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Hey $10-and-up Patrons!

I hope you're having a lovely week so far.  I had planned on having the next "East of Eve" chapter out today, but I need an extra day to get it just right.  In the meantime, I thought I'd post a little commission I did for one of my clients the other day.  Here are the tags: giantess, fast growth, and crush.  The crushing only happens in the end of the story, and it isn't really graphic.  Enjoy! <3 <3 

Chyna Gets Big

By Joyce Julep

“Mmmm, oh my god babe!” panted Cyna, rolling over next to her boyfriend, Nick, in bed. “I just…I…I just can’t…uh…”

“At a loss for words?” asked Nick, cracking a smile as he turned over in the bed to face his girlfriend. 

“Y-yeah!” exclaimed Chyna, nodding her head as she displayed a smile of her own, her cheeks red and flushed from their intense intercourse. “It’s just…haha, I thought I’d be used to it now…but no! Like…every time, I just can’t believe it. You’re just so huge, babe!” 

“Haha, well…” said Nick, looking down at his massive dick, which was now flopped semi-erect on his thighs. “We all have our own assets, you know. And you’re no slouch in that department, babe!” He reached over and massaged one of Chyna’s big breasts. Even though she only stood at a diminutive 4’10, Chyna had been blessed with sizable breasts, and a big ass to go along with them. 

“Aww Nick, you’re so sweet!” she said, giggling at his touch. She paused a moment, becoming semi-serious. “You sure I’m not too small for you?”

“Are you kidding?” laughed Nick. “You’re the perfect size, babe! I mean, you know…as long as I’m not hurting you when I’m inside…?”

“Oh no!” said Chyna quickly, blushing further. “I mean, don’t get me wrong — your cock sure feels intense…like, it’s almost too much, but it’s not. Know what I mean?”

“Haha, not really,” laughed Nick. “I’m not a girl after all.”

“Well, just trust me when I say that you, uh…feel perfect in there,” said Chyna, patting her exhausted pussy with her hand. “I mean, god! Look at that thing! 13 inches, right?”

“Last time I measured it, at least,” said Nick, trying his best not to sound too proud of himself. “But who knows — maybe it’s even bigger now, haha!” 

“I’d believe it,” said Chyna, reaching down for it and squeezing it lightly in her small hand. “Good god, it looks like a freaking log. If you told me a year ago that ago that I’d be taking a dick like this all the way inside me, I’d have told you that you were crazy.” 

“It’s amazing what the human body can get used to,” chuckled Nick. “But come on, babe — you’ve gotta give yourself some credit. The only way I’ve grown this big in the first place is because of you, you know. I was only a foot long when I met you, remember?”

“Haha, yeah, “only” 12 inches long,” laughed Chyna sarcastically. “How could I forget?” 

“And because you’ve turned me on more than any other girl I’ve ever met, I’m convinced that I’ve grown bigger because you’ve made me so hard, so often,” continued Nick. “I think it’s pretty obvious, babe — you’ve grown your own personal bull dick…it’s just for you.”

“Haha! That was my plan all along!” cackled Chyna in jest, rubbing her hands together. “My master plan is exposed at last!” 

“Well, anyway, I gotta say babe, that was some crazy sex we had just now. I don’t know what it is about seeing you in cosplay costumes, but it always just seems to get me going.” 

“Oh, so you’re sexually attracted to Deathwing, now, are you?” teased Chyna, snuggling up to Nick. 

“Well, when Deathwing has my girlfriend’s face…yeah, I am!” Nick laughed. “And, I mean babe, come on — you’re amazing at designing cosplay costumes. Most people can barely piece together some trashy costume and make-up, but you’re on a whole different level. You can really, really capture the essence of the characters in the costumes you design. You’re super talented at it!”

“Awww, thanks babe!” purred Chyna, snuggling up to Nick even closer and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re so sweet to say that!”

“Haha, well it’s true!” said Nick. 

“Well, not to give too much away,” said Chyna deviously, “But if you loved my Deathwing cosplay, then you’re reeeaallllyy gonna love my next one.” 

“Oooh, what’s the next one gonna be?” asked Nick, clearly excited and intrigued. He paused a moment. “I…uh, I don’t mean to sound like this babe, but…hopefully it’s not gonna be a costume where I have to dress up to? You’re so good at cosplay and, well, haha…compared to you I’m just total shit at it. And every time I try and dress up with you, I feel totally embarrassed and inadequate, haha.”

