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Sorry for the delay but here we are.

Any other wishes or suggestions for wallpapers? 

And what do you guys prefer: The second and third version of the wallpapers - attachment or seperate posts? 




I like the other version as attachments, makes it easier


It's easier to get all at the same time

Eric Henderson

All one post works better. Only one email instead of 3. Means fewer things in my inbox 🙂

Zachary Jacobson

I think they should be in a game, good sirs and ma'ams. :D All at once is fine.


All in one post. Please put these girls in a game. Please oh please.


It doesn't bother me which method is used. Just more yuri~! <3


My opinion is this, attachment, its simplifies the process of navigating the patreon feed and searching for each wallpaper if you are following/supporting other creators and it helps to centralize all of your related content into a single post so people don't miss out on the other wallpapers. Edit: Can't wait for whatever you guys have to show us next :D Keep up the amazing work guys ;) Plus I like wallpaper14_3 :3


Love the wallpapers this month! #3 is my favourite. I prefer if all the images are in one post.

Gomen Son

Thank you guys. I love the wallpaper. They;re both good.