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I'm glad that you like the art style and I'm eager to show even more :) 

So yeah, let's do it and I call it 'Characters of Azalanz'
All the characters are a bit more fantasy heavy, so I can see why people said that. I can imagine a story around them but as for right now, these are just characters without any bigger purpose. 

I'd like to hear ideas for the characters, like:
This one is a knight from an unnamed and long forgotten land. Her mission is to save her hometown from the outside world, by protecting it from any intruders, so nobody can speak about it or bring the terror into her land.
Something like this~ If you don't like the idea, I can also just show you more characters :D




Loving the thighs on this one


Loving it


I love the idea


You guys picking up writers? I'd love to show my skills here.


She gives off sort of a "no-nonsense mercenary" vibe. Maybe someone contracted to the enemy side who can be persuaded to join your cause for the right price.


Perhaps a monster in Sakura Dungeon 2? A warrior spirit who prefers to fight with her single, massive blade, focusing on offense above all else?


(I tried :P) Age: 16 Name: Ash Bio: Her father was a hero, who protected her home and Region with his greatsword passed on through the generations of her family, known for its ability to be able to cut through anything; she watched as her father grew old and unable to fight, after years of battle finally took their toll on his body. When she was young she had always admired her father’s heroism although shy herself, she aspired to follow in his footsteps; but without her father to protect them, raiders and bandits, now have control of the area. Taking up the sword to fight back, she found that it was able to grant her the skill and knowledge of all those who’ve wield it and were found worthy. Easily defeating the villains through her knew found skill, she now travels defending those who can’t defend themselves to follow in her father’s footsteps.

Ran Yakumo

Classic, but im not a fan of the bottom half of that outfit

Ran Yakumo

Rogue spell fencer with no memories traveling aimlessly for a purpose [she never ever regains her memories or gets to learn her past]

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

It is such a shame to see more of these drawings but that all of them would not be use for any particular project. It just feels like to me the artist is wasting his/her time to show his/her art skills for no reason other than to just create a form of display. :(


Actually not right now but I wanted to give them a bit more meaning then just showing a few character arts :) So why not do it with the community :)

Farlun Ceyric

Hmm, seems like a battle witch in vein of Sakura Dungeon's.