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Chapter Eight

A few minutes before, Eve had just been leaving her calculus club meeting when she had received a text from Lauren. She had been in the middle of an engrossing, exciting conversation with Derrick, the upperclassman leader of the club, about partial differentiation and Jacobian matrixes, when she felt her phone buzz.  

“That your boyfriend?” asked Derrick, chuckling a little. He knew he was going out on a limb, even bringing up those kinds of things. But Eve was just…incredibly attractive…she had such nice legs…and her ass wasn’t small, either. To boot, she was brilliant and driven. Derrick was more than impressed with her, and his curiosity about her private life got the better of him. If there was any chance of him and Eve…but he let it rest and satisfied himself by asking the simple, innocent-enough question.  

“Haha, I don’t know, maybe,” said Eve, shrugging her shoulders.  

“Heh…well, uh, you wanna check it?” asked Derrick, his face reddening a little. He knew he was getting awkward, but at this point he didn’t have the social grace to stop himself.  

“Eh, whatever, I’ll check it in a minute,” said Eve. Derrick wasn’t a short guy by any means; he stood at 5’10, 2 inches taller than Jason. At her normal 6’1, Eve was already taller than him by 3 inches, but today, she had actually decided to wear some stylish heels, which completed her professional-looking outfit. She was wearing a cute black skirt, a nice white blouse with a well-ironed collar, and a sleek, stylish black office blazer. Her chic black heels gave her an additional 3-inch boost, so that, despite being 5’10, Derrick found himself eye-level with Eve’s shoulders.  

She noticed Derrick going a little red, which in turn made her blush. Derrick was a genius…at least, that’s what Eve thought about him. It had been his idea all along to start the calculus club in the first place, and she was finding his tutelage an immense help in her multivariable calculus class.  

“Haha, I bet he texts you a lot,” laughed Derrick, now plunging in completely over his head.  

“Huh?” laughed Eve, appreciating how correct Derrick actually was. Jason had been texting her a lot recently, and it was all because he had been having some real trouble adjusting to their new college routines. The change in life patterns had gelled perfectly with Eve’s ambitious and career-driven ethos, but for Jason, who seemed a little lost and adrift amidst these changes, it had all seemed to clash rather badly with his perviously-confident persona. In the past few weeks, Eve had definitely noticed how perturbed and…insecure Jason seemed to be. But even though she had already had more of her fair share of moments when she mentally rolled her eyes at his behavior, she was more than willing to chalk it down to him adjusting to college life. It was totally understandable that he, and a lot of other people, were not as immediately ready to just…dive into it like she was doing. It would all come in time, surely.  

“Haha, I mean, sure he texts me a lot,” said Eve, cocking her head as she grinned down at Derrick. “But I text him a lot too, you know. Lotta texting going on these days, haha.”  

“Ha! Yeah, tell me about it,” said Derrick. His words trailed off as he looked awkwardly to the side. It was clear that he wanted to keep talking with Eve, but nothing was really coming to him.  

‘Wow, he’s got a crush on me,’ Eve suddenly realized. It seemed like a crazy thing to admit, but the evidence was right there, clumsily grinning through blushing cheeks. She smiled brightly and stood up a little taller.  

“Well, same time later on this week? Thursday?” she asked.  

“Y-yes,” said Derrick, nodding his head, happy that she had taken the initiative to rescue him. “Unless…I m-mean…unless you wanna get together sooner?” His insides plunged; he had just re-dug the hole that Eve had graciously filled in.  

“Haha, well maybe,” she said warmly. “I might need a little extra help — we’ll see after I get that first quiz back!”  

“Well ok then,” laughed Derrick. “You’ve got my number…you know how to reach me.”

“Sure do!” said Eve. She was beyond flattered to discover Derrick’s feelings for her, but she thought that it was probably prudent to go ahead and end the conversation now. “Thanks Derrick!”  

She waved goodbye to him, and then tapped Shanna on the shoulder and said goodbye to her and Ben as well.  

“See ya Eve!” said Shanna. “Oh, and, I just gotta say — I’m loving the heels today.”

“Really?” asked Eve, with appreciative color creeping into her cheeks. “I wasn’t sure if I should wear them or not. I’m already a giraffe, so, haha, you know…”

“Oh please!” said Shanna, shaking her head up at her (Shanna was 6’0, but was still 4 inches shorter with Eve wearing her heels). “Don’t call yourself that — you’re gorgeous Eve! Haha, all of us would totally kill for your legs, right Ben?”

