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Btw, I'm still working on finishing the next "Emma's Growth Spurt" chapter, and should be posting it here in the next few days <3

Chapter 2

For a second, James was completely rooted to the floor, staring up at Brooke as he blinked blankly. A new kind of blush was rising in his face. He had already been struggling to hide his nervous embarrassment when Brooke was looking him up and down, but now that it had become clear why she was looking at him that way, he felt even more self-conscious. In all his years of practice, this feeling was unprecedented – he had never felt so exposed or anxious in the presence of one of his college clients. But he quickly reminded himself to breathe, and to remain calm. Brooke had just made a simple observation…that was all.

“You…think I got shorter?” he asked, tilting his head slightly to the side as he smiled up at her, not knowing what other expression to react with.

“Mhm,” Brooke nodded. She shifted her weight to one hip, which only accentuated her already-voluminous curves. Those form-fitting volleyball shorts certainly didn’t leave any bit of her hips or thighs to the imagination. James swallowed, his eyes briefly arrested by her shape, before he looked back up at her face. Brooke was smiling at him steadily – not a teasing or mocking smile, but a calm one, curious, tinged with a bit of concern…and maybe…James wondered…the slightest hint of amusement.

“I mean, I’m wearing the same heels as last time,” Brooke continued matter-of-factly, lifting up a huge leg behind her, briefly posing, before lowering it back down to the floor with a thud that James felt through the floor. She pointed down at his feet. “And you’re wearing the same shoes you were before…”

“Huh…” muttered James, looking down at his feet, “Good eye, heheh…”

“But you definitely look shorter to me,” Brooke concluded. She put her hands on her hips, again, not as an intimidation, but rather as a way to emphasize that her thought was finished. And although James knew that she hadn’t meant to intimidate him by her pose, he couldn’t help but feel even smaller. Just the way her big arms augmented the wide curve of her hips, and the way she seemed to spread out before him – she was huge. And suddenly, like a shot, he realized that Brooke was right. She had been huge the week before, but this week, she definitely looked even bigger…and apparently it wasn’t because she was wearing taller heels.

James cleared his throat, not quite knowing what to do with this new information. He didn’t want Brooke to leave his office, but he was beginning to feel some anxiety about how to continue the conversation. She didn’t seem to have this anxiety, as she was just standing there, still looking him up and down, with that same calm smile on her face.

‘Is she…checking me out?’ James thought suddenly. The notion was incredibly arousing, but, since he was not in the position to get visibly aroused, he searched around desperately for something to say to ease the tension he was feeling.

“Well! Ahem…eh, haha, maybe…maybe it’s not me getting shorter,” he chuckled, suddenly arriving at a new and intriguing idea. “Maybe you actually got a little taller, Brooke!”

She immediately shook her head. As strange as it was to realize in this moment, James was impressed by her easy self-confidence. He already knew that she was a precocious and brilliant young woman, but to see her confidence in action was quite something, especially given that her face was well over a foot-and-a-half higher than his.

“Nope,” she smiled, still shaking her head, “I know I haven’t gotten taller. They had to measure us two days ago for the official NCAA stats, and I’m still the same height.”

James blinked again, and opened his mouth…but then closed it. This kind of behavior was so unusual for him, all this second-guessing himself and awkwardness. He had been about to ask Brooke how tall she was! How ridiculous! It wasn’t any of his business! And surely, in the context of their counselor-patient relationship, such a question would have been inappropriate. But then Brooke’s smile broadened, as she seemed to read his mind. And far from taking offense at his curiosity, she took her hands off her hips and spread her arms widely, making herself look even huger, as she reached up and palmed the ceiling above.

“Still 6-foot-4-point-7, baby!” she laughed, running her palms over the ceiling as she stared down at him playfully. James could now detect something of a blush in her cheeks as well. Was she…was she getting excited by all this!? The prospect made James even more aroused and nervous, but he tried to mask it by laughing:

“Haha, wow, so that’s…heh, so I guess that’s off the table. That’s strange, you know, maybe I should go get a check-up or something, uhh, to make sure everything’s okay with me and all.”