“Aw Nick, don’t worry!” said Chyna warmly, petting his cheek. “I always love your attempts to dress up — I think you’re precious. It doesn’t matter how good your costumes look — it’s the thought that counts, right?”

“Haha, maybe,” said Nick. 

“And anyway, don’t worry about my next cosplay,” reassured Chyna. “You won’t have to dress up at all — no labor for you is required, haha.”

“Ha! Well that’s a relief,” laughed Nick, caressing her torso with his hands. Nick loved her short, curvy body. At 6’0, he was a full 14 inches taller than Chyna, and he loved feeling up her curves in bed. She was quite short, yes, but she was also rather voluptuous. 

“So,” continued Nick, “What’s it gonna be, babe? What’s the next costume?”

“It’s Giganta,” said Chyna furtively, looking at her boyfriend with sly eyes. 

“Giganta?” asked Nick, momentarily puzzled. “Who’s Giganta?”

“Giganta!” said Chyna animatedly, sitting up in bed. “The longtime enemy of Wonder Woman!? Come on, dude!”

“Haha, oh, from the comics?” laughed Nick. “Yeah, you know I’m not as big a comic book nerd as you are.”

“Aaannyway,” continued Chyna, winking at Nick, “Giganta has the special power to change her physical size and mass, and she often uses this power to grow into a giantess!”

“Ooooh, a giantess, huh?” said Nick, smiling at his girlfriend’s ambitious cosplay idea. “How are you gonna manage that? Do you have some special stilts or something?”

“Mmmm, something even better,” said Chyna, smiling mysteriously as she nodded her head up and down. 

“Hmm, like what?” asked Nick. He was intrigued how his 4’10 girlfriend was going to actually manage to cosplay a giantess. 

“You’ll see, babe,” chuckled Chyna. “You’ll see.” 

The next day, Nick went downstairs to watch some TV. Chyna was still in the bathroom, preparing her new costume. She looked at herself in the mirror, flipping her long red hair to the side so that she could get a good look at her face and her body. She smiled slightly back at her own reflection — she looked sexy as hell. It had taken Chyna a number of years to come to terms with her short height, and, as she had grown into the curvy, womanly figure that she saw in the mirror now, it had become easier to accept herself for who she was. It also helped to have such a kind, loving, and caring boyfriend who loved her, absolutely and unconditionally. Chyna was beyond grateful to have Nick as her significant other and today, she was going to give him a treat. Even though she was fine with being short, she had learned something special about her own abilities, something that enabled her to change the physical realty of her body. And Nick — along with everyone else — was about to see her power in full force. 

Chyna pouted her lips at her reflection in the mirror. Yes, she looked sexy as hell now, but she was gonna look even better, even sexier…when she was bigger. A few minutes later, Nick heard his girlfriend’s voice shout down the stairs to him. 

“Ok babe! I’m all set! Get ready!” 

“Haha, ok!” Nick called back, excited to see Chyna’s sexy giganta costume.

‘She probably is gonna be wearing platform heels or something,’ he thought to himself as he stood up. ‘Haha, maybe she’ll only be a couple inches shorter than me!’ 

“Ok, I’m about to come down!” called Chyna. “Stand up and close your eyes, babe! I want this to be a surprise!”

“Oooooh, this is exciting!” said Nick, closing his eyes like his girlfriend had instructed him to. 

Right then, at the head of the stairs, Chyna focused her energy and grew to a massive 10 feet tall. Her costume consisted of a yellow bra and yellow panties, both polka-dotted orange, with yellow bracelets around her wrists, and as she grew, the costume grew proportionally with her body. With her heart beating excitedly in her chest, Chyna started descending the stairs, taking special care not to step too hard and give the surprise away by shaking the whole house with each footstep. She reached the bottom of the stairs and moved through the smaller room, enjoying how the top of her head grazed the ceiling. She saw Nick standing there in the living room with his eyes closed, and she felt a rush of anticipatory pleasure go through her. She walked lightly up to him, her footsteps hardly making a sound as she tiptoed gingerly, until she was right in front of him. Even though Nick was 6 feet tall, the top of his head barely came up to her pussy. She felt another rush of aroused excitement as she spoke suddenly in the big, intimidating voice of her character. 

