth behind his closed lips.  ‘Not so cocky now, huh?’

“Haha!  Of course I know about them!” exclaimed Lucas heartily, shaking his head.  “Come on, Brooke — just because I know how to dress myself doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I’m doing in the software world.  You underestimated me for a minute there, didn’t you, haha?”

“Heh, well I guess I’m sorry, Lucas,” chuckled Brooke, clearly backtracking a bit as she raised her hand up to scratch her head a little.  Her arm looked so solid, so stunningly feminine and strong, that Lucas had to remind himself that he had the upper hand in the exchange.  

“So…good, you’ll be able to answer my question, then,” Brooke continued.  “So researchers have demonstrated that Buckminsterfullerenes can be used to be the “wheels” of proposed “nanocars,” right?”

“Yesss,” said Lucas nodding his head.  Her legs were pressing up against his to the point of discomfort again, but Lucas was too busy looking forward to showing Brooke how mistaken she had been about him. 

“Although,” Lucas cut in, pinpointing an opportunity to nitpick her premise, “It’s a little late to be talking about buckyballs being used as nanocar components, Brooke.  We’ve already developed carborane wheels, along with a light-powered helicene synthetic molecular motor, so…haha, yeah, we’re a bit beyond the premise of your question, I think.”        

Brooke had been about to open her mouth to speak, but then she closed it again, apparently put in her place.  Lucas was almost giddy with triumph as he looked across the table, watching this incredibly sexy, amazonian glory sit there silently, taking in her obvious mental inferiority to him.  She didn’t answer right away — instead, she just continued to sit there, regarding him, as she continued to grow.  The silence was almost tangible, hanging in the air between them, as Lucas watched her body continuing to rise vertically.  He felt the heavy heat of her legs pull away from him slightly, as Brooke adjusted herself again in her chair.  It was clear that she knew she was having another spurt, and she even reached up and, her forearm swelling slightly from the effort, lifted up part of the left breast of her dress, as if providing temporary relief for her massively expanding breasts.  She had to be approaching a H-cup now, Lucas thought to himself.  She suddenly let her dress go, and it smacked back down in place, sending currents through the huge fleshy wall of her heavy breasts, which were now squeezing together like never before, in constant battle with the violet dress that contained them.  Brooke leaned forward again on her elbows, now sporting a knowing smile.  

‘My god,’ thought Lucas, totally stunned, ‘She’s a 10 out of 10 now.’  

“I’m aware of all that, Lucas,” Brooke said, her eyes flashing wide with amusement again, her body and mind flush with the most recent spurt.  “But don’t you think it would be useful to consider how the Buckminsterfullerenes' molecular structure could be used to capitalize on the deprotonation of closo-dicarbadodecaboranes using organolithium reagents?”

“U-uusing…using what?!” stammered Lucas, his face falling completely.  He had no idea what Brooke was talking about.

“Organolithium reagents,” Brooke repeated.  Her legs were encroaching upon his to a ridiculous degree now.  “Come on, Lucas, you know?  The organometallic compounds that contain carbon – lithium bonds?  And of course, you know, as far as their charges go, the relative electronegativities of carbon and lithium suggest that the C-Li bond will be highly polar.”

Lucas just sat there, gaping.  This 10-out-of-10 bombshell had grown totally beyond him…and yet, Lucas couldn’t find it within his power to take his thumb off the button in his pocket...with her body looming larger with every passing second, up, and up...and up...  

“Haha, of course, though,” laughed Brooke, almost as an aside to herself, “certain organolithium compounds possess certain properties in nonpolar solvents that make it more difficult, but…”

And here, she turned to look at Lucas again, and he was shocked to see her eyes flash briefly green, for just an instant.  He blinked, shook his head, and looked again — it was gone, whatever it had been.  Brooke’s leg was now pressed right up against his crotch, directly in his throbbing, pulsating erection — he could actually feel her firm, powerful thigh slowly widening the sitting stance of his own legs as it grew steadily between them.  

“Yeeaaah,” chuckled Brooke softly, blinking down at him with an almost-maternal condescension, “I’ll just ask Rick about it tomorrow.” 

Lucas felt his own eyes go wide, as he started to panic.  She had just…so casually dismissed him right there…so effortlessly shown her mental superiority over him, that he couldn’t even begin to feign normalcy.  She had just eviscerated him without even trying, in that soft, strong, unbelievably-sexy feminine voice that was threatening, along with her thigh between his legs, to make him cum right then and there in the restaurant.  And even worse, she had looked almost...disappointed that she had overpowered him so easily, so quickly.  

“Excuse me,” said Brooke suddenly, smoothly flagging down their waiter with an easy smile as she spoke up with easy, confident intonation, “Do you think my date and I could get a different table?”

“Oh!  Of…of course, ma’m!” answered the waiter immediately, blushing slightly at having been addressed so directly by such a woman.  “Is…um, I’m sorry, were you having an issue with your table here?”

“Haha, well the table’s fine,” laughed Brooke, swinging her legs out from underneath the tablecloth (causing Lucas to exhale involuntarily), “But…well, it’s just become a bit of a tight fit for me, you see?  If I was the same size as my date here, we’d be all good, but, well…I’ve got a little bit on him, wouldn’t you say?  And I’d like us both to have ample leg room.”

“Oh, y-yes…yes, of course, ma’m,” said the waiter quickly, pushing past his obvious puzzlement at Brooke’s apparent growth.  “Please…follow me — I’ll get you a…more appropriate table.”  

Brooke stood up, rising majestically in regal splendor; everyone in the restaurant turned to watch her.  She took one step over toward Lucas and extended her hand down, grinning at him.  

“Well come on,” she chuckled down at him, “Let’s go!”

Lucas felt apprehensive about standing up — his ego desperately wanted Brooke to be further away from him, so that she wouldn’t notice the height difference.  Her smile grew wider.

“Come on, Lucas!” she laughed, indicating with her offered hand, “Get up!”

He wasn’t moving quickly enough, so she suddenly reached down, caught his hand up in her much larger, warmer, stronger grasp, and yanked him to his feet.  Lucas was totally disoriented, and stumbled into the tower of her body, which didn’t budge an inch, despite the contact.  She was as sturdy as a rock.  The impact caused a heavenly jiggle in her bosom, and Lucas felt the collision softened by her breasts hitting his shoulders and upper chest.  He heard the smooth ocean-like rumble of her feminine laughter somewhere above him, and felt the warm pressure of her huge hands on his shoulders, steadying him.  He looked up, to see what he had created…and saw that he was staring straight into the top of the long, mighty chasm of her cleavage.  Her clearly-evident nipple nubs were poking against her dress, and Lucas could feel himself gently graze over them as he regained his balance.  The weighty panorama of her breasts filled his vision completely.  He looked up, and up…and UP, past her chin and perfect nose, to her eyes, which were positively alive with humor.  

“After you, Mr. Mineur.”


CW Moss

Wow, chapter 8 was amazingly amazing!!! That really was something else, so very erotic.

CW Moss

Thanks to you and Beetle!


So glad that you liked it, CW! Our blood, sweat, and tears have been poured into this. Countless hours of brainstorming. Working with Joyce has been a dream come true. Stay tuned for more!