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The Alpha version is ready. If anyone of you is not afraid of unfinished gamesmissing artworks and still want to give it a try here is the download:

> Link Deleted, Game Released <

We are looking for some feedback and would appriciate comments on this!
Please share your ideas !




You probably already noticed this, but: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/LCORbtf.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/LCORbtf.jpg</a> I'm guessing auto-attack is just a placeholder right now, since it cost 1 coin per level and gets worse with each level until it actually heals the monsters.


You might want to raise the click-rate cap a bit. Right now it appears to be capped lower than what I can naturally mash at.


Everything past the 'normal' level for each character seems to cost 1. For each level, also there seems to be a low-res circle that pops up and fades away every once in a while. Also, the auto attack just healing the enemies makes it pretty tough. hahaha! I hope this pops up on Steam for the next sale :D. This beats clicking little card monsters. haha!


Maybe some kind of strategy to the clicking? Like certain spots on certain enemies is a weakness and does extra damage, or gives you extra time on a boss.


Maybe an iPad version? :)


I still have this running in the background, so I'll post more as it comes up. When I right-click the "Buy" button on anything, it seems to buy more than I should be able to. For example, I was level 477 and had just enough to buy one more level (about 700 trillion?). I right-clicked "Buy" and my money went down to about -9.5bb (quintillion, I think, since "aa" is quadrillion) and my level went up by a hundred to 577. Earlier, I'd done the same when right-clicking to buy a level for the first ally, Fire Spirit, but I don't recall the details other than it took me to negative money. I don't know if there are common abbreviations for quadrillion, quintillion, etc; if there are, it might be good to use them, though "aa", "bb", etc are easy enough to understand from context. Especially at higher levels, the damage of a normal click and of the auto-attack ability rapidly outpaces the damage of any allies you hire, even the most expensive ones. I'm not familiar with clicker games, so maybe that's the way that is supposed to work? I'll try to update with relevant numbers; I can't right now because I messed up my game with the right-clicking buy thing. It would be good to be able to buy multiple levels of something at once with one click or by holding down the mouse button. Maybe that is what right-click is supposed to do right now? The power of the big attack might be too much. Even with only a small amount of levelling, it kills any boss I encounter from full to dead. Perhaps reduce its damage and also reduce its cooldown? I like the gold boost ability and the strategy involved in using it. :) More active abilities (versus passive abilities like auto-attack) might be good. I'll test out the Rebirth ability once I get out of the 7.9 quintillion worth of debt I'm in and have one gold to spend. :D Thanks!


So, at level 677, I clicked Rebirth, which said it would restart the game with 14 spirits. It restarted, but I had no spirits (allies) hired, not even the Fire Spirit.


Going by the previous update screenshot, the spirits are an unimplemented resource and not the allies. I suggest the name of the resource be changed to something else since people will confuse them for allies.


I forwarded that to our programmer and he says thanks for all the feedback and bug reports !


So far, really fun. I've played a lot of Clicker Heroes, and this even in alpha is a really solid game. This may sound silly, but I wish there was a bit more "ecchi" to it. The other Sakura games go a bit further, this is just nice looking animal girls getting clicked and moaning. How about having some of their clothing come off the more damage they take?


We hope to put in cg's of monsters but not sure if that can be done at launch. But there will be a hero / avatar / mainchar which can be dressed up with ecchi outfits


I really like the alpha release, and I have a suggestion. Would it be possible to implement girls in different positions? So far all of them have been seen from the front, but I wouldn't mind some ecchi positions from behind.


there is a game breaking bug that if you upgrade to fast it will cause the gold count to read -.45T and locks at this preventing anymore upgrading unless restarted


I don't know if this bug is reported but i can't hire Ally 18. When I try to hire her this pops up <a href="http://i.imgur.com/l3hm3CL.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/l3hm3CL.jpg</a> Have a nice day :)


Can confirm. Error message seems to imply that there is no ally 19.


When defeating an enemy, her clothes become see-through briefly. <a href="http://i.imgur.com/aitHDxY.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/aitHDxY.png</a> If there were naughty bits drawn on the base characters (wink wink, nudge nudge) that could be a problem.


Also I found debug mode, though I probably wasn't supposed to find debug mode. And if you want to reset your save just press R, which I probably should have mentioned when I found it like a week ago since people were getting stuck with negative gold. Whoops.


Besides the obvious problem of buying 100 level-ups, right-clicking also causes a gold sun thing that gives you a bunch of money to spawn if there are none active. EDIT: I have done more "research" *hehe* about this problem and the gold-sun-thing can be 'resummoned' with a right click shortly (less than a second) after the cash message from it fades. Also, maybe a better texture for it? It looks bland.


Heh, we changed quiet a lot of things already and thanks for the bug report !