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The first monthly Q'n'A! Would appreciate feedback. And comments. And a massage.


August Q'n'A

I was going to do this via video, but after hearing my attempts at talking I decided on text instead. Currently my tonsils look like Gene Snitsky's back so not only do I have the indignation of having a child's illness but I sound like Gilbert Gottfried after a heavy...



You gonna go all Japanese table on the fools who keep insulting you for asking for money for your hard work? Especially considering your stuff is free? I've said it before. Fuck the naysayers. Botchamania is really good, and you're making almost a thousand beans per episode now and that's more awesome than the Miz. I hope you keep going, and I'll keep being a drop in the bucket. If I had a request, it'd be a Steve McMichaelMania.


every thought about making an Awesomeamania. Botchamania with just really great spots and logical booking?


Maybe it's been asked before, but who are your favourite wrestlers? Let's say a top 5, or if you're feeling ambitious, a top 8 (Word to Myspace.)


Do you have The Network? If so, do you use it to find the finest of the botches? Luchalibremania would be cool.

Keaton Arksey

Favourite wrestling movie/movie that starred a wrestler? The correct answer is No Holds Barred, by the way.


What would you do if Booker T came for you?


Worst / best botch of all time, and why?


What is your favorite Worst-Best botched spots with Sin Cara/Mystico?

Elias Murray

Do you have a day-job? If so, what is it?


Available on dvd in my local poundland... the RESMASTERED version no less!!


Is there any video game tune you have wanted to use in Botchamania and just haven't because it just doesn't fit?


On a scale from Nickleback to Slayer, how metal are you?