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Chapter Nine 

Eve bared her teeth as she clamped her pussy down hard on Jason’s cock. She was on top of him, riding his length with a few pounds extra in her ass and hips that she had added over the first few weeks of school. And there he was, beneath her, his face a deep shade of red as he strained and struggled through the opening pangs of his orgasm. The veins were bulging out of his neck, and it was clear to Eve that he had been trying to stop himself from cumming. But her newfound aggression and…was it domination (?) during sex seemed to have taken Jason completely by surprise, and he was utterly unable to last more than a few rolls and thrusts of Eve’s fleshy hips and ass.  

For the first time ever in their relationship, as she looked down at his red, straining face, Eve had the sensation of Jason being…small. In that moment, it didn’t matter that he had big muscles and still sported the physique of an all-state wrestler — in that snapshot of an instant, as Eve felt his cock helplessly spasm deep within the lubricated confines of her hungry pussy, she felt like her boyfriend was small…overmatched…inadequate. The pleading and penitent look in his wide eyes as he stared up at her was just the icing on the cake.  

Eve stopped her grinding for a couple seconds, just looking down at him. She couldn’t believe it — she couldn’t believe that he had literally lasted ten seconds before he blew his load into her. She felt a tidal wave of confused emotions all burning and crackling together, a bonfire in her brain. She wasn’t even exactly sure what had prompted her to instigate this most recent sexual exchange. Just a minute before, she had been gently but firmly chastising Jason for being insensitive towards her friends. And then, all of a sudden, right as Jason had bowed his head shamefully, Eve had felt a powerful lurch within her and had taken his face and latched onto it with a syrupy, dominantly-passionate kiss. And it had all just gone from there…and as had become usual, she was the one instigating everything, and Jason was the one just lying there, taking it. And as usual, he had cum quickly, leaving her unsatisfied.  

Jason opened his mouth to contritely apologize:

“Eve,” he began, but right then, she had already had enough. She didn’t want to hear him apologize. She didn’t want to hear his voice. She didn’t even want to look at him. She was fiercely, precariously horny, and she already had a dick inside her…the dick that should have been doing its job, but that wasn’t up to the task. But Eve wasn’t going to tolerate it. She wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily.  

She interrupted the start of Jason’s apology with a sudden and renewed bout of cock-riding. Growling with unsatisfied desire, she pinned Jason down by his shoulders, noticing in a brief split second how her forearms and upper arms bulged with her vigorous effort. At the same time, she wrapped her legs around Jason’s, taking care to clamp down extra hard with her thighs, as she proceeded to fuck him with redoubled vigor.


The sound of her firm flesh connecting over and over with his filled the dorm room. Eve was determined to ride Jason’s cock until it wouldn’t work for her anymore — no more of this one-minute bullshit. Or ten-second bullshit, for that matter. As she vehemently slammed into him again and again, her mind was strangely clear, allowing for her to have these irritated, and even furious thoughts, while she tried to give into her aggressive lust at the same time. She wanted Jason to do something. She wanted him to suddenly reach out and grab her, flip her over, and do her dirty from behind, doggystyle. She wanted him to take his thumb, without asking, and stick it up her ass as he fucked her from behind like an animal. She wanted him to smack her ass hard and call her a filthy little slut for thinking this way…for wanting this. But as she continued to ram her pussy into his cock, he remained dead weight beneath her. He wasn’t even moving…Eve stared straight ahead at the wall, becoming paradoxically more angry and more horny at the same time. She could feel his cock softening a little inside her.

“Eve — ” whispered Jason again.

“Shut up!!” she burst out at him, finally taking the plunge and looking down at him with wild, livid eyes. His mouth gaped open at the energy of her reply, which only made her madder. He sounded so insipid, so weak.  

“Just shut the fuck up and lie there like a little bitch!” she yelled. Her nostrils were wide and looked like they were about to spout flames. But it was her eyes that were truly burning into Jason’s psyche. He had never seen her look so angry, or so horny…but a cold pit was growing in his midsection as he realized that he had never seen her look this…alive, either. And it terrified him, shocked him…but also, it made him feel something unfamiliar, something he wasn’t comfortable feeling at all. She was making him feel submissive.  