“Uh…” said Ben, who was 5’8, just like Jason, but significantly skinnier. “Haha, uh, I don’t know, Shanna. Eve’s legs look pretty great on her, but on me I think I would look pretty wacky.”

“Oh my god, you know what I meant!” said Shanna, playfully punching him in the shoulder.  

“Haha, skinny nerd on top,” said Ben, highlighting his torso, “And then hot curvy girl on the bottom,” he finished, indicating to Eve’s lower half.  

“Alright you guys, enough, enough,” laughed Eve, truly blushing now. “See you in a couple days!”  

After leaving the merry gathering, Eve felt high on her interactions. All her friends liked her…and they thought she was hot! And…and curvy! Eve had never really seen herself as the curvy type. She glanced down at her legs. They were looking shapelier these days, she had to admit. Plus her hips felt thicker. It must have been the exercise, the good sleep, and all the food she was eating. She felt her stomach growl a little, right on cue.  

Chuckling to herself, Eve got out her phone to check the message she had just received. It was from Lauren.  

“Hey girl, I’m pissed off right now. Your boyfriend totally just called William a freak to his face. I think you’d better straighten him out.”  

Eve’s face fell, and all the joy that had been buoying her deflated in an instant.  

‘What the fuck Jason!?’ she thought angrily. Although Eve was definitely irritated at him for so clearly stepping out of line, she was actually finding herself more angered by his timing. She had literally just been coasting on a social and intellectual high, and then Jason had to bring her down…to just drag her back down.  

“I’m so sorry!” Eve quickly texted Lauren back. “We’re going to have a conversation about it.”  

She sent the texts, and then, just a few seconds later, Lauren replied back: “He’s gonna whine and moan that we made him uncomfortable. This is all getting really old, Eve. I’m starting to feel like you’ve outgrown Jason. Just my two cents, girl.”  

Eve felt her heart sink. She had been shying away from these latent thoughts in her own mind for a few months, but now that Lauren had actually said it to her, the sentiments pushed to the forefront of her mind. And it was annoying. Jason was totally better than this — she knew him! She knew that all this recent, stumbling insecurity and…and inability to cope with change…just wasn’t like him. This wasn’t the Jason she knew — the Jason that had been in her head for the last two years was confident, and…and strong and big and funny and, just…in control of every social situation he was put in. What the fuck was going on with him? She was going to get to the bottom of it.  

“Well, I’m gonna have a talk with him,” she texted back to Lauren. “He’s been having some trouble coping with all this college stuff, and maybe it took it out on William. If that’s what happened, it’s shitty. Sorry, again Lauren.”  

Eve’s stomach rumbled again and she felt a sudden wave of increased frustration. This was screwing up her whole schedule. Now she had to sit down and have a talk with her boyfriend about treating people with respect. It was ridiculous. 

“Jason, we’ve gotta talk,” she texted him swiftly as she made her way to the dining hall. She wasn’t going to immediately take time out of her routine just to go and scold her boyfriend, but after a few minutes of walking down the sidewalk, Eve realized that she was actually more upset, and far angrier, than she had initially realized. She knew that she hadn’t been filled in on the particulars of the events surrounding Jason’s rude and insulting comment, but at present, she didn’t really care. It had been bad enough for Lauren to send her a curt text, and Lauren was not the type to get easily annoyed or offended. If anything, she was far tougher than anyone else Eve knew. On top of all that, Eve trusted her judgement. She would get the details, no doubt, from Jason, and he would present them in his own defensive, one-sided fashion. They would probably get into a fight.  

‘You know what?’ said Eve to herself as she walked quicker down the sidewalk, spurred on by her increasing anger, ‘Fine. Let’s get into a fight. Maybe that’s what we need to just…to just sort out all this weird shit that’s been going on between us.’  

A number of people turned their heads as Eve walked by. Even though, in this moment, she couldn’t have cared less, she cut quite an impressive figure: a 6’4 young woman in swanky business attire, rocking heels as she walked quickly and purposefully, her shapely ass swaying noticeably with her hips. With each step, each of Eve’s thighs jiggled and trembled slightly. She had definitely put on a few pounds these first couple weeks of college, but underneath, she had kept her limbs firm and strong with her routine workouts. She reached the dining hall, went inside, and proceeded to serve herself up a huge plate of chicken, rice, and beans, with a large salad to go with it, and a big glass of whole milk. Eve knew that she was probably getting too much food, but she didn’t care. She had unconsciously become irritated at her own stomach growling, and, in her flurry of anger and frustration, she was going to silence it.

