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Lol the contrast of reaction on the thumbnail is funny.

Jesus De Leon Guerrero

And i just literally opened patreon, solo para ver si ya habia salido.


I’m so confused why were people on the last video saying the name for the Royal guard is wrong?


whats even crazier is, is that neferpitou at that fight is less then a day old probably just a few hours, doesn't even have a nen ability or how to use it and still beat kite whos a nen master

Arnav Mekala

Because the characters in the show call them Pitou, but Mel wanted to call them Nefer. She would've found out eventually but some fans wanted to correct her immediately.

Arnav Mekala

I usually do not like offscreen deaths, but Kite was probably one of if not the best offscreen deaths in anime. Complete shock and immediate realization that the enemies in this arc are smoking something more fierce than Franklin's crack.

Arnav Mekala

Also don't bother trying to say the full names of the Royal Guards, most can't even pronounce them. Just call them Pitou, Pouf and Youpi. Mel was on the right track with that one.


pitou is considered "Genderless" since its a chimera ant so you can honestly call her whatever you feel comfortable.


No need to correct each other on him or her , its a genderless ant so you can address them as you please


fact kite put up that good of a fight that pitou wishes she could fight him again is one thing, but with one arm and that roll he got is crazy #justiceformyboykite


This is one of the Greatest Arcs in all of anime.


we all just think of pitou as a girl, its okay

Leon Heser

This flute OST at the end or the beginning of some episodes is so goated.

Leon Heser

Yeah Mel was right. The Mangaka prepared 3 different endings for hxh. One of them he already leaked in case he dies or cant continue. The other 2 are a mid-term and a long-term solution for the story depending on the mangakas health