He had to find some way to stop this feeling, so he blinked and opened his mouth to speak again, trying to think of something offhand or witty to say that would kill the mood. But Eve was too quick for him — she had seen him gearing up to speak, and she swiftly took her right hand off his shoulder and clamped it over his mouth, pressing down with surprising strength.  

“I said: shut…the…fuck…up!!” she yelled even louder, thrusting and rolling her hips violently into him with each word. “Either just lay there, or fight me! Come on Jason!! Fight me!! Make me stop!!”  

Jason tried to mumble something through Eve’s hand, but it came out all garbled and unintelligible. He didn’t want to fight her; he felt totally bereft of energy. It didn’t seem possible that any kind of erotic charge was going to originate from him in this exchange. With Eve’s hand over his mouth, he looked down and saw the flesh of her hips shaking and vibrating as she fucked him. Her hips had never bounced like that before…there was just more to bounce now. God she looked good…her thighs too! They looked incredibly strong, holding him at bay, flexing around him as she clamped down even tighter. And then her ass…good lord, had it really gotten that big already!? It was quivering and flexing in a way that was unfamiliar to Jason. He suddenly became aware of her hot breath on his face…mint-scented…he tasted a drop of salty sweat from her brow and looked up into her face. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were curled in a lustful snarl.  

And just then, she pushed up off him and sat straight down on his dick, impaling herself at 90 degrees, and started to roll her hips, tracing wide, fluid figure-8’s with her midsection as her vice-like pussy pulled his cock along for the ride.  

‘Let’s see if you can stay soft through this, you little bitch,’ thought Eve viciously to herself. She had never ridden anyone’s dick like this before, but in the impromptu fire of the moment, she amazed herself with how effortlessly and naturally she rolled and weaved her hips, taking care to squeeze her vaginal walls tightly to keep a firm hold on Jason’s cock.  

“Ooooooohhhhh!” she moaned in exaggeration, shaking her head back and forth as she looked up at the ceiling, as if pleading to the heavens for release. “Ohhh Ohhhh OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!”  

Her hips rolled and gyrated faster. Jason actually felt himself getting hard again. He didn’t enjoy how aroused Eve’s dominant, aggressive display was making him, but he wasn’t about to make her stop. It was more like he was in a state of shock at how vigorous she was fucking him, and how helpless he felt under her onslaught, and this shock was preventing any action to the contrary. What’s more, the harder he got, the more aroused he felt, and the more aroused he felt, the harder he got, and on and on and on again in a searing spiral until, not two minutes later, he was staring forward in disbelief at his rock-hard cock that peeked at him every once in a while from the frenetic and lewd circles that Eve’s pussy was directing.  

“YESSSS!!” cried Eve, throwing her hips and ass into an even higher gear of twerking. Jason’s eyes bulged. He didn’t even think it was possible for a girl to move her hips that fast. The root of his cock was boiling as Eve’s pussy launched it into a tornado-rotation of 360 degrees over and over, 5 whole rotations every second. That’s how fast she was going. And even as the root of his cock threatened to boil over in another explosive, helpless orgasm, Eve sucked her pussy all the way up his length, to the head of his cock, and clamped down again, throwing her hips in the same tornado rotation as she added the third dimension of going up and down, up and down, up and down.  

“WwWWwwwwwwWwwaaAAAAuuughhhUUUGGHHHHHH!!!” burst out Jason in an utterly inhuman wail as he came again, even more violently, deep into Eve’s pussy. Right as he came, she slammed down on him…HARD, impaling herself completely on his length. Her teeth were bared again and she was growling at him like an animal. She had driven herself into such a frenzy with her riding techniques that she hardly even knew what she was doing. But she had created a slow boil of an orgasm for herself, and as she sped up in her sexy twerks on Jason’s cock, she had pushed herself to the edge. But his wail of surrender, of unrestrained shock and arousal, was what really made her cum. She only had time to feel a furious fire of a thought rip through her brain — that she wanted their roles reversed — before her mind was wiped blank with the tidal wave onset of a massive orgasm. Her whole body shook as she screamed out at the ceiling, throwing her head back as she felt every ounce of flesh quiver on her bones.