“Hey puny man,” she said, “I’m Giganta, a huge, giantess woman…and I’m looking to crush people. 

“Haha, wow babe,” said Nick, with his eyes still closed, “I love the words — haha, you’re pretty in character aren’t you? And you’re definitely big in some areas…that’s for sure. Your boobs and ass…haha, yep, you’re a real “giantess” there babe, haha!” 

“Maybe you should open your eyes, little man,” said Chyna, putting her big hands on her massive hips. “And see for yourself.” 

Nick did open his eyes, and was shocked to see that he was staring straight forward into his girlfriend’s enormous hips…in fact, he was actually looking straight into her crotch! Nick felt his breath catch in his chest and he looked up — he could barely even see Chyna’s face! It was an entire 4 feet above his own! Her mammoth breasts loomed way over his head, and they actually cast a shadow over his entire figure! He was just barely able to see her face smirking down at him from in between her massive twin mammaries. 

“B-babe!!” exclaimed Nick, finding it difficult to speak. “Y-you’re…you’re huge!” 

“Haha, told you,” she chuckled, enjoying his shocked reaction. “How’s this for cosplaying, huh?” 

“I…I c-can’t believe it, babe!” he stuttered. “You’re…like…a real-life amazon now!” 

“Haha, yep!” said Chyna proudly, jostling her hips to and fro in his face. “Well what do you think, little guy? You like me at this size?” 

“Y-yeah!” Nick stammered, nodding his head as he felt his mouth go dry. “Th-this…this is so hot babe! I m-mean…you…you were always hot…but this…b-but now…”

“Even hotter, huh?” smirked Chyna down at him. 

“Yeah!’ exclaimed Nick. He felt himself harden in his pants — he had always been attracted to his girlfriend, but seeing her as a 10-foot tall mini-giantess was something totally different. He was in uncharted territory now. She had preserved her insane, knockout curves in her giantess figure, and she looked so huge, so massive, standing in front of him that he was convinced that she could do anything she wanted with him. 

“Well that’s nice to hear,” said Chyna, smiling down on him. “Because I need to run a little test before the real fun begins.”

“The real fun?” asked Nick up at her. “I’d say we’re having real fun right now, babe, haha!” 

“Oh….just you wait,” chuckled Chyna. Suddenly she snapped her fingers, and Nick shrank down to a tiny 12 inches tall! It all happened so fast, within a second or two, that Nick didn’t have any time to catch his breath. Before he knew it, his already-massive girlfriends was standing mightily before him, a veritable skyscraper for all her was concerned. The top of his head now only came up to Chyna’s ankle bone! Her feet were many times the length of his own body, and he stared up her breathtaking body, totally consumed by awe. 

“That’s more like it,” giggled Chyna, and she suddenly started removing her costume — she didn’t need it for what she was about to do. As the costume itself was already rather skimpy, it didn’t take long before Chyna was standing there before Nick in all of her naked glory, her hands on her huge hips as she cocked them to the side, looking down at him with her tongue in her cheek. Nick was almost beside himself with lust. If he had been turned on by the 4-foot difference between him and his girlfriend before, he was now even more turned on by the 9-foot difference. He had never felt so small, so overmatched, so overpowered in his life, and it was totally turning him on. Seeing his sweet little girlfriend in this giantess guise was something completely new to him, and he was all about it — he loved it. 

“Alright, worm!” boomed Chyna, in her Giganta character voice. “Start running away from me. I’m gonna chase after you, haha!”

Nick did as he was told, and he turned on his little feet and started running away, fleeing the giantess. Chyna started stomping slowly after him, enjoying the play-acting they were engaged in. Her stomps shook the house, and the very floor that Nick was running on. 


Her steps quickly caught her huge body up with Nick’s fleeing form, and she stepped a massive foot right next to his tiny body, taking special care not to actually hurt him. Nick saw…and felt…her gigantic foot slam down on the floor next to him, and he had to work extra hard to keep his balance — that’s how much the floor was shaking with her steps! After stepping next to his body, Chyna continued walking past him, her next step actually going over his head and coming down with a crash about 10 feet in front of him. 