As she ate alone, Eve’s mind kept turning. Jason hadn’t texted her back, even though Eve knew that he had seen her message. His delayed reply just made her madder. What, so now he couldn’t face up to the consequences of his own actions? Eve took out her phone and was about to send an incendiary, heated text his way, but then decided against it, and instead proceeded to focus on shoveling food into her mouth. A few moments later, an average-sized young man, probably another freshman, tentatively approached the table.  

“Is this seat taken?” the guy asked Eve, grinning awkwardly. Eve looked up at him blankly for a moment, and then looked all the way down the long table. There was no one else sitting anywhere near her. This guy’s sheepish awkwardness just added fuel to her angry fire. What was up with all these dudes just smiling at her stupidly and saying idiotic things? Why couldn’t he just ask if he could sit with her? Why did he have to try to crack a dumb joke? Did he think she would appreciate it? 

“Uh, no,” said Eve. She gestured all the way down to the empty seats at the rest of the table. “But those seats don’t look taken either.”  

“Oh…haha, I meant, uh…I meant,” stammered the guy, but Eve had already had enough. She was not accustomed to acting this way, but she was in no mood to tolerate this dude’s awkwardness.  

“I know what you meant,” she said, blinking her eyes up at him and smiling to soften what she felt was a harder tone than she was comfortable with. “And maybe another time, but I just want to sit alone right now, ok?”

“O-ok,” said the guy. He mechanically turned and walked off with his tray, seemingly dazed. Eve watched him go, turned, and looked down at her food. Had she just been a bitch to that guy? She didn’t know. She forked more food into her mouth quickly. The din of voices suddenly seemed to rise up around her; there were a lot of people in the dining hall. Eve realized that she wanted to get out of there. She didn’t want to be hit on right now; she just wanted to be left alone, but sitting by herself in the dining hall was no way to be left alone.  

‘No, I was polite to the guy,’ she reassured herself as she ate quicker. ‘And anyway, what gives him the right to my time, anyway? He just thought I was hot and wanted to chat me up. No thank you.’  

Privately, even though Eve wasn’t comfortable admitting these things to herself yet, in the back of her mind she had realized that the guy had looked rather bedraggled…plus he was pretty skinny…obviously not in shape, and…just, kinda plain-looking. She just hadn’t been attracted to him.  

She sighed unpleasantly as she continued to eat. It seemed crazy that just a few minutes before, she had been happy and excited and full of energy. Now she just felt pissed off, irritable, and drained. And it was all because of Jason. No one else in her life was a source of strife for her. Derrick was dynamic and driven, Shanna and Ben were brilliant and ambitious, Lauren was doing Lauren things in her cool sports medicine program…all the people in her advanced classes were fun and energetic. But Jason…her boyfriend…the most important relationship in her life, was just… not up to task. He kept fucking up.  

Eve finished her food and stood up. A group of guys watched as she went by, and one of them may have even said something to her. But Eve didn’t care. She was going to go talk to her boyfriend and get all of this sorted out. She had been in a bad mood for 20 minutes, and already it was beginning to seem like too long. She left the dining hall, and was about to hop on a bus to make a beeline for Jason’s dorm when she got a text. Her heart skipped a beat as she opened it…from Jason.  

“Sigh…so you’re gonna jump down my throat too, huh?”

Eve felt like throwing her phone straight down into the sidewalk, but she took a deep breath and texted back.  

“We just need to talk, ok? Are you at your dorm?”

A few seconds later…”Yeah.”

“Well I’m coming over, ok?”

“Sure…whatever. But just know that whatever Lauren told you, she’s totally exaggerating.”  

“Fine. We’ll talk about it when I get there.”  

Eve didn’t know what to think at this point, other than the nasty realization that she actually trusted Lauren’s account more than Jason’s. She knew that she wasn’t giving him the benefit of the doubt, but his behavior the past few weeks had weakened her trust in him.  

