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mitsuri <3


Arnav Mekala

Final episode is gonna be around and hour long i think, so can't wait for next week's episode, but I am gonna miss demon slayer again!

Evoke 310

This episode was fire. Can’t believe we on the finale already. Went by quick

Kevin McCain

Next week’s episode is gonna be a hell of a banger


I might be in the minority here but I genuinely think this entire season would have worked better as a movie. Some of the fighting is just lacklustre tbh. Its not bad. It just doesnt have the stakes that s2 had for some reason. There is just something missing to me.


I wonder if Kanroji's sword was inspired by the Indian sword urumi, it's so unique


Hair color is actually important with demon slayers. It tends to show your sword color and breathing style. For example look at Muichiro hair tips and sword color


It's the flow of the action. Much more start and stop than the big moments of season 2. Cutting an episode and consolidating the flashbacks would go a long way to solving the problem (studio might not let that sort of thing happen though). Next week's long episode might go a long way in addressing these issues with a strong finish though.


Yeah I hope next week is good. So far the season has been average in my opinion. Some great moments of animation but I just don't feel the stakes. Somehow Gyutaro felt more like a menace.

Deshawn Smith

The anime won't mention it but, Mitsuri's hair changed because she was constantly eating sakura mochi growing up. This is a real thing believe it or not


In my opinion, the hair color that was mentioned in this episode was more of a reference to Japanese beauty standards for women


True her backstory is really deep actually but most people miss the deepness. Including myself


is it actually possible lol...like if i eat a bunch of sakura mochi everyday will my hair turn into pink lol

Deshawn Smith

Yeah technically it is but it'd have to be an absurd amount every day for months and months. Also, the anime actually did mention it in the taisho secret, i had forgot lol

athena zatanna

Well also tengen vs upper 6 was more of an even match. These hashiras after unlocking their demon marks just outscale the upper moons. And yeah the back story in the middle of the fight kills the vibe sometimes


I don't mind the marks being unlocked and them outscaling. But Mitsuri literally unlocked hers after one attack from Upper 4 and some motivation from Tanjiro. That to me kills the hype of unlocking thing. Much rather she had struggled and near the brink of losing and then got the mark. But oh well. Just my opinion. I still look forward to the finale