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Chapter 17

Standing on the coffee table in the living room, Steve had barely absorbed Melissa’s words before he found himself shakily turning away from her looming, grinning face and running off towards the far end of the table. He didn’t know where he was going; he didn’t know what he was going to do once he got to the table’s edge, which was the same thing as the sheer end of a 60-foot cliff from the perspective of his 5-inch stature. What was he going to do? Jump!? Steve had no idea. All he knew was that he had to flee, had to get as far away from Melissa as possible…because clearly, she had completely lost her mind.

Before he could reach the edge of the table, though, he suddenly felt a gentle but indomitable pressure on his right leg as he kicked it back in a running motion, and just like that, he was brought to a complete stop. In a helpless panic, he glanced backwards and saw that Melissa had casually reached out her hand and grabbed his lower leg in between her thumb and forefinger. She hadn’t moved from her sitting position next to the coffee table; all she had done was reach her hand out to grab him. And that grin on her face, together with her wide, excited eyes, and the ruby-red curve of her lips as she licked them with her pink tongue, drove Steve into a frenzy of terror that he had never experienced before.

“Melissa…Melissa, no…no please…” he began, not even able to muster up the momentum to raise his voice because of the tightness in his chest, “Y-You…you can’t…”

“I can’t…what?” she smiled playfully, sticking her tongue out to the side of her mouth and biting it. “Eat you? Come on, Steve…look at you! Look at how small you are! You’re smaller than a hot dog. Of course I can eat you!”

“B-But…but no, you can’t…” he panted, hopping up and down on his left leg as he tried desperately to free himself from her grasp. “Melissa…this is crazy talk…you’re just playing around. You’re just…you’re just trying to scare me.”

“Haha if I was trying to scare you I’d just do this,” Melissa chuckled, and suddenly her eyes went even wider, crazily wide, like she truly had lost her mind, as her mouth dropped abruptly open into a gaping black cavern, her nostrils flaring with aggressive hunger.

“rrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAUUUUUGHGHHHH!!” she growled, starting softly but quickly crescendoing into a loud, vicious snarl as she suddenly thrust her head forward, the gaping hole of her open mouth bearing down on Steve from the sky with terrifying pace. He collapsed in a crumpled heap on the table, holding his hands up to his face as he screamed. From his perspective, it was like a huge, 20-story building was about to fall on him and swallow him up all at the same time.

And then, just as suddenly as she had changed her face before, Melissa’s expression softened back into a playful, loving smile, with her cheeks flushed rosy from the effort of snarling a moment before.

“See?” she giggled, letting his leg go as she proceeded to drum her fingers on the table around his body, sending thudding waves of vibration through him, “You’re soooo easy to scare, Steve – and it’s because you’re so tiny compared to me!” She swiftly put up the two pillars of her forearms in front of him, crossing them into a triangle shape that she used to support her chin as she leaned down, licking her lips again. “That’s why it’s going to be a cinch to eat you.”

“But you…c-can’t eat me,” Steve breathed, his voice shaking as he rose unsteadily back to his feet. “I’ll…I’ll die!”

“Oh my goodness,” Melissa sighed, rolling her eyes, “Weren’t you listening to me before, Steve? I just made sure to cover you from head to toe with an amorphous polypropylene-augmented phenolic-based coating…you just absorbed it through every bit of your skin, and I even made you swallow some too, just to be safe.”

Steve stood there, blinking cluelessly even as his body shook in fear. Melissa had clearly expected him to understand the significance of what she had just said, so several silent seconds passed by before she added:

“You know? Phenolic coating that will completely shield you from the hydrochloric acid in my stomach? And the spiked polypropylene augmentation to maintain the coating’s stability despite my body’s high internal temperature? Come on Steve, I know you weren’t a science major, but still…”

Steve was shaking his head, his mouth open. He was unable to say anything more right now…she had to be joking, right? This was surely just one of Melissa’s elaborate little mind games that she enjoyed playing with him. But that excited gleam in her wide eyes, and the genuine tone of her voice…they were stirring dark and foreboding fears within him. With a sickening lurch in his own stomach, he thought back to all the days previously, of Melissa testing all these different pills and solutions and concoctions on herself, all while being knowingly, smirkingly furtive about what she was doing whenever Steve had asked her. This was what she had been doing, been planning for. It didn’t seem real; it didn’t seem like Melissa, for all her craziness, would ever do something like this to him. But he didn’t have more time for incredulity, because she was lowering her face down at him again, this time more slowly, with a deliberate and voluptuous precision that terrified him.