Her orgasm was a roar; she felt it in her lips; she felt it in her teeth.  

It was only after minutes of silence had passed between them when Eve opened her eyes and looked down at Jason, lying there on the bed beneath her. He was looking at her like he didn’t even know her…with undeniable fear in his eyes. But behind the fear was awe.

Chapter Ten  

The lustful fire had gone out of Eve’s eyes, and she felt her body returning to a more normal rhythm. But she realized, with considerable anxiety, that the same frustration, and even anger, with Jason’s submissive sexual behavior had not gone away. As she looked down on him, still sitting on his softened dick, she was only able to perceive that these feelings were intensifying. She felt a nauseating wave of guilt, and she looked away from Jason as she pivoted her hips, quickly sliding off his dick as she stood up.  

“I need to go wash my face,” she said mechanically, pulling her jeans up tightly over her thighs and hips. Her voice was shaking a little as it hung on the air. She quickly threw on her shirt. She hadn’t even bothered herself with her panties or bra. “Where’s your sink? You got a sink in here?”

“Uhh…n-no,” said Jason, still lying on the bed as he stared after her. “Th-there’s…there’s a community bathroom down the hall…to the, uh…to the left.”

“Down the hall?” asked Eve. Jason lived in the more generic dorms, but since Eve was in the Honor’s Program, she got to live in the nicer dorms, which had private bathrooms attached to the rooms.  

“Y-yeah, but…but — ” stuttered Jason. He was still reeling from what he had just seen.  

“But what Jason?” asked Eve as measuredly as she could. But there was no hiding the irritation in her voice.  

“But it’s…it’s an all-guy’s bathroom,” he said in a small voice.  

“Oh…haha! Oh,” exclaimed Eve, laughing strangely. “I don’t care about that. Just need to freshen up…if there’s some dude in there he can deal with me.” 

She turned and walked out of Jason’s dorm. As soon as she got out into the hallway, she took a deep breath, smelling in the deodorant-tinged painted cinderblock scent, which mixed with the stale carpet underneath her bare feet. She was glad to get out of there, glad to be anywhere other than on top of Jason as he stared up at her with that shocked, awe-filled expression. Her feet tested the beaten-down carpet as she made her way down the hall. It wasn’t pleasant, thinking about how much she had let herself go just then. Eve felt like she had given something away, betrayed some terrible secret that had now escaped its confines forever. What the secret was…well, Eve wasn’t sure. Maybe it was as simple as: she wanted Jason to be more dominant with her.  

‘Yeah, that’s it…that’s probably it,’ she thought to herself as she reached the bathroom. She took a step inside and felt the slight slime of the floor slavering her feet. Eve made a face, feeling a bit disgusted. The overpowering scent of “Axe” bodyspray filled the bathroom, mixed with disagreeables tinges of shit and stale urine.  

‘Fucking gross,’ she thought to herself, shaking her head. ‘Guy’s bathrooms…oh well, fuck it.’

She walked over to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. Her chestnut-brown hair looked wild and unkempt, to the point where Eve actually laughed out loud a little to herself. She almost looked like a cliche of a college girl after having wild sex in her boyfriend’s dorm.  

‘Except I did all this to myself,’ she thought. ‘I made myself look like this, not him.’  

Her heart sank a little, both from the guilt of the thought, and from her genuine sadness at having to take the dominating role during sex against her will. It certainly didn’t make her feel attractive…and yet…and yet she had to admit, the way she had been riding Jason’s dick was pretty hot. Eve hadn’t known that she had that kind of energy before. But she hated being the only one who brought anything to the table.  