Less than 20 minutes later, Eve was knocking on Jason’s dorm door. She heard shuffling within, and then the door opened. For a second, Eve was caught off guard by how short Jason looked. She had forgotten that she was wearing her 3-inch heels. She now rose a full 8 inches above him, with the top of his head barely even coming up to her chin. Jason stood there in the doorway, dumbfounded for a moment. He was in his boxers and a t-shirt, with bare feet. He had not expected Eve to be so well-dressed, or to be wearing heels.  

“Wh-what!?” he sputtered, narrowing his eyes up at her. “You wore heels today?!” 

“Uh…y-yes…yes I did, as a matter of fact,” she said, putting her hands on her hips as she stared down at him. Maybe it was just the heels, and maybe it was just the fact that she had eaten a pound and a half of food, but Jason looked…smaller to her. He was still quite large and stocky, with his big muscles stretching his normal-sized t-shirt, but in the moment, Eve saw her shadow cast over him and felt bigger.  

“Oh so you got a problem with my heels?” she persisted. She was making no effort to disguise her irritation.  

“Uh…no…no they’re…it’s whatever,” said Jason, waving his hand and turning around. He walked back towards his bed and turned around, rolling his eyes as he lolled his head to the side.  

“Ok, let’s have it then,” he said sarcastically. He held out his hand and beckoned his palm back and forth. “Come on…go on and get your spiel out of the way.”  

“What happened, Jason?” she asked, stepping into his room and closing the door. She took a couple steps towards him and folded her arms across her breasts.  

“What happened?!” he said, his voice rising shrilly in a defensive tone. “I’ll tell you what happened! Lauren totally jacked off William in the middle of the gym!!”  

“What!?” asked Eve.

“Yeah! Right in front of me!” said Jason with wide eyes. “And…and it was all to, to…I don’t know! Make a point to me, or something!” 

“Make a…point to you? What point, Jason?” 

“Fuck if I know!!” he burst out, gesturing wildly. “Lauren’s crazy!”  

“Lauren’s not crazy, Jason,” said Eve. “She and William just have a very…open relationship. You know that.”

“Yeah! But she’d never jacked him off in front of me before…in a fucking public place!!”  

“Well…that is pretty out there,” admitted Eve. She could already feel herself softening a little in her anger, even though she wished that Jason would stop being so shrill.  

“But…I don’t get it,” she continued, and she asked the question again. “What point was she trying to make to you?”  

“That…I don’t know…that…” Jason didn’t want to say it out loud, because the reason he had blown up and said the regrettable thing about Lauren and William’s relationship (that it wasn’t natural…and that it was “messed up”) was that Lauren had been goading him, claiming that Jason was jealous of her and William’s open dynamic, and that he secretly wished that he and Eve could express themselves so freely. The truth was that, deep down, Jason was jealous of their open dynamic. He did wish that he and Eve could be more openly sexual, without some of the odd hangups that sometimes kept them apart.  And, even deeper down, Lauren had hit another nerve with him. There had been something undeniably arousing about watching her just shamelessly, dominantly jack off William in public. Something about her complete and confident power over him…something about his total…what was the word…submission to her…that had made Jason’s cock harden just a little as he watched. And he was not comfortable with that feeling, whatever it was. In fact, he hated it. And that’s why he had let those words fly out of his mouth. He regretted them, but, as he had thought on them, he found that he still actually believed what he had said. It wasn’t natural…it was messed up.  

All of this flashed through Jason’s mind before he finished his sentence. 

“She basically said that I was jealous of their relationship,” said Jason, a little quieter, though with no less energy. He had realized that his voice had started out shrill, and he wanted to dial it back.  

“Jealous?” asked Eve, creasing her brow. “Like how? What was she talking about?”  

“She just…I don’t know…she said that I wished that…that we could be like them. That we could be as…as open and free as they are.”

“What? Like, me jerking you off in public?” asked Eve. As she heard her own words, her lips twitched upward in a smile. She couldn’t help it — this all sounded pretty ridiculous. Jason saw her smile and grinned back at her. Maybe it was over…maybe all the trouble had just blown over…just like that. The promise of resolution crackled in the air between them.  

“Ha…I, uh…haha, I don’t know…maybe?” said Jason uncertainly. “But…Eve, listen, she was just really aggressive, and the stuff she was saying was just…really irritating me. Cause it wasn’t true…isn’t true…I don’t want to be like them, like, at all. To be honest they kind of freak me out.”  