“Mhm, I think you should,” nodded Brooke, again surprising James by her matter-of-fact confidence. “I’d really hate it if my favorite counselor just…shrank down into nothing.” She paused, her words seeming to hang thick in the air, before adding, in a slightly higher voice, almost like a playful afterthought: “But you know…it’d be kinda cute if you actually started shrinking.”

James swallowed another lump in his throat and chuckled out a quick response, again to hide the arousal that was now threatening to wash over him: “Ehahah, well…I, um, it’d certainly be inconvenient for me. All the new clothes I’d have to buy! Ohh…well, ahem. So yes, thank you Brooke, for pointing that out. No girlfriend to look after me, so no one notices these things!”

He inwardly winced at his last words; he had definitely overstepped his mark there. But Brooke just responded by laughing, a beautiful, musical, genuine laugh:

“Hahaha! Well I’m happy to do the honors,” she teased. James had no idea how to continue the exchange, and was grateful that Brooke then turned her huge form towards the door. There was an unspoken acknowledgment between the two that she had been the one to end the exchange. The whole time, she had been in the driver’s seat. It was quite the inversion for James, who was used to feeling in control in his own office.

“So same time next week?” she asked, opening the door and starting to duck her head to leave.

“Same time,” nodded James, leaning back slightly on his desk from mental exhaustion.

“I’ll want an update on that whole “getting shorter” thing,” Brooke grinned, “That is…if it’s not obvious as soon as I see you.”

“Aha! Yep, yep…” James replied, smiling from ear to ear while suffering from an entirely blank mind. Brooke flashed him one more knowing grin, ducked out of the doorframe, and closed the door behind her. James audibly exhaled, staring down at the floor, wondering what on earth had just happened. But then, his attention was drawn to his khakis, which actually were looking a little baggier than usual. Could it be…that Brooke was right?

That same afternoon, James went to the doctor’s office on campus, and his world was turned upside down. It turned out that, in fact, he WAS shrinking…and that he now stood only 5’4. The doctor had informed him that, against all odds, he had contracted hupostolephasia, an extremely rare disease that was poorly understood in the medical literature. Thankfully for James, the disease wasn’t painful, and carried no risk of life-threatening complications, but the scary thing for him was that the doctor couldn’t confidently tell him when the shrinking would stop, only that it would happen proportionally. Some people had lost 6 inches of height, some a foot…and some multiple feet. One person had reportedly even shrunken down under two feet tall, from an original 6’0 height. Since James had started off at a relatively-short 5’6, his prognosis wasn’t the best, but the doctor assured him that he would be okay, and told him to prepare to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Throughout the next week, James tried to let his startling new diagnosis sink in without it disrupting his job. He still had to help all his college students deal with their own issues, and so he did his best to keep on moving without losing too much sleep over his condition. The strange thing was, now that he was aware of himself slowly getting smaller each day, he wasn’t reacting at all like he had expected himself to – after recovering from the initial shock, he actually was realizing, more and more each day, that his diminished size was intensifying his appreciation for the size and curves of the women around him. James already had a particular penchant for tall, curvy women (he couldn’t help but think of Brooke, in particular, as the paragon of his type), and now that he knew he was getting shorter and smaller, he found himself noticing the difference between himself and the women he encountered out in the world.

All of a sudden, in the matter of a couple weeks, every woman looked noticeably taller and curvier to him, to the point where James had to remind himself not to stare in the line at the grocery store, or when he was out walking. The fact that he lived on a college campus, where he was already surrounded by young, attractive women (many of whom were quite athletic as well) made it all the more challenging for James to play it cool. Even still, he was confident in himself. James knew that he was experiencing all these feelings, and having to make all these mental adjustments, because he was getting smaller, but it was still odd in a thrilling, dysphoric kind of way, to experience a social reality that was seeming to literally grow around him. His next appointment with Brooke loomed especially large in his mind – it was only a few days away, and he had already shrunken down to 5’3. It would be plainly obvious to Brooke that she had been right all along, that he had gotten smaller, and James couldn’t help but wonder how she would react.