Suddenly, Chyna lowered her ass and brought it down with a boom right next to him. This time, Nick really did lose his balance, and he fell lightly onto the floor, unable to stand up due to the vibrations that her huge ass had sent through the floor. Laughing incredulously, Nick stood back up, marveling at the huge ass that was sitting right in front of him. Jesus it was big! Her ass alone, even sitting down on the ground like this, was twice as tall as he was! And many, many, many times wider! It was almost impossible to believe, but there it was, staring him straight in the face. He had no choice but to accept the reality of what was happening. But Nick was only too happy to accept such things — he was beyond turned on now, and he was having to struggle not to hyperventilate in excitement and arousal. 

“You like my giant ass, tiny man?” she said loudly down at him, from far above.

“Y-yes!” he squeaked up at her.

“What was that?” she mocked, putting her hand to her ear as she bent don slightly. “I couldn’t quite catch that, little mouse. You’re sooo tiny, and you’re soooo far down there…you’re gonna have to speak up!” 

“I…I said yes I do!” he called up, cupping his mouth with his hands to help his voice travel farther.

“Mmmm, that’s good,” she rumbled, turning her head and smiling. “I’m glad you like it. Now…let’s see how you like…these!” 

Right at the word “these,” Chyna had suddenly turned and dropped her huge breasts right down on top of Nick. He immediately fell down on the ground, totally flattened by the crushing weight of her breasts. Chyna chuckled from above, sounding like rumbling thunder, as she smoothed his body flat down on the floor with her breasts. Once again, she took special care not to actually hurt Nick, but at the same time, she left him in no doubt of the power and might that were infused within her colossal boobs. She hummed and purred down at him as she smoothed him flat with her breasts, loving every moment of this exchange with her tiny boyfriend. 

For his part, Nick was in total heaven. The feeling of his girlfriend’s nearly-crushing boob flesh weighing his entire body down was like a dream come true. He was surrounded everywhere by Chyna’s boobs! And each one of them was many times bigger than his entire body! Nick could never have imagined something like this happening before, but he had to hand it to her — she sure knew how to keep a secret, and she sure knew how to surprise him with all these incredible tricks up her sleeve! How she had managed to keep this particular power from him, he had no idea. But he was beyond glad that she had chosen this moment to share it with him. He loved being tiny around his giantess girlfriend…he loved every minute of it. 

Suddenly, Chyna brought her boobs up off him and encircled his shrunken body with her giant fingers. The free air felt cold on Nick’s skin for a moment, but he was quickly warmed by the heat in Chyna’s fingers, each of which were almost as thick as his legs. Seemingly as quick as lightning, she had brought him up to her face, and held him there, with his little legs dangling, in front of her eyes. Nick was thunderstruck by how huge she was; seeing her face up this close really hit home their difference in sizes.

“Hmmmm, you look soooo good, little man,” she cooed at him, her sweet breaths and sexy words washing over him like an ocean tide of lust. “I think Giganta needs some loving.” 

Without warning, Chyna suddenly sat down and dropped Nick in between her massive thighs. Falling from such a height would have been dangerous, but instead of landing on a hard surface, he landed on the warm, soft, plushy weight of her gigantic, full, womanly thighs. Now in between her tree-trunk-like legs, Nick had another full-on view of her pussy. This time, though, it looked so many times more massive than it had looked when the height difference between them was only 4 feet. Now, it was clear that her whole pussy could swallow him up if she so desired. 

And, it turned out, she did desire exactly that. She lightly tapped the back of Nick’s head with the pad of her index finger, encouraging him to take the plunge. 

“Go on Nick,” she breathed down at him. “Go inside…go on an adventure!” 

Cracking a grin despite his overwhelmed demeanor, Nick obeyed his giantess girlfriend and went head-first into her pussy. It was so huge, and so slick and lubricated from her arousal, that his body was able to slide inside without much trouble at all. Nick even found, to his amazement, that he could even breathe inside her pussy! Realizing this incredible fact encouraged him to go in farther, and farther…and farther still. He heard Chyna moaning through the flesh of her own body, and her moans served to turn Nick on even more, and to venture deeper inside her. His head went first, then his neck…then he twisted back and forth a little, and in went his shoulders, his chest, and the rest of his torso. Chyna moaned out again and squeezed her fat pussy lips together, drawing her little shrunken boyfriend inside her even more. Her hungry pussy slurped up his dick and butt, his thighs, and then his lower legs. With one final moan, and one final greedy slurp of her pussy, Chyna then pulled his feet into her. Nick was now totally inside the hot giantess body of his girlfriend! He couldn’t begin to wrap his mind around what was happening! After a few moments, he abandoned himself to the crazy lust of the situation, and he shuddered deep inside her pussy, ejaculating from his cock as he cried out into her pussy walls. 

