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Here is the patch for Sakura Space: (Link deleted, please click here for further information)

A bit about the planning of the Artbook, we're looking at more or less 60-80 pages of all the Sakura games! Please reply here if you'd like to share your favorite character, game, scene, background image, voice acting,... We would like to know what you enjoyed most and what you are most curious about, as we're building this artbook for our fans.

We've also received a lot of good feedback on Sakura Scifi so far! We're very happy and proud about that. There's indeed more story, as well as more character development. The characters are more fleshed out (hehe) and the game is bigger. It's a mix of fantasy and science fiction, and we think it will appeal to the fans of Sakura Fantasy.



where i put the patch for sakura space?


Is the game already out?


Is this any different from the patch that was sent to us originally?


You replace the archive file in Steam(or wherever you installed it)/Steamapps/Sakura Space/game


It's out on Nutaku and on Steam for the 15$+ patrons! And the patch is ready now too as some patrons have asked!


Keira! Her outfit is beautiful. She is strong and caring. I feel safe with her. It's hard to pick a favorite scene with her. I could fantasize forever about draping chocolate over her or embracing with her in the first dream. If I had to pick just one to go in the artbook, I would put the 2nd one of walking in on her with her nylon suit on. That was her most beautiful picture.


The Fox Shrine background from Sakura Dungeon was also epic. I was so excited when I first walked into it. hehe, the Nine-Tails beat me the first time. Where can I find more information on this art book? Will it just be game cgs or brand new artworks as well? How would people get it after it's finished?


I've only played Sakura Fantasy, Dungeon, and Space (all the yuri), and of those I'd say Sakura Dungeon was my favorite. Lots of great yuri cgs. I liked Ceri and how over the course of the game she grew more comfortable having sex with all the other cute girls.


Only here! It's being worked on now, but it will take some more time before it's finished! All patrons will get a free digital version once it's done! There might be sketches in it or other art but probably nothing 'new' or unofficial so to speak.


that working ty


Very easily, my favorite game was Sakura Swim Club. I have a SEVERE fetish for school swimsuits, so I fell in love with that game instantly. My favorite character was from Sakura Angels... I forget her name, but she was the main villain. She was awesome. In terms of favorite scene, while I do love the Christmas H-scenes from Sakura Swimclub, or just hentai in general (I know I'm a perv), I gotta say, I did find the Chocolate Bath scene from Sakura Fantasy wonderful. As for background, I, sadly, haven't really paid enough attention to really have a favorite, nor did I ever get to experience any of the voice acting for any of the games (other than Noble's from his Youtube Channel: Lost Pause. He's a funny guy).


Fav game is Fantasy Chapter 1. Fav character is Realin and she is in my fav pic too. Where she fights against the monster and you see her butt and panties under her skirt.


Question: I have the 18+ patch in already. Will putting this in affect anything? What is this patch for? Update: nevermind, comments answered my question.


My top favorites are probably Hikari from Angels and both Hiromi and Mieko from Swim Club, though it's really hard to play favorites when there's so many to choose from! Honorable mentions to Ayumi from Beach 1 and 2, all the girls of Santa, Raelin from Fantasy, and all the assorted monster girls from Dungeon. My favorite scene is probably when Hikari challenges the slime beast at the beach in Angels. That poor girl can't catch a break. I don't have a singularly favorite background, but I would like to see a section of the artbook dedicated to some of the lovely background art that goes into the games. I know a lot of the attention gets directed to the girls' artwork, but the person that does the background art for Winged Cloud is really good too, and they deserve some recognition for their work.


True dat the really beautiful Background Art needs a bit of love too. Especially the Fox Shrine, the Oasis and the Cave one(Secret Area of one of the earlier Floors) from Dungeon are my favorites.


I took quite a shine to Captain Bonny, as per Yomi's words upon encountering her. :)


how do i install this patch can someone help me?


Any difference between the steam key game and the denpasoft version? Any difference between the patches?


Steam is censored, Denpasoft is uncensored. The patch is to un-censure the Steam game.


After playing Sakura Nova I changed my mind about fav and stuff. Still Realin is really pretty but my new fav for your games is Kaguya. And art i choose all Kaguya art´s.


The Denpasoft link no longer works, is there anyway to get the patch currently?


Check our Patreon description :) By clicking the game image, you get forwarded to the patch-download link~