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Sorry everyone. We had so little time to respond to all your messages.

Its because we worked very hard on getting Sakura Clicker done!

We are now testing the final build already on steam and preparing the store page. It cant take long anymore before its done. Once steam approves it, which always takes a pretty random number of days, we will be ready to release.

There where questions about the raffle and we come to the conclusion that we will remove it. Its not really something we like to do and if you are only here for the raffle we are sorry about that.

We will actually replace it with the creation of an digital artbook.

Also there are some other interesting goals we thought of and will make public in the near future!




btw, sakura clicker don't have uncensor patch like sakura fantasy?


Is Sakura Fantasy still on schedule? Also wondering if Clicker will have an uncensor patch as well.


can't wait for the iPad version! :)


Sorry no. It got delayed a lot because the bg artist was not available. We also planned to release 1 more game this month but that also was delayed. Maybe you remember the Swim Club VN.


It depends on how well the game is recived. If a lot of people download it we will add CG's to it. Currently its a pure game. if that is the case then there will be an uncensoring patch.


Going to be fun, explaining my parents where all those sounds are coming from, when I'll be playing the game ^^


Question about the artbook: will it have any bonus or previously unreleased artwork?