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Part 2 coming tomorrow, along with other updates! <3 


Chapter 37

Three months later, the hostess of one of the fanciest restaurants in town was chatting up a reservation customer on the phone.  

“Oh yes sir!” she said animatedly, scanning the already-busy dining room as she nodded her head. “We’re almost at capacity now, but we should just be able to squeeze your party in at 8:30…yes sir…haha yessss it’s definitely one of the busiest times of the year…well I guess you got lucky tonight…hahaha…haha yes sir…ok…o-ok sir…see you at 8:30! Bye now.”

“Just stuffing those reso’s in like sardines, huh, Tara?” teased a waiter who had been listening.

“Hey, you should be thanking me, Ben,” Tara returned, as she looked down to mark the recent call in the reservation book. “More customers equals more money for you…unless, well, you suck ass at service and they decide not to tip you.”

“That would never happen!” said Ben, feigning an affronted reaction as his eyes widened in shock. “I’m one of the best waiters we have.”

“God help us,” responded Tara.  

“And,” smiled Ben, ignoring her comment, “It goes without saying that I’m certainly one of the most courteous and attentive.”

“So attentive that Table 31 hasn’t had a water refill in ten minutes?” quipped Tara.

“Oh shit!” exclaimed Ben, gliding quickly over to assist his customers. Tara chuckled and shook her head, watching after him affectionately. Ben refilled the water glasses and then appeared back at the hostess stand a minute later.  

“Anyway, as I was saying,” he continued, sarcasm infusing his voice as he smirked pompously, “the most professional, knowledgeable, skillful waiter around.”

“Uh-huh,” said Tara, looking at him humorously. She certainly enjoyed bantering with Ben; she was 21 and he was 34, so he was quite a bit older than her. That age gap, coupled with the fact that, in her 4-inch heels, Tara stood right at 6 feet (5 inches taller than Ben), somehow prevented there from being any possibility of a serious sexual dynamic between the two. It was understood that the pretty, young hostess would want someone taller, bigger, more attractive. So of course, the lack of real sexual energy between the two of them opened up the possibility of baggage-free bantering and flirtation.  

“My parents are so proud,” continued Ben, putting his arm on the hostess stand and leaning on it. “They thought I was gonna go to med school to be a surgeon, but after I broke the news that I was gonna be a gourmet waiter, they couldn’t believe their ears. Their wildest dreams had been surpassed.”  

“Oh my god, shut up,” laughed Tara. “Don’t you have shit to do?”

“Yeah probably,” said Ben, scanning the dining room. “Pretty busy Friday, huh? But hey, I just wanted to check…how’s my section looking tonight? Was that reso at 8:30 for me?”

“Uhhh…nope. Not for you,” said Tara, checking the seating chart. “Your next table should be coming in…umm…yeah, any minute now. It’s a reso for two…name is Stintum.”

“Stintum…huh, ok. Husband and wife, I’m guessing.”

“No idea,” said Tara. “I took the call a few hours ago. Guy seemed really nervous, like he had never made a reservation before in his life.”

“Oh god, I hope it’s not one of those high school couples,” moaned Ben. “They have their parents’ money, but they’ve never worked a day in their lives and have zero tipping etiquette.”

“Hmmm yeah, the crushing sorrows of the waiter’s life,” laughed Tara. “How do you stay sane, Ben?”

“By flirting with the hostess, duh!” he replied with a grin. Tara narrowed her eyes playfully and cocked her head, and was about to respond with something needling and witty when she saw that Ben’s eyes, looking past her towards the door, had averted upward and grown wide. His grin immediately fell, but his mouth remained partially opened, frozen in shock. Tara brought her eyebrows together in puzzlement and turned around…and her eyes went wide too, her lips unwittingly parted in astonishment at what she was seeing.  

Two people…a couple…had just walked into the restaurant. Tara had to blink a few times to convince herself that she wasn’t imagining what was actually before her. It was the most lopsided pair she had ever seen…and they were definitely a couple…dressed up to a t, and holding hands. But Tara could not help but gape for a few moments. The man…if he could be called that…was wearing a suit with a little black bow tie. His head was completely bald, giving Tara the odd impression of a q-ball shining in the low dining room light. But it was this man’s stature that was so eye-catching: he was incredible short…so short that Tara, in her heels, could tell that the top of his head barely came up to the middle of her boobs. She was looking down at him, as if she would a young adolescent child, but she could tell from the contours of his face that he was an adult. But she had never seen an adult man so short and so…just…tiny. Even though he was wearing a fashionable suit, Tara could tell, from his scrawny neck, and frail, weak-looking hands and wrists, that this man was incredibly shrimpy. He was holding his left hand up, so that it was even with his shoulders…he had to hold his hand this way in order to grasp the hand of his partner…his partner, who held her arm completely extended by her side, engulfing his hand in hers…Tara had registered the tiny man’s features in an instant, but her attention quickly shifted to his partner.  

