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And the game just released !


We will try to request keys for all dlc, but it always takes some time.




im very new to your games and i have to say i enjoy them. One thing that i think could be changed is the body proportions. They look good but why settle for good when they could be great. Why not make some attributes a little larger?


I like your games keep going but i REALLY! want you guys to let us make a character creator because i think we can submit it and use them to make Visual novels! and I thank for letting lost pause play these can you make other people oc's mines is Hio she is a fox or wolf doesnt matter and she cute and sexy see my profile picture that is the skin color she has and has gold eyes PLEASE MAKEEEE and send to here I NEED to see if you make it im a big big big big fan sorry i got excited


Hi its Koku and i have a Idea! can you make a Sakura game about being Hio i got Sakura clicker and my friends on skype we rp but if you gave us a game that wolud be great here is a pic of hio


Amazing ...


Great Stuff! Minor bug though, the first passive skill for everyone, besides Haru, seems to be unlocking at level 50. (Mouse over menu says level 100) - and then the next stage says 200, and is being unlocked at 100. - also, Hoshi costs negative gold, and does negative damage. As does everyone past her.


Maybe should have done a few more test phases before getting it out the door. It doesn't seem like it's evolved much from the alpha, and the Spirits seem pretty much worthless for all the effort you have to put in to get them.


Good stuff. Another bug is the level 600 skills seem to be unlocking at 500. Any clue when we might get DLC keys?


Just picked up the game and loving it so far!!


Art seems like it's form Tonee89 :/ is it?


Increasing the click-per-second cap just improved the game by at least 40%.


This is my favorite game now. For... reasons. On a side note, bug report. Haru's price peaks at Level 50, then starts declining. This bumps back and continues up at Level 58.


Great little game! achievements would be nice, tho. Just asking, is there also an uncensored version of this game?


This game is great, the attack animation when you click is suprisingly satisfying


I have a suggestion for Sakura Clicker. Would it be possible to add Maeko, Machiko and all other girls so far featured in Sakura games as DLC into Sakura Clicker, so that we could defeat them by clicking on them?


Love your art and I love kemonomimi. The combination of the two has caused me to throw a fair bit of money your way. Keep up the good work.


just played it and already in love with it like all the sakura,s keep up the good work I realy cant wait till sakura fantasy chapter 2 -_- lets hope it releases anytime soon


There is a small oversight I'd like to report on - when a girl drops a treasure chest, and if this chest lands on the icons for abilities like Massive Strike or Frenzy, I want to click on the chest. However, clicking on the chest will also activate the ability that is overlapped by the chest, which is quite annoying. Two questions as well: - How does one get those tiny animals you need to upgrade the Artifacts? - In the alpha release there were clouds of smoke you could click for massive money gain. Was this removed in final release?


I enjoy this game very much. I couple suggestions for the game if I may. ~Ripped/Damaged Clothes at % of health. I understand that at high levels the girls will be defeated at a very fast pace so maybe just at 30%/60% or even just 50% dmg. Also adding a lewd or embarrassed expression to their face when ripped/damage clothes happens. ~A Statistics Tab to show what your Gold+/Dmg+/Crit+.. ect. I know each ally/artifact shows it but it would be really nice If a tab showed it all added up. ~Outfit DLC packs. Like what you did with the hair pack. I already bought the hair and two outfits. No need to put a bunch of outfits in each pack. Just 2 or 3 would do great. Keep up the great work and updates. I will keep clicking and spending if you do. (‐^▽^‐)


Another suggestion, if I may.=O I love the picture of the girl you used for this particular Creator Post. So perhaps you could add more different poses for monster girls in Sakura Clicker? Combine that with the suggestion of ripped clothes by another patron in above post. The end result could be this: when her clothes get ripped, she gets an embarassed expressiong and her pose changes into kneeling, on all fours or somethin similar.


We will totally work on new features, its just the game released 3 days ago and we need some time, haha


-You get the animals (spirits) through rebirth - yes can still get them, they are now small foxes


I'm sorry if my post made you feel as if you're being rushed because that was not my intention, My ideas were for the future of the game. Like a couple months down the road. I did see Statistics show up in the setting tab so good looking out on that one.


Maybe you could move the dmg which is shown, so it doesn´t cover the enemies. It´s kinda frustrating that the artworks are covered like that.