“Ok, so…ok,” said Eve, gathering herself back up as she smile faded a little from her lips. Things weren’t resolved yet. “So Lauren was irritating you and, uh…but then…yeah. Here’s the thing, Jason. She said that you called William a freak.”  

“I did not!!” said Jason, his voice rising shrilly again.

“Ok, ok,” said Eve, holding out her hands. She was so close to Jason now that she actually put her hands on his shoulders to steady him. It was suddenly striking to her how low Jason’s body was compared to her’s — his shoulders were actually underneath her breasts now, so that she barely had to raise her arms up at all to rest her hands on them. She looked down into his eyes, and he looked up into hers, and a strange couple of silent seconds passed by, during which Eve felt older than her boyfriend, and Jason felt younger. The height difference was just…striking.  

“No need to yell,” said Eve, breaking the silence with her attempt at a soothing voice. “So you didn’t say that…but what did you say? Whatever it was, it really pissed Lauren off, to the point where she felt like she had to text me about it.” 

“I just…” and here Jason bowed his head in frustration and sighed. It certainly didn’t help to realize that, as he bent his head several inches downward, he was looking straight into his girlfriend’s breasts. It made him feel small…plus, were her breasts getting bigger? They were certainly looking bigger…but Jason hardened his mind to his task.  

“I probably misspoke because…because I was irritated at Lauren,” said Jason quietly. “I didn’t say anything directly to William but…but I basically told Lauren that what she said wasn’t true and that I didn’t want to be like them because…because William is like her slave and that I don’t think that it’s natural and that it’s messed up.”  

“Oh,” said Eve softly, taking her hands off Jason’s shoulder and taking a step back. She shook her head down at Jason, not in anger, but in rebuke. “Yeah, Jason, you shouldn’t have said that.”

“I know, Eve, I know!” he said desperately. “And I apologized to William, but Lauren didn’t seem like she was having any of it and then they just…left.”  

“I don’t really blame them,” said Eve. “Jason, you screwed this one up.”  

He sighed and slumped his shoulders, standing there helplessly. Eve felt a new wave of anger pass through her, but it dissipated almost as soon as it had begun. She was just…disappointed now. For some reason, it had seemed even worse when Lauren had texted her. But now that Eve had heard Jason’s side of it, she was just left feeling let down and puzzled.  

“I just…I don’t understand why you let her get to you,” said Eve, cocking her hips to one side. “You know that Lauren’s gonna needle you — that’s what she does. She’s just fun and flirty that way.”

“Eve, there was nothing fun or flirty about what, uh…what Lauren was insinuating!” exclaimed Jason.  

“So she claims something about what you want in our relationship that isn’t true,” countered Eve. “So what? Why do you have to let her push your buttons like that?”  

“I think…I…I don’t know!” lied Jason. He knew why — because Lauren was very good at dredging up his own insecurities about his relationship with Eve, particularly his latent fear that she was outgrowing him mentally and emotionally (and maybe even physically too, with her new propensity for heels).  

And anyway,” continued Eve, “The real issue here is that…come on Jason! You can’t talk about other people’s relationships like that! Especially if it’s my friend’s relationship!”  

“But Eve!” protested Jason. “She jacked him off…in the gym…in front of me!!” 

“So what!?” said Eve, suddenly aggressive as she took a step forward, now looming over her boyfriend. “What’s wrong with that? Did they hurt you? Did they force you to participate?”

“N-no…they just — ”

“No,” said Eve. She felt the color rise into her face, and she let the anger flow through her. Jason’s head was in the wrong place. “So what was the big deal, Jason? Sure, it’s not really “normal” behavior, but so what? Their relationship works just fine, and you know what? I actually admire them, Jason. It’s not easy to do what they’re doing, and they do it without making apologies to anyone. It’s pretty fucking cool if you ask me. A smaller, submissive guy and his larger, stronger girlfriend, openly being the alpha in the relationship…yeah, that’s pretty awesome. You basically see other guys and their girlfriends rolling around on the quad, basically grinding on each other…and no one bats an eye. But as soon as it’s a dominant girl and a submissive guy — oh shit! It’s unnatural!”

“Eve…Eve!” cried Jason, holding up his hands. She really was angry with him…the hope of moments before, of getting everything resolved, was completely gone.  