Chyna heard Nick’s lustful cries, and just hearing his little voice yelling out in lust inside her was enough to give her an orgasm of her own. Chyna gritted her teeth, her face reddening, as she blew out a stream of air from her mouth, cumming over and over around her little boyfriend’s body. It was an absolute thrill for her to have her boyfriend’s body in her pussy like this. She came many times, over and over, delighting in the feeling of his little body thrashing around inside her, bumping up against her vaginal walls, with his little feet tickling the head of her clit. 

After too many orgasms to count, Chyna finally released Nick form her pussy by relaxing her vaginal muscles. His body eventually came sliding out, totally covered in her pussy juices.

“Mmmm don’t you look good, little guy,” she said to him softly. 

“Hey, right back at you, babe!” laughed Nick breathlessly, attempting to recover from the incredible sexual experience he had just been through. 

“Ok, now, to business!” said Chyna, and she snapped her fingers again. Just like that, Nick grew back to his original height of 6 feet. 

“Awww babe!” he said in mock-disappointment. “Come on! I liked being that size!” 

“Haha, I know you did Nick,” she laughed down at him as she started to put her Giganta costume back on. “But remember, like I said — the fun is just getting started. Just you wait little guy.”

She smiled down sexily at Nick, and he stared up at her, hopelessly turned on, and for a few moments, they just looked at each other, letting the sexual energy build between them. 

“Mmmm, you know what?” Chyna moaned suddenly, stepping forward a single pace as she reached down to put her huge hand behind Nick’s head. “I’m not quite finished with you, mister. Not yet.”

Nick felt the strong force of her hand on the back of his head, and he quickly realized what it was that she wanted him to do. She was gently but insistently pulling his face toward her pussy, which loomed up in front of him, slightly above his head. 

“Chyna,” breathed Nick in lust, as she pulled him in. “Oh…my god,” 

“Mmmm yes, little guy,” she purred. “I’ve got a feast waiting for you. Stand on your tiptoes and eat me out, little lover….mmmmmnnrrgghhhh!! Yessss!!!” 

Chyna’s lusty voice descended into a series of loud moans as she felt Nick’s eager lips and tongue start to lap against her pussy lips. For his part, Nick was completely overtaken by desire, and went at it as hard as he could, straining on his tiptoes to bury his face hungrily into his girlfriend’s enormous snatch. He licked and lapped, and his tongue went as fast as he could make it go, desperate to prove his eagerness and devotion. Chyna’s loud and continued moans told him that his efforts were indeed appreciated. 

After a few minutes of sloshing his face around inside her, Nick looked up. He wanted to lick and lap at her clit, but, even on his tiptoes, it was too far above his head for him to reach. There it was, inches above his head, hanging like a huge and teasing ornament, as big as his fist. Just to show his efforts, Nick jumped up and down in vain, trying to reach it.

“Hmmm, a little too tall for you, huh?” Chyna giggled. “That’s ok Nick, keep eating me out — I’ll do the rest.” Nick did as he was told, and a minute later, Chyna moaned and groaned out loudly as she rubbed her clit vigorously, inspiring another orgasm that gushed all over Nick’s face. He opened his mouth, trying to catch as much of her cum as he could inside. Chyna’s big hand pulled his face even closer into her snatch, mashing him all up against her hot, slick, wet flesh. 

“Mmmm, that felt soooo good little guy!” purred Chyna a few moments later, regarding him with her hands on her hips, beaming down at her tiny-by-comparison boyfriend. 

“Hey, I’m not so little anymore, though, am I?” he teased, putting his hands on his hips as he stood up to his full 6 feet. 

“Well, that’s really all a matter of perspective now, isn’t it?” she shot back, her costume now back on as she folded her huge arms across her even huger breasts, standing up to her full 10 feet. “And from my perspective, you’re a little guy, now, aren’t you?”