She bent down and turned the cold water on, gathering a small pool of it in her cupped hands before splashing it on her face. The chill water felt good on her hot skin; she almost felt like there was steam coming up from her face. She looked up at her reflection, with the water dripping off her face. Her brown eyes were bloodshot; she widened them, stretching out her eyelids. Despite her slightly crazed appearance, she thought she looked good — she was hot…she felt hot. None of her current negative emotions took that away. Bending down again, she splashed more water in her face…she felt like she was returning to normal.  

“Uhh, does “Men’s Restroom” ring a bell?” came an obnoxious voice from the doorway. With her face dripping as she bent over the sink, Eve turned and saw that a short, skinny young man was standing in the doorway in his underwear, holding a shower caddy. Clearly, he had been about to go take a shower when his plans were thwarted by Eve’s presence.  

“Go take your shower, dude,” said Eve nonchalantly. “I’m not in your way.” She turned back to the mirror and splashed more water in her face.

“Well…well you are in my way,” said the guy. “I’m not taking a shower with some girl in here.”  

“Ok,” said Eve matter-of-factly, shooting her head up from the sink as she rose to her full height. She wasn’t in any mood for this kind of shit. “I’m standing here. The showers are over there. I’m not in your way. The only thing blocking you is whatever weird shit you’ve got going on about women in general, which I can’t control.” Eve suddenly realized how small the guy was, and, without thinking, she strode up to him. He took a step back in surprise — he hadn’t realized how tall she was. She walked right up to him, blocking the doorway. The top of this dude’s head came up to her chin — he was staring right into the top of her breasts. What’s more, his skinny limbs seemed even skinner as Eve loomed over him. She had put on a little weight since coming to college, and she was becoming undeniably thick and curvy.  

She reached up and easily grasped the top frame of the doorway as she leaned in over him.

Now I’m actually in your way,” she said. “See the difference?” As she enjoyed the double meaning of her question, Eve couldn’t help but realize that this kind of unapologetic forwardness was unlike her…she had just been feeling a little less restrained lately. She kept going.  

“I just fucked my boyfriend and I’m freshening up in this bathroom. If you can’t deal with that, come back in a few minutes and I’ll be gone. For fuck’s sake.”  

She turned and walked back to the sink, splashing more water on her face. A few seconds later she turned and saw that the guy wasn’t there anymore. Eve shook her head and glared at her reflection.  

‘Some fucking guys,’ she thought. ‘Jason would never be like that.’ Eve suddenly felt an outpouring of affection towards him. So what if he was going thorough some hard stuff recently? So what if he was having a little difficulty adjusting. He was still as good a guy as any…definitely head and shoulders above most dudes when it came to most things. She straightened up and looked around for some paper towels to dry her face off with. She found the dispenser and pumped it, but it seemed to be all out.  

‘Whatever,’ she thought, shrugging. She turned to leave. But right then, she suddenly heard a toilet flush. Eve made a quick move to leave — she didn’t want to deal with some other idiot boy. But right then she glanced again in the mirror, and saw a shaggy dark head rise up over the bathroom stall door…she could see his dark eyes looking straight down at her reflection from behind the door. A huge man was staring at her. Eve felt something catch in her throat. The stall door opened, and an enormous man emerged, dressed in immense, crumpled jeans and a hefty red and black checkerboard flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up at the elbows.  

“Sorry,” said the man in a quiet voice, which nonetheless carried and vibrated on the air with a deep timbre. “I don’t mean to disturb you.”

“It’s…it’s fine!” said Eve quickly, brushing her hair back quickly behind her ear as she stared up at the man. “I was…I was just leaving.”  

The man chuckled as he stepped forward from the stall, walking straight up to the sink next to the one Eve had been using. Unconsciously, Eve took a step back as she continued to stare up at him. He wasn’t attractive by any means…in fact, he was actually almost…beastly looking. His shaggy black hair joined up with a rough and rugged black beard, and his eyebrows were overgrown, to the extent to which they almost joined each other in the middle in a unibrow. His whole body was hairy…his exposed forearms, which were huge, muscular, and burly, were covered in a thick forest of coarse black hair.  

