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Hello everybody~

Before we actually release the game on Steam, we wanted to give you an opportunity to play the game before anyone else can :)
Legends of Talia: Arcadia is going to be a free download for up to twelve hours, so be quick about the download~
If you are a patron of the $15+ tier, you'll receive your Steam key as soon as we have access to them. 

Legends of Talia: Arcadia does not contain hentai or a patch, neither is it a typical Sakura game. If you don't like more serious stories, this game might not match your taste.

Anyway, we hope that you enjoy the game nevertheless and we're excited about your feedback.




Nice work!


I really enjoyed the story; it was quite enthralling. With the greater emphasis on the story aspect, I hope future works will garner the same quality in the writing as the art. I'm rather particular about spelling and grammar, so seeing things like "signed" instead of "singed" and such are a little jarring.


I look forward to seeing what it's like. :D


super cute but the typos hurt Dx (Edit:) forgot to add, i really enjoyed the BGM, very relaxing and enjoyable to listen to




how to get the game?


Honestly Talk : Art is still great like always, And Zack's music is awesome like always. and stories is quite deep... until that game goes middle phase, especially in late phase, dialogue and situations goes to cliche and unreasonable.- like while a character fight as a bait, other main character talk almost 20 lines of dialogue with 3rd character.- But still thinks it's a good start with your new directions.


Damnit, I was at work for the full duration of this :(


Ouch, I was sleeping and immediately went to work after. No chance at all lol


managed to be awake for the early download but it ended up being kinda pointless for me... already playing a different VN and got the steam key sooooooo.... >.>


And im still waiting for chapter 2 of fantasy

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

So we can play the game for free or buy it on Steam?

Gomen Son

I can't wait for the full release. The steam key should be sent out later yeah?


The keys were sent via private message again, you should have a message from Friday containing your key :)



Amiee-Lewise Watkins

This game is good but I hope that when you make more sequels, the story becomes longer as well as added in battle scenes (i.e Magical Girls), and a lot of H-content? Plus, you might want to proofread a few sentences before releasing it as I encountered a two errors or more, not a lot though.

Ran Yakumo

... they explecitly stated that yes the free version isnt proof read and aslo that there is not gonna be H-scenes, that this is an experiment to see if their fans would accept this kind of story alongside their usual stuff, theres a reason its Not called ''sakura Arcadia''


It’s really Cool 2d art!! Good luck with Steam release! ;)