She was the tallest, and the largest, woman that Tara had ever seen. It was impossible for Tara to feel like a giantess around this tiny man, because such a colossal female behemoth was standing next to him. Tara wore heels to give herself confidence in her job, but this woman made her feel smaller than she could have ever believed possible. Even as she stood at 6 feet in her heels, Tara could tell that her head didn’t even come up to this woman’s shoulders. She was looking straight forward into a pair of absolutely gargantuan breasts that seemed to be stretching her tight red dress to its limits. Her dress…its blood-red length hugged this woman’s body tightly, all the way down her strong torso, round the voluptuous and undulating curve of her huge hips, and back around in curving appreciation of her thick thighs. Right around mid-thigh, the dress split down the woman’s left leg, giving Tara a clear view of a good portion of the woman’s left leg. This woman clearly worked out — her leg was impressively thick and bulging with firm, taut, feminine muscle. Tara was shocked to realize that this woman’s leg alone probably weighed as much as, if not more than, the man holding her hand. Her lower legs were tied up in a complicated arrangement of black lacings that hugged her flesh tightly, further accentuating her size. These lacings were part of her heels…tall, imposing, black gladiator-style platform heels that contrasted sexily with her red toenail polish. Tara looked back up at this woman’s face. Cascades of flowing, wavy, golden hair spilled over her shoulders, all the way to her breasts, and Tara felt her breath catch somewhere in her upper chest as she looked up into this woman’s face. She was absolutely…fiercely, gorgeous. Her sea green eyes sparkled out from her dark eye shadow make-up, reflecting the candlelight of the dining room tables, and her full cheeks beamed with an exuberant energy. Her plush red lips were curled upward in a knowing smile, and Tara could not help but think that this woman was so beautiful that she looked…almost dangerous…like…like some kind of vampire.  

The amazon blond woman appeared to squeeze the little man’s hand, shaking it a little, and her slight movement vibrated through his entire body. He stepped forward a little, still holding her hand, and spoke:

“Um, r-reservation for Stintum?”

“Uhhh…y-yes…yes!” said Tara, blinking a few times and consulting the seating chart mechanically. “You all are…right on time!”  

“Well,” came the voice of the amazonian woman, smiling down at Tara, “It’s rude to be late for a reservation. Especially at a place like this.”

“Uh, haha, yes ma’m, you’re right,” agreed Tara, trying to seem as collected as she could. But the woman’s voice exactly matched her appearance — it was deep, rich, and resonant, and, even though the woman had not spoken loudly, her voice commanded attention. Already, conversations in the restaurant were stopping, and people were turning around to stare at the newly-arrived couple.  

“Uh…ok!” said Tara, managing to break herself out of her enthralled trance. “W-well, uh ok Mr. and…uh Mr…I mean, Mr. Stintum…if you c-could, uh, just follow me please to uh…to your table.”

And she turned and made her way robotically down the narrow rows of white-clothed tables. Sarah squeezed Jeff’s hand gently, cracking the joints in his hand.

“I think she wants us to follow her, dear.”  

Jeff jumped a little at Sarah’s words and stepped out in front, leading the way, still holding her hand. Sarah smiled warmly and allowed herself to be led, making a point to let Jeff get a few steps ahead of her before she started walking herself. In a single stride, she caught completely up with Jeff, and so she had to wait a few extra seconds each time before she took another step. Each time she waited, Jeff’s little steps extended her arm out, since they were still holding hands. It was a ridiculous sight for all of the other customers, who shamelessly stared and whispered at this tiny, slight little man leading this buxom goddess behind him…the very notion of someone his size leading someone her size was laughable. A number of the patrons started chuckling amongst themselves. This had to be a joke…there was no way this was a real date…they were coming from some show or something.  

A couple times, Jeff looked back at Sarah, and each time he did she reassured him with another gentle squeeze of her hand and a cheerful, acknowledging incline of her head that shook and trembled her wavy blond hair. One time she even murmured:

“We’re almost there Jeff…almost there. You can do it…c’mon…turn around.”  

Tara seated the outlandish couple, watching in something like awe as this tiny wisp of a man had to hop a couple times to get himself in his chair. Once he had, his feet dangled off the chair, not even close to the floor. Tara then gawked as she saw Sarah hunch herself down and appear to absorb the chair with her body. Whereas the little man’s chair was prominent compared to him, the woman’s chair became invisible when she sat in it. Every aspect and feature of the chair was swallowed up by her enormously curvy body; her colossal ass hung amply over both sides of the chair, actually poking through the lower-to-middle designs. Tara could barely believe it — sitting down, the woman’s ass came up to the same spot on the chair as her date’s stomach. Her huge feet straddled each side of her date’s chair, and her boobs hung over half the table; her head was held high and proud, climbing far above the chair’s headboard and looming imperiously over every other head in the restaurant. Tara noticed with a shudder that, even sitting down, this woman nearly matched her in height.  

“Your…uh..your server will be Ben tonight,” said Tara. “He’ll be right with you.”  

Sarah smiled at Tara and then glanced over to Jeff, raising her eyebrow.  

“Uhh…y-yes. Yes, thank you,” said Jeff, looking to Tara from Sarah, and back at Tara again. The hostess smiled back and then got out of there, turning back to stare at them once she had reached the hostess stand. Too soon, Ben immediately bounded up to them, brandishing his notepad and pen.  

“All right then how’re we doing tonight folks, I’m Ben and I’ll be taking care of you let me know if you have any questions about the menu I know please…haha, I know that some of the ingredients might not be so, uh…familiar to you guys, but hey maybe you know all about them and I’m just rambling on here for no reason like an idiot hahaha, in which case you guys don’t hesitate to tell me to go away, alright?!”  

Sarah giggled again and looked at Jeff, raising both her eyebrows this time as her laughing, plush lips bared her sharp white teeth.  

“Uh, alright,” said Jeff to the waiter.  

“Can I start you two off with anything besides water?” asked Ben, lowering his head to his pad as he felt his cheeks burning.  

“Umm,” came the man’s timid voice.  

“What was that?” asked Ben, leaning his head in closer. “I’m sorry sir, it’s just a little loud in here, haha!”

“Speak up for him, Jeff,” said Sarah genially, putting her elbows on the table and lacing her fingers together as she leaned in on her shapely forearms.  



Can't wait to see where this goes... I thought for a sec that Sarah was going to ask the hostess for a booster seat for Jeff haha