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tell steph to stop pausing!! 😭😭😭😂😂



Stop pausing. You’re ruining the immersion

Enzow Tch

Steph is funny for no reason lmao


The pause pause no mi fruit irl is crazy Steph


I just knew this man would pause like crazy during this one. It’s chaotic! 😂

Evoke 310

Haven’t even watched lol but I feel that caption 🤣


Yeah he was stressed at the end 😂


I kinda like that Steph feels the urge to pause it so he can discuss something. He just doesn't want to miss anything but also needs to get his thoughts off his chest. Though I definitely understand how its annoying. I find the whole pausing beef funny asf lol.

JacksOnion Lee

WHen i saw that caption, I laughed like Steph too lmao. oh man


Bryan Cranston's acting during his call with Skyler is absolutely brilliant


Yeah, Walt incriminated himself, completely. It just shows that Walt is a step ahead again, because he knew that the police would be there. Since he just talks about himself. He did all of it, he build all of it, all alone, no one else. And saying that he told Skyler to shut up and not cross him, he never said that to her. Also calling her a Bitch, he would never do that. And like you could see, he had a hard time saying all of that, because it's heavy for him aswell... but he has to do it, because other wise Skyler would get in trouble too. Because like this Skyler looks like a victime too. And the acting across the board is just top notch from everyone. I know for Steph it's hard to watch right now, but I mean... that is what makes Breaking Bad so good, that it can impact so many people so deeply and personally. Because everyone did a great Job in the show, the writer, the actors etc etc.


Once the season is over, I bet you'll watch the bloopers and extras and I recommend it so much! It's so refreshing seeing the cast together after all they went through in the show.


🤣😭😭, Ozark has to be next after breaking bad


Mannnnn, Breaking Bad is sooo good. That's how you know a show is good when it leaves the viewer cathartic, and numb to what's going on. From the writing to the acting, amazing 🔥. Rewatching with Belz was pretty dopee. Everyone was feeling how Steph is feeling when this episode first aired.

Arnav Mekala

At this point, I am waiting for your reaction to the final episode, not for the reaction, but for your final commentary where you guys give your overall thoughts and feelings of the entire show. And we know its going to be a lot, cuz this show changed y'all for real.

Desto Samuels

Damn I told Steph take a breath for a reason last episode lmao I knew this might happen. Shits Def stressful


Steph at 39:25, " i ruined the moment?💅"🤣

adabkooo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-08 18:53:08 Steph is more traumatized than Walt Jr😂😂😂😂
2023-09-08 16:52:41 Steph is more traumatized than Walt Jr😂😂😂😂 10/10 ep & reaction though

Steph is more traumatized than Walt Jr😂😂😂😂 10/10 ep & reaction though


what? 🤣 bro policing how you're supposed to watch a show


Next week the finale?


I think you guys would love the last kingdom on netflix , its the best vikings show ever made

Sean J

PLZZZ ^ @StruckByBelz . Classic banger shows like this, The 100, & Blacklist gottaa get thrown into the polls soon

Sean J

“ time for some depression “ 😭😭😭

Desto Samuels

This boy gets stressed easy with these kind of shows mean while Mel be loving every minute. lol, takes me back to the Rezero days.


No words to say lol. Fun fact. The actor who played Skylar was so in character during the scene when walt took holly and she ran down the road that she end up actually getting really upset that the director had to go comfort her.


If you guys have not figured out from my last Comment, that is right. Anna Gunn who plays Walter white's Wife Skylar won an emmy for her performance here.


wow yeah now thinking back to that specific scene it was so impactful and everyone involved killed it

James Smith

I apologize if anyone mentioned it already but on the website imdb , this is the highest rated episode of all shows including anime. its the only episode with a 10/10 along with 200k ratings😤so the pausing and stress is understood 🤣


It is pretty obvious that part of that phone call discussion was fake. You can tell that Skylar is playing her part to make it convincing, but the intention was so that the police don't incriminate skylar and instead all the blame goes to walt to protect his family. Only 2 more episodes to go. Events that were set long ago will come to a conclusion.


Garunteed off camera after this ep, Steph and Mel hugged each other and maybe had a little makeup sex. 😋🤪


never seen someone hate jessie as much as steph does when walt is literally like the worst person there is possible....


If yall don't know that discussion part on the phone was obviously fake 😭 walt was just trying to put all the guilt on himself for the police so hia family can be completely innocent


Because jessie is a clown who think he's an angel amonst evil


where does jesse think hes an angel? He literally says he knows who he is and that he is a bad person. I dont get this stupid take. It's like you people dont even try to watch it and only come to dumb conclusions on your own narrative.


no clue we got some walter apologists in this chat tho. walter is the devil in this show when it comes to anybody that's not his family. jessie was pretty content at being a small time criminal and walt has always been the one pushing the envelope or forcing jessie into worse circumstances. jessie has far more of a conscious then walt which leads to his indecisiveness also he's very easily manipulated.

Shahbaj Mohammad

Admitting he is bad and acting according to that is different. He thinks he is an angel, thats why he threw away the blood money the way he did. Like really, yall dumbass jessy fans and jessy thinks this drug money wasnt blood money since start and it was only bad after walt said it was blood money. Also no actual bad person actually ever admits they are bad. Only edgy emo teen clowns like u and jessi come out and say that shit. Walt is bad, the worst person but if u wanna move away from bad u do it silently like him, and not by dragging everyone down by throwing a tantrum. And thats the exact thing Jessy does eventually at the very end after ruining it for everyone like a dumbass. Walt may have calculatingly poisoned a kid so they all would survive, but he isn't the one who orplaned him by doing dumb shit without thinking. But ur dumbass will be a jessy stan cause his junky failure edgy man-child ass is the only person u can relate with.

Steph Motion

I felt the same way as Steph when I watched Blacklist lol I stopped watching for a whole year bc I just couldn’t take it lmao

Killua X

stop pausing lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtJRYYuTNkI There no spoiler that you already saw.

Sean J

They gottaaa react to Blacklist 😭 glad u mentioned it cus i just commented yesterday about how fire of a series it is


Guys chill lol, it was just a joke and apparently they found it to be funny.

xoxo [mod]



LOL Mel sighhhh “babe alright what do you have to say 🙄”


These reactions used to be filled with so much excitement and anticipation for the mystery of how walt would get out of whatever situation he was in and now the reactions are just dread for what hes going to do or say next

Justin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-07 22:11:03 Interesting fact about the chess game being played at the fire station. The board was intentionally set up so that it would be impossible for the WHITE side to win.
2023-11-07 15:59:07 The only episode on imdb with a 10/10 rating. Interesting fact about the chess game being played at the fire station. The board was intentionally set up so that it would be impossible for the WHITE side to win.

The only episode on imdb with a 10/10 rating. Interesting fact about the chess game being played at the fire station. The board was intentionally set up so that it would be impossible for the WHITE side to win.


Steph is right Jr. saying his dad pulled a knife on them was messed up but he could have just been flustered in the moment

Felipe Vieira

two more episodes watching with Steph, thanks god.


This guy has to be the stupidest and worst reactor of all time , he predicts everything wrong and ruins every important moment if only this channel was only her