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And here is another cg update.
Games on greenlight are progressing well and we are working on finishing wanaca's next project. Sadly it does not have a name yet. The development title was Sakura SciFi, thought we felt that was a bit unspecific about its content.

The game is a mix of futuristic setting / weapons, magic and fantasy creatures.




Wanaca's art always makes me smile haha.


Galactic Angels, Sakura Intergalactic, Spacekura, attack of the killer waifus, Star-crossed Angles, as the sakura turns, Set phasers for sakura, in space no one can hear you cream, caught in orbit, the sakura log, beam me up bei, Sakuras travels. Take your pick. Lol. I'm cool with it either way. :)

Jon Krupp

Very cool!

Jason Isbell

Hmm... Sakura Nova?


Sakura SciFantasy? :D I'll let myself out. v.v


Sakura SciFi was a name I proposed a long time ago...a bit sad it's not the real title, probably was a coincidence to begin with. Never the less good news about both Greenlight titles and a third one in the (near) future.


"In space no one can hear you cream" YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD if that isn't a porn title already you may need to copyright that shit. GODSPEED


...Whoa. Kaguya's a badass, in addition to looking good in that outfit.


Jason's Sakura Nova sounds cool. You could also name if it after a particular magic or element the games uses. For example, Sakura Fantasy could have been Sakura Dreams or Sakura Gift. Other cool names could be Sakura Element, Sakura Destiny, Sakura Hero, or Sakura Crystal. Okay, I'll stop now


Thank you for the update!


We have taken into account your suggestions for the upcoming game and will continue to brainstorm on it! Thank you so much, our beloved fans :D