The night before her appointment, as he sat at home in his reading chair, he found himself fixating on the moment she would walk in…how much huger she would look now that he was smaller…and what her expression would be as soon as she saw him. As he thought forward to this moment, he began getting unambiguously aroused, and he felt so taken by this wave of lust that he nearly surrendered and masturbated to the thought of Brooke…of her huge, sexy body, her thick, powerful legs, her immense, curvy hips, her long, strong arms, her massive hands…and, of course, her gorgeous face framed by her long, wavy blond hair, smirking down at him playfully.

‘She likes how much bigger she is than me,’ he thought suddenly, sitting up slightly in his chair. ‘She likes it.’

He felt another rise of aroused excitement grow within him, and again he had to take a deep breath and remind himself that she was a client, not a friend, and definitely not a potential dating interest. He even managed to chuckle out loud to himself.

‘Look at me,’ he thought, turning to smile at himself self-consciously in the mirror that hung on the wall. ‘Literally blushing just…just thinking about her.’ He resolved to return to his book, and not to think about the impending encounter anymore.

The next day, though, despite his deliberate attempts to calm himself, James’s heart was beating much faster than usual when he heard the telltale sound of Brooke’s heavy heels outside his office doorway. Even though he was sitting in his chair behind his desk, he knew that he obviously looked a good deal smaller than before – that morning, he had measured himself, and found to his shock that he was only 5’2. The next moment, his door opened, and Brooke came striding in, this time wearing a tight white top and form-fitting jeans that showed off every inch and contour of her voluptuous curves. She was wearing a pair of 6-inch platform boots, which her lower legs filled out impressively, and made her an astonishing height...definitely a significant amount above the doorframe. James tried to speak a greeting, but he ended up just swallowing a lump in his throat instead.

“Hey hey there!” Brooke smiled, wrapping her big hand around the top of the doorframe and ducking under her head under it. James tensed his cheek muscles to prevent from gawking at the sight of her walking in through the doorway. It was incredible – she was so huge that she literally filled the entire doorway up, so that there was hardly any room on either side. But James quickly blinked away his incredulity and did his best to adopt his usual “counselor” demeanor.

“Hello Brooke!” he exclaimed, allowing his natural, genuine happiness at seeing her to come through in his voice. “Nice to see you again!”

“Same, Mr. Cooper!” Brooke grinned, putting her heavy-looking bookbag down on the floor next to her chair. James felt the thudding vibration of her bag hitting the floor, and privately registered how easily and casually she had held it the air with one hand before putting it down. “I’ve actually been doing a really good job this past week, you know…doing the things we talked about, making sure that I make time for myself, being intentional with the breaks I take in between homework and volleyball practice.”

“That’s wonderful to hear!” James replied, taking some notes as he answered. He found himself feeling grateful that this was a professional setting, and that he could just inhabit the counselor role. If they had been having this conversation in a park, or a restaurant…then James might have felt nervous about his ability to hide his obvious attraction to her. Sitting in front of him there, her thick, strong body squeezed into that chair, her massive legs crossed casually in front of her, with that cheerful smile framed by the long tresses of her luscious hair, Brooke was nothing short of stunning.

Brooke stretched her arms up over her head, leaning back slightly in her chair as she sighed out. Her breasts, which were already quite large, suddenly became even more prominent. James was fairly certain that if he had stood up next to her and raised his own arms up, that he wouldn’t have been able to reach as high as she was now.

“I’ve started taking really long, hot baths,” she announced proudly, with her arms still over her head.

“Ooo, nice!” nodded James appreciatively. “Nothing like a good hot bath…though not too hot, I hope?” He mentally chastised himself as soon as this comment had come out of his mouth. Who was he, her dad?!

“Oh totally too hot,” Brooke giggled, reaching her arms back and placing her hands behind her head. Her biceps popped; James had never seen such a combination of strength and grace in his life. Her arms…they were huge…and yet, completely proportional, and utterly feminine.

“I really like bringing up my body temperature, almost to the point of discomfort,” Brooke explained, “So that I breathe slower, deeper, you know? It’s like breath training, and I think it helps calm my mind at the same time.”

