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Hello everyone!

So, we have just released Sakura Nova on Steam today!! We are really happy to also have thepatch waiting for you!  

>>>> Patch Download Link <<<<

To install the patches, simply unzip them and drag the respective unzipped folder into the game folder. To find the Steam games' default folder, read here. For any technical help, please write to support@wingedcloud.com.

We're also glad to announce that the Sakura Shrine Girls trading cards are released on Steam! We hope you enjoy that game again and happily find the beautiful profile backgrounds and emoticons on Steam!

That's all for today! Cheers!




Is Sakura Nova in any way connected with Sakura Space by any chance? I just finished Sakura Space and enjoyed it quite a bit, but I'm not too sure about Sakura Nova yet.


No not really, Nova is more of a sci-fi and magic mix, and it takes place on a planet.


Thanks for the patches!


Are these new patches or are they the same ones that were posted with the patron only posts?


I have no idea why but I feel like the game isn't fully unlocked. I am missing a ton of CG still locked, no matter how many times I go through the game. The one patch file in this post is smaller then the one in the game when it is installed, the acrhivce file is much smaller in this post. Am I doing something wrong?


yes and no. how many is a lot that is still unlocked? I've done all 3 endings and still have 2 locked. so if you have more than 2 locked, then you still haven't done the right choices, remember they are based off of who you want to fall in love with, so make choices in a new run and choose the answers you would think would make sense for that girl.


I have done this as well. I have picked different options and the game still progresses the same with the same scenes. The last scene I get is both girls on the bed, offering themselves to the player and after that says Thanks for playing, that is it.


Is there a Reika Ending?


No mac version for this one? :(


I am missing 2 CG's, and I have went through the game a few time now, does anyone know how to unlock them?


it seems a lot of people are missing 2, i am assuming you're referring to the bottom left of the first page and middle of the 4th?


besides the topless massage scene, doesn't look like it


Quote from the winged cloud PR about this :"It seems that renpy does not work on the latest version of mac. I m sure the creator of renpy (the visual novel engine we are using) is working on a fix. Sadly at this time we cant fix it personally and I cant name any dates."


Okay, thank you, and yes those are the 2 I am missing.


in Sakura Nova there are 2 images in Gallery that CANNOT be unlocked. Can you plz fix it?? (page 1 bottom left, page 4 middle one. They are supposed to be battle poses you have as banner on Patreon)


that has been like that even in the early acces thing. i don't think anyone found a way to unlock those yet


Also, I'm not sure, but why cant we view all the pictures from an H-Scene. Only the starting image is viewable. Or is this just me.


Actually I won't buy any new Sakura game until Sakura Fantasy chapter 2 is released. Also in my opinion male protagonists are super boring in this kind of game...


fuk the pantreon only beatch


Sakura Fantasy was their best game, but they (allegedly) said a few months back they were dropping it entirely. Even if they did make a chapter 2 (again, allegedly, this is all from what i've heard, I haven't been able to find hard evidence) the writers for that game left the company soon after, hence why all their games after that have.. kinda sucked. So while I really wants chapter 2, I don't want it if they're going to make it like they've been making the sakura games. I don't want the game I loved for it's amazing story to turn into some 2-dimensional money grab with no plot other than girls wanting to have sex with the generic, unoriginal protagonist. Sorry for the harsh words winged cloud, just voicing why chapter 2 A, probably won't be done, and B, shouldn't be done until you get some writers that actually know how to write.


I have a problem, I need to redownload the patch but it is no longer available at denpasoft. Is there anyone who could direct me to a new download link? I had downloaded it when it was first available, but I didn't move it correctly and somehow my game got uninstalled and I just had to redownload the game.


Same issue here; Denpasoft no longer has the patches for Sakura Space either. An alternate download for the patches for Nova and Space would be awesome


Very nice