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Hello dear patrons!

I hope you all have been enjoying Sakura Maid 2 and Sakura Nova while I was gone! Here is another shot of Sakura Agent... I really love those characters so far, can't wait to hear more about them and let you know what they have in store!

So far I can tell you that it will be yuri... from what I've seen :3 You will get details very soon hehe.

Also Sakura Nova is going to get released to everyone on Steam and Denpasoft in two days! We are looking forward to read reviews from the game once it is released!




Welcome Back PR-kun, hope you had a nice vacation. ^^


Yay! I can play Nova in two weeks. :D


Just a heads up, your twitter says nova will be released November 20th which is next month, which I'd assume is supposed to be October?


Oh yeah, it was a mistype, but I changed it right away! Very sorry about that :)


She's a cutie and I'm ready for the yuri