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Hello everyone :)

I know, I know, we aren't usually putting audio files into the posts but we really want your opinion on it, since it's something different.

The audio sample is for Sakura Melody and will be used on city scenarios or the overview map, as an addition to the soundtrack. It's just there, in the background or even with it's own volume settings, to give it some mood, to make it feel like you are somehow there :)

So, what do you think about it? We could add a few ones for Melody, since it only has a couple of places to really go to or experience scenes in.

And - are you interested in more audio files or shall we leave it be and stick to graphical posts?



Yeah, that’s a good track.


I like it, some ambiance like this is a nice subtle touch, should really help bring it all together


This is nice, I always like soundscapes in games and I think this would fit great as the city overview.

Ran Yakumo

i dont know if this would fit Overview, it sounds more like being in a car than overviewing a city

Eric Henderson

I like the idea. Bonus points if you get them all to loop smoothly 🙂 That said, I’m not entirely sure what that track was of. It sounded to me like waves on a beach, but someone else mentioned a car. If it is a beach, you might try adding seagulls to make it more clear and “alive”. Just having waves on a beach isn’t a very exciting ambience, so the occasional seagull would liven it up if you ask me.


City, with cars, planes, wind through the houses, ambulance (or car honks), etc :) but there is a sea one planned now, with seagulls, normal birds, different waves and of course we try to have a nice loop in there.