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Dear Patrons,

it may be the time to comment on the video that was released lately regarding the company, or being more specific, the head of the company. Since this is a more serious post, we apologize to those, who are here for the entertaining aspect of our Patreon page but I want to tell you my opinion as well, as part of Winged Cloud.

Some refer to me as PR-Kun, even though the person before me got the name. I joined Winged Cloud about a year ago and this post speaks for myself and my opinion, not for the company.

Some of us watched the video and got confused. Most of these things happened before I joined Winged Cloud, so I'm not the one to judge what happened years ago. I myself had a very positive experience with Winged Cloud. If I wasn't happy with the way we work or the way we get treated, wouldn't we leave anyway? Wouldn't the worker's rights always back us?

On the day the video released, I talked to Wanaca about it. I wanted to quote her, but she posted a nice statement herself.

Again, sorry for this being off-topic from the normal Patreon posts but maybe it was neccessary to say it. Hopefully you can understand my point here and again - it's my point of view, I'm not speaking for the company.

Also bashing the head of the company is something different than attacking someone personal. If the video hurts the company, it hurts the employees as well - and if we employees wouldn't care for the company, we wouldn't stay. I enjoy working for Winged Cloud.

Kind regards,



I have not seen it but if you don't like the company you work for or don't like the way things are going then leave


Always keep smiling PR-kun take pride in what you do i love WC


Hopefully the waves can calm and with time be returned to peace.

Ran Yakumo

Thats what a company slave would say!! Jk i hope nothing bad is gonna happen


No problem PR-kun, have a fantastic day! :D


What does he hope to achieve? In his mind is Wanaca a damsel in distress he has to rescue? Why not look into the actual bad actors like the people putting out games on Steam with stolen assets?


Um... wtf did I miss???


Thank you PR-Kun and Wanaka so much for clearing everything up. I was so afraid and convinced that the rumors were true but now it's not true and everything is cleared up and I'm glad everything is ok. I never wanted Winged Cloud to be gone for good because of this situation or at all and I hope and pray that everything will be peaceful again. To everybody who currently works with and for Winged Cloud, keep up the good work and never give up no matter what :)


I don't get it?:(

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Is the video in the link above? Also, what does PR-Kun stands for?


After watching the video I feel sorry for the employees


not seen the vid


What video? Could I have a link please?

Eric Henderson

If you’re looking for the video, search YouTube for “winged cloud exposed”. Though given this post and the one from wanaka, I would suggest being skeptical of the video. It didn’t seem like there was any hard evidence for at least some of the claims, and many of the people involved obviously don’t go by their real name online, so it would be hard to verify the sources

Eric Henderson

“-kun” is one of the suffixes in Japanese appended to a name when you aren’t fairly close with someone. “PR” is typically “public relations”. So basically, “PR-Kun” is a term they use to mean “spokesperson”


I watched the video and A, the guy seems like a massive creep and B, there seemed to be some sketchy evidence for some points. I love the Winged Cloud games and I really hope that this doesn't affect any of the games cause I think they're great. Keep up the good work and stay strong 🙂

Eric Henderson

Also, the claim wanaka makes $500 a month is way too hard to believe in the first place. I don’t think a person could really survive on that little. If the $500 a month was ever true, I would have to guess that it only applied before her artwork started appearing in games. I can’t imagine she still makes so little, if she ever did. Anyway, I’m going to remain skeptical on the video unless they can provide more and better proof. Some of the claims might be true, but since some clearly appear to be false, it makes it hard for me to believe the rest of the claims.

Ran Yakumo

uhm... how did you even arive there? theres been people acusing Winged cloud of mistreating her and he says that personally he has not experianced anything bad within the company and then links to a statement from wanaca who says the exact same


I never saw a video, didn't know one was even posted, but I know since I have been a supporter I've loved WC. I don't think I've ever had a negative thought about anything that has happened since I've been a member. I don't know how I can be more supportive than that heh.

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

But that doesn't mean it is true this is just one side of the story. We have to hear Wanaca's and Inma's story as well.


ok u made me go run this video down.... I must say, I personally don't feel its even warranted to reply to someone like that. some little nobody that no one has heard of. if winacca has come out and shot down pretty much all of her portion of "lies" then we can only assume the rest is all lies or made up as well. no names = no way to confirm and aka made up. the game industry is not a sweet candy cane dream, its rather hardcore and its not hard to find this out. and I have seen some interesting things but its always in the past and ppl move on. we are all here still and support ppl doing what they love to do. personally I think by u guys giving him time of day ur making the issue worse as it seems majority of us never even would of known about this joke. I can only hope for good luck in ur futures and I'm pretty sure this shouldn't affect ur future.

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Yeah but there will always be someone who still remembers the past and will continue to haunt those that do them harm until completion i.e. revenge, attention and money.


Looks like you have great team ;) just keep it up! ;)


Oh man I remember the time I accidentally created the name PR-Kun really didn't think it would catch on this much XD well I had kind of a bad year so I'm no longer a patreon for quite some time now but when I heard about some winged cloud exposed video I had to check if there was ANYTHING to worry about seems you guys are doing OK. That's great keep going guys/and girls. EDIT: since I am no longer a patreon I can't see any posts so it would be really nice if someone could tell me what happened to Sakura Adventure was really hyped for that game but after this much time my guess is it didn't make it. Just a confirmation would be cool.

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

Sakura Adventure is still in the works but it will not be released at this time as Winged Cloud are still focusing on finishing their other projects besides Cupid. So don't, Adventure has not yet been forgotten. :)