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Ah, where do we start? Fion might be a kind-hearted girl but my oh my, she is clumsy. She introduces her to Viola and Neve as a poor girl that wanted to sell her mother's wedding ring but instead lost it in the dense woods. Neve is not too happy about encountering strangers and warns Viola - will she help Fion, the girl in need?



Ran Yakumo

Seems like a certain maid has a cousin

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Hmm...I was more thinking of this character heavily resembles that off the tribal girl from the 'Hell Development' Sakura game, Adventure.

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

I wonder if we get to see more characters besides Fion, whether they are the main or antagonist ones?

Ran Yakumo

i think a more pressing question would be what purpose those pants serve, they just look like an attatchment to the belt XD

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Yeah, now that you mentioned it. I just took another look at her bottom half and it does seem to appear weird for the shorts to be transparent and visible to the pleasing eyes. XD

Ran Yakumo

nothings tranparent its just a pair of pockest and nothing else