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the witch of calamity 😳



Also, don't want to be a party pooper, but yes, Claire is not the Witch. She only became a suitable host for Aurora when she got bit. Second, it's kinda hard to tell from the episode but you guys are giving Cid way too much credit in terms of what he knows. First off, Cid couldn't know Claire is Aurora because she's not. He doesn't even know that that Aurora is inhabiting her. That scene in the train where it looks like he's sympathizing with her, he legit thinks that Claire is going through the "growing up" phase that he went through (and is still in) of being a special person with powers that can be a hero. Claire is obviously being serious with what she says but Cid thinks she's acting the same way he does. Think back to episode 1 of season 1, that whole training/magic research he was doing in the original world he's from (our earth). He believes claire is basically doing that exact process. TLDR: Cid is clueless but again, the episode was giving Cid a really tough poker face. If you look at his eyes really closely in the train scene, you can see that they look different. It's the "yea yeah, sure you are" kind of eyes. You picked up on the coins thing during the fight so just have to keep in the mind this show is all jokes even when the facade of seriousness is on thick


Also, Yor's VA for the Queen vampire...?