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Hello travelers, 

we are sorry for the inconvenience but we had to update the patch from the last post. We updated the link for future downloads and took down the old link. 

If you haven't downloaded the patch yet, here is the latest patch link:


Best Wolf7

Sorry but is there any update over when an update will come to the game for it being zoomed in. I accidentally went over to Western Aporia and now i cant get back to Central Aporia cause the arrow is not there cause the screen is zoomed in


We just released an update that should take care of the resolution problem, let us know if that fixed it for you

Robert de Forest

Is this the best place to report bugs? I find that if I click too fast on the elemental icons in the battle phase that they sometimes don't recognize that their peers have changed. For example, if there's a green between some yellows and I click the green and one of the yellows right after, it will act as if the green is still preventing all the yellows from being activated together. I hope this description makes sense?