“I know what you’re thinking, Steve,” she murmured down at him softly, her voice strikingly gentle despite her professed intentions. “You’re scared…and you can’t believe that this is about to happen. But it’s happening, Steve. And I need you to trust me. You’re not going to get hurt…at all. That solution that you absorbed will keep you completely safe…all the way through me.”

“All…the way…through!?” Steve gulpled.

“Mhmmmmmm,” Melissa purred, nodding slowly as her eyes slow-blinked in affection. “I’m going to swallow you, Steve…aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh” – and here she opened her huge mouth at him and stuck out her tongue, pointing straight down the dark hole. “And then I’m going to swallow again and again, massaging your body with my powerful esophageal musclessssss…” – and she began to trace a line down her neck – “Before splllloooosshhh! You land in my stomach! And then sloooooop! You’ll get sucked down my pylorus into my small intestine, whoop…whoop…” – She began tracing the squiggly lines of her intestines sideways down the middle of her abdomen – “And after that long ride you’ll drop into my large intestine and go aaaaaall the way up around me like this!” – Her finger traced up the side of her torso again, going around in a box shape – “Before I pop you out of my ass at the end!”

“Y-You’re…going to poop me out!?” Steve cried.

“Poop?” Melissa laughed, making a face, “Augh! Gross! No, Steve…I’ve been doing that juice fast for the last three days! I’m all cleaned out! You have nothing to worry about!”

“But h-how..how am I gonna breathe!?” he asked. None of this made any sense…there was just no way.

“Oh…you’ll manage just fine,” she replied nonchalantly. “You’ll see.”

She smiled down at him, her chin still propped up on her hands as her bare forearms towered up above him. A strange feeling was beginning to overcome Steve as he stared up at her. She was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, typical for her informal, work-from-home wardrobe, but Steve had suddenly become hyper-aware of her size in a new way. How tall was she now? 6’10?! And…curvy too…her breasts were enormous, each as big as a towering, fleshy boulder from his perspective, stretching out her white t-shirt, with two distinct, elevated spots where her hard nipples were jutting out. Were those two little wet spots there!? Was she…lactating…in anticipation? As crazy as it sounded, and as terrified as Steve had been, he actually felt himself begin to trust Melissa. She didn’t seem unhinged; and she had been spending all that week doing all those experiments. Surely she would never risk his life like this unless she knew what she was doing, unless she was totally and completely confident, yes!?

“Oh, and I almost forgot,” Melissa grinned, turning aside and fetching something off the lamp stand, bringing it back and holding it up above Steve’s head. It looked almost like a mini-stethoscope.

“This is so I can hear you when you’re inside me,” she said excitedly. “All I have to do is hold it up to my stomach like this…and I’ll be able to hear you! So we can actually talk to each other as you go through me! Isn’t that exciting!?”

“Exciting” might not have been the first word that came to Steve’s mind, but to be fair, no single word or thought was at the forefront of his thoughts at this point. So many different things were barging together in his mind at the moment that it was positively dizzying. A moment later, he managed to sum up everything in one question:

“But…but why, Melissa?”

“Mmm good, you’re making progress,” she teased, spider-crawling her hands around him, boxing him in with her fingers. “You’re starting to trust me, Steve, I’m glad to see. But why? Why do I want to eat you?” She paused, and then leaned down even closer, so that her face was only about a foot away from Steve’s. He stared up into her huge, pretty eyes, and began to feel overcome by her size…and, strangely…her beauty. Despite his lingering fear, his cock very quickly became rock-hard.

“Because I want to be even closer to you Steve,” she breathed down on him, her voice, despite its immensity, barely above a whisper. “I love being so much taller than you…I love being so much bigger…I just looooove how I’ve been breastfeeding you, seeing you drink down my milk, and I’ve loved teasing and sucking on that little cock of yours, tasting your salty-sweetness in my mouth over and over again. I’m obsessed with it all, Steve. I couldn’t have even predicted how obsessed I’d get.”

She paused again, taking a slow, deep breath, before softly exhaling it out onto Steve, ruffling his hair. Her breath smelled sweet…and minty.

“But it’s not enough for me anymore, Steve,” Melissa continued. “It’s not enough for me to feed you my milk, and compare myself to your tiny body. No, I want something more. Something even more intense. A way to totally absorb you into myself, at least for a little while. Something that will make us even more intimate…and bring us even closer together.”

Steve was breathing heavier now. The hot color was rising in his face as he felt his heart start to pound – just like it had been a few minutes before, but this time, it wasn’t pounding out of fear. Melissa’s face came even closer, to the point where she couldn’t even see him clearly anymore. Her lips brushed against his body, and despite the special coating on his body, Steve could feel everything, perhaps even more enhanced: the smooth, plump flesh of her lips against his upper chest, his stomach…his hard cock. He could feel her mighty pulse through her lips. What was it going to be like, when he was inside her!?

