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Because of the feedback that we got from the first CG, I wanted to show you another one and explain a bit more. 

As you can imagine from this CG and the last one, the story (which doesn't have a name yet) isn't about happy fun times, fluff and lust. It doesn't contain explicit gore or anything, so it's not too dark but darker than our Sakura titles, that takes place in a world with magic, murderous monsters and other dangerous creatures.

The protagonist experienced things, that burnt into her mind, leading to nightmares that she can't escape. Even though she gives her best to protect the people, she knows that her skills are limited.




Is this pink haired girl the protagonist then?


This sounds like a really cool game, and I like the slight divergence from the Sakura games, although I hope you still develop those further


I'm sorry to say, and i might be in the minority here but I'm not really interested at all if there won't be any H content... not trying to be rude but if my money is going to be spent on sfw VNs I'll be cancelling my pledge


While I prefer most of the VNs I play to have H content, good storytelling is always appreciated. Having H content that doesn't fit into the story feels a bit pointless, so sometimes I don't mind having an excellent story without H content. That being said, I think H content can fit in many stories (although sometimes it gets quite dark). I for one, am excited to see what might come of a future with H content and this story.


So, it's realistic. Cool! Not enough of those around, these days.


Really hope this thing will be a success for you guys so we can have 2 ways in the future. One the more mature little bit darker ones, which could still include H-content if it fits in the story. Second way the Sakura games as we know them.

Ran Yakumo

Must... not... make.. Mirrai nikki joke... must... not... make... metroid reference... must... not... reference... nightmate on elm street... give me streangth..... velvet...

Amiee-Lewise Watkins

I feel whenever I keep on seeing the screenshot of the pink haired girl, that I would end up going to like her. :)