“I’m not done, Jason,” snapped Eve, putting her hands on her hips again as she continued to loom over him. She was going to have it out with him. Now was the time. “This is just the icing on the cake for the past few weeks. You’ve been different, Jason. I know this is a time of transition, but we’re here — we’re in college now. And you need to…to get it together. I feel like what happened today was you taking out your frustrations on someone you perceived as weaker than yourself. And that’s pretty small, Jason. The fact is that Lauren and William are doing just fine in their relationship, but you and me? I don’t feel like we’ve really been on the same page. I’ve been feeling great about all my classes and my exercise and…and all of it, but you’ve been missing your classes and…and losing weight, and I come in here and — ”

Here Eve gestured to Jason’s dorm, which was already cluttered and dirty. Paper plates of half-eaten food sat on his nightstand, and his soiled laundry lay strewn in disorganized heaps all over the room. Jason felt his heart racing — this was it. His worst nightmare was coming true, spoken straight out of the mouth of his girlfriend, who was standing up imposingly before him, dwarfing him by 8 inches, with her hands on her thickened hips.  

Eve turned back to her boyfriend, and she saw the panicked look on his face. Her anger immediately seemed to abate. She wan’t trying to crush his spirit — she was just trying to rally him! To somehow spur him into action, into life!  

“I’m not saying all this to be mean, Jason,” she said, noticeably softer, as she stepped forward and once again put her hands on his shoulders. “I’m saying it because I want my boyfriend back. The one with the go-get-em attitude, you know? The one who is confident and…and fearless and…has the biggest muscles in school.”  

She had spoken the last words in a kind of jest, as she squeezed suggestively on Jason’s shoulders. He was still pretty muscly…she had to give him that.  

“I’m…I’m sorry Eve,” said Jason, bowing his head again as he felt the anger at himself rise up in his breast. “I just…I’ve been having a hard time recently.”  

“I know, I can tell,” said Eve. She reached down and gently took his chin in her hand and directed his face upward. “Do you need to see someone? Are you depressed?”

“N-no…no I don’t think so,” said Jason, not sure whether he was or not. “I think…I just think that I’ve, uh…just been a little slow to transition, is all. I think I had become too comfortable in our high school routines and, uh…I just need a little time to adjust.”  

“That’s ok, Jason,” said Eve genuinely, squeezing his shoulders again. “And I want to help you adjust. But you really, really can’t be lashing out at other people like you did today. Especially if it’s at William or Lauren. You understand that, right?”

“Yes,” said Jason, feeling very low.  

“Ok, good.” Eve squeezed him again earnestly, and then suddenly bent down and kissed Jason on the mouth. He opened his lips to her, and she opened hers still wider in response. In a few moments they were kissing each other passionately, breathing in and out roughly into each other’s faces. It was like there was some invisible, pent-up energy that was being released through their bodies. Eve squeezed him tightly with her arms; she felt the lightness of his embrace, and she responded by squeezing tighter, tighter, and tighter still, as if by the act of squeezing him she would wake him up. She took his hand and put it on her ass. She felt him squeeze it softly, and then a sudden wave of angry sexuality overtook her. She didn’t want him to touch her like that. She wanted him to smack her ass hard. She growled down into his mouth and shoved him onto his bed, yanking down his boxers as she peeled off her professional suit and kicked off her heels.  

Moments later she was riding his hard cock and moaning up into the ceiling of his dorm room. He was hardly doing anything. When she looked down she saw his wide-eyed face looking up at her, in a mixture of awe and something else…fear…? His body was seemingly paralyzed by her sexual energy, but his cock was rock hard inside her. She couldn’t look at him. She redoubled her pace on top of him.  


The sound of her fleshy ass coming down on his muscled hips reverberated off the walls.  

“Thrust into me!!” she shouted down at him. “Come on!! Give it to me!!!” 

Jason gave a few thrusts up, and Eve moaned and rolled her hips around and around, bouncing her left ass cheek up, then her right, then left, then right, and then she rolled again. She was just about to start smashing down on his cock again when she glanced down again and saw Jason’s red face straining, and the veins popping out of her neck. It couldn’t be…they had just started!!  

“I’m…I’m c-cumming…” he whispered. 


CW Moss

OMG, that was sooo sexy!! Great chapter Joyce Julep!!

CW Moss

I hope you don't mind, I gave you a quick plug at Giantesscity. I also frequent amazonlove.me but things are kind of slow there.

Joyce Julep

It was very sweet of you do so do, Randall! I can always appreciate the kind words! <3 <3