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Have you seen the store page to Sakura MMO yet? No? Then let me show you what we were up to in the last few days :) Just click here to get directed to the Steam store page. We are currently working on the cards and backgrounds, just to be prepared for the activation :)

We currently don't have a release date planned but we are working hard to make it come true soonish :) As soon as we know more, we'll let you know of course. 




Due to changes with steam's policies, will a patch still be necessary or will it be included with the base game?


The current Steam build is without the patch to make it suitable for more people :)

Ran Yakumo

Soon is my favourite time, except on steam where it could mean a year :P

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Are you also going to make page for Melody as well?


we currently can't, since we don't know how the endresult will look like. You need to list features and put in screenshots, both not fully done yet :)

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Better for it to be a slight delay and produced perfectly instead of it being completely rushed and not nearly as appetising as people thought.

Ran Yakumo

I know that, but I find it funny how Serment can be delayed a year because the devs are overhaling the game, but the stam page just says 'available soon' because that's all steam can say

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Yeah I know! It is annoying when they don't give you the updates of what is going on because they don't say anything. Thus, the majority of fans are constantly clinging onto these false hopes. :(

Ran Yakumo

Well these guys do respond, i Was mainly on about how i could go to the steam page in feburary and IT would say "Soon" because steam doesnt have a "delayed" option.