“It’ll be so sexy, Steve,” Melissa whispered, her huge lips moving directly in front of his face as her giant pink tongue began to slowly, almost shyly issue out from between them, wetting her upper lip, then her lower lip, before issuing out in a glistening, trembling invitation toward him.

“I’ll swallow you all up, all of you, Steve…and you’ll be so turned-on that you won’t know what to do. You’ll cum over and over, again and again, in my throat, in my stomach, in my intestines…in my ass…everywhere…you’ll cum. Because I’ve learned how submissive you really are. This isn’t a nightmare for you, Steve…it’s your dream come true.”

Steve just stood there, trembling under the quiet, mighty force of Melissa’s whispered words. He was stunned…totally stunned. This was Melissa talking…awkward, klutzy, out-of-touch Melissa, the diligent scientist who had no time for the preoccupations of “normal” people, the woman who knew next to nothing about any of the modern cultural trends, especially when it came to young people. And yet, in less than a minute, she had conjured up the most intensely erotic and submissive desires that Steve had ever felt in his entire life. His whole naked body had flushed red from the sheer vigor of his hammering heart; he was literally shaking from arousal. For weeks now, he had known that Melissa was learning more and more about his submission, about the fact that he was sexually excited by her size advantage over him, but he could never have imagined how deep, how profound, and how…aggressive her understanding had become.

“...I thought you might have nothing to say,” Melissa chuckled, “After that.”

She suddenly straightened up and Steve felt a miniature earthquake beneath his feet as Melissa produced a wide glass, medium-height, which she put down on the coffee table with an excited clang. The next thing he knew, Steve heard the short, quick hiss of a soft drink bottle being opened, and he was confused to watch a waterfall of clear, bubbly liquid cascade out of a plastic green bottle, straight down into the glass.

“Wh-what’s…what’s that?” he stammered.

“Steve…I know I kind of, uh, what do they say…threw you for a loop just now,” Melissa grinned down at him, “But come on. Do you really need me to tell you?”

He just stood there, staring, gaping up at the liquid as she poured it. She had huge, strong-looking fingers, each of them thicker than his thighs…and he noticed, for the first time, that she had actually painted her nails a deep, luscious red. For the special occasion, perhaps?

“It’s Sprite, silly!” she laughed, filling the glass almost up to the brim before ceasing. Steve saw the liquid fizz and sparkle in the sunlight, with bubbles popping up above the glass’s rim. “I would’ve thought…you know…that the Sprite bottle would have given that away!”

“I was…uhm…distracted,” Steve managed to say. Usually he would have been giving it back to Melissa in some kind of snappy riposte, but he was just too overwhelmed at the moment.

“Mhm, clearly,” Melissa purred, pulling a self-consciously “sexy face” at him, somehow managing to look even hotter in the process.

“So…why, uh…what’s the Sprite for?” Steve asked blankly.

Melissa rolled her eyes and lolled her head to the side, almost resting it against her shoulder as she regarded him, her eyes going up and down his body, almost like she was trying to make sure that he was okay.

“Steve, you’re starting to concern me,” she replied, the humor evident in her expression, though with a shadow of concern.

“M-Melissa…look, I…you gotta appreciate where I’m coming from, alright?” Steve blurted out. “I don’t…uh, I don’t even…I can hardly speak right now.”

“Because you’re so sexually aroused,” Melissa nodded, speaking with her characteristically deadpan enthusiasm. “I’m thrilled to see you so affected, Steve. Haha I just…I thought I’d really just have some fun with that little monologue.”

“It was…Melissa…oh my god,” was all Steve could say. The mere fact that Melissa had just been trying to have a little sexy fun with him made what had come out of her mouth all the more intense and arousing. Somehow, she had pierced him to the core and laid bare, in the most effortless and casual way, his deepest desires.

“Mmmmm what a little submissive you are!” she laughed, bending down a bit lower towards him, “Or…to use the current terminology, what a little “sub” you are, hahaha!”

“Y-Yeah, yeah that’s…the current day terminology,” muttered Steve, shaking his head a little and grinning despite himself.

“I looked it up on the internet,” Melissa smiled, obviously proud of herself. Steve could hardly wrap his mind around it all – even when she had managed, whether intentionally or not, to cloak herself in the mystique of a giantess goddess, Melissa could always be trusted to bring herself crashing back down to earth.