“Like I said, you can be here — I don’t care,” chuckled the man, pumping soap into his hands and starting to wash them under the faucet. Eve noticed that his hands, just like the rest of him, were positively massive.  

“Sorry about that dude who was bothering you,” he laughed, squinting his dark eyes at her reflection in the mirror. “Jeremy’s a little shit.”

“It’s…uh…haha, it’s no big deal,” said Eve, feeling her neck getting hot. What was going on!? She had just forced herself to have a huge orgasm!

“Yeah, it sounded like you didn’t have any trouble with him!”  

The man finished washing his hands and shook them off, wiping them dry on his shirt. He straightened up and looked curiously down at Eve, who was still frozen in place, her mouth a little open as she took stock of how big this guy really was. She was not accustomed to feeling small, but she was staring straight into this man’s neck. She glanced down and saw that he too was in his bare feet. Eve quickly felt a wave of self-consciousness shyness — he had overheard that she had just had sex…and now it was like she was caught in the aftermath. She gave a little halted laugh.  

“Haha, sorry!” laughed the man, “I don’t mean to frighten you, uhhhh — ?” He extended a massive open hand in her direction.

“Uh, E-Eve!” she said, reaching out and shaking his hand. His palm and fingers wrapped around hers and squeezed with a gentle, quiet strength.    

“Nice to meet you Eve,” said the man pleasantly. “I’m Benjamin…well, Ben, actually.” 

“H-hi Ben,” breathed Eve.  Her hand felt small in his...the thought came up like an ugly toad in her brain -- she felt like a woman right now.  

“Like I was saying Eve, I don’t mean to scare you,” continued Ben, releasing the handshake. “I know I can be…a lot to take in, haha! Especially an impromptu meeting like this in the dudes’ bathroom!” 

“Haha!” laughed Eve. She hadn’t expected a word like “impromptu” to come out of this guy’s mouth so fluidly. “No! Haha, it’s…it’s no problem, Ben, really. Thanks for, uh…for not caring that I’m in here.”

“So who’s the lucky guy?” he asked, cracking a grin through his dark beard. Eve saw that he was missing a tooth towards his back molars. In any other situation like this, she would have been looking for any kind of way to put a lid on the conversation. But this guy, Ben…she felt totally safe with him. He wasn’t icky.  

“Uh…Jason,” she said, feeling her boyfriend’s name oddly butt its way into the exchange. “You know him?”  

“Oh, Jason, yeah!” said Ben brightly. “Lives on down the hall in 23. Only talked to him a couple times…nice dude!”

“Yeah…yeah he’s nice,” said Eve. She wished that it didn’t sound like she was so out of breath, but this giant guy had literally taken her breath away, and she didn’t know why.

A few seconds of silence passed between them. Ben was looking down on her with those dark eyes, seeming to study her face, with an inscrutable, almost expectant smile curving behind his beard. He seemed to realize that every silent second that passed was steering them towards morally-ambiguous territory — Eve knew this too, but she didn’t do anything about it.  

Ben was the first to act, laughing merrily again as he turned to look at him self in the mirror, and mimed brushing a bit of his shaggy hair out of his eyes.  

“Haha, well, ok! It was nice to meet you Eve,” he said, walking by her towards the bathroom entrance. He turned back to face her once he was in the doorframe, and Eve saw that he had to duck his head slightly to fit the frame’s height. His massive body seemed to almost completely fill the rest of the doorway space. He wasn’t fat — just huge.  

“Maybe I’ll see you around here sometime, huh?” he asked.

“Y-yeah…yeah, I’m sure you will,” said Eve, smiling.  

“Ok, well…great! I’ll look forward to it,” said Ben. And he was gone. 


CW Moss

Great chapter Joyce. I like how aggressive Eve is becoming in bed, gaining weight, muscle and control. The role reversal is very cool. I like Eve's sexual hunger. I sometimes wish the men would do oral on the ladies. Maybe even with a little or more force. I always love going down on a strong, tall woman.