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Uncensored CGs + Extra Hentai scenes






Are there directions on how to impliment this patch in Windows 10? I can get an .rpa out the .rar, but Windows doesn't want to open it and I can't find an appropriate file to replace in the game's Steam folder.


Odd issue here. Purchased the game the other day (Dec.29th), also downloaded this patch. Immediately installed the patch properly, and started playing. Got to where you walk into Keila(?) rooms while she is undressed, noticed that her nipple was obscured by a lightflare. Replaced the patch archive with the original archive, loaded the game up and the image was uncensored, continued through the game and everything was uncensored (though never saw the slime lady have fun with Rae). What gives?


gud game 10/10 would play again


Hi... Will it be a Chapter 2 for Sakura Fantasy??? I loved the this one... as your other games... Thanks


It seems I have to choose either this or the voices? Is there a way to have both?


do i need to use 7zip for this one to work too?


I've modified this patch to include the base game's voice files: <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!ppB11IpC!6joQsXPe27DRudXxEKmAFTGZEGfwrIG11ilm4xcNisA If you don't trust me, you can make this yourself by using unrpa to extract the archiva.rpa files from both the base game and the patch, then copying the "voice" folder and options.rpyc from the original game into the patch's files. Then placing those files into the game's game directory so you get a file structure like this: Sakura Fantasy/game/cg/ Sakura Fantasy/game/voice/ Sakura Fantasy/game/bytecode.rpyb etc I've not tested this fully so I'm not sure if it'll work but I'm fairly sure it will.


is there a program for Mac to extract the archive.rpa file to something useful?


unrpa will work, it's a python program so it'll work anywhere python's available


So I've been trying a few different methods, and I just can't figure out how to get the patch to work with the voiced version. Does anyone have any suggestions?


dead link :(




I bought the humble bundle - the patches are quite hard to get, they all seem to be 404'd now. What's up guys?


For any who need the uncensored patch, the link you want is <a href="https://wingedcloud.wetransfer.com/downloads/c1f4a8451e9d8fa88429921659aa7e8320170204012540/63aaa8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wingedcloud.wetransfer.com/downloads/c1f4a8451e9d8fa88429921659aa7e8320170204012540/63aaa8</a>


Thank you so much :) You're awesome for doing this.


It just was announced a week ago thought !


so just put this in my sakura fantasy file like with the other uncensor patches?


In your Sakura Fantasy folder, there should be a folder named "game". Replace the existing archive.rpa in the "game" folder and its all done.


Thank you so much. I'm so glad!!


Hay winged cloud are we alright to share this or is it pateron only? I ask as the ties with denpasoft have been cut i assume no one else would be advertising this release and i wanted to help spread the word.


I'm playing the game on Steam, and the only thing I have is a desktop shortcut. How do I apply the patch?


Unpack the .rar file and replace the existing archive.rpa under \Steam\SteamApps\common\Sakura Fantasy\game


WingedCloud, you did it again. Some amazing artwork there :) I hope you are able to work and publish games without Sekai Project. It would be a shame to see these great and funny stories go to waste =^_^=


Fantastic patch, although there seems to be 4 scenes i cannot figure out... Hidden Easter eggs perhaps?


Now this is fan service! Thanks! :D I haven't played it yet, though, and I wonder... a lot of the artwork appears to already be unlocked on a fresh install. Not a big deal, as one can just avoid looking at it till one reaches that point in the game, but still. :P Otherwise, I second what HowlingWolf wrote. Well put. :)


Thanks again! Looking forward to playing this soon!


You guys are the best, thanks !!XD Can't wait to play some more of your up coming games!

Lord Treant

Just purchased Fantasy and Beach on sale 50% off. Now I am just missing Sakura Angels. I played a friends version of Fantasy prior, but now officially own a copy ;) Thanks for the patch.


Woo! Off to play SF again :) Happy happy :D


I thought my body was ready. I was wrong. Thanks. :)

Hextech Skeleton

The patch stopped working for me. I mean there was nudity but there is no nudity anymore. Maybe Steam blocked the patch or something I don't know.


I love this patch. Did you also change some of the dialog? Or is that just me misremembering? xD Right now at ???


when wil sakura fantasy chapter 2 release we wont mind if it takes another 6 months or more we just want to know so we can get hyped


For some reason, I can't open the patch file


Its not happening. The writer quit from what I heard.


Will they make a sakura spirit 2


I hope they do because sakura spirit has such a mysterious ending


How to patch for mac user?


This patch just uncensors some nipples for me, but it doesn't add any hentai scenes.


Hi Sakura team, will the chapter 2 of Sakura Fantasy will be released ? That would be nice to answer fans that wait for the game and support your Patreon !