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this is it this is THE TURNING POINT 😳🤯🙊


Chris B

Never clicked so fast on anything...


I just jumped out of my bed for this. This is it finally...now its time to watch peak

Evoke 310



next episode is just......

Arnav Mekala

Fun fact, this was where breaking part season 5 part 1 ended, so imagine watching back in 2012 with that cliffhanger and had to wait a year for the next part! I would’ve gone crazy!


"you got me" always gives me the chills


I’m glad I binged this show, couldn’t imagine having to wait a year for the next episode


Please after breaking bad I vote for Ozark to be the next series


man BB is the best to ever do it, absolutely incredible


Yep, here we go. This is where it spirals out of control and the ironic thing is this happen Just before Walt said "im out" and finally gave up the business. One would have to guess what would happen if Hank never found that book and made the connection but then you would not have a show so I guess it was inevitable.


Half way doneeee, dopee reaction.


Hogwash, the whole show is Peak, this is just the culmination of everything that was built up from the start of the series.


Yeah, if you like Breaking Bad, definitely watch Better Call Saul.


Ik this... i just said its time to watch peak as in its been uploaded...


When Walt entered Jesse's apartment in this episode, the writers made it seem as though he was there for nefarious purposes but in actuality this is him kind of coming to a moment of reflection and regret of things that he's done and his way of sort of changing himself as indicated by when he said “Im out” to skylar. The director of this show is just so good at presenting these kinds of nuances. But obviously the end will throw a major curve ball into what ultimately happens with walts life. The final episodes are God tier, some of the best moments in television history so hope you enjoy them!

John tran

so much money but can't / don't use it... What the point.? Feel powerful?

Kyle Ashley

Mel was talking about protective custody or solitary confinement which could of been possible.. but I think since Hank didn't expect anyone to get killed and that's why he didn't do that?


sometimes with Hank and Walt it really feels like BB is basically old men version of L vs Kira 😭


Oh hundred percent watch BCS after BB.

Shahbaj Mohammad

Jessi: not in jail say thanks. Her : U told Jessi bla bla bla, lezgooooo to jail

Justin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-07 22:12:23 I love Walt's realization in this episode of enough is enough. Walt looking at the mangled towel dispenser thinking how far he's come to bringing up the RV at Jesse's reminiscing on the "good old days". You can see Walt still looks at him as a son. "Learn to take yes for answer" is what Mike told Walt in the past. Walt mimicked Gus and Mike after he killed them each. It's called Gliding Over All for a few reasons, the episode glides over a good amount of time also Hank's realization that Walt is Heisenberg and "gliding" is mentioned in the Walt Whitman poem.
2023-11-07 15:53:56 This episode looks back on the past a lot while advancing the story significantly. It's called Gliding Over All for a few reasons, the episode glides over a good amount of time, 3 months I think. Also Hank's realization that Walt is Heisenberg and "gliding" is mentioned in the Walt Whitman poem. Hank's summer job of marking specific trees in a certain grid, crews coming later and finding the trees that were tagged and cutting them down is a simile for Walt using Jack's crew to take out those 10 guys in jail. I love Walt's realization in this episode of enough is enough. Walt looking at the mangled towel dispenser thinking how far he's come since 4 Days Out specifically, to bringing up the RV at Jesse's reminiscing on the "good old days". You can see Walt still looks at him as a son. Jr playing peekaboo with Holly at Hank and Marie's is a callback to the Peekaboo episode. Holly even has orange on for the red head kid from that episode. There's a black beetle (another symbol of innocence) in Walt's backyard in that final scene, also a callback to the opening scene of Peekaboo. Holly is wearing pink in that scene, also symbolism for innocence from season 2. The painting from the hospital in 0203 is in this episode but this particular one looks a lot more weathered. A figuratively clever way of saying even though Walt is out of the game, he's already departed and there's no going back to a "normal life" with his family. "Learn to take 'yes' for an answer" is what Mike told Walt in the past. Walt mimicked Gus and Mike after he killed them each

This episode looks back on the past a lot while advancing the story significantly. It's called Gliding Over All for a few reasons, the episode glides over a good amount of time, 3 months I think. Also Hank's realization that Walt is Heisenberg and "gliding" is mentioned in the Walt Whitman poem. Hank's summer job of marking specific trees in a certain grid, crews coming later and finding the trees that were tagged and cutting them down is a simile for Walt using Jack's crew to take out those 10 guys in jail. I love Walt's realization in this episode of enough is enough. Walt looking at the mangled towel dispenser thinking how far he's come since 4 Days Out specifically, to bringing up the RV at Jesse's reminiscing on the "good old days". You can see Walt still looks at him as a son. Jr playing peekaboo with Holly at Hank and Marie's is a callback to the Peekaboo episode. Holly even has orange on for the red head kid from that episode. There's a black beetle (another symbol of innocence) in Walt's backyard in that final scene, also a callback to the opening scene of Peekaboo. Holly is wearing pink in that scene, also symbolism for innocence from season 2. The painting from the hospital in 0203 is in this episode but this particular one looks a lot more weathered. A figuratively clever way of saying even though Walt is out of the game, he's already departed and there's no going back to a "normal life" with his family. "Learn to take 'yes' for an answer" is what Mike told Walt in the past. Walt mimicked Gus and Mike after he killed them each