“Haha, hard to argue with that, babe,” chuckled Nick appreciatively. 

“Ok Nick, now go get yourself cleaned up,” said Chyna. “And then put some clothes on and meet me outside, ok? Then the real fun can begin, ok?” 

“Ok!” said Nick enthusiastically. As he showered off Chyna’s pussy juices, and put on a fresh change of clothes, he wondered, in excited expectation, what exactly his gigantic girlfriend meant by “real fun.” 

A few minutes later, he met her outside. She was standing in the middle of the street, her hips cocked to the side, waiting for him. Her enormous stature was somehow even more impressive out in the world — she just made everything look smaller…the trees, the road, the lampposts…everything. Nick looked up at her in adoration, and also with a touch of inquiry. What did she have planned? 

“Time for the real fun to begin!” she boomed enthusiastically. And suddenly, Nick found himself reeling backwards in shock. Chyna was growing again! Except this time, the growth was even faster, and even more exponential! Within a mere few seconds, she had grown into a positively massive, gigantic, 50-foot woman! It was all deja vu for Nick, who, even at his normal 6 feet, felt almost as dwarfed as he had been before. 

“Holy shit, babe!” he said in awe, craning his neck to look up at her. “You’re, like, a true giantess now!”

“Yes sir, I am!” she boomed from high above, her face bright with pleasure. “And now it’s really time for some fun. Some giant fun.” 

Suddenly, Chyna stomped over to their neighbor’s house. 

“Oh look!” thundered Chyna from high above. “It’s the Miller family house! What a sweet bunch of people, haha!”

Nick knew that she was being sarcastic. The Millers were the opposite of sweet people, and Janice in particular had been nasty to Chyna in the past. 

“Hey Janice!” came Chyna’s loud voice, bearing down on the house. “You wanna tell me that my ass looks fat now?! You wanna tell me what a fat ass I have, huh!? Well how about this!” 

Without warning, Chyna suddenly lowered her huge ass directly down onto the house. Its roof and brick walls instantly cracked, splintered, and gave way under her crushing weight, and within seconds, her ass had completely destroyed the house. 

“Yeah, that’s a fat ass for you, haha!” boomed Chyna. Then she stood back up. Her work had only just begun. She proceeded to stomp over across the street to another neighbor’s house. 

‘Oh boy,’ thought Nick, ‘The Wilson’s house…they’re in for it now.’ Like the Millers, the Wilsons had not been very nice people in the past, and had mercilessly teased Chyna for her big breasts on more than one occasion. 

“Hey!” boomed Chyna, putting her hands on her hips as she stared down at the house. “Hello in there! Miss Wilson? You hear me?! Are my boobs too big for this dress, Miss Wilson? Haha, come on, I want your honest opinion! You’ve never been afraid to give it in the past! Nothing? Ok, well then — how about we just do this then!” 

At the word “this,” Chyna had brought her colossal rack straight down onto the top of the house, completely crushing it under her weight. As with the Millers’ house, the Wilson’s house was no match for the might of her flesh, and it gave way like a box of matchsticks, splintering and disintegrating into a pile of rubble. Chyna laughed out loudly at the destruction, and it was clear to Nick that she had been waiting for this moment for quite some time. 

After a few moments of pure enjoyment at the spoils of her destruction, Chyna stood back up and stomped back over to Nick, who was looking up at her in amazement of her power, totally at a loss for words. Without wasting any time, she reached down and grabbed him in her huge hand, and planted him firmly in between her boobs. Right then, Nick was amazed to feel them warm up and expand — Chyna was growing again! 

“Mmmmm!” she purred, and Nick felt the vibrations of her voice go through his entire body. Sh was growing and growing, expanding and expanding, more and more and more…until, after only about half a minute, she had stopped growing. She was a full 100 feet tall now! Nick looked down at the ground, which was now far, far below him. He would have been scared, if he had not been firmly and snugly fitted in between his girlfriend’s insanely huge breasts. 

“You good in there, little on?” she asked, brushing the side of his cheek gently with the tip of her finger pad. Nick nodded, unable to form words. 

“Alright then!” she said, and then her voice suddenly got louder. “Ok world!” she thundered out into the air. “Here comes Giganta!!” And without further ado, with Nick lodged firmly in between her breasts, she stomped her way to the city, to wreak more havoc and destruction.


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