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This time for Sakura Clicker 2 it is a water demon of some sort.
I can't tell since this monster doesn't have background info yet but it looks like she summons little wet helpers to assist her. Now, if these are little water dragons, do they spit water instead of fire? I'd be careful if I were in her spot ;) As an outsider, I'd just watch her white dress getting soaking wet and revealing.

As an PS:
The background isn't from Sakura Clicker 2, as you might notice, I just used it as a filler background :)




She looks lovely. :D

Erwin Doppler

She looks very nice for a monster : )


Any news on Sakura Clicker 2? How is the development going and release date and such?


Since it's not prioritized, I can't say any more at this moment. But I hope I can in the near future :)


Are you guys ever gonna make a second Sakura Dungeon? Or something similar to that?

Gomen Son

Still havent seen sakura agent on steam. Also like the new girl


Here, take this then :P <a href="http://store.steampowered.com/app/575510/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://store.steampowered.com/app/575510/</a>

Gomen Son

It finally showed up. Thank you.


so was this game scrapped?


does the first one have a H-patch?