“Okay, so what’s the Sprite for?” Melissa repeated, rallying herself as she sat up a little straighter, before sighing, “You really don’t know? Fine, alright, so, you know how people take one-ounce shots of alcohol?”

“....uh, yeah,” Steve replied. “Yeah, I know how that happens sometimes.”

“Welllll…” Melissa smirked impressively, gently poking the huge, fleshy point of her index finger into his chest (with her sharp nail going over his shoulder), “This morning you’re going to be my shot…and this Sprite is going to be the uhm…the…oh darn, what do you call it? I looked this up too, but now I forget!”

“The…chaser?” offered Steve, blinking down at her huge finger which spanned over half his chest.

“Ah! Yes!” laughed Melissa, snapping her fingers (and making Steve cover his ears from the noise), “That’s it! Gah, I can never keep up with all these newfangled vocabulary words.”

She recovered herself, removing her finger from his chest as she sat there silently for a few long moments, gently beginning to swirl the glass in place so that a fizzing whirlpool began to develop in the soft drink.

“Do you trust me, Steve?” she asked, still smiling, although there was now a no-nonsense tinge to her tone.

He stood there for several seconds, and then nodded. He couldn’t lie to her…not right now.

“Good!” growled Melissa, her eyes suddenly going wide as her mouth seemed to abruptly lengthen, and then shot open, exposing her bared teeth as she snarled down at him aggressively. “Because I’m going to eat you up, Steve! I’m going to swallow you whoooooole, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me! AaaaAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!”

Nothing could have prepared Steve for this sudden, animalistic onslaught, and he stumbled, more out of instinct than anything else, falling backwards onto the coffee table. Quick as lightning, he felt something huge, wet, and powerful slither up his leg, curling around it, holding him in place. His brain registered that this was Melissa’s tongue right as he felt himself suddenly tugged forwards, and he pivoted his body and found himself staring up, thunderstruck, at Melissa’s giant gaping mouth. She was leaning low in toward the table now, so that her head was now almost completely looming over him.

“RrrrrAAAAAuuuuggghhh!” she growled again, and before Steve knew what was happening, she had lifted up his legs with her tongue and closed her huge, soft, hot lips over his feet…then his ankles…then his shins…and then his knees. He could feel the huge sinuous muscle of her tongue writing against his feet and lower legs, which already felt like they were being slowly cooked in the hot, wet vacuum of her mouth. All Steve could see was her gigantic face now; he couldn’t even see her eyes. The panorama of his vision was completely taken up by her enormous mouth in front of him, her cheeks on either side of him, and her nose above him.

“O-Okay…alright…” he sputtered shakily, putting up his hands in an instinctively defensive posture. This could still just be Melissa playing with him, right? Maybe this whole thing was just an elaborate practical joke...there was just…just no way that she was actually going to –


He felt his entire midsection suddenly sucked into her mouth, up past his belly button. It was absolutely crazy – Steve could literally feel the bumps of her taste buds gently scraping against his legs. And then, quite suddenly, he felt his foot kick into something smooth, and he cried out in alarm and tried to pull his feet back, just like people do in the ocean when they step on something that feels alive. Melissa gagged for a moment, but then chuckled, the deep vibrations of her amusement radiating through Steve’s body as she sucked him in even deeper, up to his chest. The same weird, smooth, fleshy thing hit Steve’s feet again, and then he felt it sliding up against his legs. He suddenly realized that this “thing” was Melissa’s uvula, right as he felt his feet and lower legs beginning to get squeezed with a new and persistent pressure.

Up until this moment, Steve hadn’t quite been able to comprehend the reality of his situation; he had just been processing one sensory odyssey after the next, never facing the stark truth of what was happening…of what was about to happen. But when he began to feel the powerful tug of Melissa’s throat muscles against his feet and lower legs, and when the huge, wet, pillowy flesh of her lips closed his shoulders, leaving only his head and neck exposed to the world, he felt something snap into place in his mind as his heart ramped up even faster.

‘She’s actually doing it!’ he thought in a whirling fever, “She’s…eating me alive!!’

It didn’t matter that he had told Melissa that he trusted her – right now, was in sheer “animal brain” mode. He opened his mouth to scream, but just then, Melissa had parted her lips one last time, swallowing hard, and Steve was abruptly pulled into her mouth completely, his world suddenly going pitch-black as he felt the huge, moist cave of her mouth close him up inside.

“Melissssssaaaaaa!!” he cried, his arms desperately grasping out for anything to hold on to as he felt her throat squeezing him farther down, up to his waist now. He felt another rumble of a chuckle emanate from deep within her, and it resounded in his ears in a new way, now that he was completely inside her. It sounded like it came up from the bellows of the earth itself.

“Mhm….mhmhmhmhmhmmm…juth relaxth…Stheve,” she chuckled, unable to speak correctly with Steve still half in her mouth. “Amm tryyyin tha sthwallow yeauu…que sthquirmin!”

As Melissa tried to talk, some daylight streamed into her mouth as she parted her lips, illuminating the ribbed roof of her mouth, as well as the huge horseshoe of teeth above him, and all around him.

“I’m scared!!” Steve called out to her, even as he was strangely comforted by the feel of her chuckling all around him. He wanted more of that…more of her talking to him. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure how he was going to get through this. At the moment, he was too terrified to notice that his cock hadn’t gotten any softer.

“Aww okaah, thisth iss da thoughesthh parrtt,” Melissa said kindly, “Jusssth godda ged yeau dowwwnnn.”

She shut her mouth, closing up Steve into complete darkness again, and swallowed hard again, once, twice, three times. Steve could feel himself being tugged down the long, tight, muscular tube of Melissa’s esophagus, and even though her voice had reassured him, the fact that this was all happening in total darkness was deeply unsettling. He couldn’t help himself, and he grasped up wildly, again trying to grab onto anything to arrest his downward momentum. His hands smacked into her uvula, and he tried to grab onto it, but couldn’t get a good hold because it was so smooth and slippery. Melissa gagged one last time and swallowed powerfully again, and with a long, audible “Slllllloooooooooop!” she pulled him completely out of her mouth and straight down her throat. Steve suddenly felt his entire body being constricted by long, smooth, undulating muscles, and he might have lost his head completely and panicked if he hadn’t heard Melissa’s voice, clear as a bell, in his ears.

“Okay Steve, I can speak properly again, haha…you were actually more of a mouthful than I expected! How are you doing in there? Does it feel tight?”

“Uhh…y-yeah…yeah, it’s pretty tight,” Steve replied, his voice shaking. One one level, he was experiencing Melissa’s voice as a rumbling sensation that went all through his body, but on another level, he could hear her voice like he was outside her, speaking casually like normal. He suddenly realized that Melissa must have been holding that device up to her neck, which allowed them to talk like this.

“Mmmmm, I bet it feels good, with my throat massaging you all over like that, huh?” she hummed, indicating that she had heard him clearly. “Here, I can feel that you’re all tense. Just relax, Steve…just relax and enjoyyyyy.”


Melissa began swallowing him down again and again. Her cool, confident voice gave Steve courage, and he actually sighed out a little, relaxing his body even as his heart continued hammering away…but far more in excitement now than fear. Now that he wasn’t so tense, Melissa’s throat muscles were more easily able to manipulate his limbs. As he went farther and farther down her throat, Steve could feel his arms and legs moving this way, then that way, as her throat muscles shaped and molded him like clay.

“Ooooo yeah…nice and tight,” she purred. “It’s amazing, Steve – I can feel you through my throat!”

He suddenly felt the big indentations of her fingers pressing against his chest, his legs, and right up against his crotch, where his cock was pointed straight upward, squished against his stomach by her throat.

“Ahaaaa…is that what I think it issss?” she rumbled, wiggling her finger against his erection through her throat.

“Y-Yes!” he called out, abruptly aware of how hard he still was.

“Mhm, I thought so,” she cooed. “Here Steve, come on…why don’t you cum in my throat, huh? You’ve already done it many times before…but never quite like this!”

The pressure from her busily wiggling finger against his erection combined with the pressure of her swallowing throat all around him, and Steve couldn’t hold back. He was in her throat! He was completely, entirely, in her throat! Getting swallowed alive!

“Ggggyyyuuuhhh!” he moaned, cumming hard in a series of spasming spurts, painting the interior of her throat white with his juices. Melissa’s rumbling laughter showed her appreciation, as she continued to encourage his orgasm with her pressing fingers as he went farther and farther down. And then, as Steve began to cool down from his orgasm, he felt a new kind of pressure underneath his feet…followed swiftly by a freeing sensation down below, in which Steve realized that his feet and ankles were no longer being actively squeezed. It felt almost like they had poked out into a slightly hotter room.

“Get ready…” Melissa laughed, and she swallowed powerfully one final time.


Steve’s body hastily slid down the remainder of Melissa’s tight throat, and the next moment, he was in free-fall for an instant before splashing straight down into the hot acid of her stomach.



Good stuff, but I think you may have made a mistake with what her height is supposed to be now, unless she shrank, too. A few chapters back you had her at 6'10", and you say she's 6'3" here.

Joyce Julep

You're right -- I just changed it! Lol sometimes I lose track of how big or small everyone is :D