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Password for every video is mo

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Again, password is mo

Hey let's try something different! The first non-Botchamania or Cultaholic video I've made in years. I hope to use this momentum to create even more niche content and explore things only I care about and bore people to tears with.

Anyway this being listed on Wikipedia always confused me because I've heard a LOT of shoot interviews over the years as well as hearing a ton of dirt and I've never heard any wrestler talk about it other than saying "no that didn't happen." Of course knowing my luck, Bruce Prichard will state it happened next week.

Let me know what you Windjammers think, as long as it's not "I don't like MOM".


Use the Ice Kunai on the Fox's Fire A by Goemon Production Team (Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon) 

Thanks To...

Richard Land for the handheld footage 

PCO for the Cameo (he was quick and good) 

Sites and Sources...


Ring The Damn Bell 

Pro Wrestling Diary's interview with Mabel 

Pro Wrestling Stories' interview with Oscar 

WZWA Network's interview with Sir Mo 


That's your lot, take care of yourself and drink water and be ON A MISSION.




Pro Wrestling Tees 



Kyle Olson

This kind of thing becomes so common in the internet. Somebody says a thing and everybody repeats believes it. Here's an example. A numbers of years back people started talking about Alone in the Dark as being an inspiration for Resident Evil. But the timeline for this doesn't exactly make sense since. The creators have never said this and they've made clear that they were working on a follow-up to a game that well predated Alone in the Dark, and that follow-up was in development originally even before Alone in the Dark. The control scheme similarities were not unique to older video games, they were what most similar games would do when going 3D. But despite the fact there's no evidence of inspiration, the timelines don't actually work, because people see a similarity and the release dates make it possible somebody once claimed it to be true. And that claim echoed over and over until it was fact. Once a fact gets repeated, it can go on forever. Circuit boards are green because the military wanted camouflage. Somebody reported it, it's copied forever. In woodworking, people believed that "end grain" took wood glue worse than "edge grain". Someone proved recently that was false, and a bunch of old men went crazy because they were so tied to what they had been told by some other guy. This was a really good piece of work on your subject, and hopefully gets people to be more skeptical. The most important thing is that you've shown there's no actual source. I suspect even the out of print book does not make the claim that Wikipedia says it does, but it would be interesting to find out. Why should we believe it to be true if you can't prove that anybody made the claim?


I enjoyed this video. I wouldn't mind more like this as long as it doesn't interfere with regular botchamania videos.

Ross Vincent

Two things: 1. I enjoyed this video! If you want to do more like it it the future, I'm down for it. 2. I would love to hear Hulk Hogan's take on this. He'd be like, "This was over in England, Wembley or whatever it was, PCO was supposed to lose to Mabel but said he wasn't going to lose in Canada, so Mabel pinned him for real and embarrassed him. Then I did a run-in and slammed the 800 lb. Mabel and he passed three days later."


Brand new spin-off videos means there's hope for more of the other spin-offs like Rumblemania and Best of Botchamania, just like the ol' days.


I would bet the source on the wikipedia entry between the lie only states the title changes, and doesn't go into the specifics of whether there were accidents or not. One of the Amazon reviews says "The Wrestling Title Histories Book by Gary Will and Royal Duncan was a listing of most of the title lines in wrestling history." which makes me think it was just a listing of title lineages. 440 pages of them. And the embellishment was someone having a bit of fun when writing the entry and probably thought that would eventually get deleted.


Good shit Maffew (unsurprisingly). I love the detail you went into for the research, as well as your typical comedic timing. I would love for you to do more stuff like this in the future, although I do understand that would be hard with your other commitments. Anyway, looking forward to this officially dropping so I can watch it again. Keep up the good work, as always!