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We are interested in your opinions and would like to ask you a few things in the near future - so prepare for a few more polls.

So here is the first one and we'd like to know, which love interest do you prefer in our games or which would you like to see more often? Do you prefer the yuri action over hetero fun? Let us know via vote and comments :)

We're looking forward to see what you like~



Should totes have a "Both" option or summat.


* drools* yuri~


This isn't even a question, hands down yuri all the way


girl love is so pure!


I agree that "both" should have been a choice. lol.


75% for yuri hahah yea


Honestly, a nice blend of both would go well with the audience, just look at Sakura Swim Club

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Why do you only have two options? I think you should have added in a bit more such as "Both" (which has already been stated a few times), and "Other" such as making games for other demographics (if you can that is).

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

P.S. When saying "Preferred Love Interests", did you mean by archetype-wise of certain characters?


I agree. I'd love to see a game with a lot more threesome scenes - the ones we have seen so far are very minimal.


Need a both.


Well shit... :/ I hope this doesn't mean we will see far more Yuri in the future...


Yuri all the way!


"Their girls if they're not doing gay things at each other THEN WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR!"


Need a both and gay option to cover all of your bases guys.


Does the roper scene from Sakura Nova count as yuri or hetero? If none of both, we need an "Other" option.


Yuri all the way. Yuri > Hetero, end of story. I'll avoid something like the plague if I think there's the possibility of male genitalia showing up.


Nothing is sexier to me than girl's love. For whatever reason, it seems a lot more believable when two girls get together in these type of games.


kinda hard to pick one as i swing bouth ways.


I'd love the option for both lol


Male character = no buy


agreed with others for a both option lol

Ran Yakumo

another thing to note is that most of the male leads in your games are bland as cardboard, while yes they can maybe act as self inserts thats rarely as interesting as a developed character like raelin or ceri

Ran Yakumo

a lot of people would respond to that (me included) like this: eww no


I think a lot of people kind of see WC as a yuri dev, so you'll get a lot of yuri responses... for me it's futa > hetero > yuri. Maybe you could mix it up? Sakura Dungeon is an excellent game for example, but it was pure yuri. When in doubt, stick to yuri. There are many good hetero game studios out there, but not a whole lot of quality yuri, especially ones who set the scene like you all do.


The yuri games Winged Cloud makes are vastly superior to the hetero ones. One thing I do hope comes up in a future poll would be a bigger variety of breast size


More yuri please; I'm sick of the boring generic male protags that seem to infest these titles.


Yuri. I enjoy reading those stories more and being immersed with the characters. Something feels off with girls in the hetero games. Like they're not as flirty and just switch between mad or legs open. Shrine Girls would be my favorite hetero VN. Fantasy, Dungeon, and Maid have definitely been my favorite VNs overall so far. I'll also cast a vote in support of futanari :3


While there is a distinct "purity" to yuri, your hetero games are the ones I've ended up enjoying the most. But then, pretty much all your games feel "pure" in a sense, as they're relatively low on perversion, some of which can easily turn people away. To me, the most important thing is that the main protagonist is sympathetic, and not a jerk, though. As long as your games feature a consensual, playful, positive portrayal of sex, I'll stick around. :)


I like more hetero than Yuri, but if option for both existed, i would have voted that


I want both, it really depends on the quality of each and what's happening. Nothing wrong with some good yuri but I also enjoy me some hetero action.

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

^ Especially a wide variety of character designs and visual artworks from different artists. Not that I hate both Wanaca's and Inma's artworks, I love it but it does get a bit boring seeing the same designs over and over and I would like to seen more of fresh art. :P


I vastly prefer yuri over hetero but still play the hetero games. I think the best option would to have the choice of your characters gender at the start of the story. I know that would be harder for the devs but would please more people. And maybe have an occasional futanari character for us that are into that. And more breast sizes like wererat42 suggested.

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

That is because the female characters in a lot of vn's and anime are mostly portrayed as archetypes which can be pretty annoying for the majority of both viewers and players.


You know, thinking about it, it might be a safer route to make yuri games. Business wise. A male player can very easily look past playing a female character if that leads to very nice sex scenes, for a female player playing a male a character and watching hetero sex scenes where their player character is the male participant, that is a lot harder to identify with and get invested in. While I can't say that many or any women play your games, from a business perspective it always makes more sense to appeal to a broader audience and not alienate parts of that audience. Now of course the difficult part comes with transgender people as in how they would feel about the characters and interactions, but leaving it as yuri would make the most sense. Also, many male gamers who play games with gender choice of characters are not infrequent choosing to play female characters so there is a precedent for that, I have not heard of many female gamers that choose to play as male characters, although there are some, but rarely in games that have romance or sexuality as a main theme. Although the interesting exception to that seems to be the male/male type games, which seem to attract quite a female audience. Might also be an avenue worth exploring.


Hetero games would be my choice... or a mix of hetero and yuri :) I must admit that the game, protagonist and girls I liked the most was Sakura Swim Club, which is a hetero game. Sakura Agent and Sakura Christmas Party feel like a good mix of what I would like to see.


Hopefully we get a yuri game soon, Definitely don't mind the hetero games, but the last 2 big games, and the last 2 free games as well as the magical beach game are hetero. give me that variety please!


I would have voted both, but that isn't an option.


I prefer Yuri above everything else. You just can't go wrong with two pretty girls exploring each other in ways they never knew existed.

devin schmidt

there should be a both option...

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

I think Winged Cloud tried making a few Otome games but none of them were that much successful as one of them got cancelled and the other got a lot of mixed reviews. Although, I still agree with you that Winged Cloud should try to do something different as well as to cater to other demographics (if they have the capability to do it that is).



Venom Demme

I would vote Futa but sense that not an option.... yet. I will say Yuri.