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Now on greenlight

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Congratulations on your 100th post. May the visual novel come out of greenlight fast, so that we may all enjoy it ^^


I can't wait for the wallpaper. =D It's 31st August, baby.


I thought you only had to do greenlight once before you could publish on Steam. Oh well.


Yeah, it kinda sucks all games have to go through greenlight, even thought you're already an established developer.


this is first sakura title that have hentai patch exist ?


OMG amazing how the water looks!! your art is stunning!


Can your next sakura game be "Sakura School Life" since you haven't made one about school ;)


Voted up. Looking forward to this one.


Oh, my!


I was just wondering, but how come you have to get greenlit for so many of your games?


Voted yes! Hope you get greenlit soon!


Is that artbook coming along soon?


Voted. I love swimsuit but would love to have more yuri base just like sakura fantasy. All male should go transform to bunny girl.


i voted yes now lets hope this gets the greenlight now all we have to do is wait


Your illustration of super and hachu ask patrons to receive their awards? by mail or on the Web site patreon? I open a page on patreon hachu and learn a bit like handing out awards? Thanks in advance: 3


i had this great idea for your great games! Was wondering if i could maybe work something out with you guys from WingedCloud =3. The Idea is i have all the programs needed to actually turn any of your games into a Readable Manga instead of a PC Novel. well not instead ! Novels are great but i feel alot of people would love to be able to read a manga version of your games on their phones and tablets. or even print it out has a physical item!! which is why i really want to do it. All that virtual stuff now... I could use the same pictures, the same background, the same Story. Basically i would leave it 100% authentic using all your stuff. Would be the same thing but with chat bubbles like any Manga But Obviously this is all your content! And maybe you had this idea in mind to start with? But if not here is what i would like to propose! I Could make one so you can see if you like it or not obviously ! =3 And if you like it then you could maybe offer it has a free download for steam or your patrons or whatever you want to do with it And all i would really ask in return is obviously to be credited and that you keep it has a Free extra to fans who already owns the game or ya we can work things out if ever you are interested ! =3 Let me know! And thanks for the great sakura games so far ♥


This game has to be by far my favourite in the series... I hope that this one gets a sequel just like Sakura Fantasy did