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Since I saw some comments on the internet I just want to get some things straight.

We had a disagreement with Sekai some time ago. I don't want to talk about details here because I respect others privacy but we were just having different perspectives.

All in all I think it was a good thing for both of us to understand each others perspective better and we learned from it.

We both talked things through, came to an agreement and are now back on good terms.



Winged cloud, I want to sell my translation of Sakura Beach. How could I contact with you?


good to know there isn't any bad blood.


Glad to hear it, I like both your releases and Sekai's. But to be honest the first release that made me notice Sekai was Sakura Spirit.


Cheers! I've been in professional relationships that soured, especially once success was realized in varying degrees for a group. It's good when you can come to terms and resolve issues when it happens.


Does that mean Sakura Spirit 2 might be a thing? Also, even if it is not, I'm happy to hear things have been patched up. :)


Glad to hear that you guys came to an agreement. I hope that the relationship proves to be good for you guys and that you have the time, resources, and freedom to make the content you want with support from Sekai. Also, did the short story with that new artist fox art get taken down? I thought it was a nice bonus and tantalizing read, though I could see why it could be a issue with Patreon.


Ah no, there is no issue with patreon, we just want to rework things a bit.


Um... ok. Good to hear...?


By agreement does this still give you full creativity with your work without sekai's meddling based on there bais personal opinion?


Yes really, its all fine. Thank you for your concern but thats all taken care of now


Best luck for u all :)


Glad to hear that everything worked out fine. Just remember, we are all here to support you all. No matter what happens =^_^=


Thanks for keeping us posted. I am glad you worked it out. By the way, is there any news on Sakura Clicker?


We just made a post on Sakura Clicker steam page about the progress. The new version is already done and we are testing it currently. Shouldnt be long anymore and we will make a public test.


So I've noticed a lot of mistakes in your games, particularly the recent ones. I would be interested in doing something about that. Is there a contact email I can reach you at to discuss this?


Sekai must be doing something right if they can publish Key/Visual arts works.


I will look forward to buying new games from you guys *Kawaii Face*