“Heheh, well it sounds like you’ve got it figured out!” laughed James.

“Mhm, and I’ve made a whole little ritual out of it,” Brooke continued eagerly. “I found this awesome epsom salt brand at the pharmacy that’s chamomile-scented, and…well, ever since I was a little girl I’ve just loved the smell of chamomile, and now I just scoop two cups of this mixture into my bath and it’s…it’s just perfect! And I light a candle and everything.”

“All excellent self care!” smiled James approvingly.

“And then I lay out on a towel in my bedroom, you know, like, totally naked,” Brooke continued, grinning a bit at her own openness, “And then I just let myself air-dry while I do some deep stretches…aaaaand then I lotion myself all up, so my skin doesn’t dry out!”

“Goodness!” blinked James, trying not to focus too hard on the image in his mind, “You’ve really got this down to a science, haven’t you?”

“Haha well it’s all been thanks to you forcing me to look at things differently,” Brooke declared, pointing a long finger directly at him.

“Well, eh, haha, I don’t…I didn’t force you to do anything, Brooke,” James chuckled. “All I did was offer a little advice – this is all you!” He paused, and a thought flashed through his mind, and then, without even thinking, he said it: “And, haha, even if I wanted to, I don’t think I could force you to do anything!”

Brooke’s eyebrows went up, and for a second James was afraid that he had made a mistake. But her mouth curled up into an amused smirk, and he knew the next moment that he had touched on something they both shared – they were on the same wavelength.

“Yeahhhh I don’t think you could!” Brooke giggled softly. She tilted her head slightly sideways as she slowly, deliberately, scanned his body with her eyes. James did his best not to squirm in place under the erotic pressure of those deep blue eyes.

“You’re smaller,” she murmured softly. “You’re…definitely smaller, Mr. Cooper. Even more so than last time.”

“Mhm, well, uhh…y-yes, yes I am, as a matter of fact,” he replied, uncharacteristically stammering a bit in response to the cool, curious calmness in Brooke’s voice. “After you mentioned it last week, I went to the doctor, and –”

“It’s hupostolephasia, isn’t it?” Brooke cut in. James stared at her, wide-eyed, and this time he wasn’t able to keep his mouth from gaping open.

“H-How…how did you know!?” he managed to ask.

“Well I just…I hope you don’t mind,” Brooke began, reddening a little (in embarrassment, James wondered, or something else!?), “But after last week I was…I was kinda thinking about you, and I started doing a little research, and learned about this rare shrinking disease, and…you’ve got a lot of the distinguishing characteristics.”

“What, you mean the shrinking?” James asked, trying to deflate the excited tension he felt with a little humor.

“No, silly!” Brooke laughed, swiping towards him with her big hand (James felt the wind current), “I mean the other things – you started out shorter than average, around 5’6 I think, and around the median weight for that height…maybe even a bit under it…and from what I read the disease seems to strike smaller guys a lot more often, except that one case where a 6’0 guy shrank all the way down to –”

“To two feet, yeah,” James nodded, completing her sentence, “The doctor mentioned that to me – wow, Brooke! I…haha, I don’t know what to say! I’m impressed!”

“Oh but James…uh, I mean Mr. Cooper!” Brooke exclaimed, her face turning to concern, as she ignored his compliment, “I’m so sorry you have to deal with this! Are you doing okay with everything?!”

James was touched by the force of her genuine concern, and felt a swoop of excitement go through him when she had accidentally called him by his first name. For an odd moment, he felt a powerful desire to be held by her. But he kept his head above water, and answered honestly:

“Heh, well, it was…it was a shock, to be sure, when I was diagnosed, and it’s…you know, it’ll be a challenge, having to adjust. But as far as diseases go, this one isn’t all that bad! It’s not painful, not terminal…but it’s just…haha, well, we’ll see how small I get, before I say how easy or hard it’ll be to adjust to everything!”

Brooke sat there, her big, intense blue eyes taking in James’s reaction. She blinked rapidly a few times, and for an instant, James actually thought she was about to cry. If she was, though, she recovered herself instantly, and answered in a soft, deliberate voice that was strikingly measured:

“Wow…Mr. Cooper, that’s…that’s one of the most inspiring things I’ve ever heard.”

“What? Aww, you’re too sweet, Brooke,” James smiled, shaking his head.

“No, really,” she responded seriously, her huge body leaning forward in her chair towards him. This simple action of leaning forward made her look even more gigantic. “I mean it. Most men who got that diagnosis would absolutely dissolve…like, they would just melt away, knowing that their masculinity was gone forever. But not you. You have true masculinity…you’re a real man.”

James opened his mouth and closed it again, blushing helpless at Brooke’s deadpan compliment. He tried to quickly think of something funny or casual to say to diffuse the…what was it…erotic tension between them…or was he just imagining it!? He had no idea. All he knew right now was that he had never been complimented like that before…and he took it straight to heart.

“Heheh I’m sorry,” Brooke chuckled sheepishly after a few seconds of silence passed between them, “I don’t mean to drag you into my own…my own struggles.”

“Oh no need to apologize, Booke,” said James, “I appreciate the kind words, really I do. But what do you mean?”

“I just…” Brooke began, looking down at the floor, and then she paused and looked back up at him, that same sheepish smile on her face. She was blushing too. “Sorry, I’m kinda just pivoting back to all my own stuff, when we were talking about your diagnosis.”

“No, no!” laughed James, “This is your session, Brooke! I really appreciate your concern, but…I mean, after all, this is all about you!”

Brooke paused, pouting slightly, even though she nodded in response to what James was saying. “Mhm, yeah I know, this is my “session,” heheh…but I still want to hear how you’re doing…but, I guess…just to segue into a problem I’ve been having. All this stress release has helped me realize a few things that had been buried, you know?”

“Mhm yep!” James said, nodding his head. “When you’re not weighed down by all that stress, it can help you stand up taller…I mean…uhhh…”

“Haha now do I really need help with that?” laughed Brooke, sitting up with impeccable posture in her chair.

“Haha no you do not!” exclaimed James, “But I meant…uhm…”

“Yeah, yeah, totally,” said Brooke quickly, “Like it helps to clear the air, and when you’re not stressed, you can actually be introspective for a change.”

“Exactly,” said James.

“Well I’ve been thinking lately,” said Brooke, after a short pause, “About…how hard it’s been to date men.”

“Oh?” James asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at his notepad. He was confident that he could remain professional, but it would have been a lie to say his heart hadn’t skipped a beat.

“Yeah,” Booke nodded, pursing her lips as she inhaled through her nose, thinking of how to express herself. She clasped her hands around her crossed knee and sighed out again, in a kind of wistful irritation that James was trying to place; she wasn’t angry or sad, just more annoyed in a kind of longing, dreamy way that made her maturity that much more evident.

“It’s honestly been pretty frustrating,” Brooke continued, finding her words and leaning forward slightly in her chair (which creaked audibly, despite being brand new). “I’ve always been a bit of a…heh, what do you call it…a go-getter when it comes to dating.”

“Just like you are with everything else, it seems,” James observed.

“I sure am consistent!” laughed Brooke self-deprecatingly. “And yeah, I don’t know…it’s like, if I see a guy and like him, then I’m gonna go up to him and let him know, right?”

“Mm, right, right,” James nodded, looking down at his notepad, scribbling down some notes. He wanted to make eye contact with Brooke, but he didn’t feel like he’d be able to take it. He had to stay professional, he had to…and those big blue eyes of hers…if he looked into them, he’d get lost. And she’d know.

“But the problem is,” Brooke went on, “That every guy I’m interested in either just runs away from me, or tries to make it work but in the end gets totally wigged out by my size and can’t deal with it.”

“Oh man…yeah,” James replied. He heard the twinge of pain in Brooke’s voice and looked up at her. Their eyes met. She had allowed herself the freedom to look disconcerted, and now the sadness was coming through in her face. He felt so bad for her.

“I can’t even imagine how frustrating that feels,” James added genuinely. “Especially when you’re the one trying to instigate things and just keep getting rebuffed.”

“I mean, I can deal with the guys who just run away!” Brooke exclaimed, clearly encouraged to continue by James’s sympathy. “It might suck in the moment…heh, like get this, I saw this cute little guy at a party this weekend, right?”

“Right,” James nodded. He was thankful that there was a desk in between them so he wouldn’t have to cross his own legs to hide the erection that was growing against his will in his pants.

“Like…super cute,” Brooke was saying, gesturing with her big hands. “I mean, he probably only came up to about riiiiight…here on me.” James did his best to try and maintain his apparent nonchalance; Brooke was chopping her hand right around the middle of her breast.

“And I’m talking like, the top of his head,” Brooke continued. “I went straight up to him at the punch bowl…uh, you know, it was that kind of party…”

“Mhm, I’m familiar,” James chuckled. Brooke cracked a smile at him as she continued; she had been immersed in her story, but James’s little aside brought her briefly back into the present. James was fairly sure at this point that Brooke thought he was cute…and maybe that she had some sort of other feelings for him. But he knew he was in the thrilling, torrential midst of an interaction with her, so he reminded himself not to draw any conclusions and just to go with the flow.

“And so I come up to this little guy,” Brooke went on, “And his back’s turned to me, and I stand close to him and tap him on the shoulder…a-and…hahaha, oh god…he turns around and he’s staring straight into my upper stomach!”

“Oh…wow!” James exclaimed. He was just gonna let her keep talking…that was the safe thing to do. His cock was almost fully erect now. This kind of thing had never, ever happened to him before in his office. But this young woman was just different.

“Yeeeah…and I’m wearing this crop top,” Brooke giggled, “So he’s got this full view of my abs.” She paused for a moment and looked at James, almost sheepishly, as she put her hand on her stomach. “And, you know, being an athlete and all, I’ve…I’ve got some abs…”

“I bet you do!” James laughed. Just the way that Brooke had said it…she wasn’t even bragging. It was so cute.

“And so he’s staring right into them,” she sighed, shaking her head ruefully, “And then I see his eyes start to travel up…and he has to look up at my, uhm…my breasts…”

“Mhm,” nodded James. He wasn’t even bothering to try staring down at his notepad anymore. He was pretty certain that the red flush in his cheeks was visible to her, but at this point he just didn’t care. Brooke was opening herself up like this in a beautiful, carefree way, and so the least he could do was just relax a little.

“And then he finally makes eye contact with me,” Brooke continued, “And I just…I get this feeling…” Again, she stopped and looked at James. With a little interior throb, he realized that she was definitely blushing. Noticing that helped him relax even more, as he reminded himself that he was here to help her.

“You don’t…mind if I get a little explicit, do you?” she ventured. The way her big blue eyes were looking at him…James halfway thought that she was just teasing him, testing to see what his response would be. But she was so genuine that a little teasing touch only made her that much more alluring.

“Oh, no, please!” James replied, spreading his hands, “You can talk about anything you want in here.”

“Okay…thanks,” Brooke answered with another self-conscious grin. “It’s just that I’ve never really told anyone about this feeling I get sometimes, when I’m around shorter guys.”

“Shorter guys?” asked James. He sounded appropriately calm, right?

“Well, yeah, unfortunately taller guys just stride up to me and think I’ll swoon over them just because they’re as tall or taller than me,” Brooke remarked, abruptly changing her tone and rolling her eyes. “It’s been the same ever since I was 6’0 in the sixth grade, and the older I get, the more obnoxious it becomes.”

“Oh, is that right?” asked James.

Brooke nodded, shaking her head again, but this time in wry humor. “It was already old in seventh grade and it’s definitely old now…I’m actually kinda mean about it sometimes, but some of these guys need to get used to hearing the word “no” and learn how to deal with it.”

James didn’t know quite how to answer, and so he gave an appreciative shrug as he nodded his head, clearly impressed with her attitude.

“I know that probably sounds harsh,” Brooke added, wincing at herself, “And it’s not all tall guys, just…most of them, heheh…but anyway, so this short guy!”

“Oh yes, the short guy!” laughed James.

“So he’s staring waaaaay up at me, past my tits…I mean breasts, heh, and I just get this feeling, you know…down there.” She spread her hand out and circled it around her crotch.

“Huh…so you got aroused?” James asked.

“Super aroused,” Brooke replied, her eyes widening at the word “super.” “And like I said, this kind of thing’s happened before. It’s this…heat, you know? That starts all around here and spreads out to my entire body.”

“Woah, so you, you get really aroused, then?” James remarked. He knew he was just repeating stuff she had already said, but he knew that he had to somehow indicate that he was following along in the conversation.

“It’s crazy,” Brooke answered, barely above a whisper now. “I feel like my whole body’s on fire.”

There was a brief pause, and their eyes locked. There was no question about it now – James could tell her cheeks were flushed, and he knew she could see that his were too. And even though Brooke was telling a story about someone else, James was fully aware that she understood the connection that was going on, the mutual attraction, between the two of them. She blinked and turned her head slightly to the side, angling it downward while keeping her eyes locked on him – the effect was that her eyes became that much more penetrating.

‘She knows exactly what’s going on,’ James thought. ‘Exactly.’

“And then…” she continued finally, after blinking away the shared intensity of their exchange, “I can tell that the little guy is super-intimidated, and I try and lighten things up by saying ‘Hey there cutie, wanna pour me a cup?’”

“Oho…a-and, and how did he react?” James asked, grateful that Brooke had taken the initiative to continue.

She gave a regretful smile, in which James detected a bit of a self-deprecating smirk.

“He opened his mouth to say something, but…nothing came out,” she replied, sighing. “And after choking on the air for a little bit, he turned around, tried to run away, tripped over his own feet, aaaaand…face-planted straight into the punch bowl.”

“He didn’t!” James cried, putting his hand over his mouth.

“He did,” Brooke laughed, nodding her head emphatically. “And that’s my problem James…err…Mr. Cooper. Haha damn, why do I keep doing that?!”

“You can call me James,” he answered, almost immediately. “I’m not really much for lording my seniority over my, uhm…my clients.” At this point, it felt strange to him to call Brooke a “client,” even though that’s exactly what she was. He already felt like they shared something more. But again, he breezed by all these feelings in his head, determined to keep the interaction normal.

“Mmm, okay…James,” grinned Brooke, “Like I was saying, that’s my problem! Almost all the tall guys are obnoxious, and the ones who aren’t are still scared of me, and the tiny guys who I’m really into…like, uhh…like my little punch bowl sweetheart…they can’t even exist around me without tripping or falling or choking or trying to run away. And that’s so frustrating!”

“Yeah, I hear you, Brooke,” James nodded, “I totally hear you. That really does sound frustrating. But you know, even though it seems tough now, you’re not doing anything to sabotage yourself. I know it sounds hard, but you’ve just gotta give it some time.”

“Ugh, you’re right, I know,” Brooke sighed. “Right now it just seems like there’s…there’s no one. No one who wouldn’t freak out if I showed any interest in them.”

“You know, it’s kinda like the self-care you’ve been doing,” James observed, “You’ve given yourself the time to care for your needs, right?”

“Mhm,” Brooke nodded. She had crossed her legs again and had put her big hands in her lap, clasping them together. James thought he saw her knuckles getting white…was he imaging that!? He had to keep pushing; he had hit upon a nice idea to try and make her feel better.

“So maybe…see this challenge as another opportunity to give yourself some time,” James continued, making sure his voice was gentle and understanding as he spoke. “In a different way.”

Brooke was silent for a moment. She stared off through the window for a few seconds, and then looked back at him. The afternoon sun was coming in through the blinds, reflecting in golden spangles off her blond hair. But even through the bright glistening light, James could see those bright blue eyes trained on him. He could tell that she was impressed.

“You know,” she murmured, “I never would’ve thought of it that way. Giving myself time.”

“It might be kinder to yourself to think of it that way,” James smiled, “And a little more…you know, empowering, active, and I know how you like to feel active. Rather than “waiting” on some guy to get his act together, you’re just giving yourself time…and…and maybe giving some…short little guy some time too to get his head on straight.”

Brooke’s mouth cracked open in a broad smile, and she suddenly leaned back, bursting out laughing, so that James saw the pearly white horseshoe of her upper teeth. She slapped her knees with both hands, sending a loud double “smack” across the office. James had never seen her laugh like this, and it warmed him to his toes. She was adorable…she really just let herself go, laughing. It was precious. And he had made her laugh like that.

“Ahahaha!! Ohhh…oh James…yes! Yes, exactly that!” Brooke burst out, leaning forward in her chair, again making herself look that much bigger. “You have no idea…this is sooooo helpful to me! You really have a gift, helping me see things new ways.”

“Well I’m so glad I can help,” James replied. “And just know that I’m not saying all this to blow smoke up your you-know-what.”

“Ohhhh, so modest,” Brooke teased, baring her long, manicured fingers and clawing the air towards him.

“Heheh always,” James chuckled, “But I mean, really, like I said, just give it time. I know that there are guys out there who will not only accept you despite your size, but will actually be…attracted to it.”

“You think so?” Brooke asked. James didn’t know if she was being coquettish or authentic, or some combination of both.

“I know so,” he stated emphatically. He knew that he was caught between a rock and a hard place, trying to reassure Brooke while not outing himself. It was very difficult for him to hide the fact that he was exactly the type of guy he was talking about. The silence between them deepened, and Brooke blinked slowly…lusciously toward him, her mouth twitching upwards in a close-lipped smile.

“Well,” she said softly, glancing up at the clock. “I think my time is up.”

“Oh is it?” James asked. “Haha that’s my bad, I totally forgot. Same time next week?”

“Same time.”

Brooke stood up, lugged her book bag onto her back and stood by her chair. Still sitting in his chair, James was again blown away by how gigantic she looked. She almost seemed to fill up the entire office. And then, he saw Brooke hold out her hand. He quickly jostled himself in his chair, hoping that his erection was pointed down his leg enough to not be obvious…he knew what Brooke was doing…she hadn’t done this last time…she was making him stand up, making him stand in front of her.

“Thank you so much, James,” Brooke said warmly. “I hope you don’t mind, I just…I wanna shake your hand. I feel so much better already.”

“Of…of course, Brooke!” stammered James. He got up out of his chair and ambled over to her, reaching out his hand as well. The closer he got, the huger she seemed…until he found his hand enclosed in the soft warmth of hers. She squeezed, her hand totally encompassing his, making it feel tiny, minuscule, totally overpowered. James was looking straight ahead at the middle of her taut stomach. Through her tight white shirt, he could make out the sexy outline of her abs; her massive thighs towered like pillars beside him, going all the way up to his shoulders. Each of them had to be almost as thick and wide as his waist. And then he averted his eyes, staring up at her breasts, which hung over his head. Brooke gave a soft chuckle high above him and took a step back, still clutching his hand, so that she could see him.

“Wow,” she giggled. “You’re smaller than my little punch bowl sweetheart.”

James forced out something like a croaking laugh and shrugged. In that moment, he couldn’t speak.

“You know,” Brooke breathed down at him, leaning over slightly so her golden hair spilled out over her shoulders, “I’m sure you’re aware of this, but…hupostolephasia patients can benefit from weight training. Improved prognosis for osteoporosis complications.”

“Uh-huh,” James nodded, finding his voice. “I had read that somewhere, I think.”

“Mmmm, well, I work out Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at the Rec Center,” Brooke said, finally letting his hand go after squeezing it tenderly one last time. “Around 3pm.”

“Oh you…you do?” James could hardly believe what he was hearing.

“Yeah,” Brooke said gently, tenderly…but with a little spice of something thrown in there. High above him, James could see the glint in her blue eyes, before she turned and gave him an eye-popping view of her gigantic ass, shoulder-high to him, as she left his office with a few parting words:

“Just thought I’d mention it…ha, who knows, maybe we’ll run into each other!”



Fantastic. Such a great pair, and the setting lets you deepen their characters so organically, with analysis and self-reflection not seeming awkward but rather as part of